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Miserable about my weight & tears over photo



  • Aes37850
    Aes37850 Posts: 48
    I haven't read all of the other posts, but you can't think of it as a win or lose type of thing. Losing weight and keeping it off takes longer than just losing it! Life gets in the way, but you have to keep at it, or at least not sabotage the work you've put in. Do one thing at a time. Set a goal to do that thing for the whole week. If you struggled with it for the week, try it again for the next week. It will become a habit. Just add more and more. It's a lifestyle change. You didn't gain weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight either. Just don't give up!! Feel free to add me!
  • Thunder86
    Thunder86 Posts: 3 Member
    The struggle is real, there are plenty of us here in the same boat and i know how hard it is too. I'm at the heaviest i've ever been and i too hurt from having the excess weight. I've enlisted the help of my sister to help keep me motivated and it does help when other people are trying around you, whether it be family, friends or even coworkers. The everyday stress of life will always be a factor the important thing to realize is that you're not alone and that there are plenty of people who support you and are going through the same thing. :) chin up we'll all get there :flowerforyou:
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Didn't read all four pages, so this might have been covered already. :)

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to learn patience...everyone says it, you didn't get fat overnight, you won't get thin overnight. But in reality, that means, there will be days (maybe weeks) when you screw up...eat too much, don't exercise. Your relationship with the scale will become like one with a fickle boyfriend who is amazing sometimes and awful others.

    If you're having trouble getting into this because it's overwhelming, find small things that you KNOW you can do. Walking for five minutes...Taking half the pasta off your dinner plate, or half the butter out of a recipe. Getting healthy has its fun moments, but it is also filled with frustration. The only way to succeed is not make it too hard on yourself in the beginning. Easy until you hit your groove, and then keep challenging yourself with bigger goals. I read a post here once where the guy's doctor told him to fidget. He was 400+lbs and literally couldn't do a lot of exercise. The fidgeting burned some calories. He would walk across the room several times a day...it seems so small, but it was a change in perspective for him. And over time, as he started to lose weight and get stronger and build his endurance, he was able to do more.

    If you eat out, split the food in half from the start. Try walking 10 minutes at a time, two or three times a day. It adds up. Don't wait for hubby to join, he might never do so...your health is your responsibility.

    And lastly...do yourself a favor, and have him take some before pictures. You'll be disgusted now, and probably later as well...but those comparison pics are AMAZING. I have very few pictures of myself fat, and now I really wish I did.
  • terreh
    terreh Posts: 1 Member
    First of all, realize that you are beautiful regardless of what size you are or what anyone else says to you. The next step is to physically feel as beautiful as you look, and that will take some work and patience. All you can expect from yourself is to try to be successful each day. If you slip up, who cares, just start again tomorrow.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member

    Firstly: No one has the right to bully you. NO ONE. We can try to help you with that now or later, if you'd like. NO ONE has the right to use YOU as a litter box.


    The fact you are reaching out and being honest about your struggle is a sign of grwoth and progress. Take comfort in that.

    The past is done. The future will be here soon enough. Try and focus on today & today only. Its all we have to work with.

    I was 312 pounds and I woulda been dead in 5 years if I hadn't made this commitment. All signs were pointing that way.

    Just a few things the MFP tribe and common sense has taught me:

    1) This is a thing you DO, not a definition of who you ARE. Just like laundry. Take the emotion out of it wherever possible. I cannot stress this enough.

    2) My approach? This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. So there is no finite number of days that I am trying to get to. I will be logging in and logging food for the rest of my life, because:

    a) This program works
    b) I don't want to die young and I was headed that direction

    3) Try to remember - We are the results of the choices we make every day, whether those choices are good or bad. Make as many good choices as you can, and the ship will stay steady. At the end of the day, we are the man (or woman) in the mirror. We are accountable to ourselves and no one else. We can help you with getting there, but the doing is up to you. Leave rationalizing at the door, and sontinue to be honest with yourself. Its the only path to long term success

    Cal tracking is considered a good choice (whether boring or not) because it tells you where you really are (just like your check register tells you your balance) - remember to be honest with yourself all the time. Ultimately, you will achieve that which you are seeking much sooner.

    If you will stay committed to this, your MFP tribe will commit to helping. Why? Because that's what we do. And we have ALL been there.

