Miserable about my weight & tears over photo



  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    OMG I have just had a WONDERFUL idea. My sister is a really good cook. She has just finished school and is having a really hard time getting work. I am not loaded or anything but time is definitely more of an issue for me than money at the moment.

    Soooooo.... I was tinking I could pay her to pop in one or two evenings a weeks and make a bit pot of stew or a shepards pie for freezing. When I am home we could do it together but when I have a super stressful week and have to work late/study she could let herself in and work away. She would be thrilled with the few bob and I will have help, which would be awesome.

  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    I know this won't stop me being "lazy" but I know I wouldn't be so rude as to sit on my butt whne my sister is there. Also if I can get the diet in check it will be easier to do the exercise. xx
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    So, if you can, pick a milestone thats coming up - vacation? new year? maybe register for a 5k or another fitness event - that you have to pay money for and therefore need to stick to a plan? family photos? or make one for yourself. Plan a reward like a vacation or a weekend get-away.

    Thank you hun, I will send you an add. I actually do have a wonderful motivation. My hubby said he would take me on a second honeymoon to anywhere in the world that I would like to go when I get myself in a situation where am confident enough to wear a bikini. I put it out of my mind because I just didn't think I would ever feel that good again, maybe I should remind him of that and accept the challenge. x
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    You can do it!!!

    also be careful what you post on here.
    i have noticed some people can be quite nasty

    don't give up.

    GOOD ADVICE!! Some people are online bullies! You would think that a site like this would be ok, but unfortunately there are some crude people on here!
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    One good thing is - you reached out for support, go you!

    The second thing is just do one healthy thing for two weeks. Just one.

    Thank you hun. I am so glad I reached out, you have no idea. I was almost in tears (for the second time today and I really can't remember the last time I cried) reading all of the wonderful messages. I felt like giving up on me, but you guys didn't and having read all of the advice and tips I am not going to give up on me either. xx

    My healthy thing will be to incorporate breakfast into my day, I know you will be horrified but I never eat breakfast, ever. I also don't get thirsty so I have to remind myself to drink liquids. Sometimes I go over a day not having drank anything and it's only when I get headaches that I remember, I have been doing much better with drinks lately so it's definitely time to sort out breakfast xx
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    I struggle as well as lots of others. My help is that my husband (tho he CAN have some lazy tendencies) helps motivate me and reminds me what I'm fighting for! There are lots of supportive people on here (as well as Meanies lol). Set your mind to it and you CAN accomplish your goals. Never think that you are not beautiful for whatever reason though!! God made people unique and that uniqueness in itself makes you super beautiful! :)
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    This is exactly how I started. With one picture. OMG I was so disgusted with myself when I saw that picture. I immediately started on MFP and haven't looked back. If you quit now where will you be a year from now?

    But if you start now where will you be a year from now?

    You are absolutely right. This morning I was ready to give up but after all of the kind words and isnpiurations today I feel that I am ready to start and it will be now becasue I don't want to be like this a minute longer x
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    I was tinking I could pay her to pop in one or two evenings a weeks and make a bit pot of stew or a shepards pie for freezing.

    That is a wonderful, awesome, fabulous idea!!! I think the biggest part of losing as much as we want to lose is learning all the little "life hacks" along way that will help save us from ourselves ;)

    My most important life hack is going to be eating dinner on my own terms. My sister is the cook in our house, and sometimes she gets home late and we all end up getting takeout. Lately though, I've been so starved after my workout that I simply can't wait so I've been eating earlier on my own terms. Even though I ate an entire frozen pizza all to myself, it was still a whole lot better than the mountain of hamburgers and poutine that my sister and her BF ate that night. I must admit, I felt a certain twinge of pride as I watched my much skinnier sister make a bad choice while I made a much better one.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    _Don't give up!!!!
    _Don't worry about motivating your husband, keep yourself motivated. Maybe your results and resolve will motivate him

    You're absolutely right and I know that. It is just so hard because we used to work together and see each other all of the time. Now he works elsewhere and we have so little time together that I want so badly for it to be somethign we do together.

    I am going to chat with him one last time. If that doesn't work I am going to do me. Thanks hun x
  • ljminto
    ljminto Posts: 52
    First and foremost.......YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE BEING BULLIED by anyone. Your stress will go down when you get rid of that part of your life. And the best feeling in the world is to take control of it. Easier said than done you say? I say NO. Put your foot down or up their butt, but don't take it one more day. Shame on whoever is doing it but shame on you for not sticking up for YOU.
    As for weight loss, one day at a time. Start small but basically eat less today than what you did yesterday. You do not have to exercise, exercise is for heart health. Once you start losing weight the exercise will be easier. I didn't exercise for the first 6 months and I did not change my way of eating once I did start and still lost the same amt. of weight.

