Over 40% of US Adults have Insulin Resistance



  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Ignoring the 5 pages of "low carb yay!" and "low carb nay!"

    I am 40 years old, I have been on a diet my whole life. And really, I've always eaten textbook healthy. Fruit, whole grains, low fat, healthy protein. I was a competitive swimmer most of my life. But those pounds, they just kept going up.

    I started to have issues. My eyesight was blurry in the morning. I developed psoriasis on my feet. I was sore and tired for hours after working out. I could sleep for 5 hours in the middle of the day.

    I went to the doctor to check my feet and eyes. Nobody mentioned diabetes. My parents died when I was very young, so I don't really know about their medical conditions, there was nobody to tell them to me.

    I chalked it all up to 40-itis. Then my Type 1 boss tested me for fun. And the numbers were in stroke territory so he made me go to the doctor.

    Got sent to diabetic education, and I've lost 40ish pounds since May. I'm actually eating MORE now than I did before. I have to. I've dropped from an 11.2 to a 6.4, which is top of the pre-diabetic range.

    The point I'm going to take from this post is that if what you are doing isn't working, maybe it's time to try something else. And maybe time to make your doctor work for his money. I can honestly say that diabetes was the best thing that ever happened to me.

    Exactly right. There are many cases here where Calories in vs Calories out doesn't mean crap until you address the medical issues going on in your body. Fat is a symptom of more than just over eating. People who've never dealt with this you're very lucky. But when you are doing everything "right" and nothing is working, we have to keep asking questions. I think the OP's point is simply be aware this stuff is out there. Get checked, change your macros. Do what it takes until you find the answer.

    No one is saying that oh I have a medical condition, so it's OK that I'm fat. We are all here to loose weight. To share information. To learn, and ultimately to loose the weight.

    bingo! we have a winner! :flowerforyou:
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    So, I've gotten flak on some threads about making weight loss all about diseases/metabolic disorders. I definitely don't think it's all about them, but I think they play a HUGE role in the difficulty many of us have with losing and maintaining weight. I know I thought I was going crazy doing everything "right" and still getting dismal results -- then I discovered that I had certain issues, including insulin resistance (and I was only about 30 lbs overweight). I know when I found out how common some issues were (insulin resistance, thyroid, PCOS, etc.), I was SHOCKED. I said, Why aren't more people talking about this?!!!

    Lulz, I like it when people don't realize that things like insulin resistance, thyroid, pcos are simply symptoms of a greater problem. The problem? Overweight. See, believe it or not, and this is quite amazing.... but being overweight causes medical issues. I know, revolutionary thought there.

    People probably aren't talking about this because they know better that to confuse a symptom with a malady.

    So are you telling me I have been Obese since I was born? I was born with my heart condition and have had PCOS since I hit puberty (but didn't know it) and got Thyroid Cancer in my thirties but according to you if I wasn't overweight none of this would have happened. You might want to educate yourself. PCOS is not caused from being over weight it is a hormonal imbalance that generally starts at puberty or early twenties and can make you gain weight and make it harder to lose weight.In many cases it is hereditary. Also many people with Hypothyroidism start out skinny and because of the problem put on weight fairly quickly before they can confirm what is wrong. Get some education before you start spouting off BS.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Advice for insulin resistance and losing weight from the National Institutes of Health:

    "Eating, Diet, and Nutrition

    Adopting healthy eating habits can help people lose a modest amount of weight and reverse insulin resistance. Experts encourage people to slowly adopt healthy eating habits that they can maintain, rather than trying extreme weight-loss solutions. People may need to get help from a dietitian or join a weight-loss program for support.

    In general, people should lose weight by choosing healthy foods, controlling portions, eating less fat, and increasing physical activity. People are better able to lose weight and keep it off when they learn how to adapt their favorite foods to a healthy eating plan.

    The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan, developed by the NIH, has been shown to be effective in decreasing insulin resistance when combined with weight loss and physical activity. More information on DASH is available at www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/dash."


    "The DPP and other large studies proved that people with prediabetes can often prevent or delay diabetes if they lose a modest amount of weight by cutting fat and calorie intake and increasing physical activity—for example, walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week."


    "Approaches to Preventing Diabetes

    The DPP tested three approaches to preventing diabetes:

    Making lifestyle changes. People in the lifestyle change group exercised, usually by walking 5 days a week for about 30 minutes a day, and lowered their intake of fat and calories.
    Taking the diabetes medication metformin. Those who took metformin also received information about physical activity and diet.
    Receiving education about diabetes. The third group only received information about physical activity and diet and took a placebo—a pill without medication in it.

    People in the lifestyle change group showed the best outcomes. However people who took metformin also benefited. The results showed that by losing an average of 15 pounds in the first year of the study, people in the lifestyle change group reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent over 3 years.

    Lifestyle change was even more effective in those ages 60 and older. People in this group reduced their risk by 71 percent.

    People in the metformin group also benefited, reducing their risk by 31 percent. More information about the DPP, funded under NIH clinical trial number NCT00004992, is available at www.bsc.gwu.edu/dppleaving site icon."

    Ah, yes, DASH. Mocked as a "fad" diet on here.

    Because if you don't have a problem with hypertension, you don't need to address it.
    Have you read about it?

  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    I feel like I am the exact opposite. I have difficulty losing weight because I consistently need to eat at maintenance to combat hypoglycemic episodes. I'm a TYPE 1 diabetic and am insulin sensitive.

    Unfortunately, my father was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic a few weeks ago. He only got himself checked out once I forced him to call my CDE when he had two random BG readings in diabetic ranges after complaining about jittery-ness and blurry vision. I don't think he had elevated levels for a long time, so I am hoping that catching it early and getting his BG under control might prevent some diabetes-related complications.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    So, I've gotten flak on some threads about making weight loss all about diseases/metabolic disorders. I definitely don't think it's all about them, but I think they play a HUGE role in the difficulty many of us have with losing and maintaining weight. I know I thought I was going crazy doing everything "right" and still getting dismal results -- then I discovered that I had certain issues, including insulin resistance (and I was only about 30 lbs overweight). I know when I found out how common some issues were (insulin resistance, thyroid, PCOS, etc.), I was SHOCKED. I said, Why aren't more people talking about this?!!!

    Lulz, I like it when people don't realize that things like insulin resistance, thyroid, pcos are simply symptoms of a greater problem. The problem? Overweight. See, believe it or not, and this is quite amazing.... but being overweight causes medical issues. I know, revolutionary thought there.

    People probably aren't talking about this because they know better that to confuse a symptom with a malady.

    Ugh, thyroid is not a symptom of being overweight. Neither is PCOS. They're both genetic. Though both can contribute to weight gain. Insulin resistance goes both ways.
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    The estimates presented for undiagnosed populations were based on an NHANES survey and considered the results of fasting glucose or A1C tests - one result of one test. Anyone who has ever been pregnant and taken the gestational diabetes test knows that if you show up as positive on the first test, they bring you back in for a longer test before diagnosing you as having gestational diabetes.

    Claiming that those population estimates are accurate based on one set of test results is flawed, not to mention that there are limitations to the tests themselves and factors that can impact the results. Those factors, particularly lifestyle factors, would not be accounted for in a survey, as most patients would not know to report those factors as possibly skewing their test results.

    I just wanted to bump this post. A lot of the numbers in the OP are estimates. And just because you have prediabetes, doesn't mean you are full blow insulin resistant. I would also like point out, of that 30-35% estimated to have prediabets, about only 15% to 30% actually develop diabetes II.


    There are a handful of people who have insulin resistance and it's real, but it's not 40% of our population has full blown insulin resistance. Those that are prediabetic can get their A1C back to normal with just weight loss, many of which don't even have to be concerned about carbs.

    OP, i am sorry it took so long for you to discover your health issues, but your situation does not apply to the majority of the population. I understand your frustration, over the past 4 years, my wife has been in and out of 7+ different hospitals and dealt with a ton of specialist to include: Cardiologist, Endocrinologist, Gastroenterologist, OBGYN's and Electrophysiologist for her medical conditions. She is borderline PCOS and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, so she has to be gluten free and low carb. Having said that, I do believe the majority of people can benefit from lowering their carbs, but that is merely for the fact that most people get too little protein in their diet.

    What do you consider to have "full blown insulin resistance". Just because people can reverse it doesn't mean they don't have it while they have it. My understanding is that you have "full blow insulin resistance" based on your blood tests. 5.7-6.4 for A1C is at prediabetic levels and over that is diabetes. That's what the numbers are based on. How is that not "full blown insulin resistance"?

    In the context of this discussion, I would equate insulin resistance with the inability to process carbohydrates. But anecdotal information from several people in this thread, a calorie deficit, weight loss and exercise allowed a person to get their A1C into the normal range.

    No one is debating that insulin resistance can't be reversed for some people with diet and exercise alone, though many find that they need to restrict carbs to do that (some don't). But that doesn't negate the fact of whether they have insulin resistance or not, or negate others' symptoms being more severe and requiring more than just diet and exercise to reverse. And, even some with proper diet and exercise, can't reverse it.

    So, what's your point?

    Ditto! Thank you for saying this. I was able to reverse my diabetes with weight loss and moderate changes to my diet and just lowering my sugar a bit. I feel fortunate that this worked for me cause I know it doesn't work for others. What I have learned from my experience is that the human body is really hard to generalize on, what works for one person doesn't work for others.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    So to clarify, people who suffer from hypothyroidism should not take their prescribed synthetic thyroid hormones given to them by their doctors. Rather, they should eat less and move more, and this is sure to cure their defective thyroid gland. Because their defective gland is simply a symptom, not an ailment. Am I understanding your opinion on the subject correctly?

    Not people, just you. Please do so and report back.

    Then you can tell us all how being ridiculous worked out for you. :)

    Eat less, move more, quitcher*****in'.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member

    remember, though... our first instinct is to blame the dieter when the diet fails. i see it here every single day... we get multiple posts by people who are frustrated because they're not losing weight. the knee-jerk answers are always "you're not measuring correctly" or "you're overestimating what you eat" or "you're not exercising enough." for some, yes that's the answer. but even when the person says "here's my diary, here's my exercise schedule, why is this not working", people are quick to give the easy, canned answer.

    i don't know about you, but i find it incredibly insulting and demoralizing when i say "here's what i'm doing, i'm doing what everyone says is "right", why is this not working?" and i get an answer that equates to " oh it's easy, just eat less and move more. it was easy for me so therefore you're just making excuses and don't really want this badly enough." there are only a few, scattered souls who have the knowledge, the patience, and the compassion to step up and say "ok... let's try some other tactics. have you seen a doctor and discussed these specific topics?"

    IRT the daily threads of the "I am not losing threads", a majority of the time, people are't logging daily, they aren't using food scales, they are over estimating calories burned or have only been doing it for a week. This is the general thing I have seen over the past several years. Once that is estimated, its the rare occasion someone actually comes back with an additional post saying they tried all of that and it didn't work. Or in some cases, after 4 pages of debating, they come back saying they have a medical conditions and our answers (or at least mine does) will change.

    Addressing accuracy and consistency is the first key (especially for more lean individuals). After that, if a person does come back and has the same results, then you modify it more (changing macronutrients or even possibly cutting out a specific food group). But again, of the thousands of people who I have personally worked with, I can count on one hand that amount of people who have come back with a plan to be adjusted and approach elimination diets or a different dieting style. In fact, that is how my wife found out she had a gluten intolerance.

    I would think it would be wrong of our community, to jump to the extreme first (going low carb, cutting XX foods out, etc..) without understand what the person has tried or their medical history. I will say though, there are people on this board that jump to conclusions without knowing facts and will blame dieters, and it is clearly wrong but it's the internet... so having high expectations that everyone will get all the information should be low. :laugh:

    As someone who has both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (type 1 makes it really hard to lose weight), and Hashimoto's disease (type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto's are auto-immune diseases, not symptoms of being overweight), I have an incredibly difficult time losing weight. It's taken me years to even figure out how to lose weight. At all! So now I'm slowly losing weight, which is the only way I can do so successfully. Sometimes I end up in a plateau for a couple months or longer. Many people can just lose weight quickly and safely, and that is great! But I get annoyed when I do the right things unsuccessfully, so I reach out for help and get called a liar instead. It doesn't help.

    The thing is that, if you reach out for help, you've got to mention all that. Because it's relevant to the question.

    And if you mention all that, everybody's going to slowly back away because our inexpert advice could land you in the hospital. You should have a team of specialists to direct your questions to.

    but sometimes, we're not reaching out to get medical diagnoses... we're looking for others who have also travelled the same road we're on, who have run into the same roadblocks and sludgy progress. we want people to bounce things off, asking "how did you deal with this?" or "hey i read this, i thought you'd be interested."

    we come looking for the community and the support. and sometimes, others might be able to identify what questions we should be asking our doctors and what kinds of tests to specifically ask for. because doctors are just as guilty of dismissing patients who are overweight as the rest of us are.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    So to clarify, people who suffer from hypothyroidism should not take their prescribed synthetic thyroid hormones given to them by their doctors. Rather, they should eat less and move more, and this is sure to cure their defective thyroid gland. Because their defective gland is simply a symptom, not an ailment. Am I understanding your opinion on the subject correctly?

    Not people, just you. Please do so and report back.

    Then you can tell us all how being ridiculous worked out for you. :)

    Eat less, move more, quitcher*****in'.

    So now it's me that's making excuses? It's fine to say you don't know what you're talking about or misspoke, but shifting it to me as just "*****in" is pretty comical. I don't have any of those conditions nor am I particularly struggling to make progress. I do at least have a clue about what's a symptom and what's an ailment though. You keep thinking genetic defects are caused by people being fat though - no chicken and egg problem going on there at all.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Number of selected persons . . . . . . 27,631
    Number of interviewed persons. . . . . 20,491
    Number of examined persons. . . . . 19,644

    I'm sorry, but if you can look at that information and not understand why lab results from one point in time and from the specified populations cannot be extrapolated and applied to the general population of the US, then the conversation is going to have to end here, because I'm not going to continue to attempt to have a learned discussion with someone who is going to ignore facts to support their confirmation bias.

    If you think it's all hooey, by all means feel free to dismiss it. 20K seems like a very large sample size to me and although some populations are oversampled, there is still quite a considerable breadth of populations. A lot of the peer reviewed studies are focused on a few hundred people at best. Here there is 20K. But, if it doesn't meet with your standards, by all means dismiss it. I'll stick with the American Diabetes Association on this one.

    Did you take a good look at the populations who were oversampled? Let's do it, just for fun:
    Hispanic persons, non-Hispanic black persons, non-Hispanic non-black Asian persons, low-income non-Hispanic non-black non-Asian white and other persons (at or below 130% of federal poverty level), and adults aged 80 and over

    Now, there are three minority groups listed. Here is a list of potential issues when sampling from minority groups, not all-inclusive by any means and not saying that these automatically apply to all people who identify as a minority group, but things any good researcher would consider:

    - Limited financial resources
    - Limited access to medical care
    - Limited access to food/nutrition
    - Limited access to education
    - Understanding of English language/English not primary language spoken in home

    We also have low income persons, for whom the following would also apply and need to be considered:

    - Limited financial resources
    - Limited access to medical care
    - Limited access to food/nutrition
    - Limited access to education

    And finally, we have our final group, adults age 80 or over:

    - Limited financial resources/fixed income
    - Limited access to medical care
    - Limited access to food/nutrition
    - Limited access to education (particularly women and minorities given social constructs during their lifetime)
    - Increased likelihood of medical issues due to age regardless of the above

    Now, given that those groups were oversampled, and human studies are notorious for not having accurate representation of the population regardless of oversampling because the fact is, people who are financially secure or educated generally aren't going to be enticed to give up their time to participate in a study for a measly stipend or free medical exam, the sample size of 20,000 is not as significant as it would first appear. Especially when you consider that according to the 2012 census, there were over 313 million people in the US. An n=20,000 is a mere 0.00006% of the population.

    And that concludes my final attempt to encourage critical thinking and analysis of the data presented. I'm excusing myself from the conversation now, as I see no need to continue to try to elevate the discussion.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    remember, though... our first instinct is to blame the dieter when the diet fails. i see it here every single day... we get multiple posts by people who are frustrated because they're not losing weight. the knee-jerk answers are always "you're not measuring correctly" or "you're overestimating what you eat" or "you're not exercising enough." for some, yes that's the answer. but even when the person says "here's my diary, here's my exercise schedule, why is this not working", people are quick to give the easy, canned answer.

    i don't know about you, but i find it incredibly insulting and demoralizing when i say "here's what i'm doing, i'm doing what everyone says is "right", why is this not working?" and i get an answer that equates to " oh it's easy, just eat less and move more. it was easy for me so therefore you're just making excuses and don't really want this badly enough." there are only a few, scattered souls who have the knowledge, the patience, and the compassion to step up and say "ok... let's try some other tactics. have you seen a doctor and discussed these specific topics?"

    IRT the daily threads of the "I am not losing threads", a majority of the time, people are't logging daily, they aren't using food scales, they are over estimating calories burned or have only been doing it for a week. This is the general thing I have seen over the past several years. Once that is estimated, its the rare occasion someone actually comes back with an additional post saying they tried all of that and it didn't work. Or in some cases, after 4 pages of debating, they come back saying they have a medical conditions and our answers (or at least mine does) will change.

    Addressing accuracy and consistency is the first key (especially for more lean individuals). After that, if a person does come back and has the same results, then you modify it more (changing macronutrients or even possibly cutting out a specific food group). But again, of the thousands of people who I have personally worked with, I can count on one hand that amount of people who have come back with a plan to be adjusted and approach elimination diets or a different dieting style. In fact, that is how my wife found out she had a gluten intolerance.

    I would think it would be wrong of our community, to jump to the extreme first (going low carb, cutting XX foods out, etc..) without understand what the person has tried or their medical history. I will say though, there are people on this board that jump to conclusions without knowing facts and will blame dieters, and it is clearly wrong but it's the internet... so having high expectations that everyone will get all the information should be low. :laugh:

    As someone who has both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (type 1 makes it really hard to lose weight), and Hashimoto's disease (type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto's are auto-immune diseases, not symptoms of being overweight), I have an incredibly difficult time losing weight. It's taken me years to even figure out how to lose weight. At all! So now I'm slowly losing weight, which is the only way I can do so successfully. Sometimes I end up in a plateau for a couple months or longer. Many people can just lose weight quickly and safely, and that is great! But I get annoyed when I do the right things unsuccessfully, so I reach out for help and get called a liar instead. It doesn't help.

    The thing is that, if you reach out for help, you've got to mention all that. Because it's relevant to the question.

    And if you mention all that, everybody's going to slowly back away because our inexpert advice could land you in the hospital. You should have a team of specialists to direct your questions to.

    but sometimes, we're not reaching out to get medical diagnoses... we're looking for others who have also travelled the same road we're on, who have run into the same roadblocks and sludgy progress. we want people to bounce things off, asking "how did you deal with this?" or "hey i read this, i thought you'd be interested."

    we come looking for the community and the support. and sometimes, others might be able to identify what questions we should be asking our doctors and what kinds of tests to specifically ask for. because doctors are just as guilty of dismissing patients who are overweight as the rest of us are.

    The thing is though, that my experience is going to come from the realm of CICO and you live in the land of PCOS.

    So I'll be all like "If you're not losing weight, then you're not tracking accurately" and you'll be all "Oh, no. Are you calling me a liar?"

    You might want to try a sub-forum if you're dealing with a health issue that affects weight loss.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Advice for insulin resistance and losing weight from the National Institutes of Health:

    "Eating, Diet, and Nutrition

    Adopting healthy eating habits can help people lose a modest amount of weight and reverse insulin resistance. Experts encourage people to slowly adopt healthy eating habits that they can maintain, rather than trying extreme weight-loss solutions. People may need to get help from a dietitian or join a weight-loss program for support.

    In general, people should lose weight by choosing healthy foods, controlling portions, eating less fat, and increasing physical activity. People are better able to lose weight and keep it off when they learn how to adapt their favorite foods to a healthy eating plan.

    The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan, developed by the NIH, has been shown to be effective in decreasing insulin resistance when combined with weight loss and physical activity. More information on DASH is available at www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/dash."


    "The DPP and other large studies proved that people with prediabetes can often prevent or delay diabetes if they lose a modest amount of weight by cutting fat and calorie intake and increasing physical activity—for example, walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week."


    "Approaches to Preventing Diabetes

    The DPP tested three approaches to preventing diabetes:

    Making lifestyle changes. People in the lifestyle change group exercised, usually by walking 5 days a week for about 30 minutes a day, and lowered their intake of fat and calories.
    Taking the diabetes medication metformin. Those who took metformin also received information about physical activity and diet.
    Receiving education about diabetes. The third group only received information about physical activity and diet and took a placebo—a pill without medication in it.

    People in the lifestyle change group showed the best outcomes. However people who took metformin also benefited. The results showed that by losing an average of 15 pounds in the first year of the study, people in the lifestyle change group reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent over 3 years.

    Lifestyle change was even more effective in those ages 60 and older. People in this group reduced their risk by 71 percent.

    People in the metformin group also benefited, reducing their risk by 31 percent. More information about the DPP, funded under NIH clinical trial number NCT00004992, is available at www.bsc.gwu.edu/dppleaving site icon."

    Ah, yes, DASH. Mocked as a "fad" diet on here.

    Because if you don't have a problem with hypertension, you don't need to address it.
    Have you read about it?

  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member

    remember, though... our first instinct is to blame the dieter when the diet fails. i see it here every single day... we get multiple posts by people who are frustrated because they're not losing weight. the knee-jerk answers are always "you're not measuring correctly" or "you're overestimating what you eat" or "you're not exercising enough." for some, yes that's the answer. but even when the person says "here's my diary, here's my exercise schedule, why is this not working", people are quick to give the easy, canned answer.

    i don't know about you, but i find it incredibly insulting and demoralizing when i say "here's what i'm doing, i'm doing what everyone says is "right", why is this not working?" and i get an answer that equates to " oh it's easy, just eat less and move more. it was easy for me so therefore you're just making excuses and don't really want this badly enough." there are only a few, scattered souls who have the knowledge, the patience, and the compassion to step up and say "ok... let's try some other tactics. have you seen a doctor and discussed these specific topics?"

    IRT the daily threads of the "I am not losing threads", a majority of the time, people are't logging daily, they aren't using food scales, they are over estimating calories burned or have only been doing it for a week. This is the general thing I have seen over the past several years. Once that is estimated, its the rare occasion someone actually comes back with an additional post saying they tried all of that and it didn't work. Or in some cases, after 4 pages of debating, they come back saying they have a medical conditions and our answers (or at least mine does) will change.

    Addressing accuracy and consistency is the first key (especially for more lean individuals). After that, if a person does come back and has the same results, then you modify it more (changing macronutrients or even possibly cutting out a specific food group). But again, of the thousands of people who I have personally worked with, I can count on one hand that amount of people who have come back with a plan to be adjusted and approach elimination diets or a different dieting style. In fact, that is how my wife found out she had a gluten intolerance.

    I would think it would be wrong of our community, to jump to the extreme first (going low carb, cutting XX foods out, etc..) without understand what the person has tried or their medical history. I will say though, there are people on this board that jump to conclusions without knowing facts and will blame dieters, and it is clearly wrong but it's the internet... so having high expectations that everyone will get all the information should be low. :laugh:

    As someone who has both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (type 1 makes it really hard to lose weight), and Hashimoto's disease (type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto's are auto-immune diseases, not symptoms of being overweight), I have an incredibly difficult time losing weight. It's taken me years to even figure out how to lose weight. At all! So now I'm slowly losing weight, which is the only way I can do so successfully. Sometimes I end up in a plateau for a couple months or longer. Many people can just lose weight quickly and safely, and that is great! But I get annoyed when I do the right things unsuccessfully, so I reach out for help and get called a liar instead. It doesn't help.

    The thing is that, if you reach out for help, you've got to mention all that. Because it's relevant to the question.

    And if you mention all that, everybody's going to slowly back away because our inexpert advice could land you in the hospital. You should have a team of specialists to direct your questions to.

    but sometimes, we're not reaching out to get medical diagnoses... we're looking for others who have also travelled the same road we're on, who have run into the same roadblocks and sludgy progress. we want people to bounce things off, asking "how did you deal with this?" or "hey i read this, i thought you'd be interested."

    we come looking for the community and the support. and sometimes, others might be able to identify what questions we should be asking our doctors and what kinds of tests to specifically ask for. because doctors are just as guilty of dismissing patients who are overweight as the rest of us are.

    The thing is though, that my experience is going to come from the realm of CICO and you live in the land of PCOS.

    So I'll be all like "If you're not losing weight, then you're not tracking accurately" and you'll be all "Oh, no. Are you calling me a liar?"

    You might want to try a sub-forum if you're dealing with a health issue that affects weight loss.

    you're assuming we walk in with a diagnosis. not all of us do. even after having my bloodwork done and thyroid tested, my doctor said i wasn't at risk, however if lindsey1979 hadn't come in to one of the other conversations, i wouldn't have known that my problem might actually be my thyroid after all, especially considering my history. she's given me a direction that i can explore.

    three months ago i started going to the gym, thinking that my problem was just a matter of eating less and moving more. and while there are days i wish i'd never started posting on the forums, if i hadn't then i wouldn't be able to go to my next doctor's visit armed with additional information, possibilities, and saying "i've tried this, i added that, i noticed that this other thing happened while that thing didn't happen."
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Number of selected persons . . . . . . 27,631
    Number of interviewed persons. . . . . 20,491
    Number of examined persons. . . . . 19,644

    I'm sorry, but if you can look at that information and not understand why lab results from one point in time and from the specified populations cannot be extrapolated and applied to the general population of the US, then the conversation is going to have to end here, because I'm not going to continue to attempt to have a learned discussion with someone who is going to ignore facts to support their confirmation bias.

    If you think it's all hooey, by all means feel free to dismiss it. 20K seems like a very large sample size to me and although some populations are oversampled, there is still quite a considerable breadth of populations. A lot of the peer reviewed studies are focused on a few hundred people at best. Here there is 20K. But, if it doesn't meet with your standards, by all means dismiss it. I'll stick with the American Diabetes Association on this one.

    Did you take a good look at the populations who were oversampled? Let's do it, just for fun:
    Hispanic persons, non-Hispanic black persons, non-Hispanic non-black Asian persons, low-income non-Hispanic non-black non-Asian white and other persons (at or below 130% of federal poverty level), and adults aged 80 and over

    Now, there are three minority groups listed. Here is a list of potential issues when sampling from minority groups, not all-inclusive by any means and not saying that these automatically apply to all people who identify as a minority group, but things any good researcher would consider:

    - Limited financial resources
    - Limited access to medical care
    - Limited access to food/nutrition
    - Limited access to education
    - Understanding of English language/English not primary language spoken in home

    We also have low income persons, for whom the following would also apply and need to be considered:

    - Limited financial resources
    - Limited access to medical care
    - Limited access to food/nutrition
    - Limited access to education

    And finally, we have our final group, adults age 80 or over:

    - Limited financial resources/fixed income
    - Limited access to medical care
    - Limited access to food/nutrition
    - Limited access to education (particularly women and minorities given social constructs during their lifetime)
    - Increased likelihood of medical issues due to age regardless of the above

    Now, given that those groups were oversampled, and human studies are notorious for not having accurate representation of the population regardless of oversampling because the fact is, people who are financially secure or educated generally aren't going to be enticed to give up their time to participate in a study for a measly stipend or free medical exam, the sample size of 20,000 is not as significant as it would first appear. Especially when you consider that according to the 2012 census, there were over 313 million people in the US. An n=20,000 is a mere 0.00006% of the population.

    And that concludes my final attempt to encourage critical thinking and analysis of the data presented. I'm excusing myself from the conversation now, as I see no need to continue to try to elevate the discussion.

    First off, they weren't comparing to all 313 Million in the US, just to adults age 20 and over. The actual number of adults age 20 and over is closer to 242M (actually I found that number for 18 and over in 2013, so it's actually lower). Wow. You missed 71M people in there, or 30% more. Considering you're such a stalwart critical thinker, I'm a little surprised you missed that one.

    Secondly, what do the other factors you mention (limited education, language, low income, etc.) have to do with having insulin resistance? Sure, it may explain why some groups are more prone to it, but is your argument that people in these groups actually have higher levels of insulin resistance but that doesn't hold true to the total? That those with greater education and financial security have less incidence of insulin resistance?

    Lastly, once again, these numbers seem to suggest that this is a BIG problem in the US. Do you believe the sampling is so fundamentally erred that that fundamental conclusion is wrong? That the ADA's reliance on the underlying study is so fundamentally flawed, that the numbers are off 200-1000%. Even if they were off by 100%, that still means 20% of the population has insulin resistance. Or are you just dismissing out of hand because it's simply too difficult to make any conclusions when any populations are oversampled.

    Thanks for exiting the conversation. No need to announce it. You can simply leave.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    remember, though... our first instinct is to blame the dieter when the diet fails. i see it here every single day... we get multiple posts by people who are frustrated because they're not losing weight. the knee-jerk answers are always "you're not measuring correctly" or "you're overestimating what you eat" or "you're not exercising enough." for some, yes that's the answer. but even when the person says "here's my diary, here's my exercise schedule, why is this not working", people are quick to give the easy, canned answer.

    i don't know about you, but i find it incredibly insulting and demoralizing when i say "here's what i'm doing, i'm doing what everyone says is "right", why is this not working?" and i get an answer that equates to " oh it's easy, just eat less and move more. it was easy for me so therefore you're just making excuses and don't really want this badly enough." there are only a few, scattered souls who have the knowledge, the patience, and the compassion to step up and say "ok... let's try some other tactics. have you seen a doctor and discussed these specific topics?"

    IRT the daily threads of the "I am not losing threads", a majority of the time, people are't logging daily, they aren't using food scales, they are over estimating calories burned or have only been doing it for a week. This is the general thing I have seen over the past several years. Once that is estimated, its the rare occasion someone actually comes back with an additional post saying they tried all of that and it didn't work. Or in some cases, after 4 pages of debating, they come back saying they have a medical conditions and our answers (or at least mine does) will change.

    Addressing accuracy and consistency is the first key (especially for more lean individuals). After that, if a person does come back and has the same results, then you modify it more (changing macronutrients or even possibly cutting out a specific food group). But again, of the thousands of people who I have personally worked with, I can count on one hand that amount of people who have come back with a plan to be adjusted and approach elimination diets or a different dieting style. In fact, that is how my wife found out she had a gluten intolerance.

    I would think it would be wrong of our community, to jump to the extreme first (going low carb, cutting XX foods out, etc..) without understand what the person has tried or their medical history. I will say though, there are people on this board that jump to conclusions without knowing facts and will blame dieters, and it is clearly wrong but it's the internet... so having high expectations that everyone will get all the information should be low. :laugh:

    As someone who has both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes (type 1 makes it really hard to lose weight), and Hashimoto's disease (type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto's are auto-immune diseases, not symptoms of being overweight), I have an incredibly difficult time losing weight. It's taken me years to even figure out how to lose weight. At all! So now I'm slowly losing weight, which is the only way I can do so successfully. Sometimes I end up in a plateau for a couple months or longer. Many people can just lose weight quickly and safely, and that is great! But I get annoyed when I do the right things unsuccessfully, so I reach out for help and get called a liar instead. It doesn't help.

    The thing is that, if you reach out for help, you've got to mention all that. Because it's relevant to the question.

    And if you mention all that, everybody's going to slowly back away because our inexpert advice could land you in the hospital. You should have a team of specialists to direct your questions to.

    but sometimes, we're not reaching out to get medical diagnoses... we're looking for others who have also travelled the same road we're on, who have run into the same roadblocks and sludgy progress. we want people to bounce things off, asking "how did you deal with this?" or "hey i read this, i thought you'd be interested."

    we come looking for the community and the support. and sometimes, others might be able to identify what questions we should be asking our doctors and what kinds of tests to specifically ask for. because doctors are just as guilty of dismissing patients who are overweight as the rest of us are.

    The thing is though, that my experience is going to come from the realm of CICO and you live in the land of PCOS.

    So I'll be all like "If you're not losing weight, then you're not tracking accurately" and you'll be all "Oh, no. Are you calling me a liar?"

    You might want to try a sub-forum if you're dealing with a health issue that affects weight loss.

    you're assuming we walk in with a diagnosis. not all of us do. even after having my bloodwork done and thyroid tested, my doctor said i wasn't at risk, however if lindsey1979 hadn't come in to one of the other conversations, i wouldn't have known that my problem might actually be my thyroid after all, especially considering my history. she's given me a direction that i can explore.

    three months ago i started going to the gym, thinking that my problem was just a matter of eating less and moving more. and while there are days i wish i'd never started posting on the forums, if i hadn't then i wouldn't be able to go to my next doctor's visit armed with additional information, possibilities, and saying "i've tried this, i added that, i noticed that this other thing happened while that thing didn't happen."

    What I've seen is that if somebody's diary is open and they are obviously weighing and look like they're tracking everything and their calorie goals are in line with their age and weight and they are exercising regularly, etc., they get advised to get checked for a metabolic disorder.

    It's just that you've got to go through all the preliminary steps to figure out that it's not those.

    When you call tech support and they ask the question "Is the machine plugged in" and they do...every time...you really do need to look at the actual wall socket rather than arguing that it can't be that.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    yes, if you want to walk around "blaming" medical conditions, you are making excuses. i never said this cannot make things more complicated - BUT not nearly as complicated as folks make it out to be... again, back to looking for excuses.
    if you want an excuse, you will find an excuse. when you are ready to actually lose weight, you will. only point the finger at yourself - anything else is an excuse.
    So the OP is making an excuse?

  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    how cute? how many "medical issues" or "diseases" do you have? want to go head to head and count??? not a single thing "wrong" with my body is used as an excuse.

    and i'm not watching video kid.

    if you want an excuse, you will find an excuse. when you are ready to actually lose weight, you will. only point the finger at yourself - anything else is an excuse.

    You clearly know nothing about insulin resistance. How cute.

    You should probably check this out… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3oI104STzs.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    i have a list as long as my arm. but not a single one is an excuse.

    how long is your list??

    if you want an excuse, you will find an excuse. when you are ready to actually lose weight, you will. only point the finger at yourself - anything else is an excuse.

    No excuses, just knowledge which then empowers the individual to lose the weight. If you have never dealt with such an issue it may come across as such. Good for you that you never have, but leave those whom have alone.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    and the point of this story is great - you didn't allow some label to become an excuse - get educated, make adjustments, and MOVE FORWARD!!!

    Ignoring the 5 pages of "low carb yay!" and "low carb nay!"

    I am 40 years old, I have been on a diet my whole life. And really, I've always eaten textbook healthy. Fruit, whole grains, low fat, healthy protein. I was a competitive swimmer most of my life. But those pounds, they just kept going up.

    I started to have issues. My eyesight was blurry in the morning. I developed psoriasis on my feet. I was sore and tired for hours after working out. I could sleep for 5 hours in the middle of the day.

    I went to the doctor to check my feet and eyes. Nobody mentioned diabetes. My parents died when I was very young, so I don't really know about their medical conditions, there was nobody to tell them to me.

    I chalked it all up to 40-itis. Then my Type 1 boss tested me for fun. And the numbers were in stroke territory so he made me go to the doctor.

    Got sent to diabetic education, and I've lost 40ish pounds since May. I'm actually eating MORE now than I did before. I have to. I've dropped from an 11.2 to a 6.4, which is top of the pre-diabetic range.

    The point I'm going to take from this post is that if what you are doing isn't working, maybe it's time to try something else. And maybe time to make your doctor work for his money. I can honestly say that diabetes was the best thing that ever happened to me.