

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Jane that must have been one bad accident that would require open heart surgery. prayers your way that he is OK.

    I have been working on one of my goals, unwritten, that I really, really need to do. I have several areas in my home that need to be cleaned up and organized.. One is my office and I would say it is my worst. I have another small hidden pile in my living room and extra bedroom. The top of my dresser along with my closet are the other ones. So I sit in front of my cedar chest. Oh, I made it into a window seat by flanking it with two large tall bookshelves and making a big padded seat. So it looks like a window seat! Well, technically it is a window seat, it's just that I can't sit on it. I know the way to organize is to have 3 piles, donate, keep and throw away. Then I just grab a big armful of things and put them on the floor where I am sitting. So far I haven't found anything to donate. After I go through it all I then will have to sort the keep.

    One of my problems is that a lot of these things were either of my Mom or mother in law. So I am spending to much time looking and remembering.

    I am a moderater also. Our lifestyle just would not sustain a no processed foods. My husband just does not want to eat at home for the evening meal. He can not dicipline himself in how mush he eats. I have tried immediately putting food in the freezer but he just gets it our and defrosts it in the evening and eats it therefor eliminating making a second meal for us. If I buy a package of 4 pork chops and only make 2 he knows that there is a pork chop in the freezer that he can eat in the evening. He just cannot control himself. He doesn't like to go to buffets for that reason plus he says I don't get his moneys worth. So we eat out where I can use the internet and choose what I want or ask them to cook it a certain way. I have lost 60 pounds this way and my blood sugar has gone from 133 to 96, cholesterol from 203 to 140.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did one segment of the "10 Minute Solution Pilates" DVD, then held my plank for 2 min 35 sec (5 more sec than previously! Guess I felt strong today because I've had a problem adding time), then I'll take the extremepump class. Tomorrow the plan is to do the 30 minute cardio baster workout, now I know that I need to use the spinning bike. This time I'll do it continuously, probably twice

    barbie - I just wish we knew what brought on these seizures. I remember when we upped his medication, he was very lethargic, so that isn't the answer. But what is?

    Brenda from MD - I must have misssed it -- what kind of surgery are you going for?

    Beth - every year I pop popcorn and then string it to put on the tree. Actually, this started before Vince and I were married. The first Christmas I had my own place, I couldn't afford to buy garland so I got a bag of popcorn, popped it, and strung that. I thought it looked so neat that I have continued doing it. I start around now (OK, I'm lazy) so that I can sit on my deck and string it. That way, when pieces break off, the birds just finish it up and I don't have to clean.....lol Yea, that your son's migraine is gone!

    jane - I'm so sorry about your aunt. It must be so hard on your mom. My godmother was the last of her siblings. I'm equally sorry about your friend's son

    Anne - I'd like to see more cooking shows like "Hungry Girl" where she shows substitutions to make things lighter. I'd also like to see more cooking shows that give you the nutritionals. Have you ever noticed that most "chefs" seem to be overweight???

    Joyce - https://savingscatcher.walmart.com/?&search_redirect=true Happy birthday to your bro

    Patty - have fun at the wedding. A band AND a DJ? What kind of entertainment will they have? I can't wait to start that Healthy Lifestyle course. I logged my food from yesterday, you know how you are supposed to log food for 3 days, one of them being a weekend day? I figure we're OK since we're already here

    Going to take the rest of the blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls that were from the general meeting. Note to self: unless it's something you don't like, get it out of the house asap, not just in the freezer. Then bowling, then we'll go to WalMart, Vince needs milk and it's on sale at WalGreens but WM will match that price.

    On the way to the extremepump class, I stopped at Lowes foods to return these BabyBel cheeses I got. I didn't realize how expensive they were!

    Heather - when moving delicate things around, I wonder if you can put them on wax paper (or something like that) and that on a board just to get it in position. Then slide it off the board. Wonder how that'll work?

    katla - too many times I've seen "weight loss miracle drug/pill etc" on Dr. Oz that I just ignore them. Occasionally (very occasionally) he has someone interesting on, like I liked when he had Hungry Girl on, she gave some good hints. I also liked the guy who gave tips about restaurant foods and how they're cooked and supermarket (I didn't realize that those sprayers for the veges are such a breeding ground for bacteria. Makes sense, I'm just surprised the stores do it.) But to me, I tend to delete a lot of his shows. Take care of yourself while you're taking care of dh.

    Anne - your posts are so very interesting. I wonder if today's generation of kids growing up in Europe are exposed to foods like you were? Somehow, I doubt it. Fast food has come to Europe, but it probably wasn't there when you were growing up.

    Lin - welcome back!

    Brenda - so glad you got a firm date to get your gallbladder out! Good luck to you.

    I thought this was cute and wanted to share it:


    Doug Smith is on his deathbed and knows the end is near. His nurse, his
    wife, his daughter and 2 sons, are with him.
    He asks for 2 witnesses to be present and a camcorder be in place to
    record his last wishes, and when all is ready he begins to speak:
    "My son, "Bernie, I want you to take the Mayfair houses."
    "My daughter "Sybil, you take the apartments over in the east end."
    My son, "Jamie, I want you to take the offices over in the City Centre."
    "Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings on the
    banks of the river."
    The nurse and witnesses are blown away as they did not realize his
    extensive holdings, and as Doug slips away, The nurse says, "Mrs. Smith,
    your husband must have been such a hard-working man to have accumulated
    all this property".

    Sarah replies, "Property ? .... the *kitten* had a paper route!"

    Istanisz - we're excited to have you here! And thanks barbie

    Mahjongg tonight. Am going to take the whole wheat blueberry muffins I made for the husband of the gal whose house we play at. Planning to take them all -- I don't need them in the house.

    Took the other muffins to the soup kitchen today, then went bowling, then to WalMart, home for dinner and I'll be leaving in a few for mahjongg

    Michele in NC
  • kittytoo
    Finished the last of this month's batch of tax returns. I have so few left, I may try to knock off the rest of them this week so that I can enjoy a longer "tax holiday" LOL.

    I read an article a few years ago that said that the natural source of estrogen for women in menopause is in their previously stored body fat. If this is true, then our quest to be skinny contributes to our chances of having osteoporosis. I know that I found that drinking soy milk greatly reduced my hot flashes - it's a great natural source of phytoestrogens - and I kept drinking it for both the reduced calories (if you get it unsweetened) and the estrogens.

    Jane I am saddened by your no-good, very bad, day. My prayers of support to you, your friend with cancer, and her son.

    Kitty in Phoenix
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michelle, I LOVE the joke. Thanks!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I do my plank right after breakfast in the morning and it sounds like you do yours later in the day after an exercise session......time of day might make a difference in how long you can hold yours compared to how long I hold mine.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: staying up late to watch DWTS:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Question to all fitbit users. As you all weel know by now. I AM GOING ON VACATION!!! And soon. I want to be without the cumbersome laptop. So I am planning an taking the iPad only. But what do I do about my fitbit. I am pretty sure my SIL will have his laptop. Will putting that little togle or whatever it's called be enough or will he have to download fitbit to his laptop? He is a stay at home Dad and runs his not so successful business from is home. He writes books and does blogs and video blogs from home. This is his source of money except a couple of odd jobs, speaking at conventions and selling plasma. So I'm pretty sure he will be taping from Florida.

    My ladies Sunday school lunch is supposed to be tomorrow but it's a supper instead. This is the first time since I joined that church how he felt about me not having supper with him. Husbands are invited but not this man. He knows no one. He doesn't know how to hold a conversation unless he can start it or turn it around to talk politics or the incompetency of the world. So he is kind of a drag with people he doesn't know. Well he is kind of a drag with people he does know since that is what he tries to talk about. But it's a weinie roast, bonfire and making some'mores! So I'm not sure what my calorie will be. We usually bring our own sandwich and then the hostess provides us with a side dish and dessert. But this lady is talking care of everything. So I think I am going to take and apple and carrots and just put the in my purse in case I need them. I do plan on eating one s'more!

    Oh, some more technical questions. I downloaed AVG to my desk top because I like it on my lap top and is easyt o use it for maintenence. So as soon a I installed it I ran the scans and everything and it said I need to uninstall my Google Chrome to delete some of the history. I don't have to do that on my laptop so why do I need to do it on the desk top. lso Iif I do digure out how to delete it will it affect anything? Well actually it just tells me to close out a chrome pages in use. I do that and it still doesn't work. Oh, the other thing, My smart phone must be to full because I can't install anything else on it and it won't let me update what I have, not even solitaire. So I can't even install that Walmart price checker thingy. My daughter and son in law who are the computer whizzes looked at it last Friday and didn't see that I was full of memory. And I have tried to update the Virgin Mobile phone to a to spot for 2 months. I don't want to wait till the last moment and not know how to use it but I also want to have it available to take my iPad to my sister's house and be able to access the internet. I have no idea what my pin number is or for that matter my account number. I called virgin Mobile and they have a high number of calls with the new I phone coming out. So I really need a lot of help.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and pensions in bank so off grocery shopping we went.
    Washed all the towels but drying inside due to rain here
    Had no time for training, a shame but back into it tomorrow.
    Still printing mt daily meals and exercise for the doctor.
    Cough is much better but not sure about the rash. I see the doctor again on Thursday and she may give me more antibiotics, will see,

    Lesley,Very interesting. Do you set your own calorie limit? Tell me more?
    Last week i weighed in at 219 lbs and 27% body fat. my BMR was calculated at 2203, so I calcultae I can have 20-30% deficit which is 1550 to 2100 food calories a day. I tend to stick on the lower side but if I do lots of training then bump it up around 1850 with Sunday re-feed at the higher end. My TDEE is 2742

    PS Is that the military Tattoo?
    Yes we watched the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. It is delayed in Australia and I sang my heart out at the end

    "Starvation Mode" is NOT contraversial in body building circles and I prefer to be guided by Tom Venuto, than by anyone else because he is usually correct and I trust him

    Lesley in Takone
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Just a quick note.
    Joyce: I think he will have to download Fitbit as well. And you'll have to log in, so don't forget to take your username and password with you.

    Popcorn on the tree: I've seen this a lot. Also: popcorn alternated with cranberries.

    My dog is getting better, slowly. Unfortunately, it looks like his vision in that eye has decreased (although some improvement is still possible). The other eye is blind (it already was), so he really sees very little. :sad: Yes, I know they use their noses and their memory, but it's still painful to see a dog run into things. :brokenheart:

    Still trying to get back on track. Doing a little better.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Joyce,try this for Walmart

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Lesley,thank you. I am very mixed up as to eating more/eating less.Have been in a no loss/ no gain mode for too long. I don't count the 3 pd cushion,LOL .....go up 3 pds,down 3 pds. So odd.......
    Find it hard to eat to my limit,but usually have 2-300 calories left at end of day.Thinking I need to start eating at TDEE level.Guess
    It's more reading for me.

    Love the Tattoo you mentioned ! very beautiful & heart warming.Thanks for sharing,Pat
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    good morning ladies~
    sorry I didnt check in last night.. as soon as I walked in from work I got the look.. the PO look from the hubby.
    well what I did yesterday is contact a place that refaces cabinets, and gave them his e-mail and our home phone. we have to get his show on the road and have to get some prices..
    well I get into the house and he started chewing me out for giving them his email . what am I crazy, he used a worse word but anyway. i freaked out and ate 4 chocolate chip cookies I had in the freezer:explode: now I feel yucky..
    so no formal excercise today.. going to check out that article on buzzle..I go into work early today at 9:15 ,Hubby dinner all set made shepards pie sunday so he is all set..
    just did the height and weight thing and I have a small frame.. there is no way in Gods creation that I would even look good at 111 lbs, it says I am overweight... well no kidding... I am working on that..
    Barbie, what was that book you were talking about sugar?would love to get that at the library
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, I have read all from my last entry to here, everyone seems busy and most doing well. I work tonight at one of the Y's and then I am going to try a new Yoga class. I also teach Ab class at noon today then I am off to the dermatologist. Walking on my break might be the only other exercise I get today.

    On the subject of cholesterol and other fats for that matter, our bodies and brains do need them, it’s a proven fact. The problem, I believe, is the excess amount of food we now eat. Food is much more readily available and it’s processed with chemicals to add shelf life. The more I’ve learned the more I think we need a well -rounded food intake and it has to coincide with our activity level.

    I’m not a fan of Dr Oz either. I agree that his shows seem to contradict what he already lays claim to. He is always saying to go buy this or that and it will be like a miracle for you.

    I grew up right here in the states and we only had fast food as a treat. My Mom and the girls always made dinner and it was usually meat, potato and veggies. We had a large family and didn’t get a lot of fresh fruit but we did not get fast food and very little junk food. I was an adult before the fast food started to be on every corner.

    Joyce, I so need to go through and organize as well, esp my office and spare bedroom that now looks like a walk in closet. There never seems to be enough time.

    Beth, I am so glad the migraine is gone, that has to be rough.

    Jane, I amso sorry for your loss, prayers for you and the family.

    "No worries today ladies"
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Spoke too soon ... son has a rebound migraine this morning...
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jane Martin :smile: Sending prayers and good wishes your way:heart: !

    Michele:smile: The cat cake is so cute,:love: Jessica did a fabulous job!!!!

    Beth:smile: Hope your son starts feeling better soon:flowerforyou: ! Wasn't it just recently he got the Botox shots?

    Joyce:smile: Getting everything organized makes me feel so good:bigsmile: !

    I grew up eating fresh veggies from the garden, lots of fruit and a minimal amount meat, we had chicken and fish mostly. It was a treat to go out to dinner, and we never had fast food. I was probably 17 before I even entered a McDonalds, none of us had a weight problem growing up, we rode bikes and played sports and played outside. I tend to blame technology on a lot of the obesity problems with kids these days, they tend to stay stuck inside playing games on a computer or TV:angry: . Our school system has not done much in the way of helping the children either, when I was in school, we had PE and we were either outside running, or inside the gym exercising, or playing some type of sports....and having pizza or French fries in the school cafeteria was unheard of.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: !!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy NC
  • janejanekitt
    Greetings all you wonderful ladies. It;s cool and damp here in NNY which is not kind to my RA, but I'm on prednisone again and that helps. It also drives my appetite into high gear, so I'm struggling with that. If i don't gain these next ten days I'll be really doing well, so we'll see how my resolve endures. Everybody has their own struggle and many have worse than I. I go to surgeon tomorrow about possible colonoscopy (groan). Enough medical news. My cats are fed and happy and I hope everybody is well or getting better. Jane from NNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    Barbie, what was that book you were talking about sugar?would love to get that at the library

    "Salt, Sugar, Fat
    how the food giants hooked us" by Michael Moss
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Chilling in the 40`s today.burrr.
    Haven`t heard from my friend yet.They did surgery yesterday and he made it thru.It`s wait and see.He has a lot of injuries and will have a long recovery if he pulls thru.Worried about my friend also.
    Have a great day,
    Thanks for the prayers.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sun just came out here. Yesterday saw Phillip Seymore Hoffman's last film---A Most Wanted Man...........well acted but not my style.........very depressing!!!!!......DD thought it was grand. Saw the Hundred Foot Journey last week...........loved it!!!

    On starvation mode........I think I'm pretty much on the side of the non-believers, unless you are speaking of someone who is eating very, very low cals. all the time, then, I think it MAY hold some truth. But those people have other drastic problems, IMHO, like anorexia.

    Gail.........Your Buzzle as a site has me hooked. However, I looked at that weight/age table and could/should gain over 20 lbs. according to them, LOL; I don't think so..........that was close to where I STARTED!

    I also grew up w/o fast food, didn't step in a McDonalds until probably 15 on a chior trip and had NO idea why it was such a big deal with some of them. My mom did plain cooking, German based as that was her mom's heritage. At 5' 3", I didn't hit 100 lbs. until I was 30. Won't see those days ever again and I wouldn't want to........looked like a stick. This was before anorexia bacame a "thing" and I could eat a ton and never gain an ounce for some reason but I'm sure people would think I had a problem these days as a teen with that low weight.

    Beth...........Wish the church witches could have seen you dressed to the nines and looking fine!!!! Can't remember........has your son tried sleeping with a mouth guard? My DD does that at times of high stress.........just a cheap thing---one of those football things you put in hot water and then it molds to your bite.

    jane...........So sorry for your loss; your poor mom!!! Fingers crossed for the young man too.

    Alison...........You made me Soooooo hungry for that salad you described the other day!!!

    Cynthia...........My last basenji had seizures, well, actually both of them that I've had did toward the end, and she seemed blind afterward but it would gradually go away to some degree, anyway............I know how hard it is to see them like that, (((Hugs))).

    I have the house to myself today............both DD and DH are working!!!!! Loving it!!!!!

    Brenda...........Will be thiking of you. Hope your op. goes well and recovery is fast...........(((hugs))).

    Katla...............^^^^^^^^^^ same for your DH!!!^^^^^^^^^

    Michele..............LOVED the joke!!!!!

    On eating in general, I guess I'm moderate on all things...........but I do pretty much avoid (not completely cut out) bread and bread type products.

    Got to get the clothes out of the dryer and read the paper.

    mid-Atlantic.............sun!!!! not too hot!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Hello Friends,


    Welcome newcomwers :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie Salt, Sugar, Fat did help me to make better choices at the store. I find it interesting that as you enter one of the stores I shop they have all this food heavy in salt, sugar, and fat. They want to set off those triggers, so we buy more of those kinds of foods. For me awareness is key.

    Slept much better last night. Getting good sleep is what I am working on.

    Today I will get off anything electronic one hour before bedtime to see if that improves my sleep , tpp.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret