Vixen&Foxes: Valentine's Challange



  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I maintained :sad: And I've been working so hard. I think it's either bloat (which means a slightly bigger loss next week maybe?) or maybe the fact that I haven't been eating my exercise calories since xmas (got into a overeat-compensate-overeat-compensate cycle :frown: ). Anyway, hopefully I'll see a nice loss next week!

    Well done to everyone who's lost! And good luck to everyone who hasn't posted yet :smile:
  • scmajm22
    scmajm22 Posts: 75 Member
    I am finally down to 208.2. Scale moved a little but I now I have gained alot of muscle. I bought a pair of pants last lear with the intention of getting in them and I finally did yesterday. Woot woot
    Always go by your clothes fit. They are a better judge of progress
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Weighed in at 139.4 this morning!!! Yay, finally broke the 140's! Just need to lose .8 lbs to meet my Valentine's day goal! Woot Woot!
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Congratulations to all. The week by week successes are very inspiring. Margie, thanks for keeping the spreadsheet. It looks like a lot of work.

    I weighed in this morning at 153.0, down 2..4 from when I started. After no loss last week, I'm thrilled!

    My sister, who lost 40 lbs last year (she's now at goal) after a lifetime of struggling with her weight, shared some inspiring words with me yesterday. She was working with a dietician at a major medical center, and still hit a plateau that lasted 9 weeks. The dietician kept pressing her to shake things up, but she knew she was eating well and exercising daily, and she decided that even if she didn't lose more weight, she felt good about the way she was living and would keep doing what she was doing. Finally, the weight started to drop again. She says your body will do whatever it can to try to hold onto these pounds that we want so desperately to lose. Oh, she also insisted on eating 200 calories/day more on weekends than she did during the week, so she wouldn't feel deprived. It took a little bit longer, but she was able to stick with it. She now looks fantastic! and feels great.

    I was very heartened by her comments as I begin this journey myself. I'm like the guy in that commercial who gets on the scale at the gym, takes two laps around the gym, gets back on the scale all sweaty and hopeful, and is devastated that he hasn't lost any weight! What do you mean, it's two weeks and I'm not finished! So, the message for myself today is slow and steady. Lifetime changes take time to feel right.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    i'm down 4 pounds this morning! 181 I am so close to my vday goal of 179. Once I get there, the hard part will be maintaining and also continuing to lose. I don't want to start slacking because I'm ahead of my game plan.
    well I'm headed to the gym. I will talk to you later!

    Lee x
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    WOW--4lbs in one week!!! WOW!! That is a lot. Good for you. I bet if you stay here you will cont. to lose and then maintain. :smile:

    Just wanted to WI for the week. I did not WI last week as I was retaining water (TOM). I believe my WI weight 2 weeks ago was water loss as I have not seen it that low since and I have been logging and in range of calories most days and running tons.

    SO.....I WI today at: 173.6

    This would be 3 lbs lost since starting 3 weeks ago. Perfect as I want to lose 1 lb/week.

    Today is an "off" workout day as I am running a 15k on Sunday...that will be a GREAT calorie burn too!!! I am going to fit in a walk tomorrow before race day.

    Keep up the hard work and have a good weekend!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and HAPPY FRIDAY! No real plans this weekend other than to get the errands taken care of. I may head to the redbox today to pick up a movie or two otherwise, it will be very low key.

    Today I began my workout by completing the Insanity warm up, then easily moved right into Push Circuit 3. I don't really have a favorite workout but I'm starting to lean more towards Push Circuit 3. I think I am favoring this workout because it's were I feel the strongest. I lifted 20 lbs for every exercise but felt I could still go heavier when completing the Sumo Squat, Bowler Lunge and Single Leg Suma Squat. Since I will not be purchasing heavier weights right away I tried to exaggerate the movement like Chalean says in order to create more resistance. I will say I did reach failure at 6 reps for the Chest Fly, Double Arm Bent Over Row and Bench Press so there's no need to increase weights in that area. I concluded the workout w/a 10 minute stretch w/Stretch 10 from the Turbo Fire program. I burnt over 550 calories in 60 minutes and I feel awesome.

    Since I felt great and was STARVING I made some homemade french toast (whole wheat bread, egg beaters and a tad bit of fat free milk w/cinnamon), turkey sausage and a boiled egg.

    What a great way to end the work week and begin the weekend.

