The Gratitude Game



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Kind strangers
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    I'm grateful for everything in my life. I am grateful for financial security, for a loving girlfriend and grateful that I am the sum of my experiences without being trampled by them. I am very lucky and there are many who are not as lucky as I am.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Today I am grateful for a portable generator that ran our whole house hold. We had a scheduled power outage for 9 hours today and I was concerned with the freezer that we just filled will meat from the butcher.
    I am grateful that I have my husband to take care of all the mechanical stuff that I know nothing about, but am slowly learning.
    I am grateful that I am filthy rich with all the love and support from family and friends during my weight loss journey.
    I am grateful that I am above ground, breathing fresh air and that I am able to take care and fend for myself.
  • Brender123
    Brender123 Posts: 13 Member
    My kids, Husband, family and friends.
  • kimberly_smith718
    I am grateful for the new medication my doctor is trying for my major depressive disorder. It is newly-FDA approved and (crossing fingers) seems to be working! I feel a lot better than I did a few weeks ago, when I had major dips of depression. Thank goodness they only lasted for a day or two. OK, I guess I'm grateful for two things! :happy:
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Today I'm grateful that my teen is in a good mood and just completed his chores. I'm grateful to get to work for Jennifer at her estate sale and meet her daughter who I have only seen pictures of before. I'm grateful to have been given a huge bunch of national geographics (I use for art) that were going to be thrown away otherwise (pure gold). I'm grateful to have stayed pretty much within calories (not 100% certain) even though I did not really have complete control of my food today. I'm grateful for the feel and smell of a cool rain shower on a hot afternoon.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    I am grateful for being able to take 2 weeks unpaid vacation to drive for two days in my old car which then needed horrendously expensive repairs after the trip, with my hubby and three kids, through torrential rain to visit my ailing parents. I am grateful that we arrived there and then home again safely. I am grateful that my husband is such a good driver and kept us safe even though the driving conditions were so bad. I am grateful that our 3 kids took the whole trip with such good attitudes, no fighting, but spent the time chatting and keeping each other occupied. Their good manners with everyone they met along the way made me proud. I am grateful that the people at the dealership that repaired our car were so kind and honest. They kept trimming items off the bill until we could afford it, and fixed the car perfectly. I am grateful that i have a job to return to. Most of all, I am grateful that I had this chance to spend time with my parents, and left them in better health than when we arrived. I don't know if I will get the opportunity again.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Today I was grateful for pizza delivery.
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    Today I am grateful for friends who share delicious home grown tomatoes.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Today I am grateful and I respect and appreciate people who do physical labour for a living. Because I know that it would kill me if I had to do it.
    I am grateful that I have a comfortable life, when I know others do not.
    I am grateful that my life is not as stressful as it once was.
    I am grateful that I have everything that I require to survive and be happy and healthy.
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    Today I am incredibly thankful that after just about 3 weeks my best friend is out of the ICU, and on the mend! I am thankful for the health of myself and my loved ones.
  • FancyPantsFran
    FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm grateful that I am home after a long day and able to write to my mfp friends. Not feeling great today but will be able to rest tomorrow. Grateful to find a seniors group on mfp. Grateful that my son has good virtual friends (a gaming and skyping group) and is making new friends IRL in his new school classes. Glad that Friday is payday. Grateful to be alive and in relatively good health. Grateful to live in a developed country that is not at war and not dealing with ebola. Grateful to have lost 10+ pounds with mfp.
  • dhall2011
    dhall2011 Posts: 209
    I am grateful for good music to sing and dance to, good books to read, and good friends.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm grateful that I am losing weight slow but surely. I am grateful for diet pals on mfp. I'm grateful that one of my buddies reminded me that part of my motivation for losing weight and getting in shape is to have the energy and strength to visit places on my bucket list and to begin plein air painting (painting outdoors) something that I don't really have energy to do right now. Made some SMART Goal lists today and grateful when I remember to apply some of the good things I try to teach my students to my life as well.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Conditioner and sunny weather.
  • deathbybunny
    deathbybunny Posts: 259 Member
    I'm grateful for the good health of the people I love, for their support and the support of strangers, for this post, for an amazing doctor - as previously mentioned - that will ''fix'' my knee in a couple of weeks, I'm grateful I'm still alive and got out of my accident with just one problem, just grateful of second chances in any way in life...Thank you.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Today I have grateful to be living and breathing. Plain and simple.
    I am grateful that I have time to rest and enjoy the day as I see fit.