
I love my partner, but I have to give it to him straight, he wants to make me fat, four stone I've put on in the two years I've known him, because everyday he buys takeaways or eats out, or both.

I told him I was on a diet fifty times today, but he sort`ve bullied me into eating a bit of Chinese and pizza, now I feel depressed, he says he likes my weight, and I'm fed up saying no, no, no. I can't have this sabotage.

I know people will say its my fault for giving in, but you don't know this guy!!!.. he really thinks it makes me happy to eat this ****e, but it doesn't. I love cooking healthy meals. But just after I made tomato soup, ate it and felt happy, he says I'm going round to get pizza, and got Me one too. I can't throw it out, and I can't beg not too anymore... he wants me to be fat, eugh,

We went into the shop and he wouldn't stop asking me if I wanted the fattest foods, crisps, etc, really fed up. I am so angry, anyone else have a feeder?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Bottom line, it is your fault for giving in. It doesn't matter that I don't know your partner. You are in charge of what you eat. You, and you alone. (I'm assuming he doesn't have you chained down and is force feeding you, obviously.) You've given him mixed messages here. You tell him you don't want the food but then when he pushes, you eat it. So of course he is going to keep pushing the next time. He knows you will give in. It's obnoxious on his part and wishy washy on yours. Just stop it.
  • coffeeshopgeek
    coffeeshopgeek Posts: 16 Member
    If he had bought you a whole pizza, couldn't you have split it into manageable portions and kept it for lunch during the next few days? That way it didn't go completely to waste and neither would your healthier eating. Also, be more assertive, no means no, not 'aw, go on then!'
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You're a grown *kitten* woman and you can do what you want. Including throwing away pizza, breaking up, or getting fat.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    You apparently don't want it badly enough yet ...... rethink your priorities ...... and keep on truckin' !
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    1) take pizza
    2) throw in the trash
    3) point made to your partner.

    Alternatively, divide it up and just have a bit at a time,
    Until you really put your foot down and show him you mean business, he will continue to bring the food.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You're in charge of yourself and your choice to say yes or no.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    You're a grown *kitten* woman and you can do what you want. Including throwing away pizza, breaking up, or getting fat.


    My DH doesn't put the food into my mouth and force me to chew it. I do that all on my own. Just yesterday we went into Whole Foods where he wanted to have some pizza by the slice. I wanted just a pack of baby carrots, and he was like "can't you wait until we're getting ready to leave to buy them?" ... uh, no, because I want to eat them instead of pizza. He rolled his eyes, and I told him I would gladly go wait in the car while he got his pizza. Except I was hungry, so I went to the salad bar and put some produce and protein into a take-out box. He paid way more for my bits of broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom, a lone egg, and a tablespoon of salmon.

    If you talk to him about the fact that you're making better choices for your health and he still "bullies" you then you could log the mad dash to get away from his *kitten* as exercise.

    edit to properly quote OP.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    You're a grown *kitten* woman and you can do what you want. Including throwing away pizza, breaking up, or getting fat.

  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Break up with the feeder. You don't need him. Get therapy and supportive friends to help you break up with him if it is too emotionally difficult for you to do so on your own. Your health is your responsibility. Please don't lose it to someone who evidently cares very little.

    *I absolutely hate feeders.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You're a grown *kitten* woman and you can do what you want. Including throwing away pizza, breaking up, or getting fat.


    My DH doesn't put the food into my mouth and force me to chew it. I do that all on my own. Just yesterday we went into Whole Foods where he wanted to have some pizza by the slice. I wanted just a pack of baby carrots, and he was like "can't you wait until we're getting ready to leave to buy them?" ... uh, no, because I want to eat them instead of pizza. He rolled his eyes, and I told him I would gladly go wait in the car while he got his pizza. Except I was hungry, so I went to the salad bar and put some produce and protein into a take-out box. He paid way more for my bits of broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom, a lone egg, and a tablespoon of salmon.

    If you talk to him about the fact that you're making better choices for your health and he still "bullies" you then you could log the mad dash to get away from his *kitten* as exercise.

    edit to properly quote OP.
    I want to post a certain gif so hard right now but I got in trouble yesterday for it:laugh:
    **grinds teef**
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I love my partner, but I have to give it to him straight, he wants to make me fat, four stone I've put on in the two years I've known him, because everyday he buys takeaways or eats out, or both.

    I told him I was on a diet fifty times today, but he sort`ve bullied me into eating a bit of Chinese and pizza, now I feel depressed, he says he likes my weight, and I'm fed up saying no, no, no. I can't have this sabotage.

    I know people will say its my fault for giving in, but you don't know this guy!!!.. he really thinks it makes me happy to eat this ****e, but it doesn't. I love cooking healthy meals. But just after I made tomato soup, ate it and felt happy, he says I'm going round to get pizza, and got Me one too. I can't throw it out, and I can't beg not too anymore... he wants me to be fat, eugh,

    We went into the shop and he wouldn't stop asking me if I wanted the fattest foods, crisps, etc, really fed up. I am so angry, anyone else have a feeder?

    How did he "sort of bully" you into eating it? If he's verbally abusing you in order to make you eat, then you need to seek out therapy and a divorce.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I can't throw it out

    Why not? He'd get the message. He can't force you to eat it. He buys it. Throw it out or let him eat it.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If he's bullying you into eating, then your probably in the wrong relationship. Find someone who will respect your goals.

    The bottom line is though, it's your choice to put the foods in your mouth. Did he tie you up and force the foods down your throat??

    your an adult, so you really can't blame anyone but yourself.
  • Turning_Hopes_to_Habits
    Throw away the food until he gets the point. If he seriously doesn't want to be with you if you lose weight, you've got a choice to make. But as long as you're together, part of your life is going to be fighting with temptation that he puts in front of you. Unless you do manage to make him stop.

    This would drive me crazy. Like, guano crazy.
  • NC_Nature_Chick
    Find someone else who supports your goals in a healthy way :)
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Make your own decisions. Stop blaming the bad ones on others.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    You do what you want.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    You do what you want.

    She doesn't, it seems.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
  • LadyHobbledehoy
    LadyHobbledehoy Posts: 91 Member
    I would've looked him straight in the eye as I threw the pizza in the trashcan.