Why the hell are you sneaking in my got damn kitchen?



  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I know, LOL !! I was stressing my whole family about i'm on a diet and I don't want them to catch me in the act..But , yes you are right my goal is 1900 but for some reason during the day I can only eat about 900-1230 in calories and I'm not usually hungry. But, at night I'm not hungry I just want to munch.

    Thank you for your comment I will try to eat more

    You've got two choices (both are valid and correct): Eat more during the day, or eat where you are now (900-1230 or whatever during the day), and plan evening snacks to reach your 1900.

    I prefer to plan a nice evening snack. Depending on the day, it could be anywhere from 200-500 calories. Nothing wrong with eating late if you're a night owl, just keep it on plan. Eating, say, 1400-1500 calories at your meals still leaves you with a good 400-500 of night noshing. Just work it in, keep it moderate and smart. And log it accurately and honestly.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    for some reason during the day I can only eat about 900-1230 in calories and I'm not usually hungry.

    That's your problem right there--"force" yourself to eat more, especially if you are active. You need to fuel yourself.

    And doesn't the idea of needing to brush your teeth all over again stop you?
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I really need some advice. Okay I usually complete my food entry log around 8pm or 9pm and after I complete my entry I feel really proud of myself, Like YES I ate healthy !!! No snacks, not a lot of sugar, no soda..just water, Yes I did it !!!!!

    So, meanwhile I am a night owl so I usually go to sleep around midnight or a little after midnight so lets just say its midnight. So, This girl sneaks out of bed to tip toe to not wake up her husband and child, she tip toe as if she is robbing the house, she sniffs food like a hound dog and when she finds what she wants, she sneak back in bed and eat everything so quietly to no wake up her husband. She then wakes up the next day to meet the evidence all over her freaking face and teeth (peanut butter, oreo cookies or blue cake icing).

    I finally caught the Witch...Its ME !!!!!! Why the hell are you sneaking in the kitchen? You live here !!!

    How do you stop having midnight cravings?

    Do anyone suggest a food curb supplement (Something that curb your appetite)?

    I like the GNC Store or the Vitamin Shoppe so if you do suggest something than I prefer it to be in one of those places because I'm heading there on Friday. My cravings are always at Midnight or a little after.

    Why on earth are you eating this stuff in bed? Eat in the kitchen.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I know, LOL !! I was stressing my whole family about i'm on a diet and I don't want them to catch me in the act..But , yes you are right my goal is 1900 but for some reason during the day I can only eat about 900-1230 in calories and I'm not usually hungry. But, at night I'm not hungry I just want to munch.

    Thank you for your comment I will try to eat more

    It doesn't matter as long as you have calories left. And those munchies could be indication of actual hunger - sometimes our signals get messed up, especially if we're not eating enough and the body adapts to the lower intake. If you're worried about eating too much, get yummy but light/health snacks like 100 cal packs of almonds or light butter popcorn or protein bars - and of course fruits and veggies are great options too.

    Stop sneaking, it's a bad habit to get into.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Leave room in your daily calorie intake for a snack. I like the weight watchers smart ones desserts or frozen yogurt with berries. Usually around 120-140 calories. Last night I had yogurt before bed. I know I sleep a little better with a little something on my stomach. I try not deprive myself either if I want a little sweet.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I was doing this too. I increased my calories to 1300.
    I also have a section in my diary for 12am to 6 am

    Since I am eating more during the day I have not needed this section.

    Long story short...eat a little more during the day.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    I have a Pavlovian instinct when I snuggle up in bed right before I go to sleep with my laptop to watch a few YouTube videos before sleep (nightly, it's like my "stories," lol) that makes me want to eat a snack. Any snack. Used to be fast food. I've learned that there are certain things I just can't have in my house, even with the best of intentions - ice cream and non-frozen pizza, mostly. So I keep veggie straws and goldfish crackers in my cabinets because you get a lot of them for not much calorically, and I still feel like I'm having my own private little meal. Maybe leave room for ~100-200 calories of a snack right before bedtime? You won't be depriving yourself of anything.

    Alternatively, I also take melatonin supplements to help with sleep. Maybe that?
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    OP you are logging like 1200 calories worth of food with no indication that you are eating extra food at night. Why? It happened, even if you don't tell MFP.

