Trying to lose 30 + lbs by June- who in?



  • This would be the perfect group! My birthday is June 6th, I'm in a wedding June 11th and my ultimate goal was to be down 25 lbs. before I start to try getting pregnant again...which would ideally be in June!

    So, yeah, I'm TOTALLY in :bigsmile:
  • Best of luck, Just had to post My little girl wasborn 8-14-09!

    Mine was 9/15/09! Very close in age. I've GOT to lose the baby weight from HER before I will start gaining it all over again
  • Count me in too please! My first goal is 20lb's - that would take me to just within my healthy weight range so an extra 10lb's off by my birthday (2nd June) would be fantastic! I only joined this week and haven't yet got onto the scales (trying to weigh in once a week to save disappointment!) but so far so good. I've finally realised that to lose weight, I actually have to eat! I've added you as a friend - it'll be lovely to have some support in our weight loss mission! xx
  • slummymummy
    slummymummy Posts: 42 Member
    Oops! My hubby was logged on so I replied to this post with his account!

    Count me in too please! My first goal is 20lb's - that would take me to just within my healthy weight range so an extra 10lb's off by my birthday (2nd June) would be fantastic! I only joined this week and haven't yet got onto the scales (trying to weigh in once a week to save disappointment!) but so far so good. I've finally realised that to lose weight, I actually have to eat! I've added you as a friend - it'll be lovely to have some support in our weight loss mission! xx

    Apologies! Although I'm sure he'd love to lose 30lb's by June! xx:laugh:
  • Thats my goal too!! well I'm pushing myself to strive for May. We can do it together
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Woohoo I am in! My sisters wedding is coming up and I need to lose this "extra"baggage!

    Friend request me if anyone is interested and wants a motivator!
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Woohoo I am in! My sisters wedding is coming up and I need to lose this "extra"baggage!

    Friend request me if anyone is interested and wants a motivator!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I am trying to lose 30 lbs by June 1st! I am in! :smokin:
  • I'm in
  • Me too!!! I have a challenge with my boyfriend. We started in the new year and it will end on April (4 month challenge). His goal is 20 lbs and mine is 30 lbs weight loss. I want to kick his butt so bad I can taste it.
  • Kisha
    Kisha Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I'm in a wedding in August and need the motivation :smile:
  • MrsDea
    MrsDea Posts: 4
    This sounds great!!! I am in:)
  • sicembears
    sicembears Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in. I have 41 lbs to go.
  • BabyDucklingLove
    BabyDucklingLove Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds great. I'm in. c: It'd be nice to finally wear a bikini in the summer.
  • K80C
    K80C Posts: 6
    i'm in.... I need to lose 30lbs by the end of June.... got a pretty wedding dress to get into!! :o)
  • I'm in for sure! Adopting a little one in June and don't wanna be a fat mom :(
  • I'm so in would l NEED to shed that weight. I'm new to MFP an need all the support I can get, it's so hard to stay motivated! If I have other having the same goal that would be GREAT! Good Luck to all!
  • nygal77
    nygal77 Posts: 3 Member
    i am new to this and I really want to loose thsi weight - I am tired of feeling this way! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I'm in - My birthdays June too. Got lots to lose. Add me as a friend if i have missed you :wink:
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Weighing in at 169.6
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