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  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    So this girl that I go to the gym with comes running up to me and blurts out "you wont believe what happened to me I have had a terrible morning" (This is every morning!) So I say "wow like everyday" She is so self absorbed she says yea and keeps going on lol....She begins to tell me with this whiny annoying voice all the problems and it drives me nuts!!!! It drives everyone else nuts at the gym too! She talks so loud about the dumbest things. I listened for a minute, told her to suck it up and move on. Then when I told her I was going on the treadmill today she was like oh well I will do a class since you are going to wear your I pod then... trying to guilt trip me!! I said ok and trotted off!!! AHHHHH Needless to say I have been going to the gym by myself since and loving it!!!
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    I understand my family loves me, but them telling me every time they see me "you’re so pretty, but you would be even more pretty if you were skinny"

    Every time they say that a little piece of me dies in side. It’s like there saying I am only valid as a human being if I were skinny.

    It’s not like they are giving me any support. I have a typically African American family who likes fried, greasy food. This is the type of food I was brought up on; I can honestly say I never learned how to eat properly. Which I am not blaming them anymore for because I am grown and it’s my responsibility . Sometimes I don’t even want to be around them because they all are hypocrites. They are ALL overweight and none of them are trying to changing their life EXCEPT me! I try to get them involved but they are not trying to hear it. So honestly I am pretty much on my own when it comes to weight loss which is one the reasons I am using this website so I can get the support I lack.

    I just watched “I used to be fat" on MTV, the one with Mackenzie and her family is like mine. They think losing weight is so easy but I don’t see them trying but when I try it’s a huge deal.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    My husband shoveing something way not healthy and way fattening in his face then pulling the plate away out of my line of site like I have no self control :explode: There has been a chocolate cake sitting here I havent touched for two days so there :tongue:
  • becky123456
    becky123456 Posts: 75 Member
    I was shopping at the grocery store and wearing a tee shirt with my son's baby picture on it . TWO different ladies asked me if he is my GRANDSON.. Sheesh.. Yes, it is an old shirt, and the baby is 17 now, but man, I don't think I look like anyone's grandmother !
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I know how you feel! One time i was in the grocery store getting lunch and i got about a 1/2 cup of macaroni salad and this lady who i've never met before leans over to me and says...we'll you're certainly not going to lose weight that way are you. i was really insulted and I didn't want to eat anymore after hearing that :(
    I can relate! My daughter's birthday is the day after mine - I was in the grocery store and had 2 cakes in my cart, and some munchies for my daughter's party, and this older woman felt it necessary to start ranting at me about how bad the food in my cart was ! I was appalled - but given her age, I just smiled and walked away quickly - but really - she had no clue why I had the food in my cart - who the heck was she to judge - and say something!!
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    OH and never...ever...ever discuss my healthy eating choices in front of my kids if you are going to behave as if I am some crazy "dieter" who needs to let go and live a little kids are learning about healthy foods from me... they are learning that food is fuel for your body to help it achieve the activities they want etc...the next person who gives my kid the impression that I am not healthy because I am eating carrots instead of cookies is seriously going to get thrown.(I do judo so know how to throw a person without hurting them too badly)

    OH, I hear you there! I try to follow a healthy diet, eating lots of veggies and fruit, limiting the "white carbs", lean protein, healthy fat. I don't bring the junk food into the house because my kids don't need it, either. However, my mom and sister are critical of my choices, and will try to sabotage it any time they can.
  • This may sound super vain but it hit me hard today. I hate shopping with skinny people and I am surrounded by a family of them. I have hit a plateau just can't seem to come off of it for several weeks. Whether truth or not I was convincing myself that all the exercise was toning muscle and that I would see the difference if I just pushed through. Today my DH decides we are going shopping and is super hurt when I don't want to try on new dresses. So I gave in and humored him. Not only did the size I hoped to be not fit and I am just about to tears in the dressing room when he sends my kids to find me. MY DD takes after my husband and is a twig. My DS is more like me but I am trying to teach them to be healthy now regardless of the scale. Anyway, my daughter is looking for me and another woman in the dressing room says to her, "She's upset honey. Mommy is just too fat for the dress now."I could have died butt pushed myself not to say anything or to cry in front of my kids. I want them to learn to eat healthy starting now and to not think about being fat or skinny but to just be healthy
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    My husband shoveing something way not healthy and way fattening in his face then pulling the plate away out of my line of site like I have no self control :explode: There has been a chocolate cake sitting here I havent touched for two days so there :tongue:

    I'm kind of in the same situation, but no one's having to get it away from me. Last weekend, it was cake. This weekend, it's cookies. There on the fridge out of my sight lol, so I won't be tempted to eat one...or two...
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I've the seen the word DH in a lot of topics lately, and I have no clue what it stands for, but my only guess is Darling Husband. Am I right??
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I love working out, but I am so tired of smelling sooooo disgusting every day.
    I feel like a perpetual puddle of sweat.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I've the seen the word DH in a lot of topics lately, and I have no clue what it stands for, but my only guess is Darling Husband. Am I right??

    yep, you are right! (darling, dear, dreadful!....really any "D" word that you can associate with a husband :laugh: )

    DC - darling child
    DD - darling daughter
    DS - darling son
    SO - significant other
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Well why not...I never get sick and apparently I now have a cold and I'm feeling kinda crappy.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I've the seen the word DH in a lot of topics lately, and I have no clue what it stands for, but my only guess is Darling Husband. Am I right??

    yep, you are right! (darling, dear, dreadful!....really any "D" word that you can associate with a husband :laugh: )

    DC - darling child
    DD - darling daughter
    DS - darling son
    SO - significant other

    Thanks. Everything makes much more sense now. :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Well why not...I never get sick and apparently I now have a cold and I'm feeling kinda crappy.

    Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    People who say, "It's alright for you to eat healhtier. I just can't give up _________ (fill in the blank)" Like I don't love chocolate and ice cream and all the rest.:explode:
  • tjackson1
    tjackson1 Posts: 1 Member
    When I was young (30 yrs ago) we had to ask to be excused. Now, with my kids and hubby, I get the table all set first. I don't put the food on the table until I'M ready to sit down with it. Maybe that will help, unless they try to help by putting the food on the table for you before YOU are ready.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    When I was young (30 yrs ago) we had to ask to be excused. Now, with my kids and hubby, I get the table all set first. I don't put the food on the table until I'M ready to sit down with it. Maybe that will help, unless they try to help by putting the food on the table for you before YOU are ready.

    Oh thanks for the tip. Unfortunately it's like you said,,,, My husband either takes the food to the table himself, or he goes ahead and makes a plate while the food is still on the stove... then goes and sits... I get my baby (15 month old) a plate and then by the time I sit down... He's all ready to go...

    Potato buttered, meat cut... etc.etc....

    then... I barely get a salad in my bowl and he's almost done! lol..
  • i was at a church potluck and i went to the dessert table and got a piece of a piece of cake and a cupcake when i went to sit down this guy looks at me and says are you going to eat both of those! i looked him in the face and said yes i am:)
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    This may sound super vain but it hit me hard today. I hate shopping with skinny people and I am surrounded by a family of them. I have hit a plateau just can't seem to come off of it for several weeks. Whether truth or not I was convincing myself that all the exercise was toning muscle and that I would see the difference if I just pushed through. Today my DH decides we are going shopping and is super hurt when I don't want to try on new dresses. So I gave in and humored him. Not only did the size I hoped to be not fit and I am just about to tears in the dressing room when he sends my kids to find me. MY DD takes after my husband and is a twig. My DS is more like me but I am trying to teach them to be healthy now regardless of the scale. Anyway, my daughter is looking for me and another woman in the dressing room says to her, "She's upset honey. Mommy is just too fat for the dress now."I could have died butt pushed myself not to say anything or to cry in front of my kids. I want them to learn to eat healthy starting now and to not think about being fat or skinny but to just be healthy

    That woman needed a drop is not anyone's business to discuss your health/size etc with your kids...We all have our own histories etc that make weight such a personal issue. I have 3 little girls and a little boy. I personally struggled with an eating disorder while in High School. One of my kids has the same body type I did as a kid and I am desperate to teach her healthy attitudes towards food and exercise etc..that is why I am so sensitive to other people interjecting their rude comments to my kids. My private tears might be my way of dealing with my emotions before I pull mysef together and teach a more positive lesson to my kids..."ie..this dress is not the right one for me right comes from finding something that makes you feel great regardless of size or price...this one didn't flatter my strong body...etc" I am very careful to have healthy attitudes and to pass those when I eat a "treat" we treat it as occasional treat to be enjoyed fully..but not for every day..I want them to know that with exercise your body needs fuel..healthy food that helps give energy...I want them to learn that all foods are worth giving a shot...someday broccoli or asparagus might be your favorite...but that if you don't like it after the first bite you don't have to eat it until next time when it might be a bit different...I want them to learn that your body is beautiful and strong and powerful and soft all at the same time. I want people to let me teach my kids and not tell them I have an eating disorder when I am doing the right things.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Well said, kelsully!
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