

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Wow this board moves fast! Thanks for all the welcomes! I had to open in another window just to refer back there is no way I could remember it all :wink:

    I am feeling so excited and great this morning! After being really down and out of it yesterday (5! inactivity alerts on my monitor!) I ended up taking the pup out for 'just a nice walk' since it was still warm out. Once we got out though I realized it was lovely out and we just kept going and mixed in a bit of running. I went out on the trail and we ended up going 5 miles! My DH was a bit upset that we were gone so long but I really think he was just hungry :laugh: I whipped up some 'breakfast for dinner' of eggs with ham in tortillas that was pretty tasty. This morning I got up early again and went out for a 4 mile run before my first meeting! I really feel great and am so happy I was able to do Tues run, Wed run/walk and Thurs run with no foot issues! I am actually optimistic now about being able to finish the half in October!! Tonight - strength training!

    Michele - I set custom goals in MFP as well. I haven't change sodium but do change my calories, protein, carbs and fat.

    Barbie - I do a plank challenge too - I have been doing it for a while now (started as a 30 day and I just kept going) but it is no longer continuous. I mix it up now with regular plank, one foot plank, side plank and side plank dips - i really like it after I run because it stretches out all the muscles in my legs and feet and is surprisingly calming for me.

    Anne - set 1km as your overall running goal for now but don't stress or push yourself to get there, just take it slow and do what you are able to so you don't get hurt or frustrated. Maybe set tiny goals for now ( I am going to run to that tree or to the corner or whatever).

    Lesley in Tasmania - how do you measure your body fat? I had a dunk test recently and thought I would be much lower than I was. I was not at all happy with the results. I am not a body builder per se, but I love lifting and I love seeing the changes in my body and getting stronger.

    Heather - I love NYC! We used to go a couple of times a year for business or to take our daughter and sometimes her friends. You have to set aside some time for the Metropolitan Museum of Art - fantastic! and there are many smaller lesser known art museums as well. The Brooklyn Museum is really great too and has had some wonderful photography exhibits. I would also include a visit to Grand Central terminal - it is really incredible architecturally and has been beautifully restored (note the big clock with opal faces - they were so dirty before that no one realized how beautiful they were!). We had a wonderful friend, unfortunately gone now, who was a historical architecture buff - he belonged to an organization that studied the history and architecture of the buildings in NYC and would always take us on fascinating tours.
    As far as running is concerned - when I started it was not pretty and I couldn't go far... I was out of breath, my knees hurt, my back hurt, etc... With losing the weight my knees no longer hurt (still have arthritis and tore the meniscus in one), my endurance has improved and best of all - I am off all medications! My BP is way down, cholesterol is way down, blood sugar is normal!

    Patty - I have also heard that about the wheat in the US. I have a friend who gets sick when she eats wheat products here but is fine in Europe!

    Pat - I love to bake and still do some, especially for holidays. I put things in the freezer and once in a while pull out 1-2 that fit into my calories for that day. I am not a huge sweet eater but I do love a cookie every once in a while. I don't modify the recipe, I have modified what/how much I eat.

    Carol - Thanks for the info on the app - do you know what the app is called? Otherwise I will see if I can find it by searching for varidesk. I work at home, remotely so there is no excuse really. I could stand up when I am on calls or do other things... I have used conference calls as times to stretch - I can listen while I am stretching!

    Sylvia - I was around 175-185 when I started running and I am 130 now. I think it is SUPER important to make sure you have the right shoes for running to cushion your feet and knees (go to a running store and have them fitted - you don't have to buy them there. I did that and then ordered my shoes online). and also take it slow - like I told Anne walk a little, run a little...
    I also stopped drinking sodas but primarily because of the impact to blood sugar. My daughter had been doing research for school and one of the things they were looking at is the relationship of how artificial sweeteners affect or fool your body into thinking it has had sugar and the impact when it isn't really there.

    Leslie - My puppy Hobbes and I are sending good thoughts Arthur's way! Hope he is doing much better now!!

    Ok - that is all I can see for now and I really need to get back to work! I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone!

    Shana from sunny and hot So. California
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Hi All

    Quick update on Arthur, He is much better thanks for all the good wishes.

    He is eating well and starting to get back to his mischievous self although he is tiring easily and wanting to sleep on my lap. Considering he stands 27 inches floor to should is no mean feat. :-)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    As far *kitten* New York, it is just to big for me. Our city is about 120, 000 and that is big enough for me. although I enjoyed the historical aspects of Philadelphia, it was just to big. I let my daughter do all the driving.

    Baking. My Dad was born and raised in Minnesota and his Mom baked everything! I can never remember eating anything but home made bread for sandwiches or just to eat bread. We were shocked when we were there after Grandpa died and we were served regular bread. I like to bake cookies, that's it.

    I guess I am having what I call an "MS day'. I woke up exhausted. Now on Saturday nights I don't get the same amount of sleep and sometimes when I have a doctor appointment. But I gradually feel peppy. But I am sitting here still feeling like I could just go to bed and be in a deep sleep. If things go as usual by about 6 or 7 I will 'wake up'. I would have gone to bed but my sister has a doctors appointment and I am taking her at 10 AM, She takes about an extra 15 minutes just getting our the door plus the time it takes her van getting her scooter out of the car using it's hydraulic lift. So I have to allow myself more time. So I couldn't get a nap in. So my mind is fairly blank today.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    was good up until this afternoon and then down the tube:mad:
    had 1/2 tomato mozz panini at panera with my friend.. sat there 2 hrs and gabbed. then I was starving when I got home had 4 tacos... but wait had a piece of pumpkin pie and finished it off with a kind bar... well talk about falling off the path:sick:
    will get back on track in the morning.. hubby still feeling crummy s he is in bed.. will go to bed in a bit.. and get up early and walk or go to the gym... going to be very busy at work tomorrow so will have to get my exercise in early..
  • lstanisz79
    lstanisz79 Posts: 17 Member
    Happy Thursday all! I am really just bumping, but hoping everyone is doing well.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. So far so good today. Not sure what is on the agenda tonight; I’m rather tired after working and doing the grocery shopping. My back is kind of achy I think from the treadmill because that always tires me out so! It has been gorgeous weather but I think we are due for yet more rain!

    Yanniejannie: well said! I’m glad we can exchange ideas and opinions here

    Michele: good for you to think of Brian and not need to eat! What a victory!

    Anne: I totally agree with the pictures. I used to buy the smallest package with some small pics so the kids could share them and usually 2 5x7 and one largest one. I’m using the 5x7s for the photo albums I’m putting together for them. I did quit the pta over candy sales. Why do schools need to pimp out their kids to raise enough money for their books? Makes no sense to me at all. I do know that at least here, the schools have to take the yearbook picture so it’s recorded at the central office.

    Barbie: I have seen that t shirt as a plaque and love it!

    Lesley I am sorry you are angry with us and you feel like we are pushing you to do what we want. We all should do what we feel is best for ourselves.

    Joyce: you are one busy gal!

    Grandmallie: I agree about the weather; when fall rolls around, I want more substantial food! We had fog today and yesterday too and the Farmers Alamanac says that should bring snow in 30 days.

    Heather; I so hope you enjoy your trip to NYc. I found it to be wonderful and not nearly as expensive as you think if you do as the locals do! Being Scottish by ancestry, I have been watching the news about the independence vote carefully.

    Amanda: so glad to see you but so sorry your health woes continue

    Dianne: I find the constant changing diet information to be so interesting! I think we will find out in the end that natural foods are best even if they have more fat or calories, if eaten in moderation. I just wish I could afford organic produce. OMG it is expensive!

    Sylvia: size 14 jeans! I am so jealous and so proud of you for that nsv!!! Enjoy every minute you are wearing them!

    Vicki: that is too bad if the hubby is being cheap with the funeral. Well hopefully we can meet up some time; we are practically next door neighbors! I did wave at you when we were on our way to Colorado!

    Brenda: best wishes for your procedure tomorrow.

    Shana: sounds like your day is off to a great start!

    Lesleychev: thanks for the update on Arthur. We all love our fur babies here and hurt when someone else’s baby is sick or hurting too

    Well DD#2 informs me that dinner is ready; the gourmet tuna helper. I’m not sure if I told you guys this but soon after we got the girls, I stopped by a wine shop and asked for wine that went with tuna helper. OMG the guy actually had something to recommend! He looks at me and says “You have kids, right?” I thought that was hilarious!

    OK, take care all. Meg from Omaha where the weather is wonderful.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saw the doctor yesterday and she said my meals and exercise were just right for me. She wants me to see a dietician to go over my meal plans in depth. OK with that. Need to find out how much cholesterol she says I can have per day, I have genetric high cholesterol and was diagnosed when I was 21.
    Have new meds for cough ( 1 a day now) and cream fro my spots. I can go back to training again now
    Slept really well last night after plastering on the cream
    I did Jeannette's Cardio dance before breakfast and Jillian's kettle-bells after breakfast, doggy walk this afternoon
    Going to clean house and do some ironing
    Today's food = 2129, under my cals with 30 g fibre
    All OK in my world again
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: Lesleychev, Brandy and Sasha send hugs to Arthur to say that they are happy that he is feeling better.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 1 hour of a "10 Pounds Down" DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD

    Anne - I'm the same way...I like to have things for my guests and many times it just isn't good for me. What I've found is that if I have two things -- one for them and one for me -- that seems to work. Like I may have a cake (which isn't good for me) but also some fruit (which is good for me). I did this the last time Jessica was down here, and to my surprise, she chose to have more of the grapes and not the key lime pie. Interesting, especially since she'd requested I make the pie.

    barbie - thanks for confirming that I can change my goals on MFP. I tried last night and just couldn't figure it out so I thought maybe I couldn't. But you told me that I could so I just kept looking, and, sure enough, I can

    Lesley - I'm so glad you decided to stay here. I really enