

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    I think guys prefer what they prefer and that, you know, it varies from man to man.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    i'm 47 and never asked a girl out .. i'm not shy or anything like that..all my friends are women, always have been and always will be.
    Never been one to chase women around.. the relationships I've had in my life have all been started by the woman asking me out :) .. funnily enough the ones i have had the longest relationships with were fit.. 3 gymnasts and 2 fitness trainers .. shame i never got into the whole fitness thing while i was with one of them .. sometimes a guy doesn't choose his TYPE …it chooses itself
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I think guys prefer what they prefer and that, you know, it varies from man to man.

    ^Complete insanity!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member

    Damn zombie threads.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Zombie bie bie bie bie bie doot doot doot
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I like women who have vaginas.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    I like women who have vaginas.

    Does it matter if they eat brains?
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    difficult to say, girly-girl for sure but does not have to be skirt, blouse and heels everytime

    they is a middle between the girl that dress like a boy and the barbie doll

    what I don't like for sure is a girl that doesn't know how to dress appropriately for certain situations, like business dinner, theater or cocktails..
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I like women who have vaginas.

    Does it matter if they eat brains?
    Not as much as it should.

  • Leather_N_Lace
    Leather_N_Lace Posts: 518 Member
    Why does it half to be one way or the other? I can get a mani/pedi, be dressed to the 9's with a skirt, blouse and 3 inch heels.. Or sweatpants, t-shirt, working on a car, or watching football.

    I think it is most important to be you. I'm both a girly girl and a tomboy.. And i don't pretend to be anything other than who I am.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    I wear sports attire almost daily, I NEVER wear heels, I almost never paint my nails, I never do my hair, and I'm a HUGE UK fan. I've yet to meet a man who can't accept those qualities about me. I don't think guys really care one way or the other for the most part.
  • mustlovecakes
    At times, I'm both. I love dressing up and being feminine. But I also love getting dirty and going camping. Be who you are and own it. Confidence is sexy...and muscles =>
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    Every man is different.

    Some will be mortally wounded by the mere thought of you without a full face of makeup, sky high heels, and a wardrobe full of pink, purple, lace, and satin.

    Some men want you to have burping contests with them, light their farts on fire, and scream so loud at peewee football that you lose your voice.

    A lot of men fall somewhere in the middle. They like you to share some common interests, but they also appreciate when you put a little effort to look and feel beautiful.

    The RIGHT man will prefer that you be exactly who you are, whether you are super girly, think so much like a man that you sometimes have to look down to make sure you still have the right parts, or fall somewhere in between.

    I am a bipolar Amazon bookworm who is obsessed with budgets (I have a spreadsheet made that breaks down my budget by week through the end of 2023), has the libido of a teenage boy, won't eat bacon because I read a book that grossed me out, is psychotic about being on time, wears dresses almost every day but refuses to spend more than $20 on any article of clothing, won't fart in front of anyone but doesn't even blink about discussing bowel movements, is the queen of stupid human tricks, and will spend five minutes putting on makeup and fixing my hair but hours criticizing my appearance.
    I am, quite frankly, a nut.
    I am also loved deeply and passionately by a man who appreciates every drop in this Tallglassofquirky - except maybe the part where I criticize myself so much, because although he is under no illusion that I am perfect, he is 100% certain that I am perfect for him.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,761 Member
    I find a good balance of both to be extremely hot. I find a girl all dolled up and wearing heels to be absolutely intoxicating. But I also want to be able to take a girl fishing/camping and you know how to handle yourself and are not afraid to get dirty.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Everyone has preference. My preferences, I find change from time to time. But what most women fail to realize is that preferences do NOT define who this person would fall for.

    Take me for example. I used to be into blonde haired, college party girl types. But the person I fell for, and still love after 12 years, was very reserve, shy, girly girl (but not fragile little thing. She was a strong person when she needed to be) type. I still to this day have no idea what made me fall in love with her but she was certainly not a boyish person. By all means she wasn't my type at all but still, I fell for her.

    So while we all have preferences and our preferences change, I wouldn't hold on to them. When you fall for someone, you don't care about preferences. You only care about being close to that person.
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    I need someone whose heart is freely offered,
    I yearn for a serendipitous lover, who's ready not a moment before.

    I hope for a companion who will travel the long road with me.
    I beg, pair me with a scrapper who will match me, blow for blow.

    She'd be demanding, protective, frustratingly inscrutable.
    She'd need my help while convinced only she knows the way.

    I prefer a woman unabashedly herself.
    I prefer a woman, unexpected, who also prefers me.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I don't think my preferences go along the lines of "girly-girl vs boyish." I prefer a girl that's comfortable in her own skin and has a great smile and a good sense of humor.

    I prefer not to be poked by any surprises... well...maybe if it's IcebergSimpson... nah.... (fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me)
  • sarkazm
    sarkazm Posts: 104
    Definitely agree with a majority of the posts here, a little of both is good... And always be yourself!
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I prefer females that have some toughness in them. One that has no problems standing up to me and telling me (honestly) how they feel. THAT I can totally respect!
  • Chalk_Slinger
    Some from column A and some from column B