    I'M SOOOOOO PROUD OF EVERYONE ON THIS THREAD FOR MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY AND COMMITTING TO THIS LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Congratulations to EVERYONE who saw a loss this week. In order to not become obsessed w/the scale I have put it in the trunk of my car and vowed not to weigh in until it's on my Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid schedule which will be January 31st/February 1st which means I still have a little over a week before I get on the scale. I can't lie, I was real tempted to go to the garage and pull it out after reading of all your successes but have to stay strong.

    Cando: Thank you for sharing your sister's success story. I couldn't help but LOL when I read about steppin on the scale, running a couple of laps and getting back on it b/c I think so many of us want it RIGHT NOW especially if we've been working hard but you're right SLOW AND STEADY really is the key.

    Anne: Good luck w/your 15K this weekend? Is this your first time running a 15K and do you have a time you inspired to finish the race in?
  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    My weight this morning was 138.9
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Anne: Good luck w/your 15K this weekend? Is this your first time running a 15K and do you have a time you inspired to finish the race in?

    Thank you. I have ran a 10-miler back in early October though I was injured through the race and ran it slow. This is my first 15k (9.3 distance) and I plan to run it strong and competitive but no PR set as it is my first. I hope to maintain a solid 10/mile pace the whole race if not better but again I am out to have fun. You are an inspiration with your motivation and accomplishments -thank you for the motivation. :smile: :wink: :love:
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    There are sooo many updates, I just couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to update this sheet!

    Everyone is doing so well :) I'm so proud to call all of you in this challange my friends! We are in this together.


    Posting in this thread is the way to get it updated, I don't stalk, or babysit. hahahah post it here and I'll get it! :D

    Rana~ thanks for updating! You are doing awesome! Now its on the sheet!
  • emilillymom
    I weighed in this morning and was 192.5.
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    There are sooo many updates, I just couldn't wait until tomorrow morning to update this sheet!

    Everyone is doing so well :) I'm so proud to call all of you in this challange my friends! We are in this together.


    Posting in this thread is the way to get it updated, I don't stalk, or babysit. hahahah post it here and I'll get it! :D

    Rana~ thanks for updating! You are doing awesome! Now its on the sheet!

    Wow-you are so good at keeping this WI chart up to date, thank you! When you have the moment can you have my starting weight at 176.6 as I recorded that wrong...thank you! Anne :heart:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    SW - 144.6lbs
    CW- 141.1lbs
    GW for Valentine's - 138

    Only a 0.5lbs loss :frown: but I guess it is still a loss.

    Total loss ... 3.5lbs.....3.1lb to go.
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Weigh-in at 271, for a loss of 9 pounds so far.:happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all. It's going to be a lazy Saturday for me now that the workout and the house cleaning has been completed. I wanted to post before I started watching the movie "Salt" w/Angelina Jolie. I heard pretty good reviews about it while it was in the theater so decided to check it out.

    Today I completed the Fat Blaster dvd that came as a bonus w/the Chalean Extreme program. I burned 275 calories in 30 minutes. I may add a hula hoop workout later but will make a definitive decision as the day progresses.

    Great job everyone w/the continued weight loss. It looks like V-day is going to be a good day for many.
  • bluemartini6
    surprise, surprise, lost another 3! cw: 146 (although I admitt I'm skeptical since yesterday i was 2 pounds heavier - but I know fluctuations occur - maybe saturday mornings are just my skinny time!) less exercise this week compared to last week. last night i forced myself to put in a little time on the elliptical, maybe it was in my best interest afterall.

    thanks for keeping me updated and motivated!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Nov. there was me. Dec. there were 5 of us, today 8 5kers!!!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Had regained 4 pounds last weekend over a series of event, including a birthday party, and then lost all 4 pounds during the week to bring me back to where I left of: 149 pounds. No change.

    Healthy options in restaurants never work for me because of the amount of sodium in them. The time has come for me to limit my weight fluctuations. Now, if I eat out on the weekend, I am bringing my home-cooked food.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Hi guys!!

    I'm having mixed feelings.
    I'm a little bummed out as I was hopping for a weight loss of at least 4lbs.
    I'm happy I lost some weight but I just wish it was more :sad:
    Congratulations to all you are doing GR8!

    so here are my numbers:

    SW on MFP 260
    SW on this challange 251
    Last Weigh 248.7
    CW 246.9
    I lost 1.8lbs!!
  • bluemartini6
    Hi my morning weigh in was 146.