rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    If you ever seen Stand By Me, just before they pie eating contest where they kids are chanting, Boom-baba-boom-baba-boom-baba-boom-baba-boom - Hey, Lardass! Chow down, wide load!

    I got up to 220 with my first pregnancy and my dad use to make that sound -Boom-baba-boom-baba-boom-baba- when he saw me coming into the room.

    He was trying to be funny, but it seriously broke my heart.
  • ADRsmama
    ADRsmama Posts: 45 Member
    I was always picked on for my weight when I was in high school, one of the reasons why I became home schooled.
    They would call me Shrek and then joke with their friends that they should date me or that they loved me.
    But then after I got home schooled, I dropped a lot of weight and they would hit on me at high school football games...
    HAH! I was like yeah... riiiiiight.
  • grumpysnail89
    grumpysnail89 Posts: 14 Member
    My husband's grandmother has a huge problem with my weight, and had the gall to say, "You breastfeeding your baby so long will keep you fat longer. You need to ween as soon as you can." (My baby was 6 months at the time.)
    That same day she told my husband that 'he was so thin, and I was so big,' and kept making snide comments. My husband was very angry.

    That was last Christmas. While it hurts, I can't stay too mad at her because she is so old and probably doesn't even remember saying it. By the way, I am still breastfeeding. Much less frequently, but I'm letting my baby tell me when she is ready. She's almost there.
  • nykismile
    When I first started trying online dating I had a date with this really attractive guy. Things were going well, and then at the end of the date he looked at me and said, "We're going back to my place right? I only wanted to go on this date because you were fat and probably desperate to get laid. I just need to get laid, so after tonight I won't be contracting you." So when I asked him why he thought I was desperate for attention he said, "Fat girls never get any attention from attractive guys like me. So when a guy like me pays attention to them, they'll do anything. Fatties are the best because you can string them along just by giving them a little bit of attention." I promptly asked for the check, paid for my dinner and said, "I'm taking myself home because I know how to treat myself right, unlike you. And I'll probably do a better job at it." That was the night I started my weight loss program, I saw him after I dropped fifty pounds and he said he'd love to date me now I was skinnier. I told him no way.

    r/thathappened ?
  • Mahsaa18
    Mahsaa18 Posts: 57 Member
    well when i was at my lowest weight that was not healthy , my mom always used to call me a flat brick wall , skeleton , pole , toothpick etc.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    The director of my community theater told me twice to "stop looking like the world's ending." I couldn't figure out what she meant at the time because I was actually pretty chipper, but I realized later it's because losing weight has given me Resting Btch Face. Not a direct comment on my weight, but about my appearance based on a weight change.

    This is also the woman who didn't cast me in Chicago because I was too fat before losing weight. Guess you can't win with an aging beauty queen.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    When I was really fat, a "friend" told me my fat rolls made it look like I had 2 sets of boobs, in this dress I wore once. Went on to tell me how horrible it looked. Yea...not friends with her anymore. I'll attach the dress so you can judge for yourself, because I liked the dress at the time.

  • complikaited
    complikaited Posts: 19 Member
    I went to Pac-Sun to get a gift card for a friend's birthday and when I walked in I was immediately told by a snarky girl that they didn't carry anything in my size. I told her to go *kitten* herself and that she didn't deserve her job. (I'm usually a very quiet and reserved person so that's saying a lot..) Ended up just giving my friend cash.
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    Visiting home after I'd been gone for a few years (in which I had 3 children and gained about 80lbs) an old neighbor came over to say hi and I came out of the room and he said
    'Is that Kati?! It is! She's put on a LOT of weight, but I guess I can still see her in there somewhere'.
  • JMRod
    JMRod Posts: 86 Member
    I had lunch with a friend a few weeks ago. I excused myself to go to the ladies room. As I got up, she asked me if I was going to throw up. I responded that my weight loss was due to portion control and exercise.
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    These are awful to read but great reminders for us that we have the power to turn-off negative dialogues within our own heads.

    How many of these comments were made years ago, long forgotten by the speaker - but still play like an endless loop in our own minds?

    Also, I've so often heard people berated or shamed by their own trainers at the gym.
    We already know we're fat, we don't really need the ridicule to underline the point.

    Remember - these people are hired and paid by YOU.
    Treat them as you would an employee. Clearly set your expectations and make sure they are meeting them.
    Remind yourself they work for YOU and demand respect.
    You are paying for their expertise, but not to be abused ... (unless you like that sort of training) ;)

    If they fail as an employee, fire them and replace them with a positive, motivating new 'employee'.

  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    One time I went into a store, shopping for some things for my daughter. I was looking at jeans, and the sales person came over to me and told me they did not carry any clothing in the store in my size. It was basically an invitation to leave. "We don't want anyone your size in our store.". It was pretty clear.

    Shrug...The stuff was cheap and ugly anyway. I went to Nordstroms, asked for a personal shopper, told him my daughter's size, and we picked out several outfits with accessories for her. He was pleasant to work with, and I am sure he was happy with his commission.

    Snooty is as snooty does.

    I have also had a few issues with personal trainers, their attitude was that I was too fat to work with, one wanted to only work with me at a certain time, I think he did not want to be seen with me. Another treated me like her personal project, like she was going to fix me and make me thin. My goal was an exercise routine. Not a diet coach, she wanted to weigh me every week, and verbally abused me if I had not stayed on her regimen. No more money for her.

    You have to really maintain high self esteem when dealing with people who treat you badly. I have had people ignore me, glaze their eyes when looking at me, and act like I was the problem.

    OMG. This happened to me twice when I was shopping for gifts.
    Really now, in this economy what retailer can't use another sale?
    Whoops - guess you just lost mine!
  • camorganart
    camorganart Posts: 31 Member
    Three months after I had my daughter, I was nearly back to my pre-pregnancy weight and was able to wear a pair of jeans for the first time. My husband was taking me out for the day so my mother-in-law was watching our baby. I walked downstairs and my husband said, "You're wearing your jeans again!" and I said "Yeah, they fit again!"

    Then my MIL quipped, "Yes. *Almost*"

    She's 5' and at least 50 lbs overweight.
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Ater my divorce, I got on and one of the first dates I went on made the comment under his breath, I normally don't date fat girls. I acted like I didn't hear it, but it gave me the motivation to lose a lot of weight and date a lot cuter guys than him.

    Very similar experience. Some dating site, met at a bar for a drink. He went to the "toilet" and didnt come back. Sent a message to my mobile phone saying "you said you were 'athletic' build... your fat". At the time i was 172cm, 70kgs flat and playing sport 4 times a week ... i WAS athletically built but I had curves and i wasn't a twig. SO rude and it put me off online dating completely.. Im going to meet my fellas the regular way.

    Ew. Disgusting.
    Too bad no one replied with " I don't normally date *kitten* ..."
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    When I was really fat, a "friend" told me my fat rolls made it look like I had 2 sets of boobs, in this dress I wore once. Went on to tell me how horrible it looked. Yea...not friends with her anymore. I'll attach the dress so you can judge for yourself, because I liked the dress at the time.


    She was crazy, and probably jealous too - maybe she had no boobs herself! lol
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    I got married 3 months after my son way born. I had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, and even more during breastfeeding. It was the biggest I had ever been! Anyways, sometime after the wedding, my sister/maid of honour told me that I looked like Fiona from the movie Shrek on my wedding day. (And not the thin beautiful princess one. The Ogre.)

    She also brought me a pair of my old jeans and said "Since you're too big for these, can I have them?" My husband was right there and couldn't believe his ears.

    Then finally after a couple years, I had lost about 70 pounds. I wasn't at my Pre Pregnancy weight yet, but I was close. My brother was getting married, and I dressed up very nice, and felt really good! My mom bought me a pair of pants for the occasion and they were too big (Yay!) And my sister had actually put on some weight. After the photos came back, my sister was looking through them and said multiple times "I can't believe how big I look!!!" then she shoved the photo album in my face and said, "Seriously! I even look bigger than you!" All I could think was, "That's because you are." My husband was once again there for that, and couldn't believe that she would say that. So now I feel really insecure around her.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Ater my divorce, I got on and one of the first dates I went on made the comment under his breath, I normally don't date fat girls. I acted like I didn't hear it, but it gave me the motivation to lose a lot of weight and date a lot cuter guys than him.

    Very similar experience. Some dating site, met at a bar for a drink. He went to the "toilet" and didnt come back. Sent a message to my mobile phone saying "you said you were 'athletic' build... your fat". At the time i was 172cm, 70kgs flat and playing sport 4 times a week ... i WAS athletically built but I had curves and i wasn't a twig. SO rude and it put me off online dating completely.. Im going to meet my fellas the regular way.

    Ew. Disgusting.
    Too bad no one replied with " I don't normally date *kitten* ..."

    I it wrong that I'd be almost as offended by the incorrect use of "you're" in his text? haha

    NOT excusing that guy's behavior...AT ALL...but guys like that are the reason I always put things like plus size, BBW or even super size BBW in my dating profile. Weed out some freaks.

    I think it's really weird too how some guys say they don't like big girls and then in talking with brutally honest male friends I see that some of them mean like super morbidly obese in need of an electrical wheelchair, and others mean someone with curves like Jennifer Lawrence. WTF. Honestly a lot of guys I know who think they prefer smaller girls would still date someone with a body type like Melissa McCarthy or Jennifer Hudson BEFORE she lost any weight...they think proportional and curvy is awesome. They have a negative photo in their mind of what is "too big". Seriously at over 250 lb I had 2 different guys I met online say "You are not that big, you're plus sized?" not being fake but because they have no idea what that really even means LOL!
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    "Hello Ms. Doe, I'm Dr. Zerodette and I'll be helping with your surgery today."

    "Aren't you too fat to be a doctor??"

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Ater my divorce, I got on and one of the first dates I went on made the comment under his breath, I normally don't date fat girls. I acted like I didn't hear it, but it gave me the motivation to lose a lot of weight and date a lot cuter guys than him.

    Very similar experience. Some dating site, met at a bar for a drink. He went to the "toilet" and didnt come back. Sent a message to my mobile phone saying "you said you were 'athletic' build... your fat". At the time i was 172cm, 70kgs flat and playing sport 4 times a week ... i WAS athletically built but I had curves and i wasn't a twig. SO rude and it put me off online dating completely.. Im going to meet my fellas the regular way.

    People are attracted to what they are attracted to. That's why people should be honest in their dating profiles.
  • meganlea2431
    meganlea2431 Posts: 26 Member
    I have always been bigger since childhood and people have always been cruel but I tried to not let it get to me. When I was in high school I started dating a guy from another school and when I introduced him to my friends he said “Wow! I didn’t think you would have such hot friends”. He then broke my heart and dumped me for one of the girls I introduced him too and said he needed to upgrade to a smaller model.