Should People Be Allowed To Smoke In Public ?



  • fool4greys
    Yes but in designated areas, same in bars and restaurants. I always sat in the smoking area to avoid people with their obnoxious kids so now we try to sit near the bar so they can't have the kids around. I'm sick of all this anti smoking crap, just another politically correct tool to crush personal freedom.

    I have done this too! I personally am an ex-smoker and will still do this just to stay away from wild kids!

    When I have a craving for a cigarette, I need to be around someone smoking. I know this sounds weird but it seems to curb my craving. I was a smoker for 33 years (quit 7 yrs ago) so over my years I went from being able to smoke at my desk, to sent to the basement, then outdoors.

    I understand that non-smokers do not want the smell of the smoke around them especially when they are eating (I never liked this either). But you need to be fair to the smokers also, most just want a place to call their own.Give them a space to smoke and leave them alone. You do not want to your children to be near the smoke then keep them away, same with yourself.
  • akoivisto
    akoivisto Posts: 141 Member

    I leave it at that.
  • Swaggs51
    Swaggs51 Posts: 716 Member

    I leave it at that.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    It depends on how you define "public". There's a huge difference between sitting and watching a baseball or football game in the stands and having someone around you puffing down on a cigarette, cigar, or pipe vs someone just walking down the street smoking. Both are public, but it's a completely different.

    I'm a former 2-3 PAD cigarette smoker who occasionally still smokes a occasionally, I mean I've had like 5 cigaars in the past 2 years or so. In New Mexico, smoking inside public establishments (even outdoor venues) has been banned for quite some over 10 years now and even when I was a smoker I was overwhelmingly in agreement with those bans. That said, the notion that smoking should be illegal or that one shouldn't be able to walk or drive down the road and smoke is ridiculous.

    For those that think smoking should just be illegal...maybe a little history lesson is in order...see how well that worked out with alcohol...and look how much money is spent on the "drug war" to no avail. Making it illegal would only serve to create more "criminals" wouldn't end smoking.
  • pookeyism
    pookeyism Posts: 84 Member
    Opinion on the topic aside - just a note: I can see by their profiles that most of the people responding are just not old enough to remember how gross and impacting it was for many people to be subjected to cigarette smoke at basically another persons whim. Restaurants were disgusting and public transportation was almost unusable and I always felt so sorry for my asthmatic friends - then I became that asthmatic. Homes were foul and so, so many kids were seriously impacted forever by being subjected to this. It lingered on clothing and the fumes released as people stored jackets in closets and clothes came in contact with furniture. Have you ever opened you mouth to take a bite of a 40$ dish to have the smell off a waiter waif into your experience? Compound that with smells from walls, table, padding on the chair, fake plants....we debate this from a point of having no idea what it was like when it was bad - and how quickly just a few cigarettes waifing into space will affect it - you eliminate choice for the non-smoker because the smoker lingers long after their cancer-stick is done. I won't even mention the litter...except I did.
  • bluetuesday5
    bluetuesday5 Posts: 99 Member
    Should be up to the individual establishment.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I don't think it should be illegal, but I do think people could stand to be more considerate when partaking in a habit such as smoking.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I hate smoking. I hate the smell, the taste, the affects. So I'm going to say no.
  • Swaggs51
    Swaggs51 Posts: 716 Member
    I hate smoking. I hate the smell, the taste, the affects. So I'm going to say no.

    does that mean I can ban certain perfumes I dont like? i like this open trade
  • indigorays
    indigorays Posts: 30 Member
    Amazon has a great variety of hazard masks, even in kids sizes, for cheap!

    That made me chuckle, lol.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Opinion on the topic aside - just a note: I can see by their profiles that most of the people responding are just not old enough to remember how gross and impacting it was for many people to be subjected to cigarette smoke at basically another persons whim. Restaurants were disgusting and public transportation was almost unusable and I always felt so sorry for my asthmatic friends - then I became that asthmatic. Homes were foul and so, so many kids were seriously impacted forever by being subjected to this. It lingered on clothing and the fumes released as people stored jackets in closets and clothes came in contact with furniture. Have you ever opened you mouth to take a bite of a 40$ dish to have the smell off a waiter waif into your experience? Compound that with smells from walls, table, padding on the chair, fake plants....we debate this from a point of having no idea what it was like when it was bad - and how quickly just a few cigarettes waifing into space will affect it - you eliminate choice for the non-smoker because the smoker lingers long after their cancer-stick is done. I won't even mention the litter...except I did.

    When I was young, people smoked everywhere. My grammar school teacher sat at her desk with an overflowing ash tray and smoked in class. Doctors smoked in their offices and during exams. Parents sat at the dinner table and smoked. It was, in retrospect, disgusting.

    And I remember when businesses first stopped smoking in the office. We started cleaning the file cabinets and desks in the office and found out they were grey - not yellowish brown.

    I'm glad they took it out of the workplace. I don't care that they took it out of restaurants. I've smoked cigars for 42 years, but have never had even one cigarette. I like the smell of cigars and pipes. I do not like the smell of cigarettes, I think with a little more courtesy and less government interference we can get along just fine.

    We don't have to all hang out together.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I won't go into the health effects of smoking in general, because I think even smokers know it isn't good for them, but who am I to deny something to someone else, as long as it doesn't harm me.

    Having a non-smoking section in an enclosed space is rather like having a non-peeing section of the pool...It is impossible to keep the smoke smell from drifting to other parts of the building. I don't think smoking should be allowed inside any public use building...including restaurants and bars. Louisville has a smoking ban, unless you make a certain percentage of your sales from alcohol. You also cannot smoke within 50 feet of the door.

    As a parent, I have an asthmatic kid. Should he be denied things like going bowling or eating in a restaurant because others choose to smoke? I think it's pretty simple to step outside. Quite a few places here have a covered area for smokers here in response to the ban.

    As a chef, I think smoking should be banned in restaurants just because it affects the way the food tastes.

    I have no idea what the e-cigs do to a person who smokes them, but personally I LOVE them! It allows the smoker to get their fix without the obnoxious smell.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Went to a party Saturday night. These are people I ride with. We're all cigar smokers. What usually happens is the womenfolk gather in one romm and talk about us guys, as we go outside and smoke cigars.

    There were a couple guys that brought their kids. So, as we are all sitting in the backyard smoking cigars, one guy's 20 year old daughter came outside and sat down beside him. Then, she proceeded to fake cough and fan at the cigar smoke for an hour.

    Why would she come out to where we were and go all drama queen on us? Kind of plssed me off.

    Personally, I am going to smioke cigars. I am going to try and keep it away from non-smokers, but, if they don't like it, don't come out to where I am smoking. I'm not putting it out, because you don't like it.

    She was being passive agressive. :-) I agree with you 100 percent.
    Agreed as well. That was just plain rude of her.
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    Having a non-smoking section in an enclosed space is rather like having a non-peeing section of the pool...It is impossible to keep the smoke smell from drifting to other parts of the building.
    Exactly. In the days before the statewide ban on smoking in restaurants, I got sick of hosts trying to seat me right next to the smoking section. They'd insist, "But this is still the non-smoking side" and I'd ask "So you're guaranteeing me that the smoke knows not to cross that invisible wall?" At many of the restaurants, they'd get pissy with people who didn't want to sit near smoking because those tables were always empty, even if there was a wait, so they lost a lot of revenue. Sorry, but it's not non-smoking when the person at the booth behind or across from me can light up. So glad for the law now that makes it a non-issue.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You shouldn't be able to smoke in an open-air place where people who don't smoke are. you should have designated areas where you can go to smoke outside.

    and why is this? what is your reasoning? I would never tell someone it is ok to light up to a family of 4 are sitting enjoying the day. but if its open air.....ITS OPEN.... smoke dissipates

    It's a matter of PPM. Over a certain particulate matter, it still causes COPD (cancer aside, COPD is much the larger killer). My reasoning is that if there is a designated area to smoke, non-smokers will know that if they don't want to be exposed to cigarette smoke, they shouldn't go to that area. Non-smokers also don't have to worry about being exposed inadvertently by smokers lighting up in general areas because it woudn't be allowed.
  • cmpnaz
    cmpnaz Posts: 190
    . The idea that businesses will do it on their own is, ahem, a pipe dream. :smile:

    Unfortunately that is where you are wrong.... If there is enough Patrons that prefer a non smoking eating establishment an entrepreneur could, an din some instances did easily fill that niche with a completely Smoke free establishment. There were several around where I lived, prior to federal and state laws, that always had more traffic and they made more $$$$ catering to that niche.... If that demographic is big enough in the community then the other establishments, if losing enough revenue would adapt or suffer the possibility of going out of business. If a person wants to open a 5 star restaurant that caters to only smokers, they should be able to, without non smokers crying that they are being shut out....
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I hate smoking. I hate the smell, the taste, the affects. So I'm going to say no.

    does that mean I can ban certain perfumes I dont like? i like this open trade

    perfumes don't kill people.
  • tristan299
    tristan299 Posts: 2,537 Member
    No, nothing worse than having had a lovely meal and someone sparks up a ciggie. Disgusting habit.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I hate smoking. I hate the smell, the taste, the affects. So I'm going to say no.

    does that mean I can ban certain perfumes I dont like? i like this open trade

    perfumes don't kill people.

    Show me the research to back this up.... I would argue a lung full of perfume is MUCH worse on your body then a lung full of smoke.