How many pounds did you gain in your pregnancy?



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I gained about 25 and my daughter was 7 pounds 9 ounces. I dropped back to my pre-pregnancy weight within 4 weeks after having her. I still can't get rid of the pooch...I'm trying my best. I think it also helps that I was 18 when I had her and so it was relatively easy to drop the weight.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    The first time about 32 pounds. The second time around I started heavier and I was bound and determined to not get carried away during my 2nd pregnancy. I gained about 15lbs and I had an almost 9lbs baby. :D
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    35 pounds
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    I was 240lbs when I got pregnant w/ my first and gained 21lbs - my dr didn't want me to gain more than 20. :) He was 9lbs 6oz. I weighed 235 within about 2-3 weeks after.

    I was 260lbs when I got pregnant w/ my second and gained 9lbs - same dr was upset every time I had lost weight. She was 9lbs 2oz. I weighed 245lbs within about 6 weeks after.
  • harmonymusictchr
    I lost weight with both of my pregnancies. Around 15 pounds each time, but I put every pound plus a BUNCH more on past-delivery. I was concerned when the scale kept going backwards while I was pregnant but my Dr. said not to worry about it. Both of my girls were healthy as can weighed in at 9lb 12 oz and the other 8lb 5 oz.
  • hilton9
    hilton9 Posts: 24 Member
    I gained 46. I am 5'3" and was 158 pre-pregnancy. The day I gave birth I weighed 204. My baby boy was 8 lbs, 8 oz.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    40 lbs. I jogged 5x a week up until 30 weeks when it got painful, but continued walking daily after that. My daughter was 8lbs 2 oz.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    A lot!! I didn't weigh myself during but after she was born I was 49lbs heavier!! I ate like a horse in the last four weeks out of sheer boredom. Definitely won't be making the same mistake with baby number 2!!
  • Tipring
    Tipring Posts: 21 Member
    I gained 60 pounds with my first, but I was about 15 pounds under weight before pregnancy. He was 8 lbs 10 ozs. 6 years after him got prego with my youngest. Gained 50 pounds, he was 10 pounds 2 ounces. I weigh more now than I did at the end of my pregnancies.
  • meghannpiercy
    meghannpiercy Posts: 9 Member
    I gained almost 100lbs, half way through I got really sick and was put on bed rest so i couldn't do ANYTHING but hang out on my bed.
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    80 with my first one :grumble: boy 8 pounds ....9 with my second :noway: girl 7 pounds ....and I am still trying to lose the weight from the first one :tongue: he is 22 and she is 2 :laugh:
  • darla48
    darla48 Posts: 25
    My first and only pregnancy was with twins and I gained sons were 5lbs 9 oz and 5lbs 6 oz
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I gained 60 with my first. 40 with my second. 35 with my third. And about 40 or 45 with my last. So as you can see it's different everytime!
  • jlrowl
    jlrowl Posts: 2
    I gained 25 lbs. My doctor told me that iur was a very healthy weight gain. But I know it varies depending on you and the growth of you r baby
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I gained 40 lbs my first 2 pregnancies and 20 lbs the third one (by that time I already had 20 lbs extra from the previous pregnancies).
  • andeeinevansville
    I gained 64 pounds with my first pregnancy, 19 with my 2nd, 10 with my 3rd, 9 with my 4th and 10 with my heaviest baby was 10 pounds and my lightest baby was 8 pounds..besides my first baby, I dropped all my pregnancy weight plus about 20 pounds during the first month after delivery. Maybe I should have another one?? lol All 5 are GIRLS by the way :)
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    started off at abt 118-125 lb. by ten weeks i was 136-138. i gave birth weighing about 180. my next preg started at 164. lost a few pounds first trimester-tried to be more careful and active- give birth to 9 lb+ baby girl at 190 (lifetime high). lost weight within 3 weeks down to 153. gained a couple pounds, lost about fifteen lbs- down to 142...slipped and gained it back-now at 157.5 trying to get back to 120!
  • MinnesotaMommyof3
    For my first I gained about 72lbs. I had preeclampsia. It was terrible- I left the hospital weighing more after I had an alomost 9lb baby because of the fluid retention. The second time I gained about 53lbs. The third time about the same. All in 8-9lb. baby range. I did not exercise other than my very active job. I ate what I wanted but I'm not a very unhealthy eater to begin with and worked at that active job up until delivery. I am working on getting the last of the baby weight off from the third child. I have about 20lbs to go.

    Here's what I'm trying to find out- I was first pregnant at 19, still had a "girl" body. Now my fitness goal is actually about 10lb more than what I weighed at 19. I'm not sure what to shoot for after starting having children so young and being pregnant or nursing for 9years, what should I weigh as a "woman" you know? I figured I'd get that 20lb off and see how I feel (?)
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I was already overweight when I got pregnant with both of them. With my son, I gained 10 lbs (he was 8 lbs, 14 oz), with my daughter I gained 12 lbs (she was 9 lbs, 2 oz).
  • Nicole114
    I gained 38 lbs in 6 1/2 months (I had my daughter at 29 weeks) No telling how much more I would have gained if I didn't have her early! Doesn't really matter though because I gained a ton over the past 2 years anyways... :grumble: lol