Feeling bummed- I ate chips



  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I was under until my husband surprised me with a rummy drink. It made me go a bit over, and I don't care because that drink was delicious and a nice gesture. I won't gain ten pounds overnight from it, and I'll probably sleep better for it.

    You ate a reasonable portion. That shows some good self control! Sounds more like an nsv to me.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Don't be bummed, be awesome! Go get a burn in and the chips are gone! :)
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    If 25 chips sets one back, then my entire time on MFP has been one giant set back - one where I've lost close to 60 lbs in 8 and a half months. I'll have chips as an occasional treat, so long as I fit them into my daily calorie limit. However, I prefer chocolate and french fries, so when I have a bit of extra wiggle room in my day, I will get some fries fresh from the grease at McDonalds :D
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    Log it and continue with your day. I'm sure it won't put you that much over for the day, if at all.

    Also, remember that it's okay to have a treat once in a while. If you want chips, work them into your calories/macros and enjoy them!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Log it and move on. There is no such thing as a "bad" food. If the chips fit into your calorie goal, you eat them and continue on with life.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    haha thanks for all the comments. I felt good waking up this morning, felt leaner and stronger. Excited to have another week of eating right, working out, and reporting my weigh in saturday AM.
  • heyitsnicolelee
    heyitsnicolelee Posts: 39 Member
    When I do something like this, I make sure to burn off every calorie I ate at the gym and not eat any excess exercise calories back that day.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    . I figure if I cut out bad foods that I used to enjoy I eventually won't miss them. I've learned I can have healthy food that tastes delicious.

    Portion control!!

    I am still eating foods I enjoy, but in smaller quantities. If I try to totally give up the "bad" foods, I end up pigging out on it. Therefore, I don't consider food "good" or "bad" or deny myself any food that I like. I just work out a bit extra and fit the calories of a smaller serving of whatever it is (cheesecake, ice cream, pizza, etc) into that my day. No guilt at all!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    lol I ate like half a bag of chips today.

    One or two servings or even a whole bag isn't going to make you instantly gain weight.

    Yesterday I literally, no joke, ate 1/2 a family size bag of dips and an entire container of cheese dip. I weigh 130 pounds at 5'8". Not scared that I'll get fat or gain weight. It's just food. You live and learn. I usually ate very well. Everyone splurges sometimes. Although, 1-2 serving sizes in my opinion isn't really a splurge lol
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    When I do something like this, I make sure to burn off every calorie I ate at the gym and not eat any excess exercise calories back that day.

    Why? The calories in the chips are no different than any other calories you eat.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    When I do something like this, I make sure to burn off every calorie I ate at the gym and not eat any excess exercise calories back that day.

    Why? The calories in the chips are no different than any other calories you eat.

    I disagree Maidentl. Although calories are just a number- I much rather have those calories in brown rice and chicken breast. I just feel better when I eat good calories versus bad calories even though the number may be the same.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I had chips today too. A 66g bag for 360 calories. My first real treat in 101 days. They were cinnamon bun flavour. Suprisingly good. Log them and carry on.
    They make cinnamon bun potato chips?!
  • kiara1066
    kiara1066 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey, it's okay to treat yourself sometimes like sundays is always my cheat day. But come Monday I try to stay at my calorie range goal. However, sometimes you can eat chips just make sure it's not too high in calories or fats.
  • Srendon1111
    Srendon1111 Posts: 21 Member
    It's okay. Log and move on. I had chips and queso yesterday and today. I'm addicted. Lol. But it's just food. As long as you know okay I had chips my next snack will be apples your fine. Just don't let all your hard work come undone.

    It's just food. Food is nourishment for our bodies. Brush it off and live life!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    The problem is that they were Ruffles, not Utz Red Hot. Had they been Utz Red Hot, you would not feel bummed.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    I had chips today too... logged it and moved on... you cant for the rest of your life realistically never have another chip...
  • BoatsnHose
    BoatsnHose Posts: 120 Member
    20 - 25 ruffles?

    You're taking this way too seriously.

    This. OP is acting like a drama queen.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    surrriously? a) what's wrong with chips? b) what's wrong with that amount of chips c) why would that magically make you gain weight or some such thing?
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I'm just now reading this stuff back.....what's with all these "i slipped up and ate this....i slipped up and ate that...." comments? Why are specific foods being considered "slip ups" even when the consumption of said item couldn't have even been considered to be in excess? Samosas? cake? chips? It's just food. an inanimate object (unless you like your "slip up steak" really REALLY rare)...why do people give it so much power that the type consumed can make them feel like they've failed somehow. My favourite cake at the grocery store is about 1600 calories for the whole 10 inch round. If I have that much room for a snack in my day, you can bet I will have no qualms about sitting down with a fork and killing that whole thing.
  • rainbowfaye
    rainbowfaye Posts: 68 Member
    Now I want chips for dinner. So I'm gonna go get some. Yay!