Favorite vegetable???



  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I love most veg but yes Broccoli is probably my favourite although I hear it is in fact a flower. I like it lightly steamed with a sprinkle of salt and squeeze of lemon juice.
    Another favourite would be the various forms of summer squash which I like best roasted.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    spinach as palak paneer.
  • Carrots. I dice and boil them.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    Tomatoes except that technically they are a fruit

    Peas - Raw or in Pea soup which is the yummiest soup ever and can be eating hot or cold
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I can't really call these my "favorite" veggies because there are so many to like but these are often overlooked. They are all deep red/purple veggies and are quite nutritious.

    Red peppers -- in salads, pastas, roasted, made into sauce, etc.

    Red cabbage -- as coleslaw, sauteed sweet and sour, etc.

    Beets -- roasted, pickled, Harvard, grated raw in salad, etc.
  • wgaue
    wgaue Posts: 222 Member
    I love fresh asparagus, green and red peppers, cauliflower and broccoli, raw. These are just a couple of veggies I like. The asparagus, drizzle some olive oil, salt, pepper and parm cheese on it. Bake at 400 for 10 minutes. The cauliflower and broccoli, dip it ranch
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    It is fresh peas out of their pods! Yum! ..taste of summer!:heart:
  • Beets, sweet potato, asparagus
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    I love most Veggies.

    It is hard to say what is my favorite. If pinned down, I'd have to say Broccoli. I'd also say Tomato, in all its forms, but since that is a fruit, not sure if it qualifies.

    But what do I most frequently eat? That must be romaine lettuce for me, since I love salads.

    Broccoli Rabe is another favorite of mine. And Zucchini.

    Damn, can I just say nearly everything except beets?
  • bethanyboomstick
    bethanyboomstick Posts: 52 Member
    Cucumber, sliced and *lightly* salted. :D
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'll second rapini (broccoli rabe) but it's hard to find around here. I saute it in a bit of oil with some garlic, or if I'm lazy I boil for five min.

    I like collards because they're hardy and widely available. And if you buy them from the farmer's market, due to the shape it's easier to find hitchhikers than on broccoli/kale/chard.

    I recently discovered kohlrabi and really like it. Tastes like broccoli stems and it keeps for several days at least in my fridge (I hate buying stuff that goes off before I remember to cook it, can you tell?). Peel, chop and eat raw or steam like broccoli.
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Had to google pattypan just now...

    Me too! Hahaha!

    Pattypan squash is a species of summer squash notable for its small size, round and shallow shape, and scalloped edges, somewhat resembling a small toy top, or flying saucer. The name "pattypan" derives from "a pan for baking a patty."
  • Corn On The Cob :love: Leave the husks on, rinse in water and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. Remove husk, lightly butter and salt. SUMMER PERFECTION !
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    Love veggies. Favorites are spinach and mushrooms. I eat spinach every morning with mushrooms and two eggs scrambled together. I also like big spinach salads for dinner with either sauteed chicken or hot dogs. I love to make an easy "stir fry" with Italian sausage, mushrooms and spinach sauteed in butter and hot sauce. I also put mushrooms into marinara sauce over zucchini noodles and I buy portobello mushroom caps and stuff them with a variety of things.

    Wow, you sound like a great cook!
  • Chaotic_Weevil
    Chaotic_Weevil Posts: 199 Member
    Daikon, broccoli, steak
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I like most vegetables, but my top favorites are mesclun greens (salads), spinach (salads, sauteed with garlic, creamed, in various casseroles), Swiss chard (I usually just steam it and either eat it plain or put it in a frittata or a pasta dish), and squash (all kinds, either roasted, sauteed, or steamed).

    I generally hate Brussels sprouts, but they are delicious roasted with bacon.
  • KaceeGetsFit
    KaceeGetsFit Posts: 11 Member
    My favorite way to have veggies is raw with some hummus or dip made with fat free sour cream and a ranch packet from Hidden Valley! I love cucumbers, carrots, celery.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    There are very few vegetables I do not like. I hate artichokes, and not really keen on salad stuffs, but I love broccoli, spinach(especially creamed), asparagus, snow peas, babycorn, mushrooms and butternut squash. I love roast parsnips and brussels sprouts too, lol. I had brussels sprouts tonight actually. I usually have a Ib of vegetables a day.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Nearly all of them that I've tried...

    Roasted brussel sprouts, asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, broccoli...
    Avocado (although technically a fruit I believe) peas, corn, raw carrots, bell peppers... :)

    Spinach! It's like my favorite!
  • datoyota
    datoyota Posts: 5 Member
    Spaghetti Squash - top with tomato sauce just like pasta!