5'1 - 5'2 ladies whats your goal weight :)



  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    In the end the scale doesn't freaking matter nor does it define you. I replied to this thread back in November 2012 being proud I was 111lbs and 13% BF. At least I thought I was. I was thin, too thin and weaker than I am now. I actually didn't like the way I looked after losing 20+ lbs. Today I'm back to 135lbs after bulking twice to put on muscle and only a size bigger than that 111lb girl. I'm much stronger mentally and physically today than I was then and that's a hell of a lot more important than some random number. It's good to have goals but don't get wrapped up in the idea that once you get there you'll be perfectly happy.

    I'm proud of you for realizing what makes you feel your best and that the number on the scale needs to be a little higher to achieve that. Congrats!
  • I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is around 75 pounds( I have a small frame). Right now I'm around 91 pounds and have rewards at 89lbs, 85lbs, 82lbs, 78lbs, and 75lbs. Rough work, but keep it up ladies!!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is around 75 pounds( I have a small frame). Right now I'm around 91 pounds and have rewards at 89lbs, 85lbs, 82lbs, 78lbs, and 75lbs. Rough work, but keep it up ladies!!
    Even if you're a small frame, you are already at an unhealthy weight for your height. You're at 16.6 BMI now and aiming for 13.7? This is dangerous
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member
    In the end the scale doesn't freaking matter nor does it define you. I replied to this thread back in November 2012 being proud I was 111lbs and 13% BF. At least I thought I was. I was thin, too thin and weaker than I am now. I actually didn't like the way I looked after losing 20+ lbs. Today I'm back to 135lbs after bulking twice to put on muscle and only a size bigger than that 111lb girl. I'm much stronger mentally and physically today than I was then and that's a hell of a lot more important than some random number. It's good to have goals but don't get wrapped up in the idea that once you get there you'll be perfectly happy.

  • 5'0 and currently I fluctuate between 124-129 can't seem to move ... But I'm feeling fantastic :) , I would love to see the scale at 115
  • Hachiko89
    Hachiko89 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my highest weight was 118lbs. I am now around 107lbs but look and feel no different from when I was 118lbs. My dress size of a UK10 is still the same. So my goal is to lose another 9lbs to get to 98lbs which is still a healthy BMI.
  • Hii

    I'm nearly 5'2 and I started at about 174 about 2 years ago. Down to 150 and aiming to lose 25-30 pounds in the next three months. My ideal weight however is somewhere between 115-20
  • I'm 5'2" and my goal is 140. I've been that small before and smaller (130). I've always been curvy no matter how small but at 130 I was almost too skinny for my build. I like muscle definition on me too which can make you weigh more.
  • atomiccrisis
    atomiccrisis Posts: 7 Member
    I'm almost 5'3" and my goal weight is 115lbs. I would love to be able to fit into a US size 2 comfortably. I currently wear a US size 6. I'm 138lbs right now with a naturally curvy build. I'm the smallest I've been since my freshman year of high school, but still pretty unhappy with how weight sets on my frame. However, at least I'm finally starting to see improvement. I just need to stay motivated.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I think my target is 105-130, anything in that range under 130 I am happy with so lets said 115 lol.
  • lafoto13
    lafoto13 Posts: 23 Member
    im 4'11" and 112. gw is between 95-100
  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    If anybody is looking for a supprt buddy - I'm looking for more MFP friends!
  • carrieloveshk
    carrieloveshk Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 4'11.5" 24 years old and my goal weight is 100lbs, it seems crazy though because last time I was 100lbs I was 16 and starving myself. However, I'm being healthy now so we'll see how it goes. I'd be happy with 110.
  • alanabanana86
    alanabanana86 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, I know that this is an old thread, but I'm 5' 1 1/2" tall and weigh 124lbs, currently wear a UK dress size 10.

    I've always been worried about the scales but right now I'm actually staying away from them, so I don't have an ideal weight, I have an ideal body target. Weight doesn't really work for me or motivate me, plus it's easy for me to say 'yeah I lost 5 lbs, lets eat!' whereas if I work out regularly, and eat the right things most of the time, my body will be on it's way.

    Hope you're all feeling strong and healthy :)
  • Hi there, I'm 36 f, 5'1 and currently 100 pounds. My problem is that I can still grab 2 fists full of belly fat. I'm also not sure what my goal weight should be...or how to shred off those last few pounds in my gut. Advice welcome!
  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there, I'm 36 f, 5'1 and currently 100 pounds. My problem is that I can still grab 2 fists full of belly fat. I'm also not sure what my goal weight should be...or how to shred off those last few pounds in my gut. Advice welcome!

    Are you doing any kinds of strength training exercises? Did you experience a huge weight loss to get where you are? My first thought is that strength training would help to burn the fat - you'll gain weight - but the muscle would look great.
  • I'm 5ft1 and currently 11 stone 10lbs and UK size 16 for bottoms and 14 in tops.
    My goal is 9st 5 and size 10......just like I was when I met my now husband 8 long years ago.
    It piled on gradually over the years. Luckily he said he likes curvy women :) but we want to start a family in a year or so and with me having PCOS I want to improve this so we can do it naturally without medication.
  • I feel almost awkward now, everyone is saying their goal weight is 110-120 here, and im 5'4 almost 5'5 and my goal weight is 115....
  • milla1985
    milla1985 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a shade over 5'2 (more like 5'2.5) but I hope that you won't throw me out on my ear!

    I'm currently just over 140 pounds and my final goal weight is 120.

    I'd like to get down to 110 eventually as that is where I was at 21 but I am not sure if a desk job and nearly a decade on would let me get there!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I am 5'1 1/2 (lol I strive for that half). My favorite weight is 117-120. I have been 130 for a couple years now. It is so hard to maintain that and I am only 28. I don't know if it's because I am Hispanic or what. When I was at my lowest (114) it took so much to get to there. It was not a realistic way of life. I was depriving myself of everything. The guidelines for our height is pretty drastic. If I am in the 20's I am happy!! :sad: :cry: