

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kim, just wanted to say I LOVE the new name! It has to make you smile every time you log in! Good choice.

    Kimberly, welcome! good to see another Kim. Hope we dont get you confused sometimes.

    Today's adventure at the Girl Scout camp was fun, but it turned out that the whole family went and not just us girls. The kids got to canoe, and do archery, and make smores and other stuff, so they all had a good time. The weather was just perfect.

    Here is the joke of the day. I think I used to work at this place:


    Notice to Employees (Includes Part Time Workers)


    We will no longer accept your doctors' statements as proof.

    We believe if you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to work.


    We are no longer allowing this practice. As long as you are employed here, you will need all of whatever you have and should not consider having anything removed. We hired you as you are, and to have anything removed would certainly make you less than we bargained for. Anyone having operations will be FIRED immediately.


    In the event of extreme pregnancy, you will be allowed to go to the first aid room when the pains are FIVE MINUTES apart. If it is false labor, you will have to take an hour's leave without pay.


    This will be accepted as an excuse, BUT we would like two weeks notice, as we feel it is your duty to teach someone your job prior to . . . or after death.

    This new benefit program started yesterday.

    The Management


    Good night everyone!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome everyone who is new to the thread. This is a great place to find support and encouragement and learn more about what works for weight loss, fitness, and health. There are many paths. The trick is to find the one that works for you and the one that you will stay with no matter what and without exception. What works for someone else may not work for you. It helps to believe and act as if this new lifestyle were a matter of life and death.

    :laugh: I started to say that this was a restful day for me and then I remembered that I walked for almost two hours with my friend in addition to the usual two hours of dog walking in the morning. My laundry is finished. I love the feeling of order I get folding and putting away all the clean clothes and linens.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 32,000 steps today ----almost an hour on the exercise bike---day six on the plank challenge (2 minutes)

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of Denise Austin Belly Fat Blaster DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some pilates, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Cynthia - I never knew that using a stick could possibly hurt a dog! Thanks for telling me

    Amanda - your body probably needs that sleep for all its been thru. Listen to you body

    Ever since I got this stability ball that I had, even tho the box said it was 55cm, I always felt it was more like 45cm. Well, part of this ab DVD today you used the ball and my knees were NOT at a 90degree angle. So I had another ball that Jessica had only she didn't have the plug. So I wondered if the plug from the 45 would fit this one. It did! We just blew it up, and from sitting on it, I do think that it's more like a 55cm. Now my questions is how to get it feeling real clean. There's one spot where she had a piece of tape on it (not sure why), and it's all sticky.

    Judy - so glad to have you with us! Yes, logging and posting really makes a big difference

    Allison - food that I've had in the freezer, I usually need to leave in the refrigerator a few days before it totally defrosts. Hope you're not leaving the meat out on the counter but have it in water

    This morning after exercising and before Vince got up, made some more fudge. This I probably need to use a little less sugar. But it has good taste. Put it in the freeezer for when Jess gets here this weekend.

    Gave Lance his insulin. I'm seeming to have success with laying on him (lightly), giving it to him, and then opening the door. However, later today I went in the bedroom, he came up on the bed so I hugged him (laying on him). I really don't want him to think that EVERY time I hug him is when he gets insulin.

    Sylvia - that's wonderful that the rug was such a perfect match. Love that owl. I bought a rug at Aldi here to use in the condo. Hope it matches as well as yours did

    Tina - prayers for Sheri

    julsmill and janeta and janejanekitt and jacwmar (where in SC are you?) - welcome!

    Going to go in the pool right now. It's a bit cooler today, but we did pump up the one float that I have so I'm going to try it again. I used the one pump and maybe the reason I wasn't crazy about it was because I didn't have it pumped up enough.

    Gloria - I can never get over how few calories I can have when I have a BIG salad with all sort of veges. To be honest, I'd rather have a lot of veggies than a potato. So happy to hear that things are working out at Aaron's school

    kitty - I know that even when I check in daily, sometimes there are things that for whatever reason I miss. No matter what, I can never get to the weight that MFP says I would get to if I kept eating the same way every day. Maybe its because one day I'm up on calories, one day down. I don't know about egg allergy, but I can tell you that Jessica developed a severe allergy to coconut (even if it's just in the air) when she was 18 so it's not uncommon to develop allergies later in life.

    Tried some of the fudge. I'm not crazy about the way it came out, not crazy about the consistency. Guess Vince'll just have to finish it. Next time, I'm going to follow the recipe. I can never seem to get fudge consistency down just right.

    MA - I don't think the Y's gyms are open to the general public, but they are open to their members. Anyone, regardless of color or religion, is welcome to be a member. Love your ticker pic

    karen - welcome. 20-30 pounds by Jan might be a little hard since the holidays are in there, and I know me, I usually wind up splurging a bit over the holidays. But you certainly will be able to lose that weight. Come in for lots and lots of support.

    yanniejannie - I didn't think the Y had a joining fee any more! Our facilities are nothing special, either. I think this new CEO is more into getting members and money for the children's fund than health. I was on their board a few years ago hoping that I could influence them in the health area. But because it wasn't making money, it just didn't fly. Like I would recommend certain machines, certain classes. Nothing happened.

    Kim - so glad you got a new name, sounds good. If not, we were going to give you one.....lol

    ginny - glad your first post was on this board. You'll love it here,

    karen - welcome! We love having new people from all over. I find it so very interesting. Either your body is getting used to your new lifestyle or your weight is taking time to catch up with your body. Either way, it WILL come off. Maybe try doing a different type of exercise, instead of just walking why not add in short burst of speed?

    Kim - welcome! North or south of Charlotte?

    Alison - I love the greek cream cheese, especially the whipped variety

    Michele in NC
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies!
    It must be National Pork Day because I also made a pork roast for dinner.:laugh: I made potatoes and wax beans on the side. Sis's foot surgery went well. She has a Frankenstein boot to wear for two weeks. She's walking pretty good with it. Lovely weather today, about ten degrees cooler than normal. We were supposed to have rain, but it went around us.

    Kitty - My mom has an egg allergy. You'll have to be careful, eggs are used in many processed foods. I use 1/2tsp. unflavored gelatin dissolved in 1/2 C of water as a substitute in my meatloaf. Or you can use milled flax seed, 1 Tbs. stirred into 3 Tbs. of water. Let it sit for several minutes, then add to your recipe. That's for one egg. Other substitutes for baking are 1/3 C applesauce, 1/2 C yogurt, or 1/2 C mashed banana.
    Hope your DH feel better soon. Hives are a pain.

    Cynthia - I'm glad your baby is feeling better. That is so sweet that he brought you a stick.

    Michele - You're doing great with Lance. It will just take a little more time for him to adapt to your family. Keep on hugging him, with or w/o the shots.
    WD40 will remove adhesive. So will Formula 409. Just don't use a knife to scrape it off.:wink:

    Sylvia, - thanks for remembering the macrame owl pic. So cute. I still have books and cord somewhere. I thought about macrameing a side wall of the gazebo. I've made belts and purses. Mom still has the purse I made for her.

    Welcome to all the new ladies!
    Diane in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    MA, I hope we didn't mislead you in thinking that the Y is free. It is by membership but membership is pretty easy to get. We have what us called a 'Silver sneaker' program for us ' old people and many of the gyms are covered on that through our insurance. There are several gyms that are for women only and it is less embarrassed in going to a gymn like that.

    Margaret, hope your new choir director is good. At my last church we went from a classically trained opera singer who sang in many operas even overseas along with his wife and he came from a pretty rich family. But he was very personable and we saw him grow especially when he dealt with the childrens choir. He had to channel his inner child. Our next director was a man from deep in Kentucky who loved gospel type music and was an absolute blast with the childrens choir although he didn't believe that they could actually learn to sing in harmony like the classical guy did. So I had to gently guide him in letting me take some of the older ones and teach them harmony. But they both were terrific ministers of music and just led in different ways. We were able to accomplish wonderful music with both of them. good luck with your own personal lessons.

    Carol, I have a seven going on 8 year old grand daughter. I am glad she doesn't have an attitude, her parents wouldn't allow that AT all. Their philosophy with their children is that they are raising adults not children. they are always talking to the kids about whether or not their behavior is the right choice. And if the kids think it is then they talk about that. But 7 year olds can be very special little people.

    Cynthia, I am sure you saved a lot of dogs health when you told us about the dangers on chewing on twigs and branches. I know my daughters dogs love to.

    Today is Preachers appreciation day and also marked our pastors 6th anniversary at our church. Of course I have only been going since Febraury. They had a carry in lunch for him. At my last church I just would have told Charlie that the church was having a carry in lunch and he was welcome to come. And I would have gone. I guess I am just not comfortable in leaving him to be at home by himself. I know it is his choice.But i chose for so many years to let myself be swayed by him not going that I feel like I am deserting him in not having lunch with him. We actually don't have lunch together though. He usually gets up at 8 AM to take his medicine and then eats a sandwich or cereal then doesn't eat anything until supper time and over eats then. I eat lunch around 1 Pm every day by myself although he may be sitting beside me when I am eating it. We do eat our evening meal together.

    I think Friday we are going to drive down to daughter's house. The youngest school is having grandparents day at school. I think all it is is that the grandparents have lunch with their grand child. But that is important to Ellie. We have never done it. Charlie at first said no so I told him today that I was going to drive down for lunch with her. So of course he changed his story that he would drive with me. He really has this thing about me driving by myself on the highway, driving at night when it is dark, entering the house after choir practice when it is dark, etc, etc. I guess he forgets that I drove down there when both my grand babies were born all by myself and stayed for a week. He was working then. I also drove to their college several times for events and also to pick them up when it was break time. I am a capable woman. But he is a man.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Up since 3:30am...........that's because I went to sleep at 10:00pm. Many new women posting, I see........Welcome.

    Meg............Hope your brownies turned out as good as they sounded to me!

    Carol........Glad you had a nice little getaway.............so sorry the open house didn't produce any interested people; you worked so hard to get it ready to sell.

    Sylvia............Good joke today!

    Barbie.................Your step totals continue to amaze me........WTG!!!!

    Michele........I guess the Ys operate differently; maybe according to region, state, or even city; ours does occ. (for a few weeks) suspend their joining fee, but, like I said, the price of one month there will pay almost a whole year elsewhere. About 10 years ago, our folkdance group was renting a room for a couple hrs. once a week until they suddenly raised the price quite a bit and we went elsewhere.

    Well, it's almost 5.........maybe the paper is here..................

    Sleepless in the mid-Atlantic region,
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies,
    it is downright chilly this morning,DH had window fans going and windows and doors all open..geesh:huh:
    Barbie~ I agree wow on the total number of steps, wish I could get that many in. but dont think my foot would survive :laugh:
    sitting having my tea,then will get dressed and go for my walk.
    I was talking to DSIL the other day and she asked if her DM could come to florida with them.. we only have 2 bedrooms and she likes to sleep in, our living room couch will be her bed, and I dont know how we would be able to keep the dogs from going in there..
    I am going to talk to Jean about maybe having her mother go down to where my DFIL is for the 4 days they are coming down.. they took excellent care of her husband and Jeans dad while he was down there.. think it would be alot easier on them ..
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    Good morning.
    I am new to this group so
    Thank you for having this group to help keep me on track.

    I had lost 15 pounds and getting first with run/jog plan but got a stress fracture in my foot and put it all back on again.
    Being accountable is, I've found, a great motivator.
    I have found I just"grab and go". So just being mindful of what I am doing is a good first step for me.

    Do any of you use the RunKeeper app? I have just starred to use it and am wondering who uses what and which app, I'd any, you use?
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning,

    Breezing through to see my updated ticker:happy:

    Going to try to log food this week and reach my workout goals with the new schedule so I can come back next week and look at my updated ticker again.

    Looks like our Daisy is about to be an "only cat". The old lady, who used to be the middle cat until the first "old lady" passed a couple of years ago is showing the signs of checking out. One step at a time but I can't help but wonder if she'll be ok on her own or if we'll have to bring in a friend since she's never been alone??

    Anyhow, have a great day.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and woke feeling much better. Back to training again but taking it slowly this week. Did Jillian's BR Cardio 1, then 10 minutes with my high pulley, then 8 minutes Jeannette's Belly Blast warm-up, and a walk.
    We did the grocery shopping and I visited a good friend this afternoon to cheer her up
    Food has been OK and thinking about training tomorrow morning. See how I go
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Yesterday was a long lazy day. Dh & SIL mowed grass,did trim & that was about all that got done. Neither of us was hungry after the pizza/salad dinner Sat,so he pieced on left overs & I had watermelon for lunch,cereal for "dinner". A lazy Sunday is my fav day. Son in law doesn't like veggies,but he was busy talking to DH Sat & never noticed the salad was full of them. Curly & romaine lettuce,kale based,topped with a whole lot of chopped veggies.:laugh:

    Our DD will be here the 3rd for 10 days. Her DH will arrive the 6 th day.....he has 3 days training for his work.Can't wait.We so enjoy having the girls together.:love:

    Brenda,how are you doing today? How was your wk end?

    YannieJannie.......the YMCA info is correct for our area too. Super $$$$.DD says most ppl go on to find a diff gym even if they can afford it,due to the Y having wall to wall kids.For those who go after work,it can be a problem.Our insur doesn't cover Silver Slippers.No big deal as we are so thankful to have our great insur.:laugh:

    Meg,glad you feel her BF is a good guy.When it comes to being a Daddy at young age,so many males seem to be completely clueless.Hoping it all comes together for them.How lucky they are to have you & family that cares.

    Joyce....." He is a man" covers men for sure.DH was told by foot Dr's office .....that insur would cover ortho cost when ordered by a Dr.
    He comes home,he says" you know I don't like surprises"....(I should,he says it enough) :bigsmile: then calls insur to double check.
    The ans is no. Doesn't bother him........he didn't want them anyway !!! Can't complain......he always double checks when insur is involved.????

    Gloria,nice pic of your son.He is so cute.

    Carol,selling a house can be a long process......especially these days.Tell everyone you have one for sale. Your day will come. Bet your parents loved having you " home".

    Have been on here long enough. need to mop kitchen floor,do a load of laundry & decide what's for supper. You all have a great day. Pat
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    So nice to go downstairs, and see the house clean and clutter free. I worked on the downstairs on Sunday. It is looking very good. I want to have the carpets cleaned before the holidays.

    I made stuffed peppers last night, vegetarian, they were huge, filled with carrots, celery, onion, rice, corn, a literal cornucopia of veggies. That was a filling dinner.

    Well, off to work. The week starts again.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well I went for my walk ,2 3/4 miles.. different route, and my fit bit is charging, so used map my walk and guestamated my steps, but I know im pretty close.. having my 3rd cup of tea:noway: my foot hurts a bit so I am icing it, before I go out and see my DFIL and take puppies for a walk.. go in for 10:30 today so have a little bit of time..
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member

    I had a wonderful weekend. Water aerobics was great! :heart: I am already looking forward to next Saturday. DD left me hanging about shopping but that was ok. She is ready to start work today! :smile:

    I spent a lot of time cooking this weekend. We have been going so much that I could not remember the last time I spent the weekend cooking. The SO and I agreed we were ready for something different from our regular menu items. So I made spicy tuna patties for Saturday evening. There were not so good although Storm enjoyed them with his food. :wink: On Sunday I tried stuffed peppers. I found a recipe with a video (the video is so great when you are trying new things):heart: and I substituted ground turkey for the ground beef and added an envelope of beefy onion soup and a few other spices. I also used two yellow peppers, one red pepper, and one orange pepper in place of the green pepper as I remembered somebody saying the colored peppers were easier on the digestive system than the green ones. This was the first time I tried using ground turkey and was a little hesitant serving it to the SO. I could not believe the 300 calorie per serving difference the substitution made. Anyway, we both enjoyed the stuffed peppers. I served them on a bed of fried cabbage instead of mashed potatoes. Next we are going to try stuffed cabbage rolls with the extra filling left over from the peppers. We are moving closer to clean eating. I also made Double Tree Hotel’s chocolate chip cookies. Of course they are a big hit. I dropped off ½ dozen this morning at my DD’s house on the way to work.

    Sylvia: I bet hysteria gets your heart rate up quickly and then you sprinted back to the house! That should count for a little calorie burn.:laugh:

    newcomers: Welcome

    Diane: I was a book addict too until I decided to replace a lot of reading with physical activity. Every once in a while my addiction kicks back in like last night during the football game when I laid in the bed with my Kindle and some potato chips.:ohwell: The sodium present in restaurant food is astounding isn’t it.:noway:

    Katla: Congratulations on the new grandson!:flowerforyou:

    Kim: I absolutely love your new name. It reminds me of a Mary Kay saying “God Family and Job”.:happy:

    Jane: Glad your fur baby is recovering and thanks for letting us know about sticks and twigs!:flowerforyou:

    Tina: Prayers going forth for Sheri.:flowerforyou:

    Kitty: Kiwi jam sounds marvelous. Kiwi jam with pineapple is decadent!:happy:

    Diane: The spicy tuna cakes I made used a mashed potato as a binder instead of an egg. I am not sure I cared for the resulting taste though.:ohwell:

    Carol: Hang In There!:flowerforyou:

    Tere in RVA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I like your advice about staying put. I agree that it doesn’t make sense to chase the kids around the country. As life goes on things will surely change for them and for us, likely several times. There may be a time when we want to move nearby them but not yet.:bigsmile:

    Kim from N CA: I love the picture of you and Mimi! :flowerforyou:

    Karenmeyn from Melbourne Australia: Welcome to a great group. It sounds like you have reached a plateau. Keep on doing the right things, and the weight will eventually budge. Many of us have been through quite a few plateaus along the way. :tongue: :laugh: Your body is still changing even when the weight stays stubbornly in place.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I gave DD’s diabetic dog his insulin every day while I was there. He was very sweet about it and didn’t complain. He’s been getting the shots for months, and is used to it. He looks better than he has in several years thanks to getting needed medication and being put on a diet. He was seriously overweight before his diagnosis. Years ago I gave my cat her shots except rabies, which the vet did. That was only once a year, not daily. I wrapped her tightly in a towel and gave her the shots. If I’d had to do it more than once every year or two, she’d have run from me when she saw me coming. Perhaps your vet has some ideas that will help in your situation. :flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: I’m happy to hear that you’re starting to feel better.:flowerforyou:

    Tere in RVA: I’ve used turkey burger in “hamburger” patties and meat loaf. I’ve added turkey sausage or chicken sausage to the ground turkey for additional flavor and we’ve liked the results. The mix makes lovely meatballs, too. It doesn't taste like beef, but it does taste good. :flowerforyou:

    I’ve heard from DD and she’s getting along okay. She and the baby are sleeping in DGD’s room for now because they’re up so often in the night. DGD is with her dad at night so she’ll have uninterrupted sleep. I’m getting back into the swing of home life. I dropped the dog off at the groomer’s a few minutes ago. He desperately needs her attentions. DH forgot to take him to his appointment while I was gone, and he is seriously overdue. He seems to shed in the fall and spring, with relatively little shedding in winter or summer. Yesterday two of our neighbors dropped off fresh wild caught salmon for us. :love: We’ll have two exceptionally nice dinners as a result. We have some great neighbors here.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's another beautiful morning here. Temps in the 60's when I walked the kids to school, then in the 70's when I did the rest of my 10,000 steps on the rails-trails.

    I woke up about 4AM with my toes itching, so got up and put on some more of that magic gel, then could not get back to sleep. Finally got out of bed about 6:00. Now I could use a nap.

    After my itching ordeal I washed my running shoes in the washer along with everything else I was wearing that day, then once they dried it felt like they had shrunk. The big toe of my right foot were being sort of forced over the top of the toe next to it. So, after I took the kids to school I hit Wal-Mart and got a new pair. They are very light weight, and they fit OK, but there is just something about them that doesn't seem quite right. Not enough cushion under the heel maybe. (Cheap shoes, what did I expect?) I put my orthotics in them, and it helped a little, but now my feet are really tired. So I'm sitting at my desk in my fluffy slippers. I have a little drafting work to do, then an appointment with my GP at 2:00. She is sort of a waste of time as a doctor, but she's nice and I'm eager to see how much weight I've lost since my last visit six months ago. When i popped in for her to look at my feet last week they didn't even weigh me.

    The scale was my friend this morning. Down a whole entire pound from Friday. I remember not that long ago trying REALLY hard to get under 200, and now I'm practically giddy - daydreaming about being under 180. Five more pounds! I have to remind myself just where I started. It doesn't seem real. Last night my whippet decided to sit in the recliner with me. There was never room before, as I filled the whole darned thing, and now she can sit next to me. I had almost forgotten how soft her coat is.

    I'm still way behind on the 100 mile challenge, but if I keep on this schedule now I should make it. No more excuses like poison ivy!

    Tere, I love ground turkey. I've recently gotten hubby to eat it sometimes. It's really good in enchiladas. Hardees has a turkey burger that is pretty good, and not bad on calories and sodium if you leave off all the junk.

    Softblonde, how I envy your clean uncluttered house! Mine is getting closer, but not there yet.

    Well, I'd better get to work. I hope everyone has a fantastic day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Joe was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sick father died, he decided he needed a wife with whom to share his fortune.

    One evening at an investment seminar he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her beauty took his breath away. “I may look like just an ordinary man,” he said to her, “but in just a few years, my father will pass, and I’ll inherit his large fortune.”

    Impressed, the woman took his business card and three months later, she became Joe’s stepmother.

    Women are so much better at estate planning than men!!

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 492 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone,

    Hubby and I had a wonderful day yesterday. I splurged all weekend enjoying food and wine. My 1/2 pound lost is gained again. Don't really care though, we had beautiful weather and yummy food. Today I am back at it, doing strength training and treadmill.

    Soft blond, stuffed peppers sound delish. I may try those today, we are planning vegetarian food for dinner.

    Kim, I love the pic of you and Mimi!

    Sylvia, congrats on your lost pound! Yay for getting your puppy in the chair, great NSV!

    Lesley, glad you are better.

    Katia, congratulations on your new grand baby!

    Alison, great walking!

    Tina, prayers for Sheri sent your way.

    Welcome all new ladies!

    I have some housework to do, maybe with gloves this time!

    Hugs to all I missed,

    Cindy in OK
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    When it rains it pours, my life is so crazy right now, again. Yesterday
    I ended up in the emergency room and now I'm in the hospital with pancreatitis
    and have to have my gallbladder removed, on top of that my husband is
    having a colonoscopy and I can't be there for him. Yesterday I had to get a friend
    to bring me into the ER. Because hubby was doing his preppy work so we can't be there
    for each other.

    Pat- thanks for asking about my weekend. It was ok until yesterday. Well the
    Dr is coming.
    Brenda from Md
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great mon.
    Brenda,here`s to a quick recovery.
    Welcome new ladies.
    jane (from IL)