any women over 250lbs



  • singlemom73
    singlemom73 Posts: 21 Member
    When I started logging on MFP I was 299 and I dropped 20 lbs in 1 month. You can do it, it's not easy but focus on small goals and you'll make it. You can have a great support system here and you'll find amazing success stories that will keep you motivated. Feel free to add me :)
  • bakokari57
    bakokari57 Posts: 34 Member
    We can do this! You can do this! I started at 308 and I've lost almost 35 pounds since March. It isn't a race, each of us is on our own journey. Take it day by day, keep logging in and try and walk or do some type of exercise each day.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I love the encouragement and enjoy encouraging others.

    That goes for everyone, let's encourage one another!
  • samg135
    samg135 Posts: 14 Member
    Anyone please feel free to add me.

    You can do this it will just take time. I started logging propertyl a few months ago and have gone from almost 280lb to around 240lb with a few ups and downs due to my love of sweet things.

    You can do this, it is just one small change at a time.
  • ANewChoice
    ANewChoice Posts: 12 Member
    When I was 250, I thought how did I let myself get here....I can't get any bigger. I thought the same thing at 280 and at 300. I am 307 now and just starting to be honest with myself about the self sabatoge and loving myself now not when I get down to a certain weight.

    I enjoy moving my body and now I have to get that love to transfer to healthy food. I hope to find some connections/buddies/motivation from the MFP community. Today you ladies did that for me. Anything is possible :)
  • Success!!!! Today I actually walked 1/2 mile very early because it will be raining soon.

    I haven't walked a 1/2 mile in a very long time, but eating right has caused my swelling in my feet and ankles to not be anywhere what they were a week ago, so I took advantage to see what would happen....I have ankles.....yah for me.
    I so enjoy reading all the motivation here and know that someone has my back on this journey.

    Keep it coming because it ain't easy...
  • Good morning! I am beginning this journey at my highest weight - 272 - about a month ago. I managed to loose 4 pounds in the past month and I'll take it! You are not alone in this journey girlie. There are lots of us out here struggling with the same issues, battling the same fight! Good luck on your journey!
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    OP - I started on here at 338 lbs, I'm now at 307lbs. last time I bought clothing I was a size 24. I have a long term goal and several short term goals. My longterm is to lose 198-200lbs, or to drop to a size 8-10. (I'm hoping to have reached it in 5 years). My short term goal is every few months and it's to drop a size or two. I've lost 31 lbs since I became serious about losing weight in May. I know I've lost a size or two, I just haven't gone to the store yet to try on clothing.

    I started by logging everything I ate. I didn't bother to change my diet at first. I wanted to see how much I was eating. Once I realized how much I actually ate throughout the day I then decided to cut down on breads, pasta, sweets (this includes juices). I gradually introduced exercise as well. I'm doing changes in baby steps because I know that if I were to change too much too quickly I wouldn't stick with it. I'm entering my fourth month and I'm still going strong.
    I do still get cravings and every once in a while I indulge and move on. I don't dwell on it.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    I'm down from 285, add! :smile:
  • Ladies I want to talk about cheese!! I am a cheeseaholic! I love every kind of cheese! The gooey yummy texture. Well losing weight and cheese do not go together well. However I do have some suggestions. First things first get rid of the plastic cheese. I'm talking about Kraft singles. That is full of processed crap that will not help your weight loss goals. Instead switch to Sargento. Also if you do not want to spend the money the store brand is usually a good choice. I get the ultra thin that range form 40- 45 calories per slice. So when I have a sandwich it has 2 slices and it is kinda like tricking your body. When I eat 2 eggs I do one slice but 2 would not hurt! One more thing!! Shred your own cheese! Packaged shredded cheese has cellulose and the is wood pulp. Who wants to eat wood? I don't!! The cellulose keeps the cheese from sticking that is why they use it. So buy the blocks and shred away!! Bottom line is that all of these processed foods have so many chemicals! They will not help you loose weight, they will throw you off track. Eat real food! Low fat anything usually has aspartame in it which is very bad for you! Happy weight loss!
  • MaryHuckleberry
    MaryHuckleberry Posts: 19 Member
    What I have been concentrating on is eliminating the negative self talk--internally I am extremely mean--I think things about myself that I would never say to anyone else; and then the self shame leads to the binging even more guilt cycle. Also--I am 44 and I'm pretty happy mentally about where I am in life and I'm not looking back--but there are a lot of opportunities/adventures I missed in the 15 years because of the limitations I placed on myself about my self shame over how I looked.
  • panda_butt
    panda_butt Posts: 43 Member
    I started at 280 and now I'm at 246. :D Feel free to add me!
  • Hiya!

