Goal weight for 5'10 female?



  • katiescarlettmartin
    Focus on more than just the number, set different types of goals. For example, I want firmer thighs, tighter butt, more toned arms, a flatter stomach, x jean size etc. Numbers on the scale can be increidbly decieving and a goal weight will vary wildly depending on your frame, muslce mass, etc. Have a variety of goals, the most important of which is, "be comfortable in your body"!
  • Pinkgoldturquoise
    Pinkgoldturquoise Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5"10, 150lbs and aiming for 145/140....I don't seem to be going below 150 though...seem kind of stuck! I'm still size 12-14 UK in jeans so think there's room to lose a bit more right?

    My profile pic is me at 150lbs.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Pink, your body is just fantastic the way it is.

    It might just be the bone structure of your hips that make it harder to go down a size in pants.

    Unless I had a tapeworm or giardia or something that made me unhealthily emaciated so I lost ALL the fat I had and some muscle too, there's no way that my hip bones will fit into a size 10. That's just the way my body is made.
  • Kicking
    Kicking Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5 10" and I currently weigh 150lbs I want to get down to 138/139 :) It all depends on the individual and their build!!!! :)
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    oooooh great thread, so nice to see all you tall women, I'm always in a minority where I'm from :sad:

    I hit my goal of 140 back before Christmas 2012 and maintained ever since (until now ) I've decided to take it down a bit lower. I'm thinkin 132 and I'll see what that looks like. I suppose I need more toning so I might end up gaining instead of losing but the goal is to be healthy, lean and fighting fit so whatever stats that takes me to I'll happily go with :drinker:
  • Adefowler
    Adefowler Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'10" and I didn't make a weight goal, I made a size goal - I just wanted to be in single digit jeans. Size 8. I surpassed my goal and got into a size 6 (but gained back a few pounds and wearing my 8's again).

    I've lost weight twice in my lifetime (first time almost gained it all back). The first time I lost weight my weight goal was 155 - and that put me into size 10 jeans.

    My second time, my goal was size 8's. I hit size 6's at 163. What did I do different? Exercise and strength training. I hate the scale because it isn't always a true representation of your goals -- and can often be a hindrance especially if you equate the scale number with failure or success. Now, don't get me wrong, the scale can provide feedback, but it shouldn't be the only measure you're using.

    You should also measure yourself and get a body fat analyzer (although those can also be wonky). Also, educate yourself on how calories work. So, when you eat 500 calories worth of chips and your weight jumps up 3 pounds because of the salt you'll intellectually know that you didn't really gain 3 pounds of fat. You gained 3 pounds of water -- which can go away very, very fast.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,576 Member
    I am 5'9" and my end goal is set to 150, but that is an arbitrary number that I picked because it's in the middle of my healthy range BMI. I do not live and die by it. If I get to 165 and I am fit and healthy and feel good... I am not going to bemoan those last 15 pounds.

    I started at 375, so I have a long way to go. So far all my loss has been through diet (keeping moderate-high protein to try and prevent as much LBM loss as possible) but I do plan to start working towards fitness goals in the not too distant future.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    IqMy goal weight is 150lbs, but if I find out that I want to be a bit skinnier the lowest I'll go is 143lbs.
    I just wamt to be 20% body fat and at the most a size 5. I'm doing no weigh August so I have no idea how much I weigh but I hope I'm in the 170's.
    My 3 goal dream body is this,
    She's 155lbs after 5'11
    she's around 145-150lbs at 5'11
    She's the skinniest I'd want to be plus 10lbs, 130lbs after 5'10 1/2
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'10" and my UGW is 180. I have a pretty big frame and I think anything smaller than that just won't look or feel right, but I've never been that small, so who knows. I was pretty happy 10 years ago at 220...
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 5"10, 150lbs and aiming for 145/140....I don't seem to be going below 150 though...seem kind of stuck! I'm still size 12-14 UK in jeans so think there's room to lose a bit more right?

    My profile pic is me at 150lbs.
    Holy crap I would never tell you to not loose weight, but just saying where you're at right now is so gorgeous.
    You look amazing and definitely motivates me that 150 is a perfect weight for me.
  • barricade321
    "The Venus Factor is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women. The program has quickly drawn the attention of women across the world for its potential of reshaping the female body. Simply speaking, it is emerging as one of the most talked about fat-burning programs for women!"

    If you’re like most women – especially women who have had children – you’re probably not happy with your body. Your body gets too soft and squishy after having kids, and you carry around more pounds than you want to. Weight loss for women is often frustrating and largely unsuccessful, and when you manage to lose extra pounds, they just creep back on again. Women have lost the same ten or twenty pounds a couple of times, but have struggled to keep it off.

    Check out this program which helps shred that fat off of your body and keep it off for good! hundreds of women are happy with their bodies now thanks to this program. Click the link below or copy and paste it to your web browser :)

  • jojomoe523
    jojomoe523 Posts: 57 Member
    at 5 10 i hit 187 on the scale today. I haven't been this weight since high school. my doctor's goal was 190. i was stuck there for over a year. i started to up my protein and work out a little more, and now the weight is moving down again. i would like to go to 180 so that any fluctuation wll keep me under 190. will i get there? i don't know. would i like to get smaller than that? hells yeah! i'm ok where i am too....so much better than the 360 i started at....
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    jojo-- we are scale buddies!!!

    I saw 187 for the first time in a LONG time today too!

  • jojomoe523
    jojomoe523 Posts: 57 Member
    nugget, i dropped another lb. yay me!
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Some women can support over 145 lbs well, but you gotta remember 5 ft 9, 5 ft 10 is very tall for a girl. Average height is only about 5 ft 4.

    What do you mean?
  • lomille
    lomille Posts: 39 Member
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Some women can support over 145 lbs well, but you gotta remember 5 ft 9, 5 ft 10 is very tall for a girl. Average height is only about 5 ft 4.

    What do you mean?

    If you lined up all the female bodied people in the world and took the average of all of our heights, the female group average would be about 5 feet 4 inches.

    In fact, if you lined up all the male bodied people in the world and took the average of all their heights, the male group average would be about 5 feet 8 inches.

    At 5 feet 10 inches, us Amazons are taller than "the average man". Though we all know there is no such thing at "the average man" or "the average woman" in practice.

    Way to go jojo! I was working overnight at an endurance race last night, so I suspect I'm holding some extra water (not to mention all the snacks I ate to keep me awake all night long!).
  • wuggums47
    wuggums47 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5 11 and plan on weighing 150 lbs
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    Some women can support over 145 lbs well, but you gotta remember 5 ft 9, 5 ft 10 is very tall for a girl. Average height is only about 5 ft 4.

    What do you mean?

    If you lined up all the female bodied people in the world and took the average of all of our heights, the female group average would be about 5 feet 4 inches.

    In fact, if you lined up all the male bodied people in the world and took the average of all their heights, the male group average would be about 5 feet 8 inches.

    At 5 feet 10 inches, us Amazons are taller than "the average man". Though we all know there is no such thing at "the average man" or "the average woman" in practice.

    I understand the concept of averages. I don't understand what the poster was trying to say though. If you re-read the post- it is a little unclear and open to interpretation :huh: I just wondered what was meant by the comment. Thanks for taking the time to try to explain though :flowerforyou: