any women over 250lbs



  • Cupcake_Kate1990
    Cupcake_Kate1990 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! There are some very good responses on this thread, just wanted to echo what has already been said. Im relatively new to MFP but I have found that tracking what I eat has helped. I had no idea how many calories I was eating before and the weight slowly crept up! Now that I am recording what I eat I have become more self aware and the other day I found myself putting the crisps away because I looked at the calorie content and knew that I couldn't afford to have them as I was very close to my calorie limit for the day! Win!

    Anyway, feel free to add me as a friend :) Like I said I'm new to MFP and Im trying to make some friends who will hold me accountable to my goals xxx
  • jennylilac
    jennylilac Posts: 30 Member
    Me! I started at 276 and as of today I'm down to 263!
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
  • paulamjoudrey
    paulamjoudrey Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I get it.....I have tried and tried. I am at 254 and staring at diabetes, and still I crave and eat sweets and fats. Man it is hard, but I go to bed every night reminding myself that it doesn't matter how many times I fail; it only matters how many times I try. After 2 weeks of trying (mostly), I can see a difference in myself, I actually try to do a bit of excercise just to record it. I also recently found the report section. It helps to see progress. I have not lost weight as of yet, but I have stopped gaining!!! Step one has been made. Keep up the great work everyone, and thanks for the success stories, if all of you can do it, I can try too.
  • Princessofgeeks
    As the great Julie Andrews once said "Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the 20th". Don't give up! Just keep trying until you eventually reach your goal! You also don't have to starve to lose weight and you certainly don't have to change the things you eat. Just the way you eat! Remember to always count the calories in everything you consume!

    Also give up sodas or rather give up the sodas that have calories! Which was honestly the hardest part for me. However, you'll be amazed at the calories you'll have left over once you switch to a diet soda! Diet Doctor Pepper for one. Coke Zero for another. It might take a bit of time to find one that you actually like. I hated them all until I actually tried Coke Zero at McDonald's! Also you don't have to give up sweets entirely! Everyone will try to force the "fact" that you do down your throat. But you really don't. Just count your calories! Instead of a whole bowl of ice cream try one cup. Instead of two peanut butter cookies try one or a half of one! If you really want something sweet try cotton candy! I've just bought a bag recently and instead of the usual three portions that it contains I've broken that down into six! It's less calories but still you get to chew on something sweet. Not to mention gum! Most of them are only five calories a piece!
  • doingitagain55
    doingitagain55 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been where you all are right now. I started losing weight at the age of 33 in August 2011 at 262lbs (I am 5'4). I reached the weight I am now, 155, July 2013, and although five pounds creeps up and down, I have been able to stay in my goal weight range for over the past year. I went from a size 20 to a size 6.

    I'll never forget how hard the first six weeks of dieting was. While, it wasn't a diet per se, dropping from the daily calorie intake that kept me at 262 lbs, to restricting so I could lose a healthy pound or two a week, was really difficult. I had to learn to pre plan meals and treats. Exercise is also difficult at that size. I would read postings about people my size running, and feel like a failure because I was not physically there. So instead, I walked. At first, I could only walk to the stop sign in front of my house, but in a month or two I was walking an hour a day. Now I run 3-4 times a week for at least 30 mins.

    I know what worked for me, and I think the tools and strategies I learned/taught myself will work for anyone as log as the individual is honest about their lifestyle and what they are able to commit to. I found, you are bound to fail if you are too strict, and bound to fail if you don't have enough structure to your weight loss methods. It's definitely a marathon, not a sprint.

    After a year of maintenance, and 2 years of eating at a deficit, I realize how rare it is to reach goal and keep your goal. I am motivated to maintain my weight, and even more motivated to want to help others do this as well. In the future, I would like to become a weight loss coach. As a former researcher, I am compelled to try this out in a pilot phase, to see if my vision can work. I am looking for a few people to coach to put my plan into action. I am offering to do this for free, with the hopes that once I've worked with a few people with good results I can turn it into some type of business. My plan includes education, support, and accountability. I would like to support you until you reach your goal.

    If you are just getting started, or started again for the umpteenth time, or even just thinking about doing something about your weight, please message me. I would love to share my ideas with you, and hear about your goals to see if we can benefit each other.
  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    i started at 270 and now im 190!
  • jillshadow
    jillshadow Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, I am starting out at 255 lbs. Unfortunately I have diabetes (it is still unclear if I am type 1 or 2) and have realized that I have to make a lifestyle change. I am aiming ultimately for 130-140 lbs. I will never stop exercising and I will always maintain a decent weight. If you (or anyone) wants support, feel free to add me. I am on everyday and am very active!
  • cynthiamm67
    cynthiamm67 Posts: 52 Member
    I started at 262. I'm on 4 mental health drugs that make my weight loss very slow. I just hit a a new milestone this morning, 239.6. For me, doing mostly paleo is pretty easy. I knew I was addicted to sugar so cutting down doesn't work for me. I've probably cut out 95%, giving up my chocolate (I've had it once in the past 3 months).
    I agree with the thought of thinking of calories as a "cost". Is 300 cals of salad dressing worth it to me, today? If so, I eat it, and log it. I think just being aware of what you are really eating is the key. I still hate exercise, that is my biggest issue right now.
    It's great we can all do this together. I can't wait until acquaintances start commenting on my wait loss!
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Yes. I just started my weight loss journey the beginning of August. I am not doing too well with the diet part of it because I often eat when I'm not hungry. I try to exercise every day unless I absolutely don't want to do it. I can only walk at a slow pace, but I'm getting better. I now am more comfortable with walking at a 3 mph pace for about 45 minutes or so. My starting weight was about 298 lbs at the beginning of August. Now, I'm approximately 280 lbs, so I feel somewhat better now. About every other day I feel depressed about my life, but I'm trying to make myself stick to at least working about for about 30 minutes a day. If I feel up to it, I may do an extra 30 minute walk to make-up for a missed day.

    It's just a constant struggle. Today, before 6pm, I consumed more than 1500 calories in two sittings. It's just really hard for me because I have to practice self control throughout the entire day. I try not to let the bad days get to me because it's up to me to make sure the good days out number the bad days as time goes on.

    My short term goal is to lose 30 lbs which is about 10% of my starting weight. My long term goal is to reach 150 lbs. I have a long way to go, but I now realize that the motivation to change my life must come from within, and not from those around me. On the days that I don't feel like working out, I sometimes watch fitness and workout videos on Youtube (sometimes for a couple of hours) to motivate myself to get up and work out.

    Today, the day I decided to sign up on this site, was another bad day, but I made myself go out and walk for an hour. I have a 24 hr gym membership because I work in the evenings, but sometimes I feel like walking outside in the sun. So, today was one of those non-treadmill days. The sun was blazing, but I felt better after completing my work out for the day. I don't usually like to walk outside because I usually end up walking at a slower pace. With a treadmill, I can control my pace so that I won't have a too easy walk.

    You can do it. It's more about developing self control and integrity than anything else.
  • mumabearshaz
    Hi, Sad to say but I am 350 lbs plus some I have only 3 months ago started to even try to get healthier. To cut a long story short I had just done a trailer load of junk to the local tip in that load I'd chucked my deep fryer out. One of the best things I did & replaced it with a teal acti-fry . Awesome machine. I ended up in hospital unable to walk my back had given out in May this year I left hospital with a walking frame & a wheelchair at 43 yrs old. So started this life style change to become happier,healthier & look after me better. I found it really hard when someone would say put myself first as I'd always put everyone & thing before me. With your health you have to.Im still not eating 100 percent what I should but I'm slowly making changes. Also about 2weeks ago I gave the hospital back the wheelchair & it was really hard but I felt I had to. My weight gain started a long time ago as I did give up smoking 2 years ago then stacked on all this weight about 30 kgs then 3 months later I lost a step son whom I was really close to . At the time I didn't much care so I ate for comfort I guess I put on another 30/40 kgs. None of that is realavent now I have been in a very dark place so to speak but I'm through that got this app thanks to my HITH Hospital in the home nurses & I'm really moving in the right direction. All I can say is jump on board we all have a story I'm sure but we all must have something in common or we wouldn't be choosing this app. All we can do is give our all to try.Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.