What is the biggest unexpected surprise after losing weight?



  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    bump to read later
  • jonna3183
    jonna3183 Posts: 5 Member
    Since 2009, I've lost 80 lbs, but I've just recently started to notice certain changes, since I'm pretty much the smallest I've ever been. One that I noticed over the last couple of days (and I was actually thinking about it this morning) is that I actually feel my height now. I'm fairly short at 5'4", but I've never felt short. I guess my extra girth made me feel like I had increased stature, but I work with a bunch of guys who are 6'+ and we do a lot of heavy lifting. It's really put in perspective for me just how small I am. And the more weight I lose, the smaller I feel. I feel like Alice drinking the shrinking potion sometimes. Lol

    I can completely relate! I am also 5'4 and my crossfit coach told me when I started crossfit that once we get the weight off I am going to be such a little person, well I am now almost 45lbs (20K) down and I really do feel smaller in height! Now I think it is time to use my tiny stature to my advantage and find some nice looking gents to help me reach things! I have also noticed I have a new appreciation for my legs and the muscle in my thighs. However, the hardest thing for me is knowing that I have dropped almost 45lbs (20K) and people still see me as heavy. For every amazing positive comment I get, like the one I got from my coach yesterday about disappearing, I get one just as negative, like the one I got from a friend telling me that Bigger Women are nicer so not to worry if I can't be thin. It is a roller coaster I have a hard time riding, but this is my journey and I refuse to quit!

    You are doing great so definitely don't quit! I feel that most people who have a negative reply to anything positive that is going on in someone's life...is due to jealousy! :) Be yourself and shake friends who can't be supportive of that!
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
  • PersephonePapillon
    I love reading this thread, and look forward to contributing once I've lost a bit more weight. Keep the posts coming please :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    The unexpected sex drive...I know, I know...but..I have never felt better about myself being naked before! haha

    This but I would not say unexpected. Just did not know how high it would be.
  • nowolga
    nowolga Posts: 91 Member
    Another positive is that when I get pregnant I will actually look like I am pregnant and not just overweight. I will be able to have a healthy pregnancy.

    I've added this to my goal. I want to be a cute prego woman :)
    I also don't want my weight to cause problems with the pregnancy.
  • asilmarie83
    asilmarie83 Posts: 2 Member

    I too, bizarrely have noticed I keep nicking my legs when shaving.
    I love the feel if my legs, I don't think my legs have ever felt this muscley, I can't help but feel them...

    I have noticed both of these items and I have only lost 17lbs, so far.... Now for the weight to come off elsewhere!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Better sex :drinker: and I don't tire as quickly. :heart: :blushing:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    -I'm always cold.
    -swimming is so much harder(less fat = less buoyant)
    -sitting on hard chairs for long periods of time can be painful
    -not craving unhealthy foods
    -being able to run long distances
    -having people call you skinny
    -being able to see ribs/hipbones/collarbones/spine
    -thinking my body is bigger than it is- like holding my arms too far away from my body

    Also.. all of this. :~p
  • 40andFindingFitness
    I had to get smaller shoes (a whole size smaller)
    I have a neck (woo hoo!)
    I swear my voice has changed (I think it was a little deeper 60lbs ago, wow)
    Guys stand a lot closer (back the heck up that's annoying)
    I also had to pull my car seat closer to the wheel
    I'm surprised that I can hop out of bed without any aches and pains
    My nose seems a bit bigger and my mouth a little smaller (bizarre)
    I take ALOT of photos (you couldn't get me in 2 photos in a year before)

    I love this post. Congrats to everyone and their surprising/happy changes. Keep up the good work.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Ive lost over 40,and the hardest thing is the waiting for the day when I look like a person who exercises etc. bc im fat, its easy to assume I eat pie and watch daytime tv and thats my life. Also the loose skin on my arms is pretty noticeable now but honestly I couldnt care less,its better than being 355lbs
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    Mine is too TMI and a downer but I'm going to say it anyway.

    I've only lost 50 lb...which is very minuscule and piddly when I look at the fact that I still have 124 more lb to lose. In any case...the biggest surprise to me thus far is the fact that my husband is constantly flirting with me. Most women would find that a welcome addition, but it actually bothers me and hurts my feelings. I'm still the same me that he literally *never* "made moves" on in over a decade...just a little less of me. I don't know....I guess I should smile and go with it but it infuriates me that it's because of the fact that I'm losing weight. ...what about the decade+ that I've gone without any attention from him at all? I'm supposed to just shrug that off and be all "okay" with the fact that now I'm more attractive and "flirtworthy"? ...I don't know...it just gives me a feeling of yuck.

    Honey, if you still have 124 lbs to go, you are still morbidly obese. He is not making moves on you because you've suddenly gone from "not" to "hot"... he's most likely having renewed interest because YOU are feeling better about yourself! ANY increase in self-worth or positivity about ourselves is interpreted as sexy by our spouse - just as the opposite of those feelings is like putting up a wall. You probably are not even aware that you are projecting this - but it is obvious your husband is picking up on it! So just enjoy it!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    One is that my bed that I used to love so much is now too hard for me. I guess that should be expected being 90 pounds lighter, I cannot snuggle into like I used to.
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    Mine is too TMI and a downer but I'm going to say it anyway.

    I've only lost 50 lb...which is very minuscule and piddly when I look at the fact that I still have 124 more lb to lose. In any case...the biggest surprise to me thus far is the fact that my husband is constantly flirting with me. Most women would find that a welcome addition, but it actually bothers me and hurts my feelings. I'm still the same me that he literally *never* "made moves" on in over a decade...just a little less of me. I don't know....I guess I should smile and go with it but it infuriates me that it's because of the fact that I'm losing weight. ...what about the decade+ that I've gone without any attention from him at all? I'm supposed to just shrug that off and be all "okay" with the fact that now I'm more attractive and "flirtworthy"? ...I don't know...it just gives me a feeling of yuck.
    . I go through this myself with my hubby. He pays so much more attention to me now. I am not angry at him. Only myself for getting so obese and abusing my body. I have no one to blame but myself. I take responsibility for it too.
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I am down 20 lbs from my highest weight. The very first thing I gave up was soda on my weight loss plan. I couldn't believe how less bloaty and doughy I felt after the first couple of weeks of giving it up.. I looked a lot less puffy. I felt that was a huge gain in a short period.
  • LinOtt
    LinOtt Posts: 82 Member
    Mine is too TMI and a downer but I'm going to say it anyway.

    I've only lost 50 lb...which is very minuscule and piddly when I look at the fact that I still have 124 more lb to lose. In any case...the biggest surprise to me thus far is the fact that my husband is constantly flirting with me. Most women would find that a welcome addition, but it actually bothers me and hurts my feelings. I'm still the same me that he literally *never* "made moves" on in over a decade...just a little less of me. I don't know....I guess I should smile and go with it but it infuriates me that it's because of the fact that I'm losing weight. ...what about the decade+ that I've gone without any attention from him at all? I'm supposed to just shrug that off and be all "okay" with the fact that now I'm more attractive and "flirtworthy"? ...I don't know...it just gives me a feeling of yuck.

    Honey, if you still have 124 lbs to go, you are still morbidly obese. He is not making moves on you because you've suddenly gone from "not" to "hot"... he's most likely having renewed interest because YOU are feeling better about yourself! ANY increase in self-worth or positivity about ourselves is interpreted as sexy by our spouse - just as the opposite of those feelings is like putting up a wall. You probably are not even aware that you are projecting this - but it is obvious your husband is picking up on it! So just enjoy it!

    Cant be because you're suddenly thin! Its because you have more energy and are happier with yourself! Silly you! Enjoy it...
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    The biggest surprise for me is seeing and feeling bones in places that I never seen or felt before. For instance, I can see bones in my chest when I lift my arms and feel my hip bone.
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member
    Congratulations on your success! You look great. I read somewhere on MFP that you need to drink a lot of water so the skin doesn't hang. I don't know if that is true or not but it does make sense.
  • Girlg0yle
    Girlg0yle Posts: 131 Member
    Reading these is so inspiring! I was skinny most of my life and had the shock of all the weird changes that came with getting fat. Now I've been heavy for about 10 years and have managed to come down 23 lbs from the highest weight ....still have 70 lbs to go...but I can already see some changes. I can walk farther without getting winded or leg cramps, sleep better when I exercise, have more energy, my feet don't hurt. Reading everyone else's posts reminded me of what it was like when I was younger and definitely helps inspire me to work on losing that 70lbs that need to go.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    I like to think that I've permanently changed my eating habits (e.g., a whole pint of ice cream would make me sick now), so I was a little surprised when I took down half a tube of cookie dough without any problem the other day :blushing: The good news is that my long run the next morning was AWESOME!
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