P90X Group?



  • stlouiscardinalsfan
    Awesome congrats on finishing it! I remember that video from before when I tried to do p90x it is so hard! I remember thinking that it was never going to end. Lol. But great job. Keep it up.
  • beautifulnow
    Gosh aren't those push ups torture!?! The Diamond ones...I actually laughed out loud!! I am so stinkin sore right now I have to lower myself slowly just to potty! I actually just sneezed and almost died lol true story! We had to go to town tonight and we ended up stopping at pizza ranch ( not a good dieting place!) I had a huge salad first and then a piece of fried chicken (only thing offered) and just picked the skin off...i did have some ice cream too but I really don't feel to bad about it...I figure one boo boo meal a week is really not to bad :) I am kinda worried about tomorrow seeing my arms are already so sore but I can do it!! BRING IT!!
  • lovewillow
    I actually just sneezed and almost died lol true story!

    That cracked me up! I must be crazy because I KNOW this is going to be tough but when I hear everyone talking about how sore they are I can't help but look forward to it a little ;)
  • beautifulnow
    No your not crazy lol I love it...I can't move right now but I can't wait till tomorrow either :)
  • mallorybear
    mallorybear Posts: 11 Member
    i'm going to start monday! i can't wait to keep up with all of y'all on it.. if we get a good network going, we'll all make it to day 90! :]
  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    I Start monday with P90x
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    Hey all, I'm kind of new here and have been playing with p90x for awhile but not serious. Lack of motivation I guess, Its to extreme for my wife so I'm all alone.

    Anyways, I started last week but was not able to go every day. I would do day 1 than maybe day 2 then next if not the third day, and so forth. I never have been a fan of yoga so I switched that routine with cardiox and think I'm happy with it. It has yoga in there, lol.

    I am going to be going back to day 1 again and actually try this thing for real now, esspecially since there are alot of you to get in touch with that are also starting.

    Friend me if you like.
  • jajadrift
    I am on my P90x third cyle. My advice to the new P90x users are:

    Weigh your self daily first thing you wake up.
    Follow the Diet plan as tight as possible.
    Results vary from each individual but for me it happened in two weeks. But i had friends that did not see it after a month. For some P90 x users this discourages them.
    Get a good 4:1 recovery drink to help with the soreness after working out. this ofcourse is your own preferences.

    What motivate me to keep moving is the change you see in the mirror.
    O yeah make sure you take that day 1 pic day 30 day 60 and day 90.
    Started P90x 133lbs day 1
    133lbs day 90
  • stlouiscardinalsfan
    Day 2: Plyometrics...Oh my gosh I just got done with this workout and it was just as hard as I remembered it to be! I had a volleyball tournament all day so I was already exhausted, but I did it as soon as I got home because I knew if I didn't I would not be able to get back up after I laid down. Lol. Anyway, I thought it was kind of funny that in some parts Tony thought we should join in with Domonic! Those of you who have not done this video yet, just wait till you see this guy! He jumps so high, so fast, and so far. He is such a beast, and keeping up with him was just out of the question for me today, but by the end of the 90 days I would love to be able to keep up with him.:) Well I hope you all had a great day. I can't wait till we have all started and we can all keep each other motivated.:)))
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    hello all , im currently doing p90x. im on my 23 day. i just started my recovery week. it was nice to read all the post and know exactly what everyone was talking about. from the sitting on the potty slowly and sneezing. hang in there i promise it does get easier.

    im also looking for motivation and support . feel free to add me ,

  • bethy1987
    Hey all!! A friend of my husbands is giving us his p90x videos because he is finished with them so My husband and I will hopefully be starting in the next few days to a week. (depending on when we get them) Anyways I am excited and little nervous about starting it but my goal is to stick with it and hopefully see results!!!
  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    Starting tomorrow! (Monday) I am pumped!
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    I am starting tomorrow :)
  • beautifulnow
    well day 4 has turned into day 3 and 4 lol yesterday we ere out of town all day and I figured I would benefit more if I waited till this morning to do Shoulders and arms....soooo this morning we pushed play and it was not bad but boy my legs are still sore from plyo! We are gonna do Yoga later and I hate it...it is sooooo long! and I am to fat to do half of it lol. Its awesome to have so many ppl doing to together! I also drank the results and recovery drink today and am praying it helps!!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    I wanted to start it feb 1st???? Any takers? Im not going to do the diet though its too hard and confusing. I like MFP better it seems to be the only thing I can stick too!
    I am going to complete to rest of 30 DS and then begin that :wink:
  • stlouiscardinalsfan
    Day 3: Shoulders and Arms. I am still sore from the volleyball tournament and plyo yesterday so this was a long workout for me! I felt like my arms were going to fall off when I was done but I finished it and even though it hurt it was like a good burn because I knew I was gainning some muscles.:) I also did the ab ripper x which was not to bad but those fifer sicsors are still killer. Lol. Well I hope you all are doing great and staying on track can not wait til we have more people for those of you who start on Monday.:smile:
  • lovewillow
    Just got back from the grocery store! I'm spending this evening cooking up some chicken and hard boiled eggs for the week and getting things ready to grab and go. I can't WAIT to start in the morning :) It looks like Monday is a popular day to start - good luck Alice, Stefani, Mallory, Craek and My8kidsmom! Can't wait to hear how you guys did!

    Thanks for starting this group stlouisfan!
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow!! Would love to be part of support group!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just started P90X on Weds.I was skeptical at first. But I have a couple friends who use it. After seeing their results I was sold! And I am loving it! It's a fun workout, but it will test it! Just stick with it and eat right and you'll see the pounds come off.
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    Yesterday was my day 1. After the Packers kicked the Bears butt, I turned on p90x and went to work. Chest and Back could have been worse but I used my total gym to help make it a bit easier. Don't get me wrong, I still brought it, but pull ups are not my specialty and was helpful on the lawnmowers and heavy pants.

    Abripper x. All I can say is WOW!! my abs were on fire and at the end of the routine when I did the cobra move, OMG.

    Day 2 is plyometrics and looking forward to it.