Just For Today



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just for Today: I will walk my steps.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Just for today I will relax about it.
  • alanabanana86
    alanabanana86 Posts: 21 Member
    Just for today I will get my protein in and get some fresh air :)
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    just for today:
    I'm going to kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight. and i'll get up and do it again tomorrow. And the next day.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Just for Today: I will ignore what co-workers are eating.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    30 years ago I was diagnosed with epilepsy following the birth of my first child. I was devastated to think I had to take medication the rest of my life.

    The doctor took my hand and said...don't take it the rest of your life...just, every day, take it today.

    This is a wonderful way to look at many things, including the changes we must make to be healthy.
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    just for today-i will concentrate on staying just a couple of steps ahead rather than trying to strategize for the 6-9 months...
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just for Today: I will not undermine myself.
  • fluffygrump
    fluffygrump Posts: 12 Member
    Just for today, I will not let the scale get me flustered!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just for Today: I will eat my veggies.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just for Today: I will stick with it.
  • TrueQuest
    TrueQuest Posts: 62 Member
    Reminds me of a poem my therapist gave me.

    Poem - Just for today

    Just for Today I want to be at Peace. I want to feel that long needed, soothing inner peace inside my soul, inside my bones.

    Just for Today I want to be at Peace. Even if it means giving up a few things:

    Even if it means giving up those little private conversations I have with myself about other people's driving behavior. Even if it means letting go of a ripe opportunity to judge their selfish driving habits, and even if it means passing up the opportunity to remind myself of how just my values are compared to theirs.

    Just For Today I want to be at Peace. I guess, even if it means letting go of other opportunities throughout this day to privately judge others for their selfishness, their stupidity, their thoughtlessness. I guess, even if it means passing up a few opportunities to privately speculate and judge the state of the world, and how much better off it would be if people would just do what I know is best for everyone.

    I think that I really want to be at Peace today. Even if it means that I must let go of being right, even when I am right. Even if it means that I have to let go of following out my private conversations in my head about how right I am, how logical, how rational. Even if it means that I must let go of my inner debates on my self-esteem, my correctness, my self-consciousness, what others think of me, how I might be appearing to others. Even if it means that I won't have the luxury of dwelling in my self-consciousness, self-pity, or anger.

    I really like the way Peace feels. And just for today, I want to feel some peace.

    Tomorrow is another day, with plenty of opportunity to renew my judgment of other's selfishness and thoughtlessness, my criticisms of the world's ways, my rightness about the inequality in the world, my obsessive private conversations about my ego and what others think of me.

    Just because I miss a few opportunities for that today, there will still be plenty of opportunity for that tomorrow. I can afford to be at Peace today, because I can always pick up those other habits tomorrow. There will always be other chances to worry, to judge, be angry, self righteous, intolerant.

    I don't need to be afraid of giving up my judgment, criticisms, and anxieties Just For One Little Day now do I?

    Just For Today, I want to be at Peace. Even if it means that I'll need to give up some opportunities to show people how much I know about everything, and even if I have to give up a day spent watching for chances to impress others, and make sure they know how much I know.

    I may have to let go of an opportunity to correct someone's misinformation, to give them the right facts, or set the record straight.

    I heard someone once say, "For peace of mind resign as general manager of the Universe."

    I may have to let go of some worry, or self concern about wearing the right clothes, having the right smile, making sure that I don't do anything politically incorrect, knowing everything, and having studied everything with more integrity than anyone else possibly could have, else they would have arrived at the same conclusions that I did. I'll have to give up opportunities to be important, or make sure others know how important I am.

    I'll have to tell my ego to take a hike when it demands that I bow down and spend every waking hour of my day re-framing everything into how perfect I am, how wonderful I am, how anything I am.

    I'll have to let go of anything that doesn't feel peaceful.
    Just for today.
  • Veronnie87
    Veronnie87 Posts: 40 Member
    Just for today: I am going to accept that I did not plan my meals out for this week and because of that made a lunchtime choice that I am not pleased with. Just for today I'll enjoy the fat and salt and sugar of that lunch and tonight I will take the dog on an extra-long walk. I will not obsess over this until I convince myself that I can't do this and allow myself to fall off the wagon AGAIN. I will do better tomorrow.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    Just for Today: I will workout hard at the gym this morning and watch myself with treats at the Harvest Festival.
  • Phberg2
    Phberg2 Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today...and everyday...I will have an attitude of gratitude realizing that overeating does not solve problems!
  • Phberg2
    Phberg2 Posts: 2 Member
    So did I. Was overly stressed and took comfort in sugar. Recovering bulemic over 25 years.
  • annadjanssen
    annadjanssen Posts: 29 Member
    Reiki Prayer

    Just for today, I will not worry.

    Just for today, I will not anger.

    Just for today, I will earn my living honestly.

    Just for today, I will honor my parents, teachers and elders.

    Just for today, I will show gratitude for everything.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just for Today: I will gt my steps in, somehow.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Just for today, I will try and be positive and compassionate to everybody I meet and to remember that we all struggle with something and we all need a second chance at something.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Just for Today: I will believe in myself!