So you want a nice stomach



  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
  • prisky780
    prisky780 Posts: 30 Member
    Does that mean, I don't NEED to do cardio? I can just continuously do weight lifting for 3 times a week and that should do it? I know you have mentioned 30 minutes cardio one or twice a week is good for the heart but it's optional, right?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Does that mean, I don't NEED to do cardio? I can just continuously do weight lifting for 3 times a week and that should do it? I know you have mentioned 30 minutes cardio one or twice a week is good for the heart but it's optional, right?

    Weight loss comes through a calorie deficit. Strength training and protein ensure that most of that weight is fat. You can lose weight without cardio. I hate cardio, but I think people should do it anyway. There are plenty of people who went from fat to fit without cardio. If you decide to not do cardio at all you can still get a lean physique as long as you are careful with your food intake. You may notice at some point that you feel you need it. There are some cardiovascular benefits to strength training, so you won't miss out on that entirely. I think if you aren't doing cardio you will want to lift more than 3 days a week and consider doing a hypertrophy routine instead of a strength one.
  • I always thought that as well…BUT now I know that is absolutely NOT TRUE…you can have RIPPED ABS after having kids. I have a friend that is amazing, she has 3 boys and they are very young, she is in the best shape anyone could possibly be in. Her abs are absolutely ripped, it is unreal. I work out so much but I still can't get the abs she has. She is just one mass muscle…kudos to my amazing friend, she is truly an inspiration to me and many other woman at our gym…..
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I have a question just done my tdee on a website and it says 1542 (cos at the min I don't exercise) and when you take away 20% it works out about 1234, is this how I am suppose to work it out?? (At the min mfp is set to 1370 cos I told it I wanted to lose 1/2lb a wk)
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you for sharing your sane even keel wisdom.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    its not happening
    crunches dont work
    and ive talked to Chris Powell
    who said exercises that work entire body

    no food will do it
    no cardio will do it
  • ghurl7
    ghurl7 Posts: 27 Member
    bottom line :

    simple and very real answer : diet + exercise = successful, healthy results
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    its not happening
    crunches dont work
    and ive talked to Chris Powell
    who said exercises that work entire body

    no food will do it
    no cardio will do it

    I don't think you read anything that I wrote.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I have a question just done my tdee on a website and it says 1542 (cos at the min I don't exercise) and when you take away 20% it works out about 1234, is this how I am suppose to work it out?? (At the min mfp is set to 1370 cos I told it I wanted to lose 1/2lb a wk)

    You are within 20 pounds of your goal and not exercising. You don't have to use 20%, you can use 10% or 15%. The reason why I said to use 20 is because most the people following ALL the advice I gave will have a higher TDEE from the exercise. If you aren't exercising and you don't have much to lose then your TDEE will be lower (you'll also have to be careful with intake because not weighing something as simple as peanut butter could put you over your TDEE very easy).
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    its not happening
    crunches dont work
    and ive talked to Chris Powell
    who said exercises that work entire body

    no food will do it
    no cardio will do it

    Do you even read?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    its not happening
    crunches dont work
    and ive talked to Chris Powell
    who said exercises that work entire body

    no food will do it
    no cardio will do it

    Do you even read?

    Last time I posted something along those lines, I got my posts nuked. Someone's watching...

    ... not that I'm too paranoid, right?
  • shaythep
    shaythep Posts: 73 Member
    Love this
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    :heart: OP :heart:

    You're my new role model. Your back looks amazing!!!
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I have a question just done my tdee on a website and it says 1542 (cos at the min I don't exercise) and when you take away 20% it works out about 1234, is this how I am suppose to work it out?? (At the min mfp is set to 1370 cos I told it I wanted to lose 1/2lb a wk)

    You are within 20 pounds of your goal and not exercising. You don't have to use 20%, you can use 10% or 15%. The reason why I said to use 20 is because most the people following ALL the advice I gave will have a higher TDEE from the exercise. If you aren't exercising and you don't have much to lose then your TDEE will be lower (you'll also have to be careful with intake because not weighing something as simple as peanut butter could put you over your TDEE very easy).

    Ahhhh ok I get it now sorry for being thick lol ????
    Will try 10% and see how I get on and then increase when I start exercising again (hopefully it works for me ???? need rid of my mummy tummy lol) oh and congrats on the weight loss etc...
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Question: Okay so I went to the website you suggested for TDEE and put in all the info they asked for. I decided to look at the whole thing, and it's telling me that it will take me a year to lose 60lbs using "intermittant fasting" can you please help me understand why it is such a slow approach? I realize it's not going to happen overnight (it's taken me 3 months to knock off 14lbs) but this just seems way too slow!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Ok so now that I've done the math it sounds like I'll be losing a pound a week for the next year, going at my pace. >.< It sounds SOOOO SLOOOOOW though! I want to lose 2lbs per week! I'd like to fix my health issues a little faster! :p
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Ok so now that I've done the math it sounds like I'll be losing a pound a week for the next year, going at my pace. >.< It sounds SOOOO SLOOOOOW though! I want to lose 2lbs per week! I'd like to fix my health issues a little faster! :p

    More likely than not, you'll notice your health markers improving as you lose the weight and/or get fitter. Whether you do 1 lb per week or two, the point is to select an approach you can actually stick to for the long haul and accomplish your goal. One year is going to come and go, anyway. Where do you want to be?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Question: Okay so I went to the website you suggested for TDEE and put in all the info they asked for. I decided to look at the whole thing, and it's telling me that it will take me a year to lose 60lbs using "intermittant fasting" can you please help me understand why it is such a slow approach? I realize it's not going to happen overnight (it's taken me 3 months to knock off 14lbs) but this just seems way too slow!
    Ok so now that I've done the math it sounds like I'll be losing a pound a week for the next year, going at my pace. >.< It sounds SOOOO SLOOOOOW though! I want to lose 2lbs per week! I'd like to fix my health issues a little faster! :p

    You don't have to use "intermittent fasting" the calculator is just from an intermittent fasting site. On average I lost 20 pounds a year and it took 3 years to reach my goal. No matter how fast or slow it is you'll still be happy when you get there. I would rather lose slow, fill my protein and strength train than try to drop it as fast as possible. In the long run you'll have less weight to lose because more of the weight will come from fat, meaning better body composition at the end.

    You obviously don't have to listen to my advice. By all means set your goal to lose 2 pounds a week on here. Although your body has shown that it is happy losing a pound a week. The point of my entire post was saying you have to eat at a deficit, eating next to nothing is not necessary, strength training and protein are important to body composition.