rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • ADRsmama
    ADRsmama Posts: 45 Member
    Wow. :hug:
    What a huge douche!
  • willodawisp85
    willodawisp85 Posts: 25 Member
    Ater my divorce, I got on and one of the first dates I went on made the comment under his breath, I normally don't date fat girls. I acted like I didn't hear it, but it gave me the motivation to lose a lot of weight and date a lot cuter guys than him.

    Very similar experience. Some dating site, met at a bar for a drink. He went to the "toilet" and didnt come back. Sent a message to my mobile phone saying "you said you were 'athletic' build... your fat". At the time i was 172cm, 70kgs flat and playing sport 4 times a week ... i WAS athletically built but I had curves and i wasn't a twig. SO rude and it put me off online dating completely.. Im going to meet my fellas the regular way.

    People are attracted to what they are attracted to. That's why people should be honest in their dating profiles.

    The guy was a douchbag though, whatever his preference he didn't have to treat someone like that. Plus 172cm and 70kg is not that big and she was athletic so she was being honest. Athletic doesn't always mean very slim.
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    I got married 3 months after my son way born. I had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, and even more during breastfeeding. It was the biggest I had ever been! Anyways, sometime after the wedding, my sister/maid of honour told me that I looked like Fiona from the movie Shrek on my wedding day. (And not the thin beautiful princess one. The Ogre.)

    She also brought me a pair of my old jeans and said "Since you're too big for these, can I have them?" My husband was right there and couldn't believe his ears.

    Then finally after a couple years, I had lost about 70 pounds. I wasn't at my Pre Pregnancy weight yet, but I was close. My brother was getting married, and I dressed up very nice, and felt really good! My mom bought me a pair of pants for the occasion and they were too big (Yay!) And my sister had actually put on some weight. After the photos came back, my sister was looking through them and said multiple times "I can't believe how big I look!!!" then she shoved the photo album in my face and said, "Seriously! I even look bigger than you!" All I could think was, "That's because you are." My husband was once again there for that, and couldn't believe that she would say that. So now I feel really insecure around her.

    Don't feel insecure around her, she sounds like a bully. Now that she can't insult your weight she'll just have to find something or someone else to insult. Bullies never change. :(
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I came home from college in my freshman or sophomore year (I can't remember which) and my mom had made some remark about how I was growing in the wrong direction. That was her way of telling me I was gaining weight :grumble:
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member

    Don't feel insecure around her, she sounds like a bully. Now that she can't insult your weight she'll just have to find something or someone else to insult. Bullies never change. :(

    Don't take anything personally. How others treat you is a reflection on them.

    I have this posted where I can read it about 50 times a day. It has really helped me put things in perspective.
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    I got married 3 months after my son way born. I had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, and even more during breastfeeding. It was the biggest I had ever been! Anyways, sometime after the wedding, my sister/maid of honour told me that I looked like Fiona from the movie Shrek on my wedding day. (And not the thin beautiful princess one. The Ogre.)

    She also brought me a pair of my old jeans and said "Since you're too big for these, can I have them?" My husband was right there and couldn't believe his ears.

    Then finally after a couple years, I had lost about 70 pounds. I wasn't at my Pre Pregnancy weight yet, but I was close. My brother was getting married, and I dressed up very nice, and felt really good! My mom bought me a pair of pants for the occasion and they were too big (Yay!) And my sister had actually put on some weight. After the photos came back, my sister was looking through them and said multiple times "I can't believe how big I look!!!" then she shoved the photo album in my face and said, "Seriously! I even look bigger than you!" All I could think was, "That's because you are." My husband was once again there for that, and couldn't believe that she would say that. So now I feel really insecure around her.

    Don't feel insecure around her, she sounds like a bully. Now that she can't insult your weight she'll just have to find something or someone else to insult. Bullies never change. :(

    I know it's just cause she's insecure as well. She's four years older than me and single, while I got married at 18, am still very happily married, and have 3 kids. I try not to get affected by it, but I can still feel it sometimes.
  • elizabethroyce10
    elizabethroyce10 Posts: 37 Member
    well, I was 9 + months preg. and big to begin with... and the baby was a 10 lb. and i had 4 x the level of fluid.... and this woman comes up to me and says loudly "OH MY GOD! YOU ARE THE BIGGEST PREGNANT LADY I'VE EVER SEEN!" Apparantly the look i gave her was successful.... she turned and ran!
  • sweetpea799
    sweetpea799 Posts: 4 Member
    I've never forgotten 20 years ago, I was 13 years old and "the chubby girl", during school lunch a boy I had a crush on looked at me and said ' how about that, you pick at a salad every day and you're still getting fat'. Just shows some comments stay with us. Sadly, I'm still the chubby girl...but not for long....I've wasted my youth stressing about my body, now as my 33 bday passed this week my health is involved. This is my last bday as "the chubby girl". I've never posted anything ever b4, here's hoping putting it out there helps me stay motivated!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Ater my divorce, I got on and one of the first dates I went on made the comment under his breath, I normally don't date fat girls. I acted like I didn't hear it, but it gave me the motivation to lose a lot of weight and date a lot cuter guys than him.

    Very similar experience. Some dating site, met at a bar for a drink. He went to the "toilet" and didnt come back. Sent a message to my mobile phone saying "you said you were 'athletic' build... your fat". At the time i was 172cm, 70kgs flat and playing sport 4 times a week ... i WAS athletically built but I had curves and i wasn't a twig. SO rude and it put me off online dating completely.. Im going to meet my fellas the regular way.

    People are attracted to what they are attracted to. That's why people should be honest in their dating profiles.

    The guy was a douchbag though, whatever his preference he didn't have to treat someone like that. Plus 172cm and 70kg is not that big and she was athletic so she was being honest. Athletic doesn't always mean very slim.

    I totally agree. The guy could have been much more couth by saying something like "I have a big day tomorrow, let's call it a night" and then not calling again, or if she contacted him he could say he didn't feel a connection. Many different ways to handle that. I mean really, if you have internet dated ever you've probably had a comparable experience. I've met guys who described themselves as 6' athletic and were barely my height of 5'8" and either very skinny or very fat. I didn't generally care about the height or body size thing so much but I know some women really do care about that. And it's not wrong to's just wrong (IMO) to be hurtful and rude about it.

    Worse to me personally were guys who used that ONE good photo of themselves from 8 years earlier. Or longer. You just don't say "OH You are not hot like your photo."
  • koda287
    koda287 Posts: 53 Member
    The meanest thing that was ever said to me was when I was 140lbs at one time in my life before i had children when i was working with horses everyday and my mother and sister called me fat and b*tch on a constant basis. ( I am bigger boned than they are, they are little beanstalks naturally, where as i had more muscle mass than them)
    Then after i had my two children so of course i gained 40 lbs that i have been currently working on to lose. My grandmother who i haven't seen in years tells me at a funeral in front of a crowd of people that it wouldn't hurt if i skipped a meal or two and my mother and sister all laughed and thought it was hilarious.
    I was crushed and was depressed for day afterwards.

    But in the good news i am still working on losing the rest of the weight and i no longer talk to that side of the family. I decided it was time to start surrounding myself with positive happy people who love me and support me no matter what size i am.

  • Most memorable was someone throwing a orange at me and yelling out fat!
  • jrodri0105
    jrodri0105 Posts: 91 Member
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    When I was really fat, a "friend" told me my fat rolls made it look like I had 2 sets of boobs, in this dress I wore once. Went on to tell me how horrible it looked. Yea...not friends with her anymore. I'll attach the dress so you can judge for yourself, because I liked the dress at the time.


    She was crazy, and probably jealous too - maybe she had no boobs herself! lol

    jealous yes, i've always had smaller boobs that her though. lol
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Can't believe how willfully rude some people can be! The worst I've had is when a colleague quietly and delightedly asked whether I was expecting. To be fair, I was having a bit of trouble with IBS at the time and was super bloated... and I discovered afterwards that she was going through IVF at the time so pregnancy was on her mind. :wink: I was annoyed at the time, but the circumstances kind of mitigated it!

    Oh, aside from my partner's dad who is an absolute tosser and calls me a pig every time I visit. But I'm not sure that's about fat, or more about general misogyny. Two Christmasses ago he put down a plate of pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon) down in front of me and says 'there you go, pigs for the pig'. Immediately afterwards, he belched loudly and I replied 'Who's the pig now?' and he looked at me like he'd been slapped. Hah. It was a condition of spending Christmas at his parents again that my partner have a word with his dad about it... which he did, and nothing was said when I was down last time, but apparently he was 'very upset' about it. Not upset enough to actually apologise to me, mind, but there's no cure for his kind of obnoxiousness.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Oh, one further post on the subject of people who pull out 'fat' as an insult when they can't think of another one to pull out...

    When I started seeing my partner, I visited a 'friend' who wanted the details... I showed her a picture, where he was using his laptop on the floor, propped up on his elbows. She immediately labelled him as 'fat'. I reacted with extreme surprise, she said 'yeah, look at the fat there hanging out over his jeans' pointing to where his t-shirt had ridden up a little.

    This boy was 28, about 5'6 and under 120lbs (somewhere between 8st-8.5st, with a BMI borderline underweight.

    Needless to say, her jealousy showed up in several other ways over the course of the weekend and we are no longer friends!

    My point is, people don't pull out the 'fat' insult because you're fat. It's because they're an a---hole that's too stupid to think of anything more creative. *shrug*
  • colleenstacey2
    colleenstacey2 Posts: 7 Member
    When I was out running someone yelled out of a car window - "it's not working". I have also had the "when is your baby due?" and my ex-husband said to my teenaged daughter "you're getting a fat *kitten* like your mother". She developed an eating disorder after that.
  • Brenda4105
    Brenda4105 Posts: 117 Member
    When my husband (now ex) told me I was to fat to be sexually attractive any more. Sent me into major depression. I decided I would show him. I lost 40lbs and divorced his @ss.
    I found a man that loves me for me. He is sticking with me through "thick and thin". He has seen me yo-yo. He praises when I lose and never says a word when I don't. He is one of those people with a high metabolism and can eat anything and never seem to gain an ounce.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    We were talking about a staff outing to the park and what we could do and someone suggested getting Sumo suits and a woman at work said that I wouldn't need the suit :/

    She apologised quite quickly for however.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I totally agree. The guy could have been much more couth by saying something like "I have a big day tomorrow, let's call it a night" and then not calling again, or if she contacted him he could say he didn't feel a connection. Many different ways to handle that. I mean really, if you have internet dated ever you've probably had a comparable experience. I've met guys who described themselves as 6' athletic and were barely my height of 5'8" and either very skinny or very fat. I didn't generally care about the height or body size thing so much but I know some women really do care about that. And it's not wrong to's just wrong (IMO) to be hurtful and rude about it.

    Worse to me personally were guys who used that ONE good photo of themselves from 8 years earlier. Or longer. You just don't say "OH You are not hot like your photo."

    *shrug* Different strokes.
  • mimitvass
    mimitvass Posts: 21 Member
    I gained a lot of weight with pregnancy and still havent lost all of it yet.. So back in oct. we had my daughters baptism. We invited family and friends. We had it at the church we got married in with the priest that married us. We were standing in the front with our family and friends sitting in the pews. The priest then said in front of my friends and family... I didnt recognize you it seems pregnancy has brought on a large amount of weight... He then proceeded to say how astonished he was that I didnt look like myself. I kept a brave face in there I didnt want to make the public humilation worse by crying so I just laughed and said ya it did. :(