SAHM 1/24 to 1/30

Welcome! We are a fabulous group of Sahm's that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers!:flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    morning! I can't say much other than that! I will be back later!
  • ThereseL37
    I hope to be a support to you and looking forward to your support.
  • jtgill
    jtgill Posts: 48
    As a mom with two kids 2 and under, it is hard to make time for yourself, but somehow I am getting better at it! YEAH! Hope everyone else is too!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi! lots of posting over the weekend.

    katiem--i use that same site for recipe analysis. :) and i got in my workouts--super sore last night!
    i walked w/tiny bit of running for an hour Saturday while dd1 tested. they had a great field on the campus.
    and yesterday i did the 20min zumba express in the AM and walked 3mi with Leslie in the pm. booya!!

    what are your workout plans this week? today i'm supposed to do ballet and stretch. my rest day is Friday but i don't know that i'll last till then--hehe. lmk how you're doing. :)

    christi--way to go on the inches!! that is so cool when you can see the difference!
    aj--that's great that you made better choices. that is such an important accomplishment!

    off to start the day
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Hi to all of you beautiful Mommies!! Love being a SAHM, and in the same breath, it can be so challenging.... but would never trade it for anything! It was so hard to make the time for myself, but I am so thankful for every minute that I did!! Best of luck to all of you!! Feel free to add me for more support!!!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Exercise plans this cardio party dvd while kiddos are nappying, tomorrow at least class.......Saturday.....zumba dvd or to plan it out so I know what im doing......have a fabulous Monday...

    Hubby is applying for a new job.......the athletic director position at our new high school....he is the current athletic director at one of our local high schools but two of the schools are combining and therefore need an AD.......waiting on pins and needles to hear.........very nervous! We should know by Wed. or Thurs.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hey peoples! Stacey, that sounds like a good plan. I wish I knew ballet! My workout plans for the week are to do some Wii Fit every day. I have a cold today, so I'm not going to overexert myself, but I don't want to stop working out altogether. Yesterday I did my workout before Z's nap, and since C was doing it with me, he decided to join in too. We had a fun time. Maybe on the days that C doesn't have preschool, I'll do it earlier in the day so we can all do it together. It was so cute watching him try to do lunges. :laugh:

    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Hello & Welcome to all the new mommies :flowerforyou:

    aj~sounds like you did great! makes you fell really good when you make those better choices.

    stacey~great workouts this weekend! sounds like a plan for the week!

    I lost another 2lbs last week & I'm over half way to my first goal weight!!
    I am on week 3 of Slim in 6 doing Ramp it Up this week. I did the first workout yesterday & I am so proud I did almost the whole dvd without having to stop! I have to say seeing the inches gone & the weight lost has just made me that much more determined to make it through these 6 weeks. I can't wait to see what happens when I am done. I have about 8 1/2lbs to go to get to my first goal weight, all the baby weight gone. I am curious if it will continue to come off as quickly once it's not "baby" weight I'm loosing any more. Oh well either way I am sticking with it this time, not going to have this weight hanging on me anymore!
    Hubby will be back this Sunday then on the 5th his parents come for a visit, that will be when it is hardest to get my workout in. I am thinking I may have to sneek off up in the baby's room & plug in a dvd player up there so I can hide from everyone & get my workout in! I plan to try to get back to the gym just a night or two a week while he is back home, to try to change things up a little again. But then he's gone again after 5 weeks so it will be back to what I can do at home or if I can find someone to watch the boys for a bit so I can get to the gym once in awhile, guess we will see. But I am bound & determined to look great when he comes back from his deployment!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to all newcomers! This is a GREAT group of SAHM's!

    Stacey~That is awesome that you did well on exercise last week. I bet it felt nice because I know it felt nice for me to get in my exercise. I was on an endorphin high last week due to spiritual experience that I had and the exercise it was great! I am hoping that this week is as great as last. As for the exercise plan today I am doing 20 min turbo jam and then ab jam...tomorrow cardio turbo scuplt and ab jam...thurs cardio party again...fri 20 min and ab days being sat and sun again.

    Christi~I say do plug in a dvd player in baby's room so that you can still get in your workout and you don't feel like everyone is watching you.

    Kris~good luck with the job offer. We are also waiting on the clear for a job.
    Well I got to be off so that I can get going on the things I need to get done today. Plus today is going to be very interesting my 4yo has whatever the oldest had last week. Poor baby does not feel well at all he has already thrown up twice. Once at church yesterday and then again last night all over daddy:laugh:. So glad that it was not me.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey girls!! Happy Monday!

    Kris ~ Good to know you liked the Zumba DVD!

    Christi ~ Awesome results on the slim in 6 already, congrats!

    Workout plans this week:
    MWF weight lifting arms and abs
    TTh weight lifting legs
    some sort of cardio each day (whether it's a run or a class)
    Sat a 2-3 mile run and yoga
    Sun off

    I tried yoga for the first time on Saturday, and I was soooo sore yesterday! I'm also not very flixible at all. Definitely need to incorporate this in at least once a week :)

    Kris ~ Good luck to your husband!!
  • emilillymom
    hope evryone had a great week. my exercise plan is to get up before the kiddos and do a half hour on the treadmill everyday. restarted the C25k program this weekend. And in the evening after the kiddos are bed do my 30 DS or No More Trouble Zones dvd.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Christi, that's great progress! I like Katie's idea of putting a DVD in the baby's room or something. That would work well, I think.

    Kris, good luck to your hubby!

    Katie, I hope the baby feels better soon. :( That stinks.

    Katapple, yoga can be a killer! I just do a little of it on the Wii, and my stomach gets so sore my skin hurts. :laugh: Sounds like you have a good plan for the week!

    Em, great weekly plan! Good luck with the C25K! I tried it once. I got through two days and quit. :grumble:

    I've found a downside to MFP: Every time I eat or drink something, I have to come sign on to add it to my diary because I know I'll forget if I put it off. But then I end up reading the forums, checking my email, etc. I should get a whiteboard so I can write things down and only log on here once or twice a day.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome everyone who is new!:flowerforyou:

    Stacey and KatieM- I am so proud of both of you for really getting in your exercise!!!!! That is so awesome! Here is to another great week of exercise!

    KatieM-I hope your little one feels better!

    Katie- Yoga is a toughy...but I like how much stronger it makes you!

    Krisl- I have my fingers crossed for your hubby and the new AD position!

    Christi- I agree with the DVD player in the baby's room!

    Emily- Yay for the C25K! I think that is a great way to start running!

    AJ-MFP can get addictin can't it?!:tongue:

    My exercise plans for the week are:

    Mon- 30 day shred ( did that already)
    Wed- 30 day shred and run
    Fri- 30 day shred
    Sat- rest
    Sunday- long run

    everyday except Sunday I also walk the dog. Hubby does that on Sunday!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Finally got my exercise in today. W/O my little guy feeling good my 3yo is lost and an even bigger handful. :tongue: He got into the baby's soymilk and spilled it while I was visiting with some friends that came over. It was a little weird though. Usually my baby doesn't fall asleep while I am exercising but he did and the 3 yo actually sat on the couch the whole time watching. My house is a little too quiet right now:laugh: 4yo and baby asleep only have the 3you wake and he is just wandering around the house like he is lost. :laugh:

    Katie~Yoga is tuff but I love the way that is makes me feel when I do it.

    Aj~I am the same way! However I don't ever logout during the day. :laugh: So it is even easier for me to get on and log my food. The hubby sometimes gets upset because I get distracted so easily.:laugh:

    Nicole~Looks like you have a good week planned.

    Thank you all for concern hopefully he gets feeling better. It took the oldest about 3-5 days to 100%. So I guess that is what I am looking for. Unfortunately he just started feeling this way yesterday morning. So we may have longer to look forward to. :frown:
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    HI! SAHM here. I've got a 5 year old (not in school yet) and a 2 year old. I'm not new to the working out around them, but I am new to the sticking with it. I normally loose just enough to fit my clothes better, than get lazy and hop off the train. This time, I've got to do it! I'm sick of loosing the same weight over, and over again. My real wake up call was spring 2010 when I weighed in at 165 and that was 3 lbs heavier than when I came home from the hospital after having my second child!!! SO, I'm down to 153 now. I was at 151 2 weeks ago but derailed a bit ( do to family emergency is the excuse I'm using and have learned not to use it again )
    Would really like to join, and see if yo'all are going through the same issues as me! Happy Monday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I just posted my success story, because even though I'm not quite there yet, what I've done so far is more than I thought I'd accomplish. And honestly I didn't know that I had been working at this for 8 years, or that I had even that dramatic of a change...I guess I never sat and compared pictures before!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nicole, I forget, are you training for a race right now?

    Welcome DJ! Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • blessdmomof4
    Look at you ladies and your exercise goals!!! Great encouragement for me! My goals are to workout at least 5 days this week. I did 5 days last week if I counted shoveling!

    Just wanted to share my triumph before I head to the gym...I BOUGHT SIZE 10 JEANS!!!!! :love:

    I haven't bought size 10 jeans since I was 20! I'm 32 now :happy:

    Last year when I started my 16s were snug. I'm just so happy!

    Headed out to gym in the super cold temps to go take a leisurely stroll on the treadmill w/ my BFF who isn't feeling very well...
    We are both tend to feel the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder but she suffers much more than me :sad:

    Keep it up ladies!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Woo hoo! Congrats, Melissa! That's a good feeling. One that I wouldn't know yet. :laugh: That's awesome! Hey, about the SAD - do either of you two take vitamin D supplements? I suffer from SAD as well, and I've found that it helps immensely to take D in the morning. I take 4000IU a day, but even when I was taking only 1000 I could tell the difference. They're tiny little gelcaps, so they're easy to take. Try it, if you're not already. I also find it helps to sit near a window, even if it's not sunny outside. Just that bit of light seems to help. I hope you both find something that works for you.
  • blessdmomof4
    Woo hoo! Congrats, Melissa! That's a good feeling. One that I wouldn't know yet. :laugh: That's awesome! Hey, about the SAD - do either of you two take vitamin D supplements? I suffer from SAD as well, and I've found that it helps immensely to take D in the morning. I take 4000IU a day, but even when I was taking only 1000 I could tell the difference. They're tiny little gelcaps, so they're easy to take. Try it, if you're not already. I also find it helps to sit near a window, even if it's not sunny outside. Just that bit of light seems to help. I hope you both find something that works for you.

    Thanks so much AJ! I'll give that a try. Our workout definitely helped today!!!