"All About That Bass" Rant



  • T00GlaM0r0US
    T00GlaM0r0US Posts: 31 Member
    I'm about 50% both ways. I actually thought the song you listed was hilarious, and LOL'd because I thought that it was catchy .. I also like the Meghan song. But, I agree with other responses that I am just sick of the "love your body" trend.

    I GET IT, love yourself! But, remember that FAT is not healthy.. if you have a solid body and get work out and healthy eating into your diet than that is something to be proud of. When you sit on your *kitten* and do nothing, there is nothing to be happy about.
  • KrzyGal
    KrzyGal Posts: 139 Member
    Life's too short! Choose your battles! Listen to the beat and bust out some moves! You'll even burn calories doing it! ;0) Win/Win! She's getting a message out that she wants to share, you're busting moves and feeling good!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Um... try not to take it so personally or seriously :huh:

    In my opinion both the skinny shaming and fat shaming groups need to take a chill pill, relax and enjoy their lives and their music. I honestly doubt she was trying to say she hates skinny girls. I think she was trying to say she isn't going to try to be skinny for a man's benefit and that her mom said she should love her body no matter what size. Not all music has to be taken in its most literal sense.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    My girls (9 and 7) like the song and asked what it was about.

    I said that she is saying that it is perfectly ok to love yourself as you are. That you don't have to look like a barbie doll (whose proportions are almost biologically impossible naturally anyways). I told them that beauty is not something that is tied to body size, and neither is being loved.

    I told them that they need to realize that they are beautiful as they are - the size and shape they are - and that being healthy is far more important than fitting into a specific size or shape.

    I think the song is catchy and fun, and it was a great teaching moment.

    But maybe that's me.
  • Love your attitude, KrzyGal!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I'm sorry, but you're misquoting some of the lyrics... she's not fat girl shaming, she's sorta skinny girl shaming, but the main repeated line is

    "Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top"

    Do you even reading comprehension?"
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    My thoughts may not be the popular opinion, but here they are: If someone is skinny, cool. If someone is curvy and they are happy with that, cool. Someone writes a song about being skinny, I don't cry about it. Someone writes a song how being curvy is in, I don't care. A song doesn't dictate how I feel about myself...if someone prefers a girl skinnier than me that's their choice, it doesn't bother me. If someone wants a girl that is 500lbs, okay go for it. Basically I don't let a song, a persons opinion, societies view of beauty etc, dictate how I feel. It's actually kind of amusing that a song can make someone so angry. Lol

    I agree with this. I like the song, even though I don't necessarily agree with the message. It's just music... I can't get that riled up about it.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    My thoughts may not be the popular opinion, but here they are: If someone is skinny, cool. If someone is curvy and they are happy with that, cool. Someone writes a song about being skinny, I don't cry about it. Someone writes a song how being curvy is in, I don't care. A song doesn't dictate how I feel about myself...if someone prefers a girl skinnier than me that's their choice, it doesn't bother me. If someone wants a girl that is 500lbs, okay go for it. Basically I don't let a song, a persons opinion, societies view of beauty etc, dictate how I feel. It's actually kind of amusing that a song can make someone so angry. Lol

    Oh, and this! ^^
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    She doesn't once tear down anyone in that song. Are you mishearing lyrics or do you just interpret things in a certain way so you can rant?

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Um... try not to take it so personally or seriously :huh:

    In my opinion but the skinny shaming and fat shaming groups need to take a chill pill, relax and enjoy their lives and their music. I honestly doubt she was trying to say she hates skinny girls. I think she was trying to say she isn't going to try to be skinny for a man's benefit and that her mom said she should love her body no matter what size. Not all music has to be taken in its most literal sense.

    Reading the lyrics, she's talking about photoshop and silicone and barbie dolls, not women who are thin or have thigh gaps.

    She's saying that you don't need a "spot healing tool" or surgery to be beautiful.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    My thoughts may not be the popular opinion, but here they are: If someone is skinny, cool. If someone is curvy and they are happy with that, cool. Someone writes a song about being skinny, I don't cry about it. Someone writes a song how being curvy is in, I don't care. A song doesn't dictate how I feel about myself...if someone prefers a girl skinnier than me that's their choice, it doesn't bother me. If someone wants a girl that is 500lbs, okay go for it. Basically I don't let a song, a persons opinion, societies view of beauty etc, dictate how I feel. It's actually kind of amusing that a song can make someone so angry. Lol
    What about boobs? How do you feel about those? :tongue:
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Um... try not to take it so personally or seriously :huh:

    In my opinion but the skinny shaming and fat shaming groups need to take a chill pill, relax and enjoy their lives and their music. I honestly doubt she was trying to say she hates skinny girls. I think she was trying to say she isn't going to try to be skinny for a man's benefit and that her mom said she should love her body no matter what size. Not all music has to be taken in its most literal sense.

    Reading the lyrics, she's talking about photoshop and silicone and barbie dolls, not women who are thin or have thigh gaps.

    She's saying that you don't need a "spot healing tool" or surgery to be beautiful.

    Indeed! Agreed :)
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    oh, and how do you feel about the lyrics to body bounce?

    right there... those are classy lyrics...


    Both my hands fit around her waist,
    Her astronauts takin' up my space, yo,
    I'm about to launch my rocket,
    Take off your clothes and reach in my pocket,
    Grab the controller, similar to wii,
    It's a game and imma let you beat me

    Bounce, twerk,
    Show me a little work,
    Imma take them calories off with that shirt,
    Look how you bouncin',
    All of the sudden I think how many men try to climb that mountain,
    Them heals you got is no joke, even Akon might go broke,
    Spendin' them ones, throwin' them twenties,
    ? throwin' up centuries,
    That's the body of the century,
    You a little insecure but baby you got plenty,
    Them stretch marks on your hips is just bungie cords bringin' you back when you dip,
    I read your lips, my gang stay literate,
    I ain't scared, not a little bit,
    Gotta let you know, your worth about a million ?,
    Now just bounce


    Chyeaa, ?
    PS3, the PS stands for PSSS if ya body bouncin' around me,
    Then it's game over, act like you older,
    Either we bouncin' right now, or your dirt off the shoulder,
    So extra, mr. material,
    Lemme feel on your birthday suit texture,
    So resilient,
    I like how on the inside its like a wetsuit, brilliant,
    Water resistant up to 9 inches,
    Wrap that let me open it up like Christmas,
    I'm about the same height as ?,
    Keep on your heels, lets get down to business,
    No gym but I'm seein' your fitness,
    With my eyes closed you pose as a witness,
    Everywhere the body language you pronounce
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    I found it more offensive that she was banging on about how "big" she was when she's pretty much just a normal size. I would even call her thin if we bear in mind the fact that people do look bigger on camera.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    My thoughts may not be the popular opinion, but here they are: If someone is skinny, cool. If someone is curvy and they are happy with that, cool. Someone writes a song about being skinny, I don't cry about it. Someone writes a song how being curvy is in, I don't care. A song doesn't dictate how I feel about myself...if someone prefers a girl skinnier than me that's their choice, it doesn't bother me. If someone wants a girl that is 500lbs, okay go for it. Basically I don't let a song, a persons opinion, societies view of beauty etc, dictate how I feel. It's actually kind of amusing that a song can make someone so angry. Lol
    What about boobs? How do you feel about those? :tongue:

    Well I like them of course! I like them all!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    This is why I listen to classic rock and country music. Both genres don't care what shape you are as long as you have a vagina and don't look like a foot.

    but fat bottom girls make the rockin' world go 'round :wink:

    I'll bet you like your "bicycle, bycycle"
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    "I'm bringing booty back
    Go ahead and tell them skinny *****es that
    No I'm just playing. I know you think you're fat
    But I'm here to tell ya
    Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top"

    god forbid the influx of songs recently to make bigger girls feel good about themselves. if i'm reading these lyrics correctly, the only figure she puts down is a "stick figure silicone Barbie doll" and she says she's just playin after saying the phrase "skinny *****es" (which, when i was growing up, had a good connotation anyway) right before telling everyone they're perfect. i realize body shaming is terrible in all forms, but for bigger girls who are brought up in a society where thin is the thing to be and the media is incessantly representing only thin people, just let us enjoy the few songs recently that make us feel good about our size.

    your edited lyrics are kind of hilarious to me. obviously, they would be considered offensive because a size 22 is not something society/the media portrays as desirable (nor is that even a size that almost any normal clothing stores sell?? so how do you think a size 22 girl would feel about that?). fat girls have ALWAYS been the oppressed body type, with every magazine headline telling us how to lose weight fast and get "toned" and be skinny and simply the fact that fat girls can't even shop in regular clothing stores because everything is too small. this is just ridiculous. the hate over this is so silly to me. i feel like some people who are constantly represented everywhere (like thin people, which you might not even realize, because you are so very used to it) suddenly feel so offended when something doesn't represent them.

    she's saying she's not a size two, and she's not skinny etc etc and she's proud of herself ANYWAY, because those are DESIRABLE things to be. she's not saying they are BAD things to be. she is saying that she is proud of herself and her body, DESPITE her body not being what most people consider ideal. i truly cannot understand how people are so offended by a song that literally tells its audience that every inch of them is perfect.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I'm all for ranting about the little thing in life, really I am! I could go on for hours about how people don't respect the "no crumbs in the peanut butter jar" rule, but it's just a song. It's no worse than half the other songs out there. It's a stupid opinion from one girl just trying to make a few bucks with a catchy tune. I hate the song but god help me I've found myself singing it when I'm in the shower.

    Just complain about the prices at Starbucks like everyone else if you want to rant and leave the music alone for a while.
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    This is why I listen to classic rock and country music. Both genres don't care what shape you are as long as you have a vagina and don't look like a foot.

    Ok, so I know what country music is, but what is "classic rock" anyway?

    The Kinks - "Destroyer" is a great example of a "classic rock" song.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't like her b/c she's blonde.
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