Skinny/ Fit people Problems



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    A few weeks ago I was at a bar and this chic starts hitting on me and buys me a drink. We start chatting and all of the sudden her friend shows up. I didn't know what to do. How do I choose? They were both smokin' hot. What did I do? Chose them both if you know what I'm sayin'! #fitpeopleproblems
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    My tailbone hurts when I sit for a while, guess it had lots of protection before. I'm also cold ALL THE TIME!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I wish I had "skinny" problems...I only have "fat" muffin tops, and pants fitting tighter every day....*sigh*...

    So this is not you in your profile pic, I assume. THIS person is seriously fit. If not, you'll get there!

    I carry all my baggage on lower half...
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    Losing weight disproportionately. I'm starting to see increased definition in my delts, my hammies and quads, my triceps.

    My muffin top, however, is going nowhere. Yet....
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Back when I first lost weight, in the 1990s, at my lightest I wore pants and shorts in size 29 (or even 28 with some manufacturers). Many stores stocked only 30 and up.

    I don't think I'll get that light now. But vanity sizing has arrived in men's clothing: the size 32 dress pants that I bought last weekend fit my 34-inch waist.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    - i get cold easier
    - my clothes have become quite baggy, but i too don't want to buy lots of new ones just yet as i have a bit more weight/inches to go
    - DEFINITELY frustrating that it takes more time to burn more calories
    - friends/family saying stuff like "you're so tiny!", "you disappeared!", all that... i get it's a compliment (usually), but it just feels kind of abrasive...
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    A vast increase in unwanted attention and sexual comments.

    This is the one thing that makes me wish I'd never lost weight.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else said...

    Being cold
    Going clothes shopping and finding that no one carries pants with a waist under 34 inches and "small" shirts being closer to a medium or large

    Those are my two biggest gripes.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Losing weight disproportionately. I'm starting to see increased definition in my delts, my hammies and quads, my triceps.

    My muffin top, however, is going nowhere. Yet....

    Haha yeah. I have muscular legs and arms, but still too much fat in my midsection.

    And two extra 'boobs' that hang there when I bend over (over my bellybutton), thanks loose skin.
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I love this thread!

    I get the "you're wasting away" comment a lot at work. Also, I'm always freezing and it's summer!
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Oh! Sometimes I do some accessory work on my legs. The other day I was on the hip abductor machine and I always have it set so that I start with my legs touching, which was the furthest you could bring that pads in. I was thinking "Oh, I must need to bring this in a little, my legs aren't touching"....But it was in all the way!!! There's like 2 inches of space where there used to be fat. Whenever I look down I can't believe it.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    A few weeks ago I was at a bar and this chic starts hitting on me and buys me a drink. We start chatting and all of the sudden her friend shows up. I didn't know what to do. How do I choose? They were both smokin' hot. What did I do? Chose them both if you know what I'm sayin'! #fitpeopleproblems

    Bull****!! Pics or it didn't happen :wink:
  • mtforrest07
    mtforrest07 Posts: 31 Member
    Always ALWAYS cold!! When I eat a big meal, you can see it...grr!!! Exercising sucks sometimes because I'm boney. Doing sit ups or other floor exercises is impossible without a pillow because it hurts my tailbone! I feel more unproportioned than I did when I was heavier...collar bones but a little belly kinda sucks. Comments from others stating "you are too skinny!! You need to eat some cake!!" really irritates me. The list goes on...
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm tiny regardless but when I weighed 120 lbs, pants would fit around my legs (but not my tummy). Now all I fit are leggings and shorts. I hate wearing slacks and jeans because of it.
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    Before I lost 109 lbs I couldn't find clothing in most stores that fit me.

    Now I STILL have trouble finding clothes that fit me in most stores :\
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Today on my feed, one of my friends said, "It's so hard to burn 1000 pounds when you only weigh ** pounds." I thought to myself, Skinny (fit) people problems, lol.

    What new "problems" do you have now that you are thinner, fitter, or have a healthier lifestyle.

    Note: 1) Please don't lecture me about the word, "skinny" I know most of us don't even want to be "skinny", but that is the widely used word so indulge me.
    2) Even though many of us are no where near "skinny" and maybe don't even consider ourselves fit yet, there are new "problems" associated with our new MFP lifestyle.

    For me, I found myself saying today, "Honey, I can't fit anymore fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator!" I usually buy so many boxed carbs, etc, that the pantry is full and not the fridge. I call that a "skinny/ fit people problem":)

    TL/DR, but one problem I'll run into is when I want to go to bed, but then find out I'm way under my calorie goals.

    Related to that is the problem of making / buying enough food to meet a 3500-4000 calorie goal without resorting to too many empty calories. Sure, a burger can get me upwards of 1000 calories towards my goal if I want to go that way, but I do know that it often means it won't fill me up enough to keep me from feeling hungry later on.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    All the designer clothes at the second hand/consignment/thrift stores are very easy to find, and not as many people are looking for size 2's.... I am spending a rather large amount of money and VERY QUICKLY running out of closet space, because, really, how can I pass up a MEXX dress for $4.50 or DK leopard print ballet flats in 8AA for $10.00, or a Tommy Hilfiger pink and grey houndstooth check wool dress coat with pink leather trim for $20.00.
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    well i think some of these are good problems to have and im not skinny or thin but some "problems" ive noticed as im losing weight:

    -the larger shirts that i had now at work are too big and its expensive to have to buy smaller shirts to replace them so i just wear the larger shirts still, which are pretty unflattering, so basically at work my "new" figure is covered in the oversized clothes i had from when i was 30+ pounds heavier
    -i lose less calories per mile on the treadmill now, at 130 pounds than when i was 155 pounds. so maybe now if i burn 350 calories, before it was like 450 (not exactly those numbers but just an example). i have to run more to burn the same number of calories and because ive been exercising for a few months, i am supposedly more "fit" than a few months ago which is like i "should" be running more miles than before
    -i have to watch what i eat and try to exercise regularly (compared to before when i would just eat anything because i didnt care if i was fit or not or just not exercise at all)
    -i have to set days for "long runs" or certain kinds of exercises
    -i have to make sure to eat a big meal with carbs before a long workout so im fueled for the exercise, i worry about not having enough carbs and running out of energy during my jog
    -i log everything i eat, but sometimes i am lazy to always log food, so i keep it as a note on my phone and then i have to transfer the note to my log (which i keep in an excel file on the computer)
    -i have to tie my hair up in a ponytail so its comfortable during my workout, otherwise i have to pause or slow down as im starting to exercise to fix it
    -if i watch tv at the gym, starting a workout after a show or program has already started
    -telling myself i will make a new playlist for my next workout, forgetting then having to listen to the same songs
    -ran out of water during a workout
    -forgot to bring paper towels (or a towel) before getting on the treadmill
    -having to go to the bathroom in the middle of a run
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    A vast increase in unwanted attention and sexual comments.

    This is the one thing that makes me wish I'd never lost weight.

    i dont think thats a bad thing, it's because you're sexy, just ignore guys that make them and know it's because you look good
    you can try to wear more clothing or clothing that isn't too revealing and you'll still look cute
    personally id rather be thin and maybe get unwanted attention from guys who i can ignore than fat and no attention from guys at all
  • slemonfit
    slemonfit Posts: 97 Member
    You ever have a day where your jeans, that we're never intended to be low rise, sit so low on your hips you're almost sagging like a teenage boy -- but you're not that interested in buying a new pair of jeans because you know in another month or so you'll haveta buy another new pair?

    yes this
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Oh! I first new I really lost a lot of weight (for me), when my underwear were too big! I still need new undies ha.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Being freezing cold when the temps dip below 85. :sad:
  • UK34
    UK34 Posts: 23
    Sitting in the bath is really unconfortable and I notice my mattress has possibly seen better days.
    Yup, bloating after a meal sucks because you look pregnant!
    Wedding ring is spinning.
    I feel the cold more.

    When I was in the process of loosing weight, travelling down through the sizes I ended up getting clothes from charity shops, as you know you are only going to be in that size for a few months and I got fed up of wasting money.

    Once I got to my goal, I went on a nice big shopping spree :)
  • UK34
    UK34 Posts: 23
    People assuming you have never been fat and make comments as to how 'lucky you are' to not have to worry and can eat what you like.

    They need a serious smack in the face with a reality stick :explode:
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    Women I either had a relationship with or wanted one with think I'm judging THEM because I track MY calories. But I don't care what others eat, I care what I eat.

    Amen. Its almost like they are judging me because I track. I always hear the excuses they have....When I never asked for them.

    Buddy YOU do YOU and Ill do ME. Yeah- thanks.
  • SweetSailor
    SweetSailor Posts: 81 Member
    I really don't mind most if the time, but getting mistaken for being much younger then I am. I'm 39, but people are often shocked and assume I'm somewhere between 24-28. I'm in a business where my 20 years of experience is often mentioned and it confuses people.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Resting B-tch Face after losing the last 3lbs directly from my face.
  • mytabouly
    mytabouly Posts: 66 Member
    Tummy now sticks out after I have eaten... I have very lean limbs so when this happens I look like E.T (you know, ET phone home...)

    People asking what diet I'm on. Bloody hell just eat less.

    My wardrobe is full of clothes that don't fit me anymore, but I can't bring myself to get rid of them because I know how much I spent on said clothes. So they just sit there gathering dust.

    Following on from previous note, I'm always hiking up my pants, which is very annoying (I dont like wearing belts).

    I never find anything on sale anymore
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I'm not done yet by any stretch, but this is for those on the way to skinny/fit:

    You ever have a day where your jeans, that we're never intended to be low rise, sit so low on your hips you're almost sagging like a teenage boy -- but you're not that interested in buying a new pair of jeans because you know in another month or so you'll haveta buy another new pair?

    Heh. It's a good problem to have. My wardrobe consists of very cheap clothing right now until I get where I wanna be, then I'll spend some bucks on decent clothes. ;)


    Also regret giving away most of my smaller clothes. I can now fit in everything I did keep. Have to start hitting the Goodwill again soon.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Too many unsolicited comments / compliments about weight loss. I just want to be normal!! :sad:

    Who am I kidding, worship me, World!!! :blushing:

    bah hahahaha... both of these! LOL! :laugh: :bigsmile: :blushing:

    honestly though the compliments sometimes get on my nerves because i think what the heck did i look like before! I must have been Ugly! with a capital U :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    my fav sunglasses don't fit on my face anymore. trying on clothes is nerve wracking because i just don't know what size to try on. i'm stuck in between sizes. some styles i'm down 2 sizes other styles i'm down one. 2 is so much better than 1. LOL