What do/did you hate most about being fat?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Honestly I think the worst to me was people making assumptions -- that I hated myself, looked at thinner women with envy 24/7, ate a lot of fast food/junk and was very unhealthy with specific conditions like diabetes and such.

    Yeah, this. Also, because I had been fit in the past, feeling like I couldn't join in a conversation about running or something where I had something to contribute or an anecdote or something, because it would seem so absurd, someone as fat as me talking about that. So I'd feel compelled to make a stupid disclaimer first.


    Photos--I knew seeing myself in them would make me sad, so the usual "let's take pictures to celebrate this occasion" would be fraught, even though I'd act happy and go along with it since it was my issue, and not a reason to spoil anyone else's fun.

    Seats--I never didn't fit in one, but they could be uncomfortably tight, and I hated thinking the person next to me was bummer to be stuck by me.

    Feeling my stomach on my legs when sitting.

    General lack of fitness--feeling winded from normal walking or running up the steps to my place (I live in a 4th floor walkup), having feet be incredibly sore and tired from standing for a not especially long time, finding it almost impossible to comfortably wear my dressier work shoes (heels). (I seriously never realized this last was weight-related at all until I lost weight, and started to be able to enjoy wearing the same shoes all day, vs. hardly being able to make it back to my office from a meeting in them.)

    Spending the summer in skirts and tights, since I had no jeans or other pants that fit and couldn't go without the tights due to chafing.

    Finding it miserable and depressing to shop for clothes and being unable to fit in my existing clothes such that my unhappiness with how I looked was exponentially increased by the fact I knew I wasn't presenting myself well at all. That part of it I do think was in part a kind of self-punishment.

    It's funny looking at all this, because on the whole I would have said I mostly didn't mind being fat.
  • krystalrhillage
    #1 made me smile!!!

    I hate:
    1) having cute older clothes that I NEED (or feel the need) to wear again
    2) eating in front of people
    3) my boyfriend watching me get dressed in the morning ...I'm all please look away look away...especially on days I feel a little larger and put on my "holder inner" as he so delicately calls it.
    4) pretending to "love my body" and encouraging other people to do so because I really don't.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    not being to perform basic hygiene like wiping back there in the bathroom.
    inner thighs rubbing holes through my size 66 pants in addition to ripping the back seams while in public.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    popping buttons off shirts and pants

  • stumom
    stumom Posts: 1 Member
    1. Getting dressed in the morning is a bummer. Nothing looks or feels right.
    2. Sluggish feeling that comes not so much from being fat as from what I eat that makes me fat.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    I was never too fond of using my belly button as a lint repository, and the wrinkly butt thing just wasn't working for me. My wife didn't accept the excuse, "Well, I'm getting older now." I'm glad she didn't.
  • OtakuDev
    OtakuDev Posts: 6 Member
    2) eating in front of people
    3) my boyfriend watching me get dressed in the morning ...I'm all please look away look away...especially on days I feel a little larger and put on my "holder inner" as he so delicately calls it.
    4) pretending to "love my body" and encouraging other people to do so because I really don't.

    Hi all!

    I'm not a new member but I barely used MyFitnessPal so please consider me a newbie irrespective. My "hates" are very similar to @krystalrhilla

    1) "Pretending" (rather believing for a moment) that I look alright. I look to my family to tell me I look "fine" because I honestly don't look or feel fine to myself.

    2) Becoming addicted to "holder inners" or what I call "waist belts" which are essentially shapewear, corsets and girdles.
    It's embarrassing for me to admit being a male who feels reliant on garments designed for the female market to smooth out my "B belly". It's sad that I don't feel nearly as attractive without one of these.

    3) Being unhealthy in comparison to others in my age group, friends or family.

    4) Not being able to look the way I want to in the clothes I like.
  • OzF18
    Having to act like I'm not fat when people tell I'm fat. Basically, having to act like I'm okay with my body in front of people.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    Seeing myself in Pictures

    Me too!! ugh
  • imju5tme
    imju5tme Posts: 85 Member
    Seeing myself in Pictures

    Me too!! ugh

    ^^This, oh this...

    There are less than 10 photos in existence of me and my daughter together since her birth. She's 17 years old... :cry:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I was only 165 lbs at my heaviest (I was 5'4" at the time; 16 years old), but as an adult I've been as high as 155 (last year). I'm now 126 lbs. What I hated about being bigger:

    - Looking in the mirror and disliking what I saw.
    - Avoiding mirrors.
    - Looking at pictures of myself.
    - Feeling uncomfortable in a swimsuit.
    - Feeling uncomfortable during sex.
    - Shopping and trying on clothes.
    - Feeling fat and ugly standing next to slim people.
    - Having no strength or endurance.

    What I didn't hate:

    - Eating a **** load of food.
  • fire7ice
    That no matter how much weight I lose... I still feel fat. Envy skinny people who try to pinch their near non-existant stomach fat... whilst saying "I'm soooo fat".
  • Peanutmanak47
    Peanutmanak47 Posts: 75 Member
    The fact that tying my shoes makes me get winded due to my gut preventing me from being able to properly bend over.
  • lilann1961
    lilann1961 Posts: 131 Member
    The fact that I do not feel that way. Until I see myself in pictures and think "wow, what happened?"

    I keep thinking "hey, I run 5k's (running my first 10k this weekend) and I am considered healthy by blood pressure/cholesterol standards...

    And then I see myself in pictures....and think "wow, what happened?" It is a cycle.
  • Jennifer10723
    Jennifer10723 Posts: 374 Member

    Constantly tugging at my shirt to keep it from clinging to me.
    Being uncomfortable all the time even just sitting or laying down
    I didn't want to leave the house...all I did was go to work
    Sweating and being so hot all the time.
    Having to shop for clothes
    Being scared a chair would break with me in it or when I sit down
    just being so unhappy all the time.

    These exactly ..lol
  • cranachan
    cranachan Posts: 3 Member
    Buying clothes, the first time I realised a large was going to be too small I just walked out of the shop.

    Having an X in the size of your shirts is really embarrasing
  • GetSlimEquestrian
    Most of my old (and favorite) clothes being too small, and pictures.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    My knees hurt.
    My feet hurt.
    I was exhausted from walking up a flight of stairs.
    When I got up in the morning, I could barely walk from my bed to the bathroom.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Lack of dates.
  • I_need_moar_musclez

    The lack of energy

    The damned if you do/damned if you don't feeling of wanting to get up off my butt and lose weight, but being too unfit. Perseverance was a Godsend!