    Try this: For one whole week, log everything you eat, even if you go over and it "looks bad." Look at when you eat, what you eat, when you're hungry. The following week, plan your meals to match these calorie spikes/cravings for certain foods and try to stay within your goal - maybe 1600-1700 calories a day instead of 1200.

    edit: i can't type
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Certainly looks like the culprit is not eating enough. The day before was below 1200 cals. Op, it really isn't necessary to attempt starvation to lose weight. As you can see, it is backfiring for you. You can peek at my diary. Once I'm done, I'm done for the day and feel no need to go running around looking for more foodl. I eat 1400-1500 per day. And I am losing. Since you eat a bunch of food at night, BTW, as hard as it is to do, you need to log it. Looks like you didn't log any of that snacking you did. It does count, you know.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I have a large breakfast, a medium lunch, and a small dinner. By evening I'm not really hungry enough to snack. Try eating snacks in between too so that you're not hungry all at once late at night. I also keep a bottle of water near my bed so when I wake up in the night I drink some then go back to sleep.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,526 Member
    i gotta read this too..i need to stop snacking after 9

  • deborahgillion55
    deborahgillion55 Posts: 21 Member
    Drink your recommended water every day. It keeps you from getting dehydrated which has a lot of miserable, unhealthy side effects. Your cravings will disappear once your body adjusts. You won't be craving all that unhealthy junk food. Best of luck to you :drinker:
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    I used to have the same problem. When I wake up in the middle of the night it's pee, try to keep eyes closed and in sleep mode as much as possible, head back to bed, big drink of water, and do a little mental meditation until I fall back asleep. Avoid the kitchen at all costs. For me it's willpower. Also, I take melatonin that helps me sleep better and more soundly so when I do wake up to pee in the middle of the night I'm not WIDE awake and get back to sleep more easily.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1) have a reasonable deficit and eat what you like during the day in moderatin so you're not tempted to binge on it.
    2) just go to sleep. Seriously. For me the late evening cravings are the easiest to ignore, just get to sleep and you'll wake up and have forgotten all about them.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    How do you stop having midnight cravings?

    I eat late at night. Solves the problem.
  • Mindripple
    Mindripple Posts: 3 Member
    A HUGE help for me with night cravings: eat a LOT of naturally high-fiber food early in the day. Oatmeal with soymilk (has fiber) and fresh fruit on top as the only sweetener ( a cup of raspberries is VERY sweet). A salad that's loaded with veggies, or maybe a big bowl of steamed veggies in the afternoon. Legumes! split pea or lentil soup.

    If you want to eat very low calorie, then you have to eat huge amounts of veggies.

    Your body will literally fill up, no space for more, and it will telll your brain to stop sending so much food!

    Bottom line advice: you have to kill night cravings long before they start by filling up your body with the good stuff.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Any supplement for appetite suppressant is going to have a lot of caffeine in it and make it difficult to sleep. Plus, they generally only help for the first week or so, if even that. Working on becoming more disciplined is probably the best thing. Or just eat less during the day and save some calories for night time.
  • calebgummie
    calebgummie Posts: 2 Member
    My goodness you sound like my twin. I am back on MFP after leaving for about two months. Started off with a bang lost ten pounds and gained 6 of it back. My biggest issue is in the middle of the night. I am up at 1 a.m. like clock work. First to use the bathroom and then next to raid the cabinets. I try to do well all day and then the middle of the night comes and bam it's over. I really just need someone telling me I can do this. I am going on a year now cigarette free why is it that food is so difficult to overcome?
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Learn willpower. That's all you need.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    My goodness you sound like my twin. I am back on MFP after leaving for about two months. Started off with a bang lost ten pounds and gained 6 of it back. My biggest issue is in the middle of the night. I am up at 1 a.m. like clock work. First to use the bathroom and then next to raid the cabinets. I try to do well all day and then the middle of the night comes and bam it's over. I really just need someone telling me I can do this. I am going on a year now cigarette free why is it that food is so difficult to overcome?

    You CAN do this!! You can do it with all of us, we're in this together. :) If I can do it, you can!