  • trixie315
    trixie315 Posts: 95 Member
    It's a hard change but doable. You have to consider it a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I only started changing the way I ate first and then started with exercising after I lost about 15 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend, I have an open diary to friends so you can get ideas from me if you'd like
  • kea9f
    kea9f Posts: 27 Member
    I know it can be really hard. Some days it feels like there are only two kinds of people in the world - people who are crazy fit and people who couldn't care less about fitness. Being in the middle, or trying to get from one to the other, is definitely a struggle. If you need help with motivation, try the GymPact app! It seems silly, but it's actually working for me. What you do is basically bet on yourself. I bet $5 per workout that I will workout 3 times each week. At the end of the week the app charges the credit cards of people who don't make it, and gives the money to people who do! It's not much, probably less than a dollar of rewards each week, but hey, its free money!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Keep it simple... you are overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of you... narrow your focus...and forget the scale... weight is the least significant metric in all of "this" ... so think about right now... FIND a way to stop loathing yourself... and Forgive yourself... then GIVE yourself permission to begin caring about you. within that self worth is the motivation you need to do for you what needs to be done... set realistic short term goals... begin putting some streaks together...DO low impact work... and LOG....LOG...LOG... take that first step... then a second.. and a third... As someone who didn't pay attention for a very long time... take it from me... there are plenty of pills that can help you find some peace... BUT you don't need that medication as long as you can move... use your body in a physical way... get all the body's systems functioning and things like anxiety... depression...paranoia... begin to fade and you begin to see the world with far more clarity...

    We make time to eat... we take time to breath.. because those things keep us alive... LOOK at exercise the same way... exercise is something the human body needs in order to survive... do you make time to watch TV? and what exactly does THAT do for you?

    I can't lie... there are lots of hurdles ahead of you... some big some small... but I guarantee.. the minute you start... you will feel better... and it ONLY gets better with each hurdle... Best of luck.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member

    I eat fast food, but I order only ONE thing from the value menu or dollar menu -- all the fast food places have some kind of inexpensive menu. The portions are generally smaller, so you have portion control that way. It's still crap food, but at least it's fewer calories, less expensive and still easy to do..............................................

    I agree with batch cooking. Sometimes I'll get the ingredients for meatballs, for instance. Make a bunch of meatballs, figure out the calories. Cook them in jar pasta sauce with lots of added veggies. I like to add onion, bell peppers, tomatoes to the pasta sauce with the meatballs. ................................

    I'm concerned about the bullying. If you can't do anything about it right now, do a bunch of research online to find out how other people deal with bullying, or just to learn more about why it happens. Knowledge is power!

    That's a great idea. we have a "euro saver" menu here, same thing really but you're right, less cals and less expensive. I love the sound of your meatballs, will definitely try this out. The other thing I am stumped about. I have never let anyone bully me in all my life, I am a total extrovert and never ever even so much as got picked on in school. Unfortunately I cannot tackle this thing right now, there are reasons I can't explain but I have to just suck it up for a while....... am afraid I am going to loose my cool so i njust have to keep it together a while longer. Thank you for the support hun x
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member

    See yourself a year from now posting your success story, YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!
    Thanks hun xx
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member

    So pick one thing. Maybe that one thing right now is laying out your work clothes the night before. Maybe it's getting a healthy snack ready the night before so in the morning you can just take it and go. Maybe it's buying a coffee maker with a timer so it will wake you up in the morning with lovely coffee smell. Just pick one thing, one small thing.

    That's great idea hun, the small things really can make a difference, can't they? A coffee maker with a timer sounds so awesome! I have decided incorporating breakfast into my day will be my first big change. Would be really nice to have one thing to make my life nicer though, like somethign to look forard to..... I will have to think on this one, thanks hun x
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Laminate the picture and carry it with you always a reminder/motivator. Best wishes on your WOE one day at a time.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    My hubby is a lazy slob. Love him, but put on 60lbs in the 5 years we've been married. I've lost about 30 of that, but still have a ways to go.

    I just created a lose 20lbs by Christmas2014 group in response to a similarly named post. Feel free to join. Sometimes it helps just to have a starting point.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    OMG I have just had a WONDERFUL idea. My sister is a really good cook. She has just finished school and is having a really hard time getting work. I am not loaded or anything but time is definitely more of an issue for me than money at the moment.

    Soooooo.... I was tinking I could pay her to pop in one or two evenings a weeks and make a bit pot of stew or a shepards pie for freezing. When I am home we could do it together but when I have a super stressful week and have to work late/study she could let herself in and work away. She would be thrilled with the few bob and I will have help, which would be awesome.


    Look at you! You're setting a plan in motion already! One step at a time is all it takes to get you going and keep you there. You're heading in the right direction, and we'll be right behind you all the way. Today is the beginning of a whole new you!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I started out at 234, also the biggest weight of my life. Even bigger than I was at nine months pregnant with my third son. I also knew it was time to start when I seen a pic of me taken at the beach from the night before (in my ticker)... Just start logging all food, start walking and take this one choice, one meal, one day and one pound at a time. :flowerforyou: