Looking for other P90 Support



  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome Mandy.
    Sounds like your in pretty good shape already! Congrats on that and starting the P90X tomorrow with your husband.
    A few of us on here are doing the P90....it'll be awhile before I can attempt the X.
    But I tell you....20 days into P90 and I'm impressed with Tony's workouts!

    Don't worry about doing the diet perfectly. Every little bit helps.
    Try tracking your calories and meals on here. It's really helped me and others out.
    If your brave enough, make your diary public and ask for advice.
    Everyone is great on the forum.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Brent buddy...Thanks for being my first support friend on the site! I HATE upward dog. It's either my 6'5" stature, or my big belly...but I can't get that leg to come between my arms for anything.

    No problem Mike, glad to help :) I liked UD better when I was doing it wrong, lol. It is MUCH tougher done correctly and if you're anything like me, it's the belly that's getting in the way. There's a Trainer Tips video on the Team Beachbody website where Tony shows some hints to help swing the leg, check it out. As you get more flexible and lose some inches it gets easier I promise :)

    I did the Fat Burner Express video tonight for the first time since September when I started P90. Holy cow what a difference! I was able to do so much better. I think I'll start P90 over again tomorrow and take it real slow to make sure my shoulders are ready.

    Keep Pushing Play everyone :)
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    About to go do my last Power 90 workout.

    Here are my B&A's for Power 90.


    After - front:

    After - side:
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    I'm thinking of starting p90 this week. I have the discs but haven't had a good look through them yet. I actually did p90x a couple of years ago and loved it! Unfortunately I only made it to day 78 when I had to quit because of back probs. I ended up having surgery for a herniated disc (not caused by 90x) a year ago and now I'm trying to get back into shape again. I'm definitely not ready for p90x but I shouldn't have a problem with p90 hopefully. I think it's great to have a support group for p90!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Brent...I'll look for the video. However, I'm only a free member so I'm not sure I'll be able to view it.

    abkeeling...Fantastic job, and congratulations again! 90 straight days without missing a workout! Your an inspiration to all of us. I can see the weight loss in your face and legs. Great job!

    etherah, welcome. Make sure to friend others doing the P90. Its motivating to hear how everyone else is doing and to get pointers when needed. Getting to day 78 of P90X is amazing. I think the P90 will give you the confidence again to get back into exercising after your surgery. Just take it easy and don't push.
  • heabear
    heabear Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on day three and joining you guys!! Heather
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    i'm doing it right now. just finished day 9. i've lost about 2lbs (haven't been eating completely clean though so. its hard when you work in the food industry haha :) i'm amazing by the amount of calories my HRM says i burn after doing the workouts considering they arent TOO strenuous.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome heabear and snrose!

    I was also amazed that my HRM said I burned 580 calories from the P90 workouts.
    May have to do with my body stats (6'5" and 232 lbs.).

    I've had it 2 days now (Polar FT7).
    How many calories does your say you are burning?
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I'm on day 6 of P90X Lean (Tonight is KempoX) I'm honestly loving it! I'm not that sore. I'm not finding it TOO hard ... I'm still able to run and swim like normal along with P90X ... I am following the work out routine to a T but just using MFP for Cal counts.

    The P90X Lean is working for me. In 1 week down 3 lbs. and I feel good! :)
  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    Hi All! I started Power 90 in May and totally completed my 90 days! I lost 25 pounds and hugely reshaped my body. I jumped right into P90 Master Series after that and finished that one too. I lost another 5 doing MS, but I wasn't eating as clean as when I was doing P90. Slacked off a bit during Christmas break for the kids, and I started P90X on January 2nd. Love it!
    I will say, though, that I am glad I didn't jump from P90 to P90x. Could I have? Yes. But I learned so many more moves in MS that are incorporated in P90X. And it still would have been a lot tougher than after MS. MS also eases you into longer workouts, and boy, does that extra 10-12 minutes make a difference in your endurance!
    Anyway, good luck in P90! Keep pushing play! It works if you work it!
    Feel free to ask any questions or friend me!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Welcome jennifer and Serenifly. It's great to hear from another person that completed P90.
    I haven't heard of the P90 Master Series, but it sounds like it may be a good compromise than going straight to P90X.
    Can you tell me more about it? Is it like P90, just longer and more sets, etc.?
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Great work abkeeling! That's the stuff :) I officially began Power 90 again today after over a month off due to injury. I took it easy but did very well and my shoulders held up. I'm excited to get back to it and look forward to finishing up and starting P90MS. Mike, MS came out after the X but as has been mentioned, is similar in structure and shares some moves. You can look it up on the Beachbody site when you search fitness programs by trainer. Here's a link to the leg swing video if you need it.

  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    Mike, MS starts off just like P90 in that you alternate a cardio and sculpt day. But after a few weeks, you add in other videos also. They are a little longer in length than P90, but less than 60 minutes per day. It's a gradual build-up in your endurance and you learn new ways to do pushups, etc.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Thanks. I looked it up too. I still got a long way to go before I need to decide. I like that so many people are doing P90X, so I may order that when the time comes and try it out. If it's too much, I'll save them and order the MS. Thanks for the info!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Finished week 1 yesterday! Legs was the hardest on me, my bum hurts... Rest day today and I'm doing Hula Hooop Class!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Thanks. I looked it up too. I still got a long way to go before I need to decide. I like that so many people are doing P90X, so I may order that when the time comes and try it out. If it's too much, I'll save them and order the MS. Thanks for the info!

    I've only done one workout of P90X, and can all ready see some differences between the two programs. P90X is definitely more of a circuit training style, at least the Chest & Back exercise that I did last night was. A lot more pushups, and a few different styles. Then there is the pullups. Lots of them. Heavy Pants and Back Flys carried over into this workout.

    Ab Ripper X is nothing like Ab Ripper 100 or 200. You'll work new muscles and find new pain in the ones you built up in Power 90.

    I'll give you more feedback when I've gone through a week of it, and how it compares to Power 90.
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    Started day 1 of P90 tonight (Sculpt 1-2). This may change once I get into it more, but I can't believe how different it is from P90X. P90 is definitely more my speed at this point in time.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    That's why I got P90 in the first place, no way was I ready for the X. Glad you like it so far :)
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Glad P90 is more up your alley. I keep telling myself this is a lifestyle change. So if it takes 90 or 180 days before I get to X, so be it. It's all good!
  • etherah
    etherah Posts: 83 Member
    When I did P90X a few years ago, I was in much better shape than I am now. I thought this time around I might try Turbo Fire instead of P90, but I quickly discovered that TB is much too intense for me at the moment. They move so fast that I wasn't able to do the moves properly and I kind of hurt my back. P90 is more my speed for now!