    Three months ago? I couldn't move. Saturday? I burned 1400 calories exercising. Because? I wanted to.

    You got this.. ...and we got YOUR back

    FR headed your way

  • Try and use the things that worked against you in a constructive way... If you are the type of person who generally puts others first then use that to your advantage - a coworker of mine that lives nearby and I meet up every morning to do something - if the weather is good a nice hike in the woods or a bike ride or a kayak paddle - if it rains we go to the gym. I can't tell you how many times I have dragged myself to the meeting spot just because I don't want to let him down or leave him hanging. Guess what - he's on vacation with his family this week and I am still going to the meet up spot and getting in my workout by myself.

    It feels good knowing that someone is "counting on you" to help them out...
  • MalibuMiss
    MalibuMiss Posts: 1 Member
    "In our warped minds pictures become frozen mirrors that we can stare at as we pick apart our features over and over again.
    I know girl. I know."

    When my mother died we had plenty of pictures for her memorial. From Prima Ballerina to yo-yo weight midlife and finally someone who I didn't recognize on the outside but the love, heart, service, joy, postive chirstian woman were more refinned than her weight in her final years prior to cancer. I was lucky, I didn't gain weight until after she passed so we have pictures together.

    As I gained weight I didn't allow pictures, I still saw myself as the sporty chick with an athletic body. Well guess where that got me. I had no idea how big I really was until I saw pictures from an event. I thought they must of used a wide angle lens. Put it out of my mind after a month of crying.... and gained another 50 pounds. Pictures are for real memories. My father is almost 80. I don't like how I look in the pictues but I am taking them with abandon now. When I pass, I want my kids to remember moments, not that "I think mom took these pictures... but I don't see her in ANY, was she there?" Selfies can be a very lonley life. Get out, have fun, walk, hold hands and remember, the pictures are for you and your family as memories of the time we have on earth. Sometimes in a supermodel body sometimes a frumpy silly body. Now I just make silly faces when someone snaps quickly. Life is too short to not live.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • I can understand. I hate how I look and hate my physical self. I will take pictures but it's because there is more to my life than my weight and I don't want those memories to fade just because I didn't want to look at myself. My weight will not define my life.

    Still I try to make them look as good as possible and hate certain shots from the direct front. I always try to stand in the back of group pictures. So you cam imagine how I feel about my profile picture. Its me... all of me with no hiding. I hate how I look physically in that picture.

    And yet it's one of the most precious things I have. It's a picture of me and my son whom I had not seen in over 2 years. (He's not mine legally or biologically but that's another story. Just know he still calls me dad.)

    So when I finally got to see him I had to have a few pictures with him. It was one of the best moments of my life.

    My point, I suppose, is don't let this fear or bout of doubt stop you. Neither from finding the motivation to change and lose and share the journey with mfp nor from the moments of preciousness life has to offer. They will be years you can never get back and you don't want the only memories to be "boy I was fat".
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I could have written those exact same words last year. With the exception of the bullying; however, I was bullied throughout my entire childhood and never had any self-esteem until recently. My highest weight was 216 in May of 2013 when I finally got serious and 236 in November of 2012. I have chronic pain issues after knee, back, and neck surgery and chronic migraine syndrome but I won't let it stop me.

    Around the time I started I had briefly dated a very controlling person who wanted me to stay fat and have no confidence but I got out of that. That gave me the confidence to start losing weight.

    I also suffer from depression, not just the typical "I'm feeling a little down today" depression. And it sounds like you are depressed beyond your control. I highly encourage you speak with a doctor about that and discuss various options, whether it me medication, talk therapy, or both. I'm glad to can talk to your husband about the bullying but talking about it does not give you the tools to deal with it. And you need to deal with it.

    I eat out a lot because I work two jobs. I still lose weight by eating smaller portions and making smarter choices. I also work my hardest to make it fit into my day. Sometimes it doesn't so I don't sweat it that much.

    Exercise does help with stress, but if you're in pain all the time it can be counterproductive. So maybe try to learn some deep breathing exercises to relax and relieve some of your tension. I agree water exercises can be excellent for sore joints to begin with. I have a friend who wears a large t-shirt because of body image issues but water jogs daily.

    Different foods can help your mood as well. Do some research into this. Obviously fruits and vegetables are healthy choices. Don't start thinking of any food as bad, that's not what I'm leading to but some foods will help with depression.

    This will work for you, you need to give it time and patience.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I think we've all been there where we havnt been happy with ourselves and to see yourself in pics and be unhappy is even worse. Use this as motivation to get to where you want to be--because you don't want to keep feeling this way. I happen to think you're quite pretty but what I think or anyone else thinks doesn't matter. You have to be happy with you.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    If you find counting calories too challenging right now, try Weight Watchers. It's an easier point system - and there's alot of support.
    I did the online-only version after my first child, and it was great.

    Like others said, start with just one thing.
    Stop sugary drinks / soda and switch to water.
    Have fruit for breakfast.
    Take a brisk walk around the block after dinner.
    These alone will not make huge change right away, but they will help.

    Then, when you are ready, do more than one change, or rev up the intensity.

    As for all the stress and problems -- it's awful, but none of it forces you to eat. Forget all the complex diet advice out there, and just try to eat a bit less.
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    i started at 240 lbs lost about 83 so far so just start logging take it day by day and you will get there! no more pains since i lost the weight!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    The fact of the matter is that it isn’t easy! Point blank! You just have to find what works for you, eating, sleeping, and workouts and so on. Get a plan for all of it and stick to it, pick an easy workout plan/schedule and start slow and buildup as you go along. Too many people pick something hard and jump right in and they burn out. Also find an accountability partner (or multiple) and make it known they are to call you out. Additionally make a support group of several friends that you can turn to for support when you need it. Lastly, make daily, weekly, monthly goals, and longer, make sure that they are obtainable goals such as losing 2 pounds a week and 8 in a month. Revisits you goals; if you are not reaching your goals don’t freak out just work harder on the next one. It may also be that you need to readjust your goals.
    I know it’s rather cliché but remember “Quitters never win and Winners never quite!” So keep on keeping on, and you’ll be the girl you want to be in no time!
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    All these lovely people have said it all so I really have nothing to add, except:
    I am now old, when did THAT happen! You are a beautiful young woman with years ahead of you so please, please don't give up. You will be so glad you didn't six months from now. A year or two ago, and of my own generation, I had a family, and I had a bunch of long time friends. Notice, had. I have literally lost everybody in my own age group. The few who haven't died are now in old age homes. I have one close friend left and she lives too far away so we now communicate by phone. Needless to say, Gawanne the optimist became a very depressed Gawanne indeed. Then one day I discovered Myfitnesspal in a magazine article and voila, everything changed yet again. I joined, I dieted, I walk 3 times a day for half an hour each time, my joint pain has disappeared and suddenly the sun is shining again. I am now the matriarch of my small family, but it's as if they, in their fifties, and me in my late seventies have met somewhere in the middle. What I'm trying to say is; all our different life ages bring different sorrows or problems, but there is always something that comes along and suddenly life is worth living again. For me it's younger new friends, the joy of painting, writing, gardening, knitting, walking and on and on, and I mustn't forget I'm into maintenance AND all my old clothes, oh joy. The bullying troubles me though. I've had some of that in the past. Best way to deal with it is completely ignore the bully. Bullies lose interest pretty quick when nothing fuels their ugly behaviour. Best of luck love, post a picture in six months time.
  • I am in the same boat right now!! I hat myself and my body but the only person who can change that is ME.. My boyfriend who can eat as much as he wants and not gain a thing always tells me that I am beautiful and he doesn't know why i feel that way about myself. My starting weight was 239 a year and half ago, I lost 32 lbs and was at 207 when I met him and decided I was moving 4 hours from home to be with him.. I then got a great job and has huge perks and free food, drinks and snacks was one of them.. well was not so much a perk!!! I started gaining weight :( I hit 331 and I lost it seen pictures of myself and HATED THEM!!! I had already set this account up at my starting weight as 125 which is what I thought I was until I went to the dr and they told me that i was 231.. so my actual starting weight in July was 231 I am down to 224 today... I tried 90 day challenges I made it 1/4 way into it and realized it was making me gain weight not lose so i quit, I tried a different exercise routine and it made me gain so i quit that as well( I know what you will say that I was gaining muscle to check measurements) well no the measurements were not changing either!! I started running on my tread mill using my elliptical and riding my stationary bike and the pounds have been dropping slowly.. I have more energy and I am trying to eat better or a lot smaller portions anyways!! I know i still do not eat healthy by any means but i am losing... CHIN UP ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE YOU!! I can try to help you with motivation feel free to add me if you would like!!!
  • Justcallme_J
    Justcallme_J Posts: 28 Member
    I can't add much because you've already gotten some great responses, especially the ones about making small changes.

    I just wanted to add one more voice of encouragement. You can do this! Please don't give up. I understand feeling so completely overwhelmed because I've been there. That's why making small changes really helps and ends up kind of snowballing into huge steps toward being healthier. You don't have to do everything at once. Just do your best for today and focus on one thing at a time. Also, don't be too hard on yourself. If you feel like you've made a mistake or had a setback, be at least as compassionate, understanding, and forgiving of yourself as you would someone else you love. You don't have to be perfect or accomplish everything all at once. Just keep trying, and you'll eventually get there.

    Please add me if you would like someone to talk to or just for support and encouragement.
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    I was 273 at my highest weight, today I'm down 80 pounds, but I joined MFP half way thru my journey.

    That is so inspiring, well done Hun and thank you for your support x
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member

    Take out a calendar and write down a tiny baby step to practice for the week. One of the suggestions above, or something else. Tracking is always a good place to start. Then for the next week, do the same. Maybe make an appointment with yourself on Sunday night to review how you did for the week and pick the next thing. If you break it down into steps, it isn't so difficult.

    And I highly recommend starting with diet first, then adding exercise when you are consistent with your logging and staying at calorie goals. One step at a time---you can do it!

    Thanks hun, you are absolutely right, I was trying to do it all at once and that is why I have been falling on my face. I am starting with the food for now. I spoke to my sister and she was DELIGHTED at the idea of earning a few bob and helping me out at the same time so starting tomorrow she is going to be coming up to my house twice a week to do soem cooking. She is going to cook for me on Thursdays when I will be working late and on Saturdays we are going to cook batches together xx
  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    I had the same experience. I had a picture taken of me and I was so disgusted with myself and how I looked cried that whole night and didn't sleep and cried half the day. That is when I got mad at myself for letting myself go. I stuck that picture up so I had to see it every single day and to remind me how miserable I was feeling by looking at it. I knew I was big but it didn't hit me until I saw that pic.. ................... I have had snotty comments about my weight by my guys son and now it is a small part of my mission to stick it in his face when it's gone. ........................... Excuses are what got you in this mess to begin with. Once you stop doing that and stop letting things get in your way and making a real honest effort, things will change for you. Good luck to you and if you want to add me to your friends list I would be more than happy to accept.

    I tried to stick it up but I actually feel so crap and I would DIE if my hubby saw it. I know that sounds ridiculous because he sees me every day......... I told him about it and how I have been feeling etc and he said he will help me. He often would decide to treat me and surprise me with a take out or a box of chocolates or something I love and I asked him not to do this. I was telling him how I felt and I was so upset..... Unfortuately he went off then and came back with a big ice-cream to "cheer me up"......... I know he meant well but I got so angry with him, I felt like our whole conversation was undone. We are both still sulking a little and I will have to speak to him again later because I NEED him to understand how hard it is and that him "being a feeder" will just set me back... don't worry I will find a nice way of saying it today..... By the same token, that is not an excuse. It is my mouth and I alone am making the decision about what I put in it so I can't use this an an excuse....... However it really doesn't help. :o(
  • minhy
    minhy Posts: 5
    1. Be patient - these things take time, otherwise they wouldn't be LIFE-CHANGING.
    2. Be persistent - stick with things for a while, say one month. If it isn't working, then move on to something else. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it takes more than a week to lose a pound or two of fat while staying healthy. Try not to be too anxious about achieving your goals, just relax, try to have fun and enjoy success when it comes (and it will come when it's meant to come).
    3. Be open-minded - there is no one-sure answer for ANYTHING in health and fitness. Two identical twins could be doing the same diet and workouts and one loses weight while the other doesn't. Do what works for YOU. It might take some time to find out what does, but generally healthy eating with adequate amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals (and LOTS of water) and moderate to intense (start off slow) exercise should work.
    4. If you gave up, come back here again and post up the same thread so people can motivate you to get back on it.
    5. Just because you took one step back on your journey because life got in the way it doesn't mean you should keep stumbling backwards. If you get pushed back, get your footing right, ground yourself, and keep moving forward.
    6. Good luck!