rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • NoXCuses4me
    You're the perfect weight for your height - if you were seven feet tall!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    "When are you due?" I wasn't pregnant.

    My grandfather used to call me "dumptruck" when I was 8-14. Then one day I told him that I could lose weight but old and stupid are chronic conditions. It used to really hurt my feelings being a hormonal teen/pre-teen. Made me realize why my dad is the way he is.
  • NoXCuses4me
    By the way, you should NEVER ask a woman "when are you due" or "are you pregnant" unless she is screaming on the floor and you see the baby crowning...
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    "You are so skinny it isn't beautiful anymore."

    I mean, please? I have never asked for anyone's opinion on my beauty/body/whatever. Say the same thing to a fat person and run.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    My wedding is in 2 months and MY FATHER said I was "massively fat" - I should "starve for a few weeks" or I would lose my fiancee.......

    ...and that would be the last i spoke to my father for a while.

    I got the "You'll never find a husband if you eat like that" from my dad when I was 14. Nice. Love how those comments stick with you.
  • HamptonPhoenix
    HamptonPhoenix Posts: 108 Member
    By the way, you should NEVER ask a woman "when are you due" or "are you pregnant" unless she is screaming on the floor and you see the baby crowning...

    Hahahaha. Loved this post. This should be a law! Lol
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I was at universal orlando with a commemorative slurpie mug and popcorn bucket... This FATHER waiting in line for the same bus coming back to the hotel asked demeaningly, "are you gonna share that with everyone?" IN FRONT OF HIS 2 KIDS AND WIFE ! :noway:
  • ashleyd1210
    ashleyd1210 Posts: 11 Member
    I get the "you are so skinny/tiny" alot. It is rather annoying and I find it rude. Its the same as saying to someone "you are soo fat". I am 4'11 and 115 lbs. I am a HEALTHY weight for my height. Yes, I may weigh 50 lbs less than you, but you are also many inches taller. Just because someone is "tiny" does not mean they starve themselves.
  • GlutesthatSalute
    GlutesthatSalute Posts: 460 Member
    I used to be made fun of in HS for my THICK legs.. in a hallway of rail thin white chicks I was an obvious outcast.. Thank Goodness curves came in.. Being called THUNDER Thighs at 15 was not my most enjoyable part of being in school

    I love your thighs :love: :flowerforyou:

    Aweeeeeeeee hahahahah .. you're so sweet to me
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member
    I was teased all throughout my childhood for being the chubby kid. I was the girl that guys would ask if my friends would date them. But never me. Even kids that were bigger than me, would tease me for being chubby.

    Some of the comments I've been getting after I lost weight have actually bothered me more:

    Co-worker: "You have a better face, but [insert co-workers name here] has the better body."

    Co-worker: "Before you were cute, now you're pretty." "Don't get too skinny, you don't want to lose your hips" My reply: "I have been my goal weight before and trust me I didn't lose anything." Her response, "We'll see."

    Co- worker: "you're withering away!" (Definition of withering: intended to make someone feel mortified or humiliated / noun: the action of becoming dry and shriveled.) So NO I am NOT withering away.

    Co-worker: I told her how much I lost and she replies, "Wow, I mean I believe you but, I didn't know you were that big. It must has been mostly muscle." (No you idiot, out of 36 lbs. lost, it was not mostly muscle.)

    I have other people at my job telling me that I don't need to lose as much as I still want too. I lost 37 lbs., and would like to lose at least another 35 lbs. A co-worker of mine said, "That's too much. You don't want to get too skinny and lose your curves. 20 more lbs. and you'll be prefect trust me." Me: Told her straight up I'm not listening to you and rolled my eyes and walked away. She doesn't even believe in a healthy weight range.

    As you can see, people at my job have no filter whatsoever. And I never bring up my weight or my weight loss journey. People approach me and compliment me, and then say the comments above. It can never just be a compliment and that's it. There is always a negative followed by the positive. I could put money on it.
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 72 Member
    I just want to tell every single one of you on this thread how very proud I am of you.
  • MaureensFreshStart
    MaureensFreshStart Posts: 102 Member
    My heart is just hurting reading through all these comments, and how unbelievable cruel some people can be :( Growing up my mom weighed the same as she did upon graduating high school (super skinny, and always on the move), so she'd make "helpful" comments occasionally calling me "pleasantly plump". Shortly after I got married (5'5, 114 pounds), my then husband and I made the move cross country from VA to CA - and within that first year I gained 20 pounds, finally away from her influence. She and my dad came out to visit, and upon returning home two wks later, she called me out of the blue one afternoon with the following: "You aren't pregnant are you?" I told her that I wasn't, and that if I was, I would have happily shared the news with them, because it was actually something that we wanted. She replied "I was just looking over the pictures that we had taken while we were out there, and oh my goodness, you've gotten SO heavy."

    I remember my jaw actually dropping, and I was at a loss for words because hers were so hurtful. I told my then husband what she had said when he came home that evening, and he was LIVID - it had taken him that whole year to finally get me to see that he thought I was beautiful just the way I was, and that the way she viewed food/exercise/being skinny was totally on her, and NOT a reflection on how anyone else saw me. I decided not to talk to her for awhile after that - until my father called me about a month later and asked me to please mend fences because she was making his life a living hell talking about the fact that I refused to speak with her when she would call. A few days later she called again, and I picked up to hear her half hearted apology "I'm sorry if what I said upset you, I was just surprised, that's all."

    At 5'5 and 134 pounds she thought I needed her to tell me what she thought about my weight - um no, I really didn't.

    Now that I think about it, I remember another incident when I was in middle school (11 yrs old, 5'1 and around 110) - she came across a note that I had written a friend telling her how I thought a certain boy was cute. Her response? "You shouldn't be passing notes in class.....and really, do you honestly think a boy would be interested in you?" - Wow, just reading that makes me shake my head.

    My daughter (now 15) started to gain a little weight when she was around the same age, and my mom made the mistake of saying something about it when we were visiting one summer. I INSTANTLY made sure she understood that was unacceptable, and that I would NOT have my child have the same tapes playing in her head that I did in mine based on what SHE thought. Mama Bear x 1000, you betcha.

    Interestingly, I'm now ten pounds heavier than I was when she thought I was "so heavy" after her first trip to CA - and during our last visit together (a few months ago) she made it a point of telling me "how great I look" - perhaps she's finally realized a few things since then (I would certainly hope so)?
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    not specifically "said"... but definitely an insult nonetheless...

    i used to date a guy who lived outside knoxville, tn. his mother didn't like me because i was a non-christian yankee, and not skinny by any means. the one christmas i spent with them, she picked out a v-neck sweater and mock turtleneck for me (despite the fact that i can't wear turtlenecks, they make me feel like i'm choking). the insult was that she'd purchased them from lane bryant, even though it was in the smallest size they carry.

    at the time, i'd never heard of lane bryant because there weren't any up near me. i normally got my nicer clothes from express, which coincidentally was where my ex-bf's mom bought most of her daughter's clothes. it took me years before i realized what she'd done.

    side story... her daughter (ex-bf's little sister) was thin, and their parents' friends always used to tease her about being too skinny. i clearly remember one night, i was in the bathroom and overheard them telling her she needed to gain 10 pounds. i clearly remember her response: "no, because then i'd be 115lbs and that's just too heavy!" i was in the 180 range at the time.
  • MamaNatalie13
    A stranger asking if I was pregnant, 14 months after my daughter was born. This was after I'd lost most of the weight! She then laughed and said haha I'm just kidding! (I was 140lbs at the time and didn't think I looked bad!)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I play on an Indoor Soccer League. Goalkeeper. Last week, I stiopped a shot and then rolled the ball out of the box and started dribbling downfield. Young kid tried to steal the ball, I juked him and ran past.

    After the game he came up to me and said "I would have never thought you were that fast." All he needed to add was "...for a fat guy." or "...for an old guy."
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Well, I've been mistaken for pregnant. The person, a complete stranger, looked at my belly and said "a boy or a girl?" and I shouted "IM NOT PREGNANT. I'M JUST FAT. THANKS A LOT!" So then he scuttled away and I hope he learned something from it.
  • LadyGisborne
    LadyGisborne Posts: 32 Member
    A girl pointed at me asked her boyfriend (very loudly) : "Would you still be with me if I looked like that?"
    I really, really hope she is fat now.

    A mother whose daughter was having a tantrum told her "No, you can't have sweets or you will end up like the fat, ugly lady over there".

    The most hurtful comments came from my family. I am not even going to mention them.
  • PudgyPanda91
    PudgyPanda91 Posts: 72 Member
    fairly recently a bunch of my younger coworkers (16-19 y/o girls) decided they were going to do the master cleanse... that weird, just drink water with cayenne and lemon in it, or something like that, diet. i told them that it was unnecessary and a really bad way to go about losing weight... which they didn't need to do anyways. one of them said something along the lines of "well maybe if you tried it...".

    she since then apologized and all the other girls told her how rude it was. it doesn't really bother me 'cuz i've been getting things like that forever, but i've since stopped saying anything about their weird crash diets.
  • TrainingToBePerfect
    TrainingToBePerfect Posts: 1,418 Member
    I was about 17 someone looked at me and said congrats, didn't know you were pregnant she was like 50 .
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I lost 84lbs over the course of 2 years excercising and watching what i was eating, the mother-in-law pullled my wife to one said and asked if i was using heroin!!!!!!! Then started to constantly ask me if i was ill and that she was concerned about me.......stopped losing after that as i got fed up of all the criticism off her, gained 60lbs back and now im back here...this time going to ignore her comments though