    I'm not over 250lbs but I started at 231lb, hope its okay for me to jump on this thread :)
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Woo hoo! Here's a club I know I can join :bigsmile:

    I'm a little over 260 right now, returned to MFP after falling off the wagon a few years ago. It's an awesome tool and there are a ton of supportive people here. Some who have finished their journey, others who are starting and then folks like me who come back because our success got sidetracked.

    I'm currently training for a 5k in October. I was terrified of running but knew I needed a big goal to get moving. So far I've done 3 weeks of C25K (repeated first week) and although it's hard, I am running.

    My keys to success are logging everything, watching my macros, doing something physical daily, drinking plenty of water, giving myself praise every day for my commitment (no negativity allowed in my head) and drawing upon the support of my MFP pals (is that redundant?)

    You can do this!!! I welcome friend requests from positive, motivated friends.

    Sláinte :drinker:
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    Yep. I'm in this boat. Around 254 now. Getting below 250 is really being a pain. I get near then something happens and I shoot back up again.

    Anyone feel free to add me. I swear, I am busting through 250 by the end of September!
  • ForeverCharlie
    ForeverCharlie Posts: 183 Member
    Hey, I started at 365 :) I know all about miserable, but once you're committed to yourself, it get better and easier from that point on! I promise. Good luck :))
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I started at 245 but 36 days in I'm at 227 :) feel free to add me if you like (We eat pretty "clean", I'm on daily, my diary is open to my friends, I comment on diaries and will send msgs if I haven't seen you on MFP for a while. I take this seriously and want to help people as much as others have been helping me :)

    I'm setting roughly 20lb goals but celebrating every time I lose 5% of my body weight (lol just one more thing that motivates me)
  • wagglesworth
    wagglesworth Posts: 53 Member
    We can do this. I need support as well, so count me as a friend and I'll help you all that I am able to. Cheers!:flowerforyou:
  • theCaityCat
    theCaityCat Posts: 84 Member
    I did, for a long time. Before I could get on with any kind of weight loss or health measures, I had to learn how to love myself as is. I'm at the point now where I don't care how much I lose, as long as I keep healthy and maintain the good habits I'm learning. I do not own a scale, so I'm taking measurements every couple of weeks and taking pictures to track progress. I'm starting at around 315 pounds.

    I'm taking care of myself because I love myself. My mom fed me vegetables and sent me outside to play so that I could get some exercise because she loved me. Why shouldn't I do the same for myself? Now that I've been at this for a while, I feel more at peace with myself.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hi :) I started at 465 and 3 years later I am down to 251. :) This journey is possible but it takes dedication and knowing that even when you have off days/bad days you come back and don't give up. As long as you don't give up you will succeed. It doesn't and it won't happen overnight but little changes along the way add up. I started small and started by eliminating fast food when I could, cut out soda's and high calorie drinks. I started first by just walking 5 minutes everyday because that is all I could do at the time. Those little changes over the course of three years added up to a big lifestyle change. 3 years ago I never imagined I could exercise for 120 minutes and at a high speed at that. I never imagined my diet today would be what it is and I would be satisfied. Congrats on your decision to change your lifestyle, I know this is possible and you can do it. :) I still have 80-100 lbs to lose so feel free to add me if you would like support and motivation :)
  • sandymayhew2014
    sandymayhew2014 Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me. I too was close to 250, 243. I have battled this my entire life with little support from anyone. I have tried numerous diets only to gain it back and more. I hope with sport on here I can lose over 100 pounds. Sounds so far away and the journey will be long. I am an impatient person who needs to see results so I won't get discouraged. So far I have lost 14 and my clothes are getting loose on me so keep on taking it one day at a time. Together we can do this.