

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! The kale chips were OK, but not something I would crave. Of course, I made them without salt. Hubby salted some and he thought they were ok, but again, not something he would crave either. They were suprisingly fragile. Hard to get them off the pan and into the mouth in one piece. And I thought the flavor was a little bitter. It was fun to try something new, though. Next time I'm going to try spaghetti squash. No clue how to cook it, but I'm sure I'll find something online.

    In a few minutes I'm going to Aldi with my son to pick up a few things. It's odd that he wants to spend time with me all of a sudden. But I'll take what I can get. I just hope he's not going to ask me to pay, cause I'm broke.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    A man went to the Police Station wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.

    "You'll get your chance in court," said the Desk Sergeant.

    "No, no, no!" said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years!"


    Have a great day ladies!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    We ended up with near 6in. of rain; west of us had 10+ and the place I took DD for her recerts yesterday was flooded horribly; so glad we got out of there when we did. The sun just started peeking through a tiny bit and it's very breezy here but should be clear for a couple days according to the weather guy at noon. Thankfully, no deaths here.

    My little tomatoes are having a bit of a surge
    got 6 today!

    Toying with the idea of running off to Staunton with DD to the Shakespeare Playhouse for a few days of plays and because I need to pick up a china cabinet I paid for there 2 years ago that has not been delivered yet.........I am so sick of this mans promises to deliver it and I want my china. I'll have to rent a minivan........add play tickets and food and hotel.........ouch. But I can't imagine going all the way there w/o seeing some plays; they are truly excellent............and it's a very nice little town. Would have to be back for a party Sat.

    Anne..........Glad you are in a safe place; sounds like both you and Kitty made it through your flooding OK. I agree with you about the problem of uncontrolled reproduction......

    Heather.............Yay for no major or lasting damage from your fall; nearly hitting your head is very upsetting. The photo of the cliff top is gorgeous. I need to look again at my family history to see just where in England they lived; seems to me it was on or near the coast close to Wales.

    drkatiebug...........LOL; may well take you up on that offer.

    Mimi..........Glad your party for your brother was a success.

    Patty...............You need to bottle that trick to losing 8lbs. on vacation..............major congratulations!

    Welcome newbies; Elizabeth---love your doggy!

    "Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Hi to everyone I missed!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well I had to skip a few pages or I'd be here forever.

    that's a great loss for being on holidays.

    Oops my jam is asking to be jarred trying my hand at freezer peach jam. Asks for a lot less sugar than the regular jam. But it gives you the same calorie count what's that about. Oh well.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Patty, congrats on 8 pound weight loss while on vacation!!!!! That is big. We are going to Panama City Beach in less than 5 weeks and I doubt we will be eating any of that healthy stuff you found. I will try the best I can.

    Tere, 2 years to wait on a delivery???? Unheard of. You should go and pick ti up yourself and then charge HIM for the type of car you will have to rent to get it.

    Well, need to go through this mess of mail sitting beside me and find bills. My procrastination is getting the worst of me

    See my cardiologist tomorrow to get results of heart ultrasound and 1 month heart monitor. The bill was bad enough. It would be to bad if it didn't show at least something. I sure wish I had it on this past Sunday during church. Was sure glad to sit down so I didn't pass out. I think she will tell me I have to get a heavier compression stocking, that means a fitting and prescription. But if it helps.....

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi girls!

    Back from Bedruthan Steps and tuckered out!:laugh: I walked down most of the steps, but was defeated by the drop on the corner as I have terrible vertigo. Climbed back OK, but even this short break from exercise is telling on me!:ohwell:
    Ate way over calories. I will just count out this holiday and start again on Saturday. :noway: :ohwell: :sick:

    Patty - fantastic job on the 8 lbs lost!:flowerforyou:

    Tere - mushy peas are cooked dried green peas. They are often served with fish and chips. I love them. You can buy them in a can as well. It's one of those things that went out of fashion as it was considered rather low class, but has now become popular again as authentic food.

    Tomorrow we intend to go to a famous garden which has a wonderful view of an estuary/harbour. First though we need to pop into the village to buy some fish for dinner. They also have dressed crab. I will decide what to buy when i see it. It is all local fish. :bigsmile: On Thursday I think we may go out for fish and chips. Hope they have mushy peas!:laugh: We will eat them at sunset on the beach. Then we will have a drink at the beachside pub.

    What amazing weather we are having! My pic truly reflects it.:happy: I will post a pic of me at Bedruthan Steps tomorrow as I have to email it to myself first.

    Night night from tired but happy Heather in stunning Cornwall UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi friends. We just had a tremendous storm and got nearly 3” of rain in some 20-30 minutes! I was driving home and the visibility was nearly zero. Plus the sky was a color I have never seen before in my life! It was weird.

    I have been really tired yesterday and went to bed early so that’s why I wasn’t here. Quiet day at work; getting closer to having my October class ready.

    Kim what a great picture! I like your new name!

    Sylvia: great joke….for some reason, hospitals have these rules for nurses! No wonder everyone is sick. Hooray for the weight loss! Oh my gosh about the dizziness and low blood pressure. I’m so glad your son took you to the dr instead of home! Sorry to say this but that cardiologist is an A** for what he said about your weight loss! We are all proud of you even if he/she is not.

    Yanniejannie: the brownies were great!

    Patceoh: I’m with you on the lazy Sundays!

    Katla: I’m hoping my co-worker listens to me about moving! I can’t deal with another coworker leaving! I should tie her to her
    office chair! :O

    Brenda: oh my goodness! What a mess! I hope you are feeling better soon and that hubby’s colonoscopy went well.

    Kitty: I saw your flooding on the news. Praying that all is cleaned up and back to normal soon

    Ok sorry ladies I have been kicked off the internet three times in a row now so I'm going to leave it at this. Sorry to all I missed and welcome newbies! Take care, Meg from Omaha where there is standing water in my yard
  • janejanekitt
    Out for monthly lunch with fellow retirees from my job today, Red Lobster (sucker for shrimp). I actually managed to stay under goal (made myself only eat one of those delightful biscuits, how's that for willpower). My personal diet procedure includes one "free" day a month where I don't worry about dieting, but does it count if I stay under the goal? I think not (lol). I use the rule for holidays and birthdays and such. I guess I'll really worry about it if I stick to this more than 30 days. I posted pic of my little kitty Queenie. love you all and keep going! :flowerforyou:
  • free2beany12
    Thank you for the warm welcome everyone :) and Tere you made me laugh with your comments ... doesn't it feel good to impress the "ex" I also saw mine at my daughter's birthday get together... he looked so miserable as I had my new partner on my arm and he has just separated from yet another of his conquests... I'm hoping to knock him out in November with my "new look" I have the dress .. it's a bit tight and it needs shortening a bit but hopefully it will need taking in too by then (see still staying positive). I am thankful in a way for what has happened as it's like a kick up the bum to get my life back on track... my favorite saying is

    "A moment on the lips... a lifetime on the hips..."

    Well I'd better get back to work... Heather, I remember mushy peas well coming from the Midlands we used to have pie and mushy peas all the time.. however back then I didn't worry about my weight :)

    Anyway off to drink more water and think about what to have for lunch... another plus is I've cut down on my coffee addiction and suffering badly from side effects but heck it's only another thing to worry about, the end results are what's driving me forward...

    have a great day everyone

    Sue in Sunny Melbourne after a huge hailstorm yesterday evening :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Skimmed through the posts.
    Welcome to the new gals.
    DS#2 home on fourth day of school ... violent migraine ... spent most of morning dealing with school officials if this becomes another bad year. But hopeful Botox will soon take full effect.
    Not a great day here ... running into a rough patch financially.
    Stayed within calorie goal though. Exercise non-existent.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hi ladies, my husband's colonoscopy went good. He's making out well,
    Since I'm in the hospital friends have been taking him food and he's loving
    it. I'm doing better, the plan is to go home tomorrow if I can handle solid food.
    Today was broth. I better lose wght good this week. Guess what? They wanted me
    To walk in the hall, it's a requirement so you don't get blood clots. Once I started walking I
    ended up walking 65 min. They even stopped me at the nurses station to give
    me a new IV bag. I over did it a little but it felt good to get up and out. Oh yeah I had to
    walk with my trusty IV pole.
    Brenda from Md
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good evening,

    Beth - Sorry to see that your son is having migraines again. Hope he gets relieve soon. :heart:

    Janejanekitt - Your kitty is so pretty...umm, I'm a poet and don't know it. :laugh:

    Meg - hope the rain ends soon and the water standing in your yard stays there and doesn't start 'walking' into your home.

    Heather - looking forward to your pictures of Bedruthan Steps.

    Joyce - Isn't it fun looking forward to a nice vacation? Hope you have wonderful weather and enjoy the beach!

    Yanniejannie - Can't imagine waiting for two years for something I paid for unless it was being custom made. :frown: I hope you're able to go and can enjoy some plays while you're there. :drinker:

    Linda - peach jam sounds delicious! :smile:

    Elizabeth - Welcome! Cute doggie picture for your profile.

    Patty - That's wonderful that you lost 8 pounds while on vacation! I'm happy to not gain any while gone.

    Sue - Welcome. I bet you'll look great in that dress in November. Remember, confidence is very attractive so walk into the room with your shoulders back and head held high. You'll knock him to his knees. :wink:

    We have plans to go on a bus trip to Lancaster, PA on Thursday with our church to see a production of Moses at the Sight and Sound theater. They do awesome productions that include live animals. We saw Noah there and it was spectacular.

    Today we made reservations for a fall trip to Hilton Head, SC and hope to take day trips to Charleston, SC and Savanna, GA. Looking forward to getting away and doing some bike riding, kayaking and maybe some fly-fishing. We love traveling but I really miss the animals when we're gone. :cry:

    Have things to do before getting ready for bed so I'd better get up and get to them.

    Good night,
    Tina in MD
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Brenda- good news about your DH and hope you're out of there tomorrow. Look at you getting those steps in up and down the hall. :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: When some of you say that you could never duplicate the number of steps I take every day I think that there’s no way I could do all that you do. I have no living parents, aunts, uncles or siblings. My husband’s children live far away and are much more involved with their mother than they are with him. I don’t have a full time job or do much housework. My yard is small and requires only the little bit of work I do in it. Almost all my friends know that if they want to get together with me, we will be taking a walk, not meeting in a restaurant or in the living room. Step count is only a small measure of daily accomplishment. I just happen to be obsessed with my pedometer. To make matters worse, my Smart Phone has a pedometer and the counts don’t match (not even close).

    :flowerforyou: We were in line behind a rather heavy woman at the grocery store today and I wondered what she was buying, expecting to see processed foods and candy bars…..instead I saw that she had all fresh fruits and veggies and some containers of Greek yogurt, then I noticed that her clothes were baggy. It made me think that she looked like all of us have looked along our journey (buying healthy food and smaller than out clothes) and it made me happy.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: This month I have taken a small step back into strength training with a short routine that includes planks, triceps dips, squats with weights, and a variety of leg exercises with five pound ankle weights.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Brenda, I’m so happy to hear that your hubby got through his colonoscopy and that you are up walking again.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 21,000 steps today ----over an hour on the exercise bike---day nine on the plank challenge

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and only managed 9991 steps, better than last week
    Third day back at training, still with cough and rash on body (thought pimples but is a rash)
    Did 25 minutes of Jillian's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism (working my way up to 40 minutes) plus 31 minutes Wii Gold's boxing at advance mode (punch age still 21) and a doggy walk after lunch.
    I did my weigh and measure Monday and had gained 3 lbs last week and 0.01% BF and lost 0.5 ins overall whilst sick. OK with that. BMR at 2203 and TDEE at 2748. Worked out I can eat between 1542 and 2193 cals (70% to 80% of TDEE) Today is 2085 so OK for today
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 45 minutes of the 30 Minute Cardio Machine Melter workout. Actually, I only did the workout for 30 minutes, the rest of the time was spent going up and down the stairs trying to find a machine that I can use. The first upright bike I couldn't use because my feet kept slipping off the pedals when I would sprint. The second machine was fine except that when I put my water bottle in the holder, for some reason the opening is slanted and my water bottle went flying. I finally had to go downstairs to use the spinning bike. Then up and down to get the pen, find my settings, etc.

    The went to get my blood drawn, had breakfast in the car, stopped at Sam's to get this kale salad to take to Rummikub tonight, went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to get salad tongs and scissors (I didn't realize how expensive they were. Well, they're made extra heavy to be able to use them in the kitchen and cut bones, lobster shells, etc), then to OfficeMax to get some items laminated. Got home and had to go back to office Depot to get one of the items relaminated, it wasn't working the way we were planning it would.

    Did a load of laundry today, now it's in the dryer.

    Tomorrow we have a general meeting for the Newcomers so I'm planning to do a workout on the rebounder

    Sylvia - you WILL prove that doc wrong and maintain. It's so nice when someone is happy for you, isn't it?

    Anne - welcome

    mimi4boys - you'll get lots of support here, that's for sure

    I agree that with the way Joan Rivers went out. I'm sure she's smiling right now

    Katie - lol your dissertation putting people to sleep....lol

    Tina in MD - how well I remember the days when I could have a pizza and then go to bed in a few hours and it wouldn't bother me. Now when Jessica wants to have dinner late (like 9), I will just have something light so I'm not up all night. When did something like this happen?

    Joyce - that's good that you asked for a plain breast, but not so good that they didn't have it. If it didn't say on the menu that there was a butter sauce, I probably would have sent it back if it had been me. Yea, that you can have a baked chicken leg! I don't think I would like that bosco thing, either

    kimn - you got it right, greek cream cheese is a combination of cream cheese and greek yogurt. It really tastes (to me) quite good

    cheetahrocker - welcome! I find that having something on the sour side (like vinegar in my salad) helps to squelch those sugar cravings

    Alison - hope you have a great weekend

    Kitty - in looking at Olive Garden's menu online, it's amazing that the calories are so high! Even the kids grilled chicken breast -- like 380 calories. Wonder what makes it so high? I called and they said it comes with grapes (not a lot of calories) and steamed broccoli (again, not a lot). So what makes it so high? They couldn't tell me. I see where they have a chicken meatballs for 280 calories. I might get that along with a couple of orders of steamed broccoli and some grapes for dessert. I'm just amazed at the outrageous calories for some of their items. What in the world do they do with them? (Aside from smothering them in cheese). I may also get the soup.

    Mimi - the decorations for the party sound awesome, as does the party

    Dr Katie - To me, it would make more sense to have a streak and if you miss one day, you just continue from that number rather than going back to zero. We all have days (especially around the holidays) when for one reason or another we can't log in until the next day. I found out that I can prelog even one item each day that I'm going to be away, even if I wind up deleting that item, and it will count towards my login days.

    Sue in Melbourne - you'll get lots of help here, that's for sure!

    Patty - your vacation sounds heavenly, especially the loss

    Elizabeth - come in often, you're off to a good start! Now that you posted here, you'll find this thread under "my topics"

    Sylvia - I never really liked the kale chips, either, when I made them. I even tried putting some cheddar cheese on them but to me, they were too fragile (just like you found out) and I didn't find them filling. There is one company, I forget the name of it right now, that makes a cheese kale chip that's not bad. But I didn't like when I made them. Now I LOVE spaghetti squash. I roast it and then put some marinara sauce on the spaghetti squash, just like spaghetti (but a lot less calories). Loved the joke

    Went to rummikub tonight. The gal made homemade pizza, had a slice of her veggie pizza and a bit of the roasted chicken pizza, not much. Had the kale salad that I brought (chickory, red cabbage, coleslaw, kale, cranberries, chickpeas, brussel sprouts, pumpkin seeds. Skipped the dressing. In a way it's good that the one gal is lactose intolerant since I had an excuse to keep the dressing separate. I didn't put any dressing on mine.) Just had water to drink. One gal brought these chocolate chip cookies she said she made. I honestly question if they were homemade or not, they seemed to be more like the kind where you buy a tub of cookie dough and then bake it. But I'm not sure. Just had 1/2 of the cookie and a bit of the pineapple upside down cake she made.

    janejanekitt - queenie is so adorable!

    Sue in Melbourne - I have no doubt that you'll knock out your "ex"

    Beth - sending good vibes for things to get better.

    Brenda from MD - fantastic walking. I bet you really impressed the nursing staff there. Good news about your hubby.

    Better get ready for bed and to give Lance his insulin.

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends ~
    My new profile picture was taken in Anchorage, Alaska where the annuals in the park grow to mondo giant-sized in the long sunny days of summer. Our vacation was lovely. Denali National Park is showing peak fall colors, and we were treated to a clear day where we saw the full 20 thousand foot summit of Mt. McKinley by day, and the Aurora Borealis at night. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Stopped counting bears after sighting the first ten. Ate some awesome salmon, halibut and crab meals, and sampled some local microbrews. We had brunch at Snow City Café where I got my first taste of bread after months of not eating any for weeks, I now think of it as ‘glue-ton’, because this is one food that really sticks to my hips. Came back with a 2 pound souvenir. :grumble: It’s back to clean food choices again. :drinker:

    So much time in trains, planes and busses left me feeling sluggish. I’ve gotten up for my 5:30 AM workouts, but don’t have my usual energy yet. Unfortunately, tomorrow I have to be back on a plane for a business trip to New York and Louisville. Thankfully, my hotels have decent fitness rooms, so no excuse for slacking off. I also carry a kindle where I can pull up JessicaSmithTV.com.

    Welcome newbies. So glad to have you with us on this journey to radiant good health. The more the merrier!

    Apologies I’m not able to reply to the rest of you (especially to all the cat and dog owners), but my eyelids are drooping. :yawn: :yawn:
    Stay well, stay strong, ladies. We can do this.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place. :smile:
  • fitnessman77777
    Have any of you ladies ever tried the venus factor system? Im curious about the online hype.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, our 10 PM news had pictures of the weather you are having out there. Awful. Be safe

    Barbie, once I got down to a more normal size I used to look at obese people and say to myself that I wondered how they could do that to themselves. But in the past month or so I changed my way of thinking. And it is mainly from you girls here. I have done the math and I see how much some of you have yet to lose yet I see by your ticker how much you have lost so I know that you were more obese than me. So now when my husband makes some comment about an obese person I just tell him that we can't judge them. We don't know if what they look like NOW is a vast improvement of what they USED to look like.

    Rori, I have a good friend that just got back Sunday from a month long vacation in Alaska. I think it rained or was overcast almost the whole time they were there. They did get a couple of shots of Denali in good clear weather.

    Have you guys heard the latest thing about Olive Garden? Apparently their sales are down so they are doing this promotion that is on line only. The first 1000 people that sign up and purchase can get a card for only $100 that gets them unlimited meals for quite an extended time. Added, I just looked up their website and I don't see any offer like that. But it was no the news at noon today. Maybe they sold them all.

    We went to Jasons Deli tonight and I got my usual veggie salad bar and just a teeny cup of ice cream. But I must fess up. It is their 1 year anniversary here in Evansville so they had this big sheet cake, 1/2 white the other 1/2 chocolate. It was cut in tiny pieces but I did take a piece and i made sure it was an edge piece so that it would have more frosting. But i usually get a full cup of the ice cream, I think they are 4 oz cups. So I just for a teeny cup this time, just enough to taste it and get esophagus/brain freeze! But Charlie was really the bad one. Their drink cup looks about a 20 oz cup so when he finished his drink he went and filled it with straight chocolate ice cream and the chocolate fudge topping. Silly man, he tried to mix it up with a spoon enough so it would be like a milkshake and drink it on the way to Walmart but since he didn't have any milk in it he couldn't suck it up through a straw. But that 10 oz cup was filled about 3/4 way! I don't think that was the way they had intended for their free unlimited ice cream to be served.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Brenda, you are doing so well. That's wonderful news.

    Rori, I'm glad your vacation is turning out so well. The flowers in your pic are beautiful.

    My brother took my mom back to the ER today. BP 81 over 51 at one point (it's usually high) + headache. Turns out she was dehydrated; also needs to cut down on her BP meds (ya think?!). She's a person who hates to make a fuss but now she's been checked out from stem to stern. Heart. Check. Brain. Check. She just needs to take a little better care of herself.

    Drinking enough water has always been hard for her. She'll work on it harder now. Good heads-up for all of us to keep on drinkin'.:drinker: (Water, that is.)

    Fortunately, I got in a workout at Curves early in the day. I'd planned to head back home but not sure now whether I should just stay on. I need to be back here Sunday for a Monday appt. :ohwell:

    D'you know what? I don't mind the hassle at all. I feel blessed to have had things go so well. They won't always go well but I hope to still keep the feeling of thankfulness that I have now.

    Feeling thankful,