Skinny/ Fit people Problems



  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    my heart rate monitor chest strap won't stay up anymorw & I have it at the tightest it can be
    This^^ I have a knot in mine, currently.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Oh, yeah bra shopping only happens online for me. Try finding a bra with a band size of 30 in a cup size befitting a matronly bosom on a Walmart budget, lol! I live in sports bras (the Hanes 3-pack el-cheapos) during summer break. :sad: feet shrunk, for real! I have a whole shoe wardrobe of wide widths that are too roomy now. Didn't see that coming. Really, even my feet lost weight?
    bras^^ and bathing suits. I had a couple made this year, but price was reasonable actually.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I'm much too sexy now for my own good.

    Huge problem there.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I have no fat on my butt anymore. it's like a sack of skin hanging off of I had to sit on the pavement for 20 minutes one day I noticed two round bruises, symmetrically placed on each cheek. My bones literally bruised me from the inside out.

    I also used to be able to swim really well...and float vertically in the water with not only my head but my shoulders floating above the treading water I have to put in a ridiculous amount of frantic effort and movement to keep myself from sinking like a stone.
  • I like slim better than skinny.

    I am older and I have the problem that I still have clothes which are thirty or forty years old size 4. They fit, but I am too old for them.
  • evsplava
    evsplava Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with the pants problem. Just bought shorts this summer so they would fit and again they are too big. They couldn't wait not to fit until I had to buy jeans?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    A lot of chairs feel too big to be comfortable, even with my still-large hips and bum, I feel like I must sit way over to one side or the other side, or sit cross-legged or knees-to-chest in a chair for best comfort which makes me look like a teenager (too casual in a lot of settings). This happens to me with office and conference room chairs at work as well as patio furniture and today, a movie theater seat. Very odd sensation.
  • evsplava
    evsplava Posts: 35 Member
    And I forgot a being fit issue. I go through a pair of sneakers every 4-6 weeks. At $100+ a pair I could really use a sneaker tree
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Bras, underwear, and swim suits are my issue. I've lost slow and steady but noticed that my fave undies looked... saggy. So, I went to buy more. Let me tell you, I was SO PISSED that they no longer make my fave brand and style! Finding new ones that fit, are flattering and comfortable, and don't cost $14/pair is HARD. I'm sure stores are sick of seeing me in the underwear dept! Also, my swim suit. I wore it to a wave pool. I believe it is a 14R (maybe 16R) and when dry and standing, it's fine. But in a wave pool... I nearly mooned the entire pool. No joke. I'm BARELY in 12R, so I never thought this would be an issue yet. Live and learn! Apparently in swimwear, a bit smaller is better... well, depending on cut. As for bra's... I never thought that my bra size would change so much. I've gone from something like a 40C to a 36D. I'm not complaining except for my drawer is pretty full. I've decided that in 10 more lbs. once I'm 36D across the board (I still need larger in a few brands), I'm going to dump all the bigger ones to a friend.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have no fat on my butt anymore.

    This .. my dad told me 2 things recently. Go out and get yourself a butt .. and some chest muscles. I saw an 80 year old guy recently at my gym .. he has a better butt than I do. Sad very very sad.

    I have been working on both .. but it will be a long time before things are back to somewhat of a normal range.

    The problems of being skinny .. skinny jeans are 1/4 the price of regular jeans cause she said "not many people can fit into the skinny jeans, they just do not sell".
  • I went from being able to buy cheap bra's at walmart to having to try and find a bra in my size that isn't going to cost $60+. :sad:

    My closet is becoming empty as I slowly get rid of the clothes that are too big for me.

    I've been spending more time "in bed" with my husband than in previous years. In fact that is the reason we have a 2 month old now. :tongue: :laugh:

    I have to wear my wedding rings on a necklace currently. The last time I wore them on my finger, they flew off my hand during a workout.

    I FEEL you on the bra thing. Vanity Fair used to sell my size for $5.99. I'd go there and buy 6. Now, I pay DEARLY for that little VS design-- LOL!!
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Women I either had a relationship with or wanted one with think I'm judging THEM because I track MY calories. But I don't care what others eat, I care what I eat.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Always cold

    Sitting to long hurts on hard surfaces due to less padding.

    I can't lay on my side with my legs one on top of the other because my knees and ankles hurt due to not enough padding. Bone on bone is not fun.

    Hair growing faster on my legs and pits and I now have to pay attention to facial hair which was never an issue before. My hair dresser told me because I am exercising more I am getting better oxygen circulation which is causing all the unwanted hair growth.

    I don't like to shop and I had to buy new clothes.

    But I do like to shop for running Clothes and shoes now which is expensive.

    I have to be more careful about my alcohol in take because I have lost so much weight it affects me more.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I can't find pants that fit properly. Always too big in the waist and too tight in the booty. I joke that I'm a size 4 with a size 8 butt!!

    I'm a 4 on top and 10 on bottom! Gah! Better than the other way around.

    Anyways, my size 6 dresses just fall off me now. The 4's are pretty roomy :)

    Shoot! I'd say y'all are lucky! I'm one size (smallest size) based on bust measurements, another size (largest size) based on waist measurements. And yet another size based on hips measurements. Finding clothes that fit and are flattering is nigh unto impossible these days. My only hope is that things will even out a little more as I lose more weight!

    This is kinda scaring me now my sewing is absolutely horrible. Both of my grandmothers spent years trying to teach me and I still can't do anything but a temporary tack. On that note this is already why I don't buy dresses often I'm an XL up top and on my bottom I''m on my way back down to a large/medium.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I have no boobs.

    My waist is like 2 sizes smaller than my quads

    My wedding rings are super loose

    My clothes are too big, even the jeans i bought a couple of months ago

    I'm having issues with my back, hips, knee's due to the amount of training I do

    Too many unsolicited comments / compliments about weight loss. I just want to be normal!! :sad:

    Who am I kidding, worship me, World!!! :blushing:

    Hahah this too. Its embarrassing but empowering.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    This is the most motivational posting I have seen. It makes me giddy and excited to have any and all these problems some day. Sounds crazy I know. I have lots of too tight too small clothes in my closet from the daydreaming of one day I'll fit into them. That means if (WHEN) I hit all my goals I won't run out of things to wear all winter lol!. And I can hide in baggy all winter. I'm good at that...that's a tubby talent. That means watch me shed my skin (winter clothes) next spring!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member

    Hair growing faster on my legs and pits and I now have to pay attention to facial hair which was never an issue before. My hair dresser told me because I am exercising more I am getting better oxygen circulation which is causing all the unwanted hair growth.

    whaaaaa? why isn't my hair growing faster/longer then?'s only the "unwanted" hair growth that is increased? lol
  • Tal_Kyrte
    Tal_Kyrte Posts: 38 Member
    Bump :)
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    My quads make my calves look super tiny.
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    Have to buy shorts in boys dept..they don't normally make less than 30 inch waists in big boy section. All my underwear is super heros...I kid you not. My wife just shakes her head.:ohwell:

    That might be the greatest thing in this thread! LOL!!! I would die laughing and please at the same time if my fiance did that!!

    Legs are getting skinny but waist isn't changing. So contrary to the girls who are smaller on top and bigger on bottom on this thread, I have the total opposite problem :( Least legs are starting to look bangin'. Now to get the middle to cooperate...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I, for one, have every intention of becoming skinny and will be delighted when people use the word and it is accurate, as opposed to now when it's kind of condescending,

    Except for continually needing new clothes, my only problem is that I can no longer balance a 12-pack of pop or beer (neither for me, of course) between my ribs and the door frame when I open the door into the house. Hurts the ribs. Gotta set it down.

    Woe is me. ;)
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    I, for one, have every intention of becoming skinny and will be delighted when people use the word and it is accurate, as opposed to now when it's kind of condescending,

    Except for continually needing new clothes, my only problem is that I can no longer balance a 12-pack of pop or beer (neither for me, of course) between my ribs and the door frame when I open the door into the house. Hurts the ribs. Gotta set it down.

    Woe is me. ;)

    Use your hips!
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    I'm not done yet by any stretch, but this is for those on the way to skinny/fit:

    You ever have a day where your jeans, that we're never intended to be low rise, sit so low on your hips you're almost sagging like a teenage boy -- but you're not that interested in buying a new pair of jeans because you know in another month or so you'll haveta buy another new pair?

    Heh. It's a good problem to have. My wardrobe consists of very cheap clothing right now until I get where I wanna be, then I'll spend some bucks on decent clothes. ;)
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member

    My obese family members think I'm too thin (they tell me so) and try to enable my old habits when I visit them. It's an uphill struggle.

    ugh....yes. my mother (and several other people) put on this worried look and ask me if I'm eating and tell me to PLEAAASE DON'T LOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT!!! every time they see me. despite the fact that I stopped losing months ago and have, in fact, intentionally put some back on. I went to visit my nana's summer cottage a couple weekends ago with my old roommate and my parents were there also. My mother pulled my friend aside to ask if I'm eating or not. I literally ate as much as the two of them put together at every meal.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Last time I tried to buy jeans, they got stuck at my calves.
  • My wedding ring spins. Super annoying in the shower or while cleaning lol
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    i still have a lot of fat, but i always here the cold thing from my skinny friends. I enjoy baggy sweaters so i don't think i'd be a problem.
    Another problem i've heard of sitting down can be painful because of hip bones. I have huge hipbones so this scares me a bit.
    New clothes is the worst, i have to re-use a lot of my clothes making them look trendy and baggy. I had to give away 8 years worth of clothes.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member

    My obese family members think I'm too thin (they tell me so) and try to enable my old habits when I visit them. It's an uphill struggle.

    ugh....yes. my mother (and several other people) put on this worried look and ask me if I'm eating and tell me to PLEAAASE DON'T LOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT!!! every time they see me. despite the fact that I stopped losing months ago and have, in fact, intentionally put some back on. I went to visit my nana's summer cottage a couple weekends ago with my old roommate and my parents were there also. My mother pulled my friend aside to ask if I'm eating or not. I literally ate as much as the two of them put together at every meal.
    This i come from a family where people are bigger. I'm already being told now i'm so skinny, even though i'm still overweight and have a lot of fat. I want to be 150-156lbs and a size 6. I'm already tired of the weight loss comments, can't imagine how much worse they'd get after reaching goal weight. Have you also had it where friends are bit more distant with you?
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    always cold
    purchased two pairs of Lee Riders @$200 each and they don't fit anymore
    height to length ratio- smaller I get the harder longer clothes are to find :(

    meh I prefer being fit and having to deal with these problems!
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    And I forgot a being fit issue. I go through a pair of sneakers every 4-6 weeks. At $100+ a pair I could really use a sneaker tree

    just buy a few at a time and alternate; I am sitting at 6 pairs :)