Beachbody's 21 Day Fix- Don't count calories?!



  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    So, how are you supposed to cook on this? Do I shove the ingredients for my pasta/chicken/salad/sandwich into the little boxes and then make it? What if I'm cooking with friends and family?

    Am I supposed to shove Aunt Edna aside at the stove, steal the jambalaya ingredients, and start cramming them into my rainbow boxes with wild abandon?

    I get a lot of my cooking recipes on pinterest or on the groups facebook page. There are a lot of blogs that have recipes and what approximate containers are for that recipe. Its not exact I will agree with that, but I think not being 100% perfectly precise is why it works for me. I had an eating disorder for a long time...and for YEARS everything had to be exact. I had to know every.single.calorie that went into my body. I tend to not succeed very well weighing/precisely measuring my food on MFP because it reminds me of that mindset and I tend to end up eating more crap trying to "rebel." Knowing "about" the portion size is mentally much easier for me to grasp and as a PP said, it clicks with me.

    I could very easily use free youtube videos and MFP and not pay a cent...but I love the group that I am in on facebook where we share recipes and ideas and encourage each other, and I actually like the workouts. I'm usually staring at the clock waiting for the workout to be over, but these ones actually don't bore me and I get excited to do them the next day.

    Shakeology on the other hand....I probably won't be re-buying. Probably. I got a recipe for an amazing "pumpkin pie" shake with the chocolate that is oh so good...but for much cheaper I will make with my own. I find the vanilla flavor to personally be nasty. If I re-bought it would be for the strawberry...which is actually pretty good, and there aren't an abundance of that flavor around my area.
  • In addition to the containers they provide a list of acceptable foods to go in them.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    What happens on the 22nd day?

    And this^^ is really the only problem I have with it. By calling it a 21 day FIX, it implies that by doing it for 21 days you will magically lose ALL the weight you need to and therefore can stop following it and yet you will never gain anything back. Then what happens on the 22nd day. I don't have a problem with the workout or the eating plan. But don't call it a 21 day FIX. Because there is no such thing. And I agree that spending 60 bucks is completely unnecessary and not worth the money. You can achieve the same results on your own... But if those little containers and a workout DVD is something that works for you... More power to you.
  • What happens on the 22nd day?

    And this^^ is really the only problem I have with it. By calling it a 21 day FIX, it implies that by doing it for 21 days you will magically lose ALL the weight you need to and therefore can stop following it and yet you will never gain anything back. Then what happens on the 22nd day. I don't have a problem with the workout or the eating plan. But don't call it a 21 day FIX. Because there is no such thing. And I agree that spending 60 bucks is completely unnecessary and not worth the money. You can achieve the same results on your own... But if those little containers and a workout DVD is something that works for you... More power to you.

    They call it the 21 day fix because in 21 days you will see results if you got the program and read the book and followed along you would know that is says right in the book THAT THIS IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE AND YOU CAN USE THESE TOOLS TO HELP YOU SUCCEED. Also if you ever listened to the creator she says THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL. People who do this learn to put the right foods in their body and yes its totally worth it if you are a visual person 60.00 is cheaper than a gym membership and its a investment in your health. BTW it also says WHEN YOU REACH RESULTS GO UP A BRACKET AND BE HEALTHY