what do you have for breakfast?



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I've been trying to cut out the calories and i'm doing alright except for breakfast.
    i'd pretty much always had 2 gluten free toast with margerine+ jam and coffee and i need something filling in the morning as otherwise i can't function.
    Any sugestions beyond scrambled eggs? any help will be greatly appreciated.
    My breakfast pretty much every morning is:
    12 oz skim milk + 1 serving Carnation instant breakfast + 2T malted milk powder
    1 slice whole wheat bread + 1.5T peanut butter
    1 banana
    That's a bit over 600 cal, which is a bit under half my calories for the day (1650).

    In winter, sometimes I'll have a big bowl of oatmeal with walnuts, raisins, & honey, but there's not much protein there to keep me satisfied. Have to try adding protein powder or nut butter sometime. Almond sounds good.

    Nonfat Greek yogurt (or cottage cheese) with fruit & nuts. Maybe add some dry oatmeal for texture.

    Whole-grain waffles with fruit.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    But don't just take my word for it that eating a large breakfast is a good idea.
    Here are studies I've found saying that it's good to have a substantial breakfast, most of your calories for breakfast & lunch.
    And it's not just hunger you're controlling; other health measures improve more with a large breakfast than with a large dinner.

    "Breakfast is associated with lower body weight ...

    This study compared eating a small breakfast, medium lunch, and large dinner, [200, 500, 700 cal]
    with eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner [700, 500, 200 cal].
    "The [large breakfast] group showed greater weight loss and waist circumference reduction ... fasting glucose, insulin [&] triglycerides ... decreased significantly to a greater extent in the [large breakfast] group."
    In addition, hunger was less and satiety was greater.
    Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23512957
    Full text:

    "subjects assigned to high caloric intake during breakfast lost significantly more weight than those assigned to high caloric intake during the dinner"
    Abstract: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24467926
    Full text: http://www.tradewindsports.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Nutrient-Timing-and-Obesity-2014.pdf

    "data suggest that a low-calorie Mediterranean diet with a higher amount of calories in the first part of the day could establish a greater reduction in fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity than a typical daily diet."
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I have two go-to brekkies:

    2% plain greek yogurt with some berries and a tbsp of hemp hearts
    steel-cut oats with some berries and a splash of milk

    Sometimes I add a bit of honey.

    If I have some extra time in the morning I will make myself scrambled eggs or a spinach omelette.
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    I normally eat eggs every morning with 1 to 2 slices of toast and a fruit of veggie to go with it. My only other breakfasts are soaked oat porridge and or a cereal such as vector still with a fruit or veg.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    how on earth do any of you loose weight !!!!! I can see all of your breakfasts are dreadful . !!!!
    I lose weight by eating fewer calories than my body needs.
    That's the only way to lose weight, short of amputation or liposuction.
    And most of what's been described here (other than the people saying "coffee & toast") are actually pretty decent.
    They're nutritious and filling, and some of them have enough calories.
    I have an el casei drink . I live in Spain [ recommended by my kidney specialist] to keep all bacteria in my body healthy.
    So you have some kidney condition, and had to move to Spain to deal with it.
    (And why would moving to Spain have any effect on the bacteria in your body?)
    Right there, you're not like most other people, so what your kidney specialist suggests for your condition is unlikely to apply to normal people.
    And kidney specialists are not bacteriologists. Wouldn't take his advice about keeping bacteria happy, esp. since there aren't supposed to be any in the kidneys or bladder.
    and then either 2 weetabix or 1 shredded wheat plus skimmed milk or 1 poached egg and toast [ wholemeal of course] and fruit juice 22 calories per glass and lots of mineral water .
    So you're ignoring science & going for a very low calorie breakfast. Also, drinking juice generally isn't the best way to get nutrition, unless you're making it yourself from whole fruits / vegetables, and in that case why not eat the real food?
    sorry if you think I am rude but do you want to loose weight or not ??
    Yes, I think you're rude, and no, I don't want to loose weight.
    I have, however, been quite successful so far at losing weight, and will continue to do so.
    My doctor (endocrinologist who oversees the weight loss clinic) is quite pleased with my progress.
    I think we have too much food to eat .
    Well, yeah, that's why people gain weight.
    I like the idea of avoiding type 2 diabetes !!!!. You are all on the internet read it . Avoid diabetes as well as loosing weight.
    That word you keep using. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    But yes, for many people losing weight will reduce their chances of getting diabetes.
    Notice that 2 of the studies I referenced above talk about insulin sensitivity and fasting glucose, measures linked to diabetes.

    And are you really one to be lecturing others about what we need to eat to lose weight?
    I have lost 20lbs since January
    Since this is August, that's less than 3 lb per month. (And you've joined the "20 lb by Christmas" group?)
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    I see tons of posts that rave about the oatmeal cottage cheese pancakes. I tried them this morning and I have to say they will be a staple in my life. I try to get protein in with every meal, so regular pancakes in the morning would kill my calories for breakfast.

    I had them with peaches and whipped cream and they were kinda of blah. So, I tried one with a little light syrup and I was in heaven.

    The recipe is for 1 serving, but you cut it in two and still are overwhelmingly filling.

    The most satisfied I've felt at breakfast.

  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    my favorite meal of the day, a big breakfast!!
    usually egg whites with hummus, and a big ole bowl of overnight oats with almond milk and blueberries
  • ClarityPeace
    ClarityPeace Posts: 81 Member
    Boiled egg, apple/orange, carrot juice, pistachios.. coffee
  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    Here's my staples:
    Oatmeal with fruit or 1 tbsp pb and 1 tbsp sf hot cocoa
    Lite English Muffin with 1 tbsp pb and 1 tbsp sf jelly
    Eas Low Carb Protein Shake
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    Oats + 0% fat Greek style yoghurt + berries + a drizzle of honey. I was having sliced banana in it too, but it was making it quite high in calories so now I have the banana as a snack later in the day to spread things out more (however filling a breakfast I have, I still find I need snacks, so it was better to have a smaller breakfast to allow for another snack!).

    In winter I'll swap to porridge made with a mixture of milk and water, with fruit mixed in and a bit of golden syrup (though I'll be measuring the syrup and cutting down on my old habits!).

    I also love toasted potato cakes and as they're only 90 calories each I don't feel bad adding a bit of butter. Plus because they're not as absorbent as bread you don't need as much butter on them anyway.
  • MsBetteDavis
    MsBetteDavis Posts: 118 Member
    On work days I pretty much have the same thing every day.

    I'll have half a bagel (although this week it's been half a croissant) and I'll toast it and then put dijon mustard on it. Then I'll put a piece of deli sliced ham on top of that and top it off with a fried egg. Then to go with it, I'll have some fruit and either half a glass of 1% or skim milk, or I'll have a glass of my Metamucil fibre supplement.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    100g soya yoghurt with
    80g each of two kinds of frozen fruit (defrosted) Currently on mango/raspberry, but various combos including mixed berries, blueberries, cherries are all great.
    Black coffee

    Lately I've been eating a piece of cooked chicken too, just because I'm having serious trouble hitting my protein macros due to trouble with a dairy sensitivity.

    Sometimes I'll have an omelet with veggies but I can't stomach eggs every day :grumble:
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Maple Brown Sugar oatmeal or a green smoothie.
  • I have had the same breakfast everyday for almost 10 years. A toasted english muffin with peanut butter and sliced banana. It's filling, tasty, and easy to make. If I'm not very hungry that morning I'll just have half of the muffin.
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    I love the whole grain bagel thins with 2% cheese and sliced turkey. Or low fat cream cheese.

    Yogurt with chia seeds and fruit, oatmeal with blueberries and truvia, breakfast burritos with egg whites, whole grain tortilla, 2% cheese and turkey sausage or chopped ham.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I used to be big on egg whites and veggies and/or greek yogurt with fresh fruit. That was before IF. Now I wait until around noon time (ish) before I start eating. I used to be starving in the morning, even after breakfast... but not any more.
  • Vanilla greek yogurt with a touch of chocolate protein powder with fresh blueberries and raspberries.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    This morning was blueberry pancakes. Often, it's a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich or oatmeal, but sometimes I crave something to put syrup and butter on.
  • AlicesGrandma
    AlicesGrandma Posts: 48 Member
    I have oatmeal a lot, grits sometimes, toast sometimes, occasionally eggs and bacon (just one piece). :bigsmile:
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    My go to breakfast is usually a bowl of Special K cereal, then I have a banana later in the morning to hold me until lunch.
  • 50g oats, 200ml rice milk, 20g walnuts, 80g blueberries, sweetener and cinnamon...

    to be precise 0.0

    and black coffee!
  • ChrisManch
    ChrisManch Posts: 46 Member
    I usually have Porridge made with 30g oats, 1 tablespoon "luxury fruit muesli" (which is about 50% oats, and 50% dried fruit), level tablespoon Sucralose based sweetener and 120ml Skimmed (fat free) milk.

    Stirred, microwaved for 1.5 minutes, stirred again, and microwaved for 30 seconds. (When I tried microwaving for 2 mins it sometimes boiled over). Then leave for a minute or so.

    The fruit in the muesli adds interest without adding too many calories.

    Served with black filter coffee.

    I then don't feel hungry until about 2pm.

    Occasionally I have 2 boiled eggs or 2 Shredded Wheat with skimmed milk but always with black coffee.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    I usually have light Greek yogurt with some fruit or the oatmeal that doesn't come in the packets with some fruit or unpasteurized honey.
  • wbl512
    wbl512 Posts: 21 Member
    Toast (40 cal); fruit; cottage cheese with chives
  • LizReeb
    LizReeb Posts: 17
    One slice of sprouted grain whole wheat (low sodium) toast, a sprinkling (10g) of goat cheese, a slice of bacon (because screw it, I want freaking bacon), and an egg white. Comes out around 179 calories. Then I have some room to add in fruit or something else about two hours later. (As I'm one of those folks who eats about every 2 hours)
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I drink a smoothie every morning. I always use spinach, homemade kefir, chia and flax seeds, and organic whey protein powder. I add different combos of fruit. This morning it was strawberries, blueberries, and half a banana. Yesterday morning it was half an orange, a thick pineapple ring, and half a banana. Sometimes I'll use PB2 and a banana.
  • sen301
    sen301 Posts: 12 Member
    1/4 cup Oatmeal
    1/4 cup Oat Bran (combined with Oatmeal)
    2 tsp Almond butter in Oatmeal mixture after cooked
    1/4 tsp Flax seed
    1/4 tsp sugar
    14 Almonds or 1 boiled egg
  • smhbarton
    smhbarton Posts: 1 Member
    My husband bakes me vegan muffins for breakfast. They are delicious, healthy, and fill me up until lunch time. I can send you the recipe.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Usually lunch... Haha.

    Today it was Spaghetti Squash with homemade spaghetti sauce...
  • CaitlinElizabethx
    CaitlinElizabethx Posts: 2 Member
    I have had a half a cup of dannon vanilla yogurt ( any kind is fine) And added a tbs of peanut putter. It has a lot of protein and it fills me up. Plus it tastes really yummy! :smile: