

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Sylvia - your ordeal sounds so scary. Glad you were taken to the doctor instead of home and hopefully once you get your meds adjusted your dizzy spells will stop. Maybe you'll be able to come off of the BP meds altogether.

    Lesley - glad you're feeling so much better and able to train again.

    Brenda - sorry to hear about your needed surgery. How did your DH make out with his procedure? Hope there wasn't any issues with that. :flowerforyou:

    Heather - beautiful profile picture.

    Anne - I saw on the news about the rain and thought of you and the other ladies in the West. Hope it's enough to help with the drought. Good use of your time working on your bike during the rain. :drinker:

    Carol - Sorry the open house wasn't successful. :cry: You've put a lot of work into the house. I am assuming your agent listed it with pictures. Do you think they look well done? Sometimes good pictures can make the difference for people wanting to come and see it for themselves.

    Mimi4boys - Welcome! Where are you from?

    Annem6806 - Welcome! Love the fall colors in your profile and ticker pictures.

    Kitty - If you think your DH may have egg allergies he won't be able to take the flu shot if this is something he has done in the past.

    Kim and Mimi - Great picture! So nice that you were able to meet.

    Thank you all for your prayers for Sheri. We were at the hospital most of the day and the drive home was much longer as we got in the Raven football traffic after the game and then there was a bad accident and they stopped traffic to bring in the helicopter. By the time we made it through that and got close to home we were starving. DH wanted to stop at the Silver Diner that had just opened in our area and I ended up eating pancakes and eggs. Although they were delicious, it was too heavy for so late at night so had a restless night. Finally made it through the front door at 11:00pm. After quickly taking care of the animals, headed to bed and tossed and turned until the alarm went off at 4:30am.

    Calorie count was off the chart but today was better. Weight was up 1 1/2 pounds but think most of that was the salt from dinner. Hoping so anyway. :ohwell:

    Got a load of laundry that has to be put in the dryer before bed so I'd better get to it. I don't go to bed with the dryer. Too many dryer fires and was drilled into my head while growing up.

    Good evening,
    Tina in MD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Checking in before bedtime...Thanks for all of the sympathetic comments on the open house. Tina, most of the pictures are pretty good. I hate the wide angle lens they all use--my house looks as long as a train in them!

    Brenda- I had my gallbladder out in 1977--about two weeks after I graduated from high school. At 17, I was the youngest in the state to have the surgery. The pain is horrendous! The only thing worse is a ruptured disc. As something you have in advantage over me (since I had youth in my favor), there was no such thing as laproscopic surgery back then. I have have a six inch 'earthworm' on my stomach, not to mention the scar from the drainage tube! I hope things go well for you. Your hubby should be able to be by your side very soon after his procedure.

    There were others I wanted to reply to but my eyes are closing...

    Carol in rainy NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    Hi Barbie - My name is Anne. I'm 53 years old, married for 12 years, and have a 25 year-old-daughter. I live in Southeastern Massachusetts. I'm new here, so I'm not sure what all of this "bump" stuff is, but I'd like to join the group.

    My August goals were to log in every day to MFP and stay below my calorie goal: Did that
    My September goals: move a little more (doing that).

    Anne, welcome, I hope you keep coming back and join in the conversation...This is a one day at a time journey that requires focus and mindfulness and the support and encouragement of others.

    Writing BUMP is the way some people post something so this thread will come to the top of their list of "My Topics" and let them know where they left off reading.

    :bigsmile: This has been a great day for me
    walk with the dogs early, an early spiritual meeting, a visit to the chiropractor (I go twice a month), some work in the yard, two minute 10 second plank (day 8 of the challenge), planning for my Friday line dance class, and 18,000 steps....Life doesn't get any better:bigsmile: Time now to ride the exercise bike and watch the baseball team on TV for awhile before bedtime:yawn:

    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Brenda, you take care of yourself girl. Pancreatitis used to be a very serious affair. I don't know if they still treat it as such or not. But when I was still working we put the drainage tube down the nose int o the stomach to keep the stomach empty, long term IV therapy. And then to need your gall bladder out also. And on top of that your hubbie having his procedure done. Hope everything turns around soon.

    Sylvia, good grief, how long does a person has to have symptons like yours before a doctor takes you seriously. I hope you get answers real soon. Can you call the cardiologist office and be put on a cancellation list?

    Well my dear cat's coat has been fine for months and I haven't had to give her the nightly dose of medicine. But i noticed today that she is balding again. I jsut hate to have to give her that. Plus it cost $120 per bottle and the bottle lasts about 6 weeks.

    I don't know if any of you have seen the news about the woman that was kidnapped and held in a cage or not but she was from my city. She was one of 4 women that went missing at the same time. They have now found 2 of the womens bodies, this lady escaped and one is still missing.

    Well we got my husbands bill for his orthotic. Insurance paid for the doctor and initial visit with the man who made it but not for the orthotic. So we will have to pay over $400. I guess if you pay $0/month for an insurance you need to expect that ou might not get the best of coverage. His insurance does not cover the Silver Sneakers program but does have a $34 rider that will cover it and the Y charges $35 for a non member visit so it is pretty much equal. But he doesn't want to join. He said all he would do is to play basketball if there was a game going on , not part of an organized team. We do have a basketball team of over men over 65. they have played all over and even gone to national finals. The oldest man is in his 90's.

    Tried a new menu item at Hacienda tonight since I am so tired of the shredded beef burrito which is the only thing I want there that is low enough in calories and sodium I was looking at the menu on line and saw a chicken/mushroom. When I looked at the menu it said it was marinated in garlic butter and chili spices. So I asked for a plain chicken breast. She said they didn't have any, that as soon as they get these in they marinate them for 3 days. So I went ahead and ordered it. It came with mushrooms that wwere covered with a think layer of cheese and it is 1/2 pound! It also had this bread stick with some spices that I had never heard of much less pronounce. So I asked for a carry out box, cut the breast in half and wrapped it up in a couple of napkins to get as much of the butter sauce off. Then I rubbed the ****ens out of it to get as much of the spices off. The bread just got put in the box. I did try a teeny bite of the bread and immediately drank a full glass of water. Even the waitress said it is so spicy that very few people can eat it. So charlie has a meal if he wants it. It was low in calorie and sodium though.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kittytoo
    Went out for a while this afternoon. The rain has basically dried up or soaked in - just a few large puddles here and there, and some intersections and washes are still flooded. More rain is expected tonight, but not like last night. The golf course in our back yard is pretty soggy. No golfers today, but the ducks were enjoying swimming on the fairway. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Michele in NC - I saw on TV today that the Chicken Linguine at Olive Garden is 1,500 calories. :sad: I usually just get the salad and soup ... and eat too many bread sticks. Good luck.

    :flowerforyou: Anne - I saw Manon Lescaut at the Sydney Opera House. I was DETERMINED to see an opera there. ANY opera. Thankfully, it was Puccini. I wish it had been Turandot. That's my favorite.

    :flowerforyou: Dr. Katiebug - your description of your dissertation made me SOL (Snort Out Loud). I've seen a few ladies remarking about insomnia recently, including myself. We may take you up on your kind offer to bore us to sleep. :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Tina in MD - DH and I avoid vaccinations like the plague, so no problem with that. I've already been vaccinated for everything under the sun, myself (Navy brat). I hate needles. My mom used to say that she never worried about me taking any drugs that involved needles, LOL.

    Kitty in Phoenix
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    The surprise party I helped plan for my brother couldn’t have gone better. I almost freaked out when I got to his house yesterday morning and saw that nothing had been done. Yikes. :noway: But family members descended and in 1-1/2 hours, the place looked amazing – ready for a fiesta for 60 or so people.

    I got wonderful stripy tablecloths ($1 each) at the Dollar Store. My mom made about 2 dozen bright and cheerful bouquets (artificial but real-looking sunflowers, lupine, something red, nice weedy looking stuff (you can tell I’m not a gardener)) in mason jars, tied with twine.

    We put up 6 umbrellas, the guys draped crepe paper everywhere and twined it around the deck railing, and my dad and one of the guys blew up balloons. I bought a big, bright fish piñata (in honor of my brother’s spear-fishing hobby) in Sacramento and filled it with candy.

    Aside: My brother still does some spear fishing, even now. It involves free diving (no scuba) and going way, way down in murky water. I think he can actually go 60’ down. He can hold his breath for 5 minutes. He was the US champ a couple of times in the last few years. (Can you tell I think he’s pretty amazing?) He stole my share of athleticism :explode: , even though he was born after me! He never came in first in International competition though. There are some amazing divers in many other countries, particularly in the islands.

    The “roasts” could not have been done more nicely. We heard lots of stories (some I’d never heard before) and some nice tributes. We count on my brother for his sense of humor and love of fun. He’s basically a big (6’7”) overgrown kid.

    The best story was told by my niece. I won’t go into the details (probably best not!:laugh: ) but it had to do with setting off a very loud firecracker at the beach:explode: , sending everyone who was walking there running for cover. That included my brother who didn’t want to be identified as the culprit when the police arrived (which they did)!:laugh:

    I don’t think anyone was more surprised by how loud the firecracker was than my brother himself. I enjoyed the sheepish look on his face, even 20 years after the event.

    I arranged for the food. It worked out perfectly. The best part for me was that, although I tried everything, including the margaritas :drinker: , my eating was truly moderate. That is amazing to me. I am still smiling.

    Gloria, congrats on the updated ticker! :flowerforyou: I’m sorry to hear about your kitty. Losing a pet is always hard.

    MA in UK, the Welsh beach on your ticker is beautiful. The sky is so blue. It makes me want to be there.

    Yanniejannie, the “nice” thing about black widows is that they don’t move fast. Mice on the other hand...

    Meg, I wasn’t all that :tongue: nice the first 10 times.

    Kim, I missed the story (there MUST be a story!) GodMomKim…??? Oh, wait a minute. I think I get it. From everything I’ve heard, you are a great God Mother. Did I get it????

    Everyone new…welcome! This is a great place for friendship and support. We’re all so different from each other. I’m always learning something new.

    What? Barbie…32,000 steps. Aaargh. You are Wonder Woman.:love:

    About reading – I have devoured so many books since I first learned to read. I read much less now. When I get into the reading cycle, I sit too much. Then I eat too much. And so it goes. I haven’t given it up completely but I’m not staying up all night reading any more either.

    When I weigh the joy of reading vs the joy of moving, moving wins. After reading for a few hours, I feel sluggish and a little down. I’d rather just keep reading and not do anything else. After exercising, I feel energized and upbeat. It took a long time for me to learn the whole cause and effect thing. In fact, I’m still learning. :tongue: Doing better though.

    Katia, congrats on the new grandbaby. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Being a grandmother has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

    Sylvia, way to go on the pound lost. :flowerforyou: What a great feeling! Your joke about estate planning was terrific. Thank you for the chuckle. …I just read a later post and saw that you had a bad dizzy spell. I’m so glad you went in to be checked. I hope everything gets sorted out soon.

    Umm. Wait a minute. I just read your post about your BP meds maybe being too effective. Is your BP consistently low? (If you don’t have a home monitor already, I recommend them highly. They are easy to use and not expensive.)

    I took BP meds a few years ago. When my BP started getting low, I called the doc and lowered the meds immediately. If this is a continuing thing for you, I’ll be darned if I’d wait until the 24th to make an adjustment. No way.:noway: :noway: :noway:

    Brenda, I hope you’re done and recovering soon. No fun. {{hugs}}

    Michele, congrats on the NSV (throwing the other half of the snickerdoodle away). Isn’t that a good feeling?!:flowerforyou:

    Mimi4boys, I had to pipe up when I saw that you were another Mimi. You absolutely can do it. I’ve lost more than 100 lbs from my highest point in 2001. Now, with MFP, I’m working on losing the last bit to get to where I want to be.

    I’ve yo-yo’d even with MFP but mostly because I drifted away for a while. Eating right, exercising, and using MFP are the best ways I know to lose weight and keep it off.

    I tried but I still haven’t caught up on the old posts! It may never happen!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brenda: I’m so sorry that things are stacking up for you and your DH. I hope all your medical issues are resolved and things improve quickly. :flowerforyou: I had my gall bladder removed several years ago and have felt better ever since. The attacks were horrible and painful.:ohwell:

    Sylvia: I am so sorry you had health problems today. The symptoms seem frightening to me. I hope the doctor’s appointment shed some light on what is going on, and that you have a plan of action now. On another topic, I think childbirth is productive pain with reason and purpose. Gallbladder attacks are much worse in my experience. They come with no seeming rhyme or reason, and no lovely baby for your trouble.:flowerforyou:

    Kitty in Phoenix: I hope you are safe and dry. I also have lactose intolerance. The symptoms started to manifest for me when I was in college. I have found many ways to avoid consuming lactose and feel much better than I once did. When I know I’m going to be exposed to lactose, I take lactaid, and it helps.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve also had no problems after having my gallbladder removed. I was certainly miserable while waiting for surgery. The problem I had with getting a medical diagnosis was that I didn’t know the right words to describe my symptoms. It turned out that I diagnosed myself after a particularly bad night. I was having horrible night pains and looked the symptoms up online. The doctor later ran a test that confirmed it. On another topic, I love the cliff top photo in Cornwall.:love:

    Dr Katie: I’m sorry you lost your place and are back at day one. We all know that isn’t accurate, and that you’ve been here regularly. I log my food every day using my phone app. It automatically logs me in, whether I visit our group on the internet or not. :flowerforyou:

    Today has been good. We got the correct circuit breaker installed in our boat so I can leave the refrigerator on once more without blowing the circuits. Yay! We also went to a farm store on Sauvie Island and bought fresh corn on the cob and other veggies. It was lovely.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • free2beany12
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Sue from sunny Melbourne, Australia and I would love to join your board... I find it hard at 56 (nearly 57) to lose the weight... I thought I'd gone through the dreaded menopause quite well with no problems except the weight gain ... I used to have it all over but mainly bum and legs but now it's on the waist and above the waist up to the girls now ... finding it so hard to stay motivated as it comes off so slowly.. I'm walking 45mins a day in my lunchbreak and eating carefully and keeping my diary up... I used to be a lovely size 6/8 before I had my kids... I lost it and more after my first born and then when my daughter was born 6 years later I never could lose weight and have steadily put it on over the years... the separation with my husband didn't help but then I found new friends, went dancing every Sat night and slowly slowly got a few pounds off so I was curvy but still a long way from slim... Now my son is getting married in November I want to look like a gorgeous Mother of the Groom not the fat depressed woman in the corner... I guess I need all the help and motivation I can get...

    I wish I loved excercise :)

    Sue, Melbourne, Australia <3
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I wish I wouldn't forget to say the things I had intended to write!

    Yesterday was Grandparents day. My daughter I guess didn't get the memo. She had sent me info a couple of weeks back about my youngest grand daughter, Ellie. school is having their official Grand parents day. So we are going to drive down for lunch with them. They posted the menu on line. I had never heard of a bosco. I think I have that spelled right. I looked it up on Google and it looks like a big breadstick that is filled with cheese and pepperoni. I would be salivating about it except that I hate pepperoni. They also have baked chicken leg...whoopie... or a chef salad. You have your choice of side, baked beans, potato salad or fresh fruit. So I will have a chef salad and fruit. Oh, you also get a cookie. I have no idea if this is one of those tiny coolies you get in a bag or it is a big, soft tempting cookie. I'm in trouble if it the big tempting one since I'm not sure of the size of the salad. If they are offering a salad to match the size of a baked chicken leg, the salad will be small. They are also having a book sale that day. It will interesting to see what kind of books I can find for my curious book worm. I don't think the middle school does anything for Grandparents day. But in five weeks, I will be laying in bed listening to the sounds of the ocean! Well, may not. I am sharing the bedroom with my husband and he will want every thing all closed up. I may have to slip into my daughter's bedroom and go out on her balcony with her. We couldn't find a five bedroom we could afford. The two front bedrooms have king size beds and balconys. the other bedrooms have 2 queen size beds a piece.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,649 Member
    Ginnyneko, Karenmeyn, Kimberly, lkellandmay– welcome!

    Margaret – do you know what variety your speckled squash is?

    Carol – sounds like the grand nieces are a work out!

    Michele and Alison – greek cream cheese? I have not seen that one, is it a cream cheese/ greek yogurt blend?

    Alison –sounds like a work around for the DSIL’s DM would be good, and the living room can get busy.

    Gloria – sorry to hear your older cat is not doing well

    Katla – fresh wild caught salmon!!! I am on my way up there for dinner --- yum!

    Sylvia – LOL --- really I sat here laughing Later post: Good thinking on your sons part… get them to see just what is going on.

    Brenda – sending good thoughts, hope surgery is quick and easy!

    Heather – sorry to hear you fell; hope the bruise area is not to painful… as for slobbery dogs, I have one… he loves to “kiss” everyone, and if you have sandals on he will lay on you feet and lick for as long as you will let him.

    Kitty – stay safe, flooding can be dangerous

    Anne from Mass, mimi4boys – welcome

    this is a partial response...more later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    September goals:
    Stretch 5 minutes 8 times done 2 times
    Walk 100 miles -16.34 = 83.66 to go
    Do 4 errands walking (from home or a 15 minute walk from the place the car is parked)
    Do Heather’s abc balance 2 time a week – 1 done

    Kim from N. California
  • cheetahrocker88
    Hello ladies I turned 50 in June and it has been so difficult for me to lose weight I have lost 7.2 lbs but I haven't lost anything since July. I seem to have trouble on the weekends I just want to eat bad and not measure my portions. I also find it difficult to stay consistent on my exercising especially on weekends. So I say I will exercise mon-fri I am lucky if I exercise 2-3 times a week usually for 40-60 min at a time. I need tips? I crave sugar and junk food a lot more on weekends. I have about 40 lbs to lose.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone, still trying to get some kind of balance here. Dog is doing better but has a long way to go. Windows are being replaced this week. No job news. Lots of pain because I have had to walk with the dog instead of biking.
    Heather: you might want to try the 13th-cent. pub at Zennor. So lovely there.

    Good luck to everyone with health issues.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,777 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I slept like a rock which I guess is good..will not eat something like that torte ever again... OY
    having a banana split with natural peanut butter and a bit of kashi go lean cereal .. it is yummy
    making the DH spagetti with mozarella stuffed meatballs for dinner. have this weekend of from work and going out to dinner with friends, not much interesting on the menu so we shall see.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    Good morning!:flowerforyou:
    The cleaner is here and we are just hanging out waiting to go off to lunch with our friends.:happy:

    Cynthia - I love that pub too. Zennor is one of my favourite places in the world. Patrick Heron lived there (a painter) in Eagles Nest and DH Lawrence lived there in WW1. The natives thought he was a German spy because his wife Freida was German and they thought the lights from their windows were signals to the ships. Helen Dunmore wrote a wonderful book called Zennor in Darkness about the Lawrences which I think you would like.
    I love the granite there, it has a real presence and some of the fields still have the old Bronze Age field pattern. Ancient and evocative place.
    We have visited Cornwall many times over the years because of our friends down here and one of the things I like about coming here is we don't feel compelled to rush around doing the "sights". We can just take it easy and do the things we like. Mainly that is the more gentle cliff top walks and National Trust houses and Gardens. I don't like being a tourist. You can get so worn out you need a holiday to recover! ! ! ! We feel like almost locals here!

    Sue in Melbourne - I used to hate exercise too.:brokenheart: I recommend, if you have the space and the money, getting some equipment to help you. I have a rower, an elliptical, and a recumbent bike. Buy the very best you can afford. I am not a good walker with pronation, dodgy ankles and a rubbish knee, not to say arthritic hips, but I spend 1 hr 10 minutes on the machines every day. I started off just doing a little bit and built up slowly. Even one machine would help. I listen to the radio or you can watch tv on your wifi. For me it has been a life saver.:bigsmile: I also enjoy :noway: strength training with weights and yoga. Nobody could have hated exercise more than me.

    Kayak kutie - so glad your friend is improving. Sounds horrible! We are all so close to something going seriously wrong. My friend broke her hip this spring, just slipping over. My fall yesterday reminded me to be grateful for my health.:heart: Just an achy bruise this morning and slightly sore wrists. I still have flashbacks to my head jerking forward and just missing that rock by a centimetre.

    Well must get on. Want to put a coat of clear nail varnish on.:bigsmile:

    Heather, looking forward to a lovely cliff side walk to Bedruthan Steps. (Google it)
    Cornwall UK
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you for the kind welcome. Great group. Love to read what you all are doing.
    My challenges are to eat at regular time (and at the table).
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    I think these are admirable goals. And I will use them for September.

    Do any of you have blogs here which we can follow.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    I found you again, I have been on vacation and when I got back I replied but it went no where. I missed you all.
    A big shout out to the newbies, and I hope this finds everyone doing well. The Cayman Islands were beautiful and I had a great time. I swam, snorkeled, rode the skidoo and relaxed. No cell phone, no computer, no I-pad. I got up and walked the beach mornings and watched the sun rise. We did do some sight seeing, usually picking one place every morning and then returning to the resort to hang out at the pool, swim, read and swim some more. We ate at a lot of local places, mostly fresh fish and locally grown fruits and veggies. I never went hungry and still came back with an eight pound weight loss. Doesn't get much better than that.
    So it was back to work yesterday and I work both jobs every day this week. But, I've decided to adopt the island saying of "No worries man"!

    So, no worries to all and have a wonderful day.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    It's Tuesday!:smile:

    Joyce: The SO also feels he is obligated to drive me on the highway, in the evenings, etc. so, I just let him. A week or so ago, he asked me why he always had to drive. I told him it was because he is “The Man”. :laugh:

    SoftBlondeChi: Your vegetarian peppers sound delicious.:smile: I think I might try them. I can imagine they would be a really great side dish too.

    Brenda in MD: Sending prayers for rapid recovery for you and your DH.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: What are mushy peas?

    Sylvia: Wow! I can’t believe your cardiologist! :mad: I love cooked kale as well as raw kale. I haven’t tried the chips though.

    Kitty: Saw the flooding on the news last night. Hope you will stay dry.:smile:

    MiMi4boys: Welcome!:flowerforyou: I used my Wii as a primary form of exercise for a long time before we joined a gym. I was pretty good at golf and bowling! A couple of years ago I bought the Wii Fit and I use it now on a daily basis mostly to monitor how I am doing. It’s a reality check for me sometimes. Make sure you consider what you want to do in the gym before joining one. We gave it a lot of thought. For me and the SO the primary consideration was the availability of a pool, jacuzzi, and sauna and the distance from our home. We really lucked up find all of this close to us and at a reasonable cost. If you are an AARP member most gyms have a discount price or will allow you a monthly membership.

    Sue: Good for you! Finding a new life after a separation or divorce is really hard. I know no one will think you are the fat depressed woman sin the corner because you are working hard at it. One of my favorite memories is a chance encounter with my ex and son at a restaurant. I had on a spunky outfit and 4 inch heels. I asked my son later how I looked to him and he said “You’re a tough piece of leather but well put together!” :laugh: He also told me his father was in shock and couldn’t stop talking about how good I looked.

    Tere in Rainy RVA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Your cardiologist may know hearts, but not people. :noway: Stick with us. You will be fine and keep the weight off. In fact, that is why I expect to be here forever. I need this level of support and here it is—for free.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Anne in the desert: Keep watch on your eating. If you lose energy, or hair, and have bad skin tone, you’re not healthy. It sounds to me like you have things in hand, though.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: The cliffs of Cornwall are gorgeous. I love the blue of the ocean.:flowerforyou:

    Sue from Melbourne: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Kim: We have very generous neighbors. Last year DH went fishing with the man who gave us the fish we ate for dinner last night, but this year he isn’t up to it. Waiting for surgery is really hard, and his symptoms are worsening. :frown: In six more days he meets with the surgeon.:flowerforyou:

    Cheetahrocker: Exercise when you can, and count every calorie every day even when you go over your limit. You can lose weight and get healthier with limited exercise, but it is faster and easier when you are able to move more.:flowerforyou:

    Ikellandmay: I use the same goals month after month and they serve me well. Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Tere: I love the story about your encounter with your ex and son. :bigsmile: I also love the fact that you seem very happy with your life these days, and that you’ve found a worthy ‘Significant Other.’:flowerforyou:

    I get to go to yoga this morning for the first time since my trip. I am looking forward to it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • lizadaze
    lizadaze Posts: 118 Member
    Looking to join and trying to stay in the habit of coming here daily! Whoo Hoo ... 2 day streak so far ... LOL

    Anyway, gotta get back to work, but glad I found this group. Not exactly sure how to follow threads here yet, though.
