"All About That Bass" Rant



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I think you took a Top 40 pop song a little too seriously... :tongue:

    Really couldn't care less if larger women want to say "large is beautiful". I don't feel body-shamed by phrases like "skinny *****es". However, your parody line about chugging soda pop is not even a little bit close in meaning, or intention with the original line regarding magazine's overuse of Photoshop. You were going for the rhyme, I guess? :wink:

    Strong first post, young grasshopper.

    So body shaming is wrong, even if it's one line in a pop song. But it's ok for you to put other people down for not having a high enough post count?

    Where did I put her down? I said it was strong!

    Also, it it was not just one line. Do your homework, skippy.

    Don't do that. Don't act like your sarcasm was anything but obvious. Or did you call me skippy because you genuinely believe I skip often?

    Don't expect perfect behavior from pop singers if you're unwilling to demonstrate it yourself.

    Pot, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine...
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Maybe it's because I've never been a "thin girl" that I haven't really gotten upset with the lyrics like OP... but I also tend to not take today's music too seriously...

    Do have to admit that I just dl'd this song earlier today so I can run to it. What can I say, stupid lyrics aside, it's a fun song.

    I've also gotten pretty good at ignoring the stupidity of the lyrics in current music. I think it's a coping mechanism to allow me to not have to keep listening to 80s/90s music. Even that's bad enough, but I guess that's a whole other topic.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Meh. It's just a song. No offense but you should get over it and move on.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    Watch the video to Anaconda. Glorious. Glorious!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    Watch the video to Anaconda. Glorious. Glorious!

    I will not. You can't make me!!

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Meh. It's just a song. No offense but you should get over it and move on.
    ^ This.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Meh. It's just a song. No offense but you should get over it and move on.
    ^ This.

    I will work on that. Can anyone recommend a good therapist?
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    You know what kind of song Pop music should do? A decent one.

    And I noticed the other day that the majority of pop or rap songs I heard have an annoying noise in the background that loops through the whole song. What happened to not making annoying noises in songs and having music in it?
  • Welcome to America, where obesity is "genetic", but being gay is a "choice"
    The song basically tells skinny people that they need to eat a sandwich in order to find love.
    The fact is obesity has become a norm. in america, and people are looking for excuses to stay unhealthy, including shaming people for being skinny or in shape.
  • I would really like the song if it didn't have those nasty digs at thin women in it. I am overweight, and have spent most of my adulthood obese/morbidly obese. Even at my biggest, I never needed anyone to put down skinny, fit, non-curvy, or any other shape of women on my behalf. My mother grew up very small and underweight, and was hurt by people making fun of her for being skinny. I especially hate when people use "anorexic" as an insult.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Don’t think her original lyrics are offensive? Show me ONE hypothetical situation in which calling a girl a “stick-figure silicone Barbie-doll” would not be inappropriate, impolite, or a just plain awful thing to say, and I will donate $200 cash to the charity of your choice.

    It's appropriate when you're talking about Valeria Lukyanova ..

    The November Coalition appreciates your donation.

    OP - are you going to post the receipt?
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    This is why I listen to classic rock and country music. Both genres don't care what shape you are as long as you have a vagina and don't look like a foot.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Personally, I think it is a catchy tune. I seen it on YouTube before I ever heard it on Pandora. At first I thought she might have been bashing on skinny girls but couldn't get the beat out of my head. I have since really listened to the lyrics and disagree with the OP.

    I would agree with some others that Nikki Minaj's new song is awful. She took a song that created a lot of controversy in its day and made it even more controversial if not down right nasty. Then again, anytime I see or hear her I either want to scratch my eyeballs out or stuff my ears full of cotton. I do not understand how that woman ever made it in the music industry.

    Watch the video to Anaconda. Glorious. Glorious!

    I took your advice.

    Very Very Interesting!!!:blushing:
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Welcome to America, where obesity is "genetic", but being gay is a "choice"
    The song basically tells skinny people that they need to eat a sandwich in order to find love.
    The fact is obesity has become a norm. in america, and people are looking for excuses to stay unhealthy, including shaming people for being skinny or in shape.

  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Wait OP I'm confused are you about the bass or treble ? Lawl jk I guess I understand to some extent (I say some because being a male and what not) I agree that its perfectly fine to be comfortable with your body big, small, ect. I also agree that its not appropriate to put down any body type. However at the end of the day if you listen to that song and say to yourself I should get fatter to become more attractive then there was probably no hope for said individual in the first place.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Alright fools. It's been enlightening, fistpumping, eyerolling, and at times just plain hilarious up in here, but I got to bounce, it's time for work. I shall return later in the evening.Try not to have too much fun while I'm out, will ya? Mkthxbai.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Can we get back to the anger about the barbie comment? Cause I have images for that.

    Barbie vs. realistic human proportions:

    what happens if you try to turn yourself into a barbie (many surgeries required):

    Edit: fix second pic sizing issue
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member

    the real issue I had with it was I thought she was black till I saw the vid..disappointed...

    ^ This
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    This thread should be nuked just for getting that moronic song stuck in my head.

This discussion has been closed.