24 Hour Challenge - September



  • loo2604
    loo2604 Posts: 39 Member
    3/9: 65 minutes (cardio)

    Total: 180 minutes
    time left: 1250/1440
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Sept 2: 60 min, 19.7 mi on the DeskCycle
    Total for Sept so far: 2 hrs, 38.6 mi
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Goal: 24 hours/1440 minutes

    9/1: Labor Day ruck and WOD: 240 minutes
    9/2: 1 mile run, walk after, bike ride and walk at the gym: 69.75 minutes

    Total Time: 309.75 minutes (5.16 hours)
    Time Remaining: 1130.25 minutes (18.83 hours)
    Time Over Goal: 0 minutes
  • JamieFine
    JamieFine Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! I need the extra boost of motivation from a challenge to get me going again!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Sure I'm in. and I think with a half marathon coming up I should be able to make it.

    Sept 1st - 90 min running
    Sept 2nd - 15 min cycing / 60 min Body Pump
    Sept 3rd - 50 min running

    Total - 215 min
  • carolinetayloruk
    carolinetayloruk Posts: 73 Member
    I'm late starting but i'm in. Need some motivation to get back out there running
  • tday42
    tday42 Posts: 6 Member
    I'd like to do this challenge, how do you sign up?
  • 9/1 - 10 mins walking
    9/2 - 45 mins weight training and 32 mins cycling

    Total time - 87 mins (1hr 27 mins) :)
  • Jesi0725
    Jesi0725 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a few days late, but eager to take on this challenge! Count me in please!
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    I am in! I am leaving for a cruise in 79 days and I need all the movitation I can get before

    9/1: 60 minutes
    9/2: 60 minutes

    Total: 2 hours
    Left: 22 hours
  • 01.09 - 0 mins - much needed rest day!
    02.09 - 60 mins - swimming
    03.09 - 30+ mins - swimming and walking round town.

    Total time for September: 1 hr 30mins
    Total time left: 22 hrs 30 mins
  • 9/2 - 30 minutes jogging

    30 minutes down 1,410 minutes to go!!!
    SWWIS Posts: 94 Member
    Forgot to post this yesterday - had flag football practice and volleyball practice yesterday, which constituted my exercise for the day.

    9/1 - 17 minute jogging, 45 minutes of brisk walking
    9/2 - 60 minutes of flag football, 75 minutes of volleyball

    3:17 completed, 20:43 remaining
  • salevy
    salevy Posts: 208 Member
    9/3: 55 Minutes

  • JohnH71
    JohnH71 Posts: 123 Member
    Bit late to the party, but I hope you don't mind me joining! My results so far.

    24 hours is 1440 mins.

    Mon 1st ~ 70 mins cardio (gym) 50 mins lifting
    Wed 3rd ~ 26 mins running

    96mins total.
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    I haven't done this challenge in a while! I'm in. I went for a four hour hike on labor day, so that starts me out well!

    9/1: hiking, 240 mins
    9/2: yoga, 60 mins

    total: 300 mins, 5 hours
  • Elan_the_Dane
    Elan_the_Dane Posts: 3 Member
    I'll participate as well, if that's okay.

    9/1 - weight lifting, 60 min (actually, it's usually longer any time I log weights)
    9/2 - weight lifting, 60 min & yoga, 80 min
    9/3 - weight lifting, 60 min & yoga, 60 min

    Total thus far: 5 hrs, 20 min
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    Goal is 1440 minutes or more.

    9/01--97 minutes cycling
    9/02--113 minutes walking
    9/03--72 minutes cycling

    Total--282 minutes

    Minutes left--1158
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    1/9 - 80 minutes (gym)
    2/9 - 95 minutes (lifting & core work)
    3/9 - 75 minutes (PT session; first time trying 'cleans'. Gonna take me some time to get my head round it!)

    Total - 250 mins
    Time left - 1190 / 1440 minutes
  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    9/1 - 112 min, walking/elliptical/strength (1328 to go)
    9/2 - 30 min, walking (1298 to go)
    9/3 - 16 min, walking (1282 to go)