
  • Very much related! We really do have common. I too is one of the boys. In campus, in our street and even somewhere. I always preffer watching John cena acts as if he really is strong and have won the summer slam raw. Than wathcing those highschool musical and too girly etc movies. But despite all of that. I am very sure that i am a straight Female. Actually i do have boy friend now.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Honestly, I love a woman who can easily pull off both.

    Me too
  • emkayelle91
    emkayelle91 Posts: 846 Member
    Since I like both men and women I'm assuming I can answer... I like girls who look girly (longer hair, curves, etc) but are not afraid to get dirty i.e play sports, workout hard etc. basically I like girls who are just like me, maybe I'm weird lol
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Honestly, I love a woman who can easily pull off both.

    I agree. There's a time and a place for everything :wink:
  • bonita principessa, guys are going to love someone who is comfortable to be who they are. Anyone who wants to change that at worth the effort. Imagine you be what you're mum syas you should and you meet a nice boy who loves this side of you. You will be hiding what you want out of life and live in torment and denial.

    Be exactly who you want to be. Nothin more, nothing less.

    I'll get off my soap box now. :-)
    You, I like you!
  • Balance!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Honestly, I love a woman who can easily pull off both.

    I agree. There's a time and a place for everything :wink:

  • I shoot guns, I watch sports, I work on cars, but I also rock a cute skirt/dress and heels, can cook just about anything, love to accessorize, and although minimal, I wear make up. I'm happy with me. It's all about balance. I can take care of myself and am not the helpless female, but gladly accept being taken care of as well. Just be you. Enjoy what you love. The rest will fall in to place.
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    It's kind of a trick question. Day-in-day-out, I don't really care what she wears. But she must be feminine. If she looks like $1M in jeans and tennies, who cares. But she MUST be all woman. Able to drink with the guys or fit in at a cotillion. Adaptable, I guess?
  • _BlueGreyGreen_
    _BlueGreyGreen_ Posts: 943 Member
    Girly girls period.
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    I shoot guns, I watch sports, I work on cars, but I also rock a cute skirt/dress and heels, can cook just about anything, love to accessorize, and although minimal, I wear make up. I'm happy with me. It's all about balance. I can take care of myself and am not the helpless female, but gladly accept being taken care of as well. Just be you.
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    Girly girls period.
    I tend to think like this, but I was married to a Chanel girl. Ummmm.....high maintenance SUCKS
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Athletic and pretty fearless females. Girly girls won't do a lot of stuff I like to do, so they would be no fun to be around. I gag watching females getting giddy over perfume, nail polish and makeup. But that's me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    OP, you're not going to get one straight answer on this.

    Like women, all men have different preferences. If you like one type of guy, that does not mean another woman will like the same type just because you share a gender. Different strokes for different folks!

    Personally, I think both girly-girls and tomboys can be extremely sexy. If you're confident in who you are, that should be all that matters. Don't let someone else's opinion of you determine your self worth.
  • Warlock_42
    Warlock_42 Posts: 30 Member
    Girly Girl.
  • Bellavita2888
    Bellavita2888 Posts: 36 Member
    Be yourself of course! But why limit yourself to one or the other. You can be both, if and when you feel like it. But mostly be happy.
  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    I prefer women who are... not batsh*t crazy.

    Honestly, that's #1 on the list.

    From that starting point, things I find attractive in a woman:

    1) Passionate (not just about me, but anything important in their life)
    2) Kind
    3) Smart
    4) Fit
    5) Confident
    6) Extroverted
    7) Energetic/Excitable
    8) Inquisitive/Interested in life
    9) Likes to touch and be touched

    The whole boy/girl thing... is way overrated. I can enjoy aspects of both. Your mom is too focused on something that means very little, in the big scheme of things. If a woman can cheer at the TV with me during a football game, and then don high heels and a skirt for an evening out and dance her tail off with me, then she's a keeper.

    And yeah, I did marry her.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    A lot of guys that I date tell me that they like that I am very feminine (there's absolutely no way that you can doubt that), but I can hold my own out with the guys. It's all about balance and I'm easy going. Guy wants to take me to the shooting range I'm onto it faster than a hot potato or a guy wants to do a romantic date night - I can be dressed to kill in no time. Life isn't just black and white. Girly or boyish. There's depth to people. I'm very feminine and am a bit traditional in dating role, but I also am my own person and can get down and dirty while looking gorgeous too. :wink: Waterproof make-up is the bomb! Be yourself and find that balance. Find your grey areas. :wink:
  • A lot of guys that I date tell me that they like that I am very feminine (there's absolutely no way that you can doubt that), but I can hold my own out with the guys. It's all about balance and I'm easy going. Guy wants to take me to the shooting range I'm onto it faster than a hot potato or a guy wants to do a romantic date night - I can be dressed to kill in no time. Life isn't just black and white. Girly or boyish. There's depth to people. I'm very feminine and am a bit traditional in dating role, but I also am my own person and can get down and dirty while looking gorgeous too. :wink: Waterproof make-up is the bomb! Be yourself and find that balance. Find your grey areas. :wink:
    Exactly....I second that.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    Girly girl in the way she takes care of herself but she has to wanna do stuff that will get her dirty. and i mean like sweaty and stuff like that... why does this sound bad to me ;^/ lol