What to eat when you have excess calories? Like over 600+



  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Ben and Jerry's. Nuff said
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I did not binge, I do NOT binge. I spent the whole day crying because I missed my kids and grand baby so freaking much. I had an off day is all because of it. And even that is very unusual for me. And thanks to this dude I'm now back having to defend my reason for eating something and it's brought up that very deep hurt, that very painful, heart ripping feeling.

    I'd say that's categorically binging- eating excessive amounts of food for emotional reasons??

    and yes- I'm straight up judging you- toughen up butter cup- missing someone isn't a reason to bury your face into food- you have to re-evaluate your relationship with food and find a better way to manage your emotions- we all have bad days- no one is saying they don't- but you have to manage yourself.

    Secondly- hunger is a HORRID way to tell if you need to eat.
    If I used hunger to determine when to feed myself I"d be a fat heifer- why because i'm hungry ALL THE TIME.

    And clearly you've never had to bulk- you want those gains- you want to get swole- guess what for months on end- you over eat- you set alarms to eat- you eat before you go to bed- you eat when you wake up- you hit all you can eat sushi buffets- you drink so much milk it makes you sick.

    Because the goal is more important than how I feel RIGHT NOW in this moment.

    If you have upwards of 1000 calorie deficit you should probably do something about it- hunger or other wise. I try to keep mine no greater than 500. Sometimes if I have a long day and not much time to eat- I wind up having only had 1000 or so for the day and earned significantly more- and leaves me with almost 1500 to eat... guess what- that's unacceptable. gotta go home and have a big glass of milk and several servings of ice cream. Plain and simple.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Again did NOT give advice, hidden or otherwise. I close my diary yes, because of people like you


    "IMO if your not hungry, I mean truly not hungry, why eat? Why do you feel the need to put into your mouth if your not hungry? I don't understand this. Didn't you get overweight by eating when you weren't hungry? "

    Can be seen as advice not to eat when not hungry so...

    Yeah you gave advice.

    Not to jump on you, but I have to agree, you're basically giving advice not to eat if he's not hungry. Also, you can't make assumptions about why someone became overweight. As long as he's within his calorie goal for the day, hungry or not, it doesn't matter. He still needs proper nutrition.

    I disagree, eat if your hungry don't eat if your not. If he is consistently adding to his diary thru out the day then he should know if he's going to come in under and eat accordingly the next meal. Add in the higher calorie count stuff to get his counts up. But I'm NOT going to eat just because I'm under calories. And honestly I was just asking WHY people feel the need to eat just because they come in under calories one or two days.

    It really isn't going to harm you to under eat a day or two a week, as long as your getting what you need the rest of the week. I'm just trying to understand why people feel the need to overeat. If your still hungry and you've got no extra calories I suggest you eat. You don't have to eat a bag of reece cups but you should at least drink some water and if in 30 minutes your still hungry then grab something healthy and eat it.

    I admit to not eating as well now as I used to when I first started but right now I'm being pulled in 30 different ways but I'm doing what I can the best that I can. With the exception of a bad day last week (as far as that bag of reece cups go) if I want something I usually fit it into my day and enjoy it. The one day I was low, I was on the road and ate that evening to get in my protein because I knew I needed it. 3 egg omelet with ham and cheese, grits and toast. I was full after that and did not feel the need to eat more just because I was low, not to mention I was in a hotel room and was tired from driving all day and just wanted to sleep. This is why I was so angry.

    No need to judge what you see on someone's diary because you don't know what happened that day to cause them to eat low or even overeat. Or even two days in the week and some cases even longer. They may have the flu or something and can't eat. But you don't know that and to jump in and judge them and make that assumption is wrong. I used to get mad when people would say that I was fat because I over ate, I'm like I do NOT over eat, but reality is yes I did. I may not have at that sitting but I did overeat. So I maybe should have said it differently about the overeating, but I think it still holds true.

    It sounds like he's eating like that more often than once or twice a week, with the exception of this past week, but since his diary is closed, and he has failed to return to the thread to offer any more information, we can't know this for sure. He would probably benefit from reading this, though. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/why-big-caloric-deficits-and-lots-of-activity-can-hurt-fat-loss.html Paragraphs added to PP for easier reading.

    ETA that I am the same as JoRocka. I'm hungry almost all the time, so if I was eating according to hunger cues, I'd be gaining.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Some of the stuff listed in this thread I would cringe at.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I know what I would eat. Used to get a chocolate peanut butter milkshake at TCBY when I was a kid. I'd make that. Only with good ice cream :smile:

    The sad thing is that with 600 cals, that'd probably be a kiddie size.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    IMO if your not hungry, I mean truly not hungry, why eat? Why do you feel the need to put into your mouth if your not hungry? I don't understand this. Didn't you get overweight by eating when you weren't hungry?

    How do you know how somebody else got overweight? After looking through your last week's worth of diary entries, I personally wouldn't accept any dietary advice from you ... less than 700 total calories one day, a whole bag of Reese's another ... one extreme or another.

    yep cause that's how I do things.......NOT......I don't usually eat with my emotions but last week I did. And my calorie intake is quite frankly non of your damn business and neither is what I eat. And what gives you the right to judge me? You don't know me. And your telling me that (I'm assuming you are or were overweight) that you didn't get that way by eating when you weren't hungry? I had a very emotional week last week and your going to judge me without knowing the why's or what's of it...SMDH. You should be ashamed of yourself for dipping in my business where you clearly have no reason to be. STFO of my personal space.

    YOU put the information in the public domain. YOU chose to tell others how to eat. YOU made general statements that don't hold true. YOU made assumptions that are not true. Get as upset as YOU want, but directing that anger at me is misplaced. Look in a mirror and yell at the person you see there. They are the common denominator in all of this.

    If YOU bothered to pay attention .. I didn't judge you. I simply stated that I would not take dietary advice from you. A wise decision based on your public diary and public admission that you "had a very emotional week" that somehow justifies an entire bag of Reese's (according to YOUR diary). Telling others what they should do when you don't do it yourself is hypocritical ... again, something you should discuss with the person you see in the mirror.

    If truth makes you lash out and tell others to "STFO" (as though initials truly hide your profane intent) ... it is revealing.

    I did NOT give dietary advice. I said why would anyone feel the need to force yourself to eat if you aren't hungry. I did not say don't do it. And yes I get upset when you judge me based on things you know nothing about. And didn't care to find out before you posted it. I also didn't give you any advice what so ever, you or the OP. And yes you were and still are judging me. I did eat that bag and at the time I enjoyed every bite of it, not so much after it was said and done. But it's whatever. And yes I did put the initials in to hide the profanity only because saying it outright would get me a nice little love note from the MODS. And revealing HOW? Because I curse and eat bags of Reece's I'm a bad person. You don't know crap about me and thankfully I don't have people like you on my friends list.
    The person I see in the mirror has lost over 200lbs in two years and I've very proud of her. She's worked her butt off getting to where she is today, she's not perfect and she sometimes fails at what she does, but she doesn't let it define her or her ability to get back up work even harder to get to where she wants to be. If she listened to people like you she may decide to not get back up because apparently she's not worth the effort because she had a bad day.
    My General Statement DOES hold true...Why eat if your not hungry?

    I just want to say that this is a ridiculous statement. If you are meeting your calorie goals for the day, then you are absolutely correct, you should NOT be eating if you're not hungry.

    However, if you are under by an extreme amount a) you need to eat the majority of those calories so that you reach your BMR, or b) you seriously need to take a look at whether you are logging correctly.

    There are a WIDE variety of reasons that would cause someone to have little to no appetite, but that doesn't mean they can survive at an extreme deficit.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Some of the stuff listed in this thread I would cringe at.

    I know, right? I'm cringing every time I read a "Nah, you're cool bro. Keep eating a massive deficit. Hunger cues yadda yadda."
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    I find myself after days I workout or go cycling to have a huge amount of calories in excess from MFP diary.

    What are some of the things everyone eats that is healthy but still can help count against those calories.

    My issue is that by the end of the day I could be sitting with a surplus of 600+ calories and I feel my body is not getting the nutrition it really needs to be efficient. I try to eat as close to 1800 calories a day. Some days I hit it and some I am under a couple hundred. I am never hungry though.

    A thought was triggered in me because over the weekend - I did not get a chance to work out like I wanted to and in a span of 7 days I only went to the gym once and had a nice walk/hike on another day.

    This resulted in me loosing 3lbs in one week (I ate well and did not overeat while I was away) - could this be because on normal weeks when I cycle and workout I am doing calisthenics 1-2 times a week with an average 2-3 rides during that same time of 60-80 miles during that time. Am I just not eating enough?

    If so what to eat?

    Make good choices,

    There was a thread about Chipotle on here recently...
  • Pictureclepto
    Pictureclepto Posts: 9 Member
    My husband and I frequently have excess calories from exercise, especially when we're going for bike rides. Often times in the evenings we'll have Skinny Cow ice cream treat and a beer to add extra calories... we call it our ice cream and beer diet and it got to a point where the treat wasn't even a treat anymore. To get extra calories I try to snack throughout the day on greek yogurt, low fat cheese, nuts, low fat microwave popcorn. That way I'm not stuck trying to eat a whole lot during the evening when I'm just not hungry.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Depending on my macros at the time:

    A whole avocado sprinkled with lime juice
    Chocolate-frosted chocolate cupcake
    Chips with guacamole or hummus
    Fluffernutter sandwich
    Dr. Pepper float with vanilla frozen yogurt
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    A thought was triggered in me because over the weekend - I did not get a chance to work out like I wanted to and in a span of 7 days I only went to the gym once and had a nice walk/hike on another day.

    This resulted in me loosing 3lbs in one week (I ate well and did not overeat while I was away) - could this be because on normal weeks when I cycle and workout I am doing calisthenics 1-2 times a week with an average 2-3 rides during that same time of 60-80 miles during that time. Am I just not eating enough?

    OP, in case you get this far... If you normally work out 7 days a week and only got in 2 days last week, part of your loss could be due to loss of water/glycogen retention. When you work out, your muscle retain water and glycogen as part of the healing process and usually keep up that retention as long as your workouts are regular. Once you stop working out for a few days, that can be released which can cause a decrease on the scale.

    Could be water loss for other reasons too. Or maybe you just got a whoosh...weight loss isn't linear.

    However, it is a good idea to have a more reasonable calorie deficit so it's a good question.

    I had almost 600 calories yesterday and ended up eating 1/2 a cup of trail mix (it's so calorie dense, that was almost 300 cal) and stopped at McD's on the way home for a dipped cone (270 cal). Everyone's definition of healthy is different but here are a few more "whole" ways to consume those calories without eating a large volume of food:

    Nuts, seeds, dried fruit, (mix em all together - trail mix), whole eggs, lean meats, avocado, etc.
    Google calorie dense foods for more ideas.

    FYI, you don't have to eat all our calories in the same day. Try to eat close to goal but if you have a couple hundred, you could always save them for the next day - as long as the overall average is good, it's no big deal. This could even be a good idea. I know sometimes I'm more hungry the day after a good burn than I am that day.
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    Cashews and macadamia nuts are my favorite choices for calorie dense snacks. :)
  • kleighc1
    kleighc1 Posts: 1 Member
    whatever I have been craving and not indulged in
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Reading the rants in here makes me think of this video...


    To the OP:

    Nut butters (If you like chocolate - Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut butter is divine!)
    Baked Potato topped with BBQ Pork and cheese (am having this tonight for dinner mmmmm)
    Ice Cream
    Cheesecake (!!!!)
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    Peanut butter!

    The jury seems to be all in on peanut butter. I agree and take it one step further by making a peanut butter shake.

    32g Peanut Butter
    24g PB2
    1 Greek Yogurt Bar (Caramel or Chocolate variety)
    1 Chocolate Protein Shake serving (Costco is my favorite but a powder with milk or water works fine too)

    It's a massive boost of protein and healthy fat, fairly low on sugar, and tastes incredible. You can adjust it to provide between 300-600 calories by increasing or decreasing the peanut butter serving or replacing the yogurt bar with ice.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Bourbon and Bacon

  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Did anyone even ask what OP's goals are?

    Is he interested in weight loss, performance, strength, or bulk?

    Does he have problems in general with nutrition? Is he feeling tired or hungry? Does he have disordered eating? Is he trying to lose 100 lbs or 5? Does he have trouble sticking with his plan?

    The successful dieter you guys are hating on in this thread has exactly one goal - weight loss. She has lost 200 POUNDS. I'm like her, my primary goal right now is weight loss, not bulk or strength. And she's right, IF that's your only goal, then if you're not hungry, you don't eat.

    I'll also say this about her bag of Reese's ... she made a mistake, logged it and moved on. And she's still here, and still losing. How does anything else matter for someone trying to break a lifetime of bad eating habits?

    Most of the comments on this thread don't make sense to me. I think of my daily calories like a budget. The goal is not to go over, but if you're under - that's more in the bank. But then, I've never understood people who spend down their entire paycheck leaving nothing in the bank, either, so maybe I'm just weird.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
This discussion has been closed.