

  • janejanekitt
    Thanks for kind words and encouragement, lost my first 2 pounds, hoping for many more. Jane in NNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    afternoon, and welcome welcome to the newbies~ you will find friendship and encouragement here with all of us..
    well went out and mowed the lawn, DH finished the chain link fence and I must say he did a marvelous job, saved us 400.00 bless his heart...
    we both just took showers, and will go see the DFIL ,he shooed us out yesterday:noway:
    then stop at the store, and will come home and cook the pork chops ,I will have some grilled asparagus with mine and a sweet potato, and will make a baked potato for the DH..it has cooled down here in Ct. a little bit, but still dry,when I was mowing the lawn i was covered in dust when I got in:huh:
    trying to figure out how to have a little party for my brother..,will work on that..a few of his close friends and family...
  • jacwmar
    jacwmar Posts: 6 Member
    Would love to join this group. I live in South Carolina and have recently rejoined MFP. My goals for September are

    To get back to the gym.
    Stay motivated - continue logging my food intake daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a good sun!
    welcome newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hugs and well wishes to anyone who needs them:heart::heart: :heart:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Happy Sunday to everyone,

    Skimming and lurking, lurking and skimming. Good to see some new group members and some MIA's popping in.

    In person meeting = cool.

    Regarding stubborn sick mothers, my advice would be to call on Monday morning and get her in to get checked without all the drama she has an aversion to. As hard as it is, I learned (especially with my grandma years ago) that you just have to choose your battles.

    First week of school behind us without incident. Think he's actually going to like it at this new school. I know he sure likes science and art so far (hasn't been to the other specials yet). Seems to like his teacher too. I'm still unsure of the fit. She's "old" and has that sugary (like she's trying) voice like she's talking to pre-school aged kids. We're pretty straight talking around here and I'm hoping he doesn't find it as annoying as I do. I was also hoping for a younger teacher simply because his life is filled with "old", starting with his mother :laugh: Looking forward to the open house on Wednesday to get a better read.

    3 weeks of "new" outside the house job behind me. Still love it but my workouts and home biz are suffering a bit. Going to work much harder this week to plan and budget my time better.

    Expecting to be back tomorrow to check in with another little loss. Weeeeeeee. More protein, less starchy carbs, more veggies, same calories. Who knew? I've kicked my Pure Protein bars to the curbs for the Think Thins. SOOOO much tastier and there's one that's smaller (less calories) for a snack but still 20g of protein.

    Bummed that my Lions don't play until tomorrow night. Feeling robbed on "Football Sunday" but getting my chores done while Aaron's gone with Grandpa to the air show to see the Blue Angels.

    Happy day to all.

    xo- Gloria from perfectly lovely Metro Detroit
  • kittytoo
    Hi, Ladies -

    I was gone for a week and just cannot believe how long the thread got in just that time! I skimmed through it, but am sure I have missed all kinds of interesting tidbits and happenings. Welcome to the newbies - I noticed a trend of "J's": Judy, JulsMill, Janeta, Jacwmar .... My trip to San Diego was a blast, but very tiring. I started a new job three weeks ago - after a year and a half of searching, so don't give up, Cynthia! It has really kicked my butt, working again after so long off from 9-5 work. I have a home business as well, but it is NOT the same, I tell you.

    Friday this week, DH and I drove to Los Algodones, MX for him to have some dental work. You park on the US side and walk over. That helped my exercise level go up. :laugh: A couple of weeks ago, he had two root canals ($780) and is getting two crowns at $220 each and two caps - not sure how much they will be, but considering the price of the crowns, I expect they will be well-priced. Definitely worth the 3-hour each way trip from Phoenix. This time, we did not take our dog, Caleb, but we have taken him before. He loves international travel. Heck, he loves travel!

    Yesterday, I rescued some kiwi from a certain future as hooch by making kiwi jam. (One of my BFF's gave me 21 kiwi for my birthday, 3 weeks ago.) I found a recipe on the Internet - most of them use pineapple juice. Well I didn't have pineapple juice, but did have canned pineapple, so I mashed the pineapple in with the kiwi and on the advice of a friend I switched out some of the pineapple juice with Capt. Morgan's Spiced Rum. I can tell you the three Granny Smith apples I boiled with the mix for pectin were the BEST EVER candied apples I've had. :love:

    Have not been on a scale since Aug. 18, but this morning I decided to climb on. I've noticed my clothes are fitting better. My home scale says I weigh around 150 - down 7 pounds from my start on August 4, and 5 pounds since I started logging on MFP. I love how MFP gives me the extra calories when I log my exercise - makes me more motivated to do and log my exercises! The loss is not "official" until I weigh in tomorrow on a proper scale, but I am excited. :drinker: I also love how MFP tells me how my weight loss will go if I eat the same way for 5 weeks, so I can tell that even on days when I blow it by going over my daily goal, I'm still losing - just not as fast. It helps me to stay on track.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia - thanks for the information on dogs and sticks. My dog is not a stick chaser, but it is good to know. My mom has a Golden and he chews on sticks. I will encourage my mom to disallow this activity as much as possible. Your painting project remind me that I need to paint bathrooms this fall. We moved into our house three years ago and it has been on my list since then. :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia - well do I remember the Age of Macramé. I used to love doing it - made belts, a purse, even a watch band for my Dad, who has a problem with leather and metal watch bands. I think I have some of my old pattern books. Maybe I will pull one out for fun.

    Does anyone know about egg allergies? DH has been breaking out in hives since January. Over the last week, they had basically faded away until yesterday, when he had an egg burrito for lunch and they came back with a vengeance. I realized he had not eaten eggs for over a week until yesterday. All the literature says it is unusual for adult to get an egg allergy, but he had ALL the symptoms they list. We have decided to avoid eggs purposefully and see if the hives/itching clear up, but I would be interested to hear if you know anything about it.

    Kitty in Phoenix
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello again! Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

    We had our doodle dash on Cannock Chase today - about 35 dogs, including labradoodles, goldendoodles, cockerpoos, a shihpoo and a yorkie-poo (and my honorary dood, the springer!). As you can tell it's a meet for poodle crosses! We walk for around 1 and a half hours. One of the doodles was like a small donkey and the yorkie-poo is a miniature yorkie x miniature poodle so is tiny! No grumps for the whole time - such lovely temperaments. Cannock Chase is the area of outstanding beauty close to where I live - what a beautiful place. I walk there as often as I can. I'm always amazed the distances some come to the CCDD - I can get there in 15-20 mins - someone today was driving 1.5 hours each way, just because they love the Chase. I don't always realise how blessed I am to have this on my doorstep. I was the designated leader this month and didn't get lost! My fitbit registered 17 floors! An added bonus. :smile:

    Thank you for the explanations about the Y! There are no YMCAs near to me although I've heard of it. Didn't realise that they had gyms that were open to the public.

    Have a good week everyone - healing prayers for those who need it and happy dances for those with scale and non scale victories! :flowerforyou:

    MA in UK
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Oh yes - because my little picture is one of my dogs in the snow I decided to make my ticker show one of the beaches in Pembrokeshire Wales from my summer holidays, taken from a walk along the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path long distance footpath. The other of my favourite places to walk! I can't wait until the butterfly flies over the sea!

    MA in UK
  • celticcapergirl1
    celticcapergirl1 Posts: 11 Member
    Not sure if there is an introductory thread here.
    I am new to fitness pal & still feeling my way around the site.
    I will be 50 in feb.2015 & have been overweight the past 10-15 years.
    I have health issues due to the excess weight .
    I dcided that this is it. For the sake of my health & so i xan be here for my 6 kids.
    Perhaps be a grandma one day!!!!
    This is the time to get serious & make major changes with my eating & exercise!!
    I am only 5 feet 2 inches & currently weight 220 pounds :(
    I managed to shed 11 pounds since the end of june but seemed to have reached a standstill:(
    I really need support & a place where others who are going thru the same as me can keep me motivated .
    I would really like to drop 20-30 pounds by the time i reach my 50th in feb.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Started out sunny but became overcast and a bit breezy and cooler. I was out early as I did volunteer timing at the finish line for a 5K to honor local fallen police officers. Started off the day with a doughnut, but have improved on that!
    Watched the Va. Tech/Ohio game last night until 3rd quarter, then to bed because of the race this am so only learned the score at the race.........nice surprise. DD got me awake around 2am; she was still up and banging about, then didn't get back to sleep till after 4. Nap this afternoon.

    Katla...........Welcome back!

    Mimi and Sylvia............On my fear scale, a black widow spider trumps a mouse by a landslide, but not fond of mice either.

    Cynthia..............Very happy to hear your dog is improving; fingers crossed for the sight thing.

    Amanda............Rest and let your body heal.

    Joining the Y here seems doable only if you have lots of money or are very poor.............they have a joining fee then also a monthly fee (based on income) which almost equals (for us ) what I pay for a whole year elsewhere. Facilities are decent but nothing special. I did pay for private lessons for DD to learn to swim there ages ago after she had a close call in a wave pool at a water park.

    Finally going to read the am paper!

    Best to all,
    Stay strong!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings to all. It’s a quiet Sunday here. DH is running a few errands then we are going for a (much shorter!) walk and I’ll lift weights. I did some deep cleaning today; oiled all the antique furniture in the lower level. I guess I’ll count that too since I so rarely clean!

    Diane: I am a bookstore addict too The last time I went to Barnes and Noble I bought 11 books!

    Sylvia: drat! I was counting on you finding something! The macramé is so cool!

    Renny I loved Joan Rivers and was sad to hear of her death.

    Jane: hooray for successful shopping

    Kim: I only see one person in the pic; is it you or Mimi in the blue print blouse?

    Barbie: I bet your parents feel blessed to have you as their daughter!

    Michele: I think your name does fit!

    Mimi: so glad mom finally went to the ED! I think that is funny you were nice the first 10 times!

    Katla: congrats on the grand baby! I have several friends who retired and moved to where their kids were only to have them be relocated and move themselves. I say stay put!

    Lesley glad you are getting better!

    Cynthia: wow I would have never guessed about the stick, although mouth wounds can do the job in humans. I have heard of tongue piercing causing heart valve problems, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprise. Glad your baby is feeling up to playing a bit.

    Amanda: sleep dear friend, sleep! You must need it.

    Heather: hope you have a lovely holiday

    Tina: sending prayers and healing thoughts to Sheri. You are a blessing to visit her

    Kitty: unusual yes, to get allergies as an adult, but possible. You could have DH get allergy testing

    MA: OK the name Doodle Dash brought a big smile to my face!

    Nebraska did win it’s game yesterday but it was close. I do enjoy college football. I’m off now to do the dishes for DD while she is visiting grandpa and then I’m making some peanut butter brownies. The recipe is from Diabetes Living on line and is low sugar/low carbs, so will be a nice treat. Take care, Meg from Omaha where the public uproar over the ebola patient has died away thank goodness!

    PS welcome newbies! You will find this a great supportive bunch of gals!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Michele – :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: DONE!!!! GodMomKim….. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Brendy – congrats on finding the right Doc…. You can do this.

    Kay – here I was thinking you were an MD…. Congrats on getting your PHD later in life, what did you get it in?

    Katla – welcome home! Glad are are well

    Cynthia – went to look at the pic – and it had Mimi in it… where did she go?????????? Bet it is sized wrong, I will try again! And my fitbit is on the wrist that is not in the pic… I did not know anything about the stick and dog thing!!!! Levi loves sticks – chewing carrying fetching… I need to rethink this


    Amanda – sleep is your body healing, embrace it.

    Judy, julsmill49, janeta, jacwmar– welcome!

    Heather – glad you are safe and sound; enjoy the R&R --- so you said you ordered something you had not had in 2 years that was full of calories... but..... what was it???? and was it as good as you remember?

    Tina – sending good thoughts to sheri

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 2 times
    Walk 100 miles -16.34 = 83.66 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked) 1 done
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 2 done

    Kim from N. California
  • ginnyneko
    ginnyneko Posts: 8 Member
    :blushing: My first post on a message board! I am not 50+, but I have had health problems and a hysterectomy and struggle with my weight.

    August Goals:

    No soft drinks, teas, or coffee - check!
    Strength train every other day - check!
    Cardio every day - I missed a couple of days here and there, but mostly I am pleased with it :)
    60 - 80 oz of water a day - I did pretty good on this, it was hard, but everyday I drank at least 40 oz and most days I hit 60 oz
    Meet calorie/nutrition goals - ugh, this is hard. Most days I was under or just over, and I know I didn't have a good balance of carbs and fats
    Lose 10 lbs - I did not lose any weight, BUT I did lose inches on my measurements! Everyday that I weighed and was heavier I became extremely discouraged. I still do not know what to expect. I just hope that I will finally start to lose pounds.

    September goals:

    Maintain cardio and strength training; increase intensity
    LOSE 10 LBS
    Balance nutrition!
    Start an active hobby, such as dancing or playing a sport! :happy:
  • karenmeyn
    Hi, I am new to this and live in Melbourne Australia. I am 50 years old. I have been on this calorie roller coaster since beginning of June and have lost 13 kgs. I now havent lost anything for a week or two and am feeling disheartened. I log my calories and dont cheat. I wlk everyday and have a busy active job. Any ideas anyone?
  • KimberlyH3
    Hello, I am Kim near Charlotte, NC. I wee there is another Kim active on here so I will be Kimberly. I used to be on this sight a little and had forgot about it until a co worker was talking about it. I had reached my weight loss goal but in the last year have gained 25 pounds back.
    I started a new job that I had been trying to get for a couple years and the stress of it threw me off. Having trouble finding my motivation again. A few good days and then a few bad..no terrible days. I have a food addiction, especially sugar. I am having a problem with binge eating. Looking forward to getting to know you and for encouragement and accountability.
    Goals for September - Work out at least 3x week, healthy eating (fruits, veggies, lean meats, low sodium and carbs) no stress eating and binging. Drink more water
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    afternoon kids~
    well boy did I have a yummy dinner....grilled pork chop,grilled asparagus and a sweet potato with butter.. ate up every bit....
    I made some gluten free mini penne pasta took some dried mushrooms and a pat of butter and a shake of parmesan cheese, and that is what I will have for lunch tomorrow...
    I have just fallen in love with the ezekiel 4.9 english muffins, 80 calories of goodness, I had one with natural peanut butter and banana for breakfast this morning..
    I think tomorrow I might have one with greek cream cheese and a sliced peach...:bigsmile:
    I am just a scunch away from 18,000 steps.. so did darn good today.
    welcome to all the new ladies.. you will just love it here I PROMISE:heart:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Good Evening Friends,


    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sang today with the new choir director. They did not hire the young man I like so much, so I will attempt to see if I can take voice lessons from him. The new director did a good job too.

    After church I spent the day prepping to get ready to paint. I also painted part of our back fence. I got that ready yesterday. Our delightful weather will turn cooler this week, so the time is running out to get these tasks done.

    I did get a squash that looked like a speckled green pumpkin out of garden. I was tempted to keep as decoration, but DH convinced me we should eat it. I plan to save some of the seeds for next year.

    Today getting parts of the outside ready to paint, so tomorrow I can prime.

    2014 word: contnentment
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Tina ... praying for your friend Sheri.

    Kitty ... my 28yo son has an egg allergy ... discovered when he was about two or three. His also started with hives/rashes. We thought he had extreme eczema. No doctor thought to test him for allergies ... we sort of put two and two together. The reactions did progress to an itchy/swelling throat and extreme nausea if ingested. He has had bouts where breathing was difficult but from panic not anaphylactic shock. He carriers an epi-pen which, thankfully, we have never needed. Meg, of course, is right you can develop allergies as an adult. My pharmacist has become allergic to penicillin after years of breathing penicillin dust!

    Ok GodMomKim ... explain the new moniker!

    Today was busy ... church, shopping and cooking. Have been on track the last two days with my eating ... looking to make it three!:laugh:

    Beth in Western New York
  • marciamuse2
    Karen-you didn't mention strength training so I don't know if this is something you do regularly or not. I think strength training helps quite a bit to increase your metabolic burn even at rest. It also might help to just switch things up a bit with your exercise. The body seems to get used to the same movements and learns to deal with it more efficiently. Using different muscles should encourage the body on the downward track. You'll find the change that is most important for you.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! I'm back at home and have skimmed the posts. The open house was a bust--no one came. I spent too much time with my grand nieces. The oldest one has reached the ripe old age of seven and now knows everything. I love her to pieces, but she is as smart mouthed as they come. The three year old is sweet and a lot of fun but is a bundle of energy! She gets into everything so has to be watched constantly. But, man, I wish I had her abs!!! My niece has bought her first home and spent the day working in it yesterday so left the girls with my mother and me for about eleven hours. I'm not used to "parenting" little ones anymore.

    Anne - You asked about the Fiction in Relationship course I'm taking... That is the name of the class and, evidently, the name of the instructot's book. It does have a double meaning and (I think) we are looking at the relationships in fiction, but also the fiction that occurs in relationships. The name of the book I'm currently reading is Manon Lescaut by Abbé Prevost. I am reading the English translation.

    Night, all!

    Carol from soon to be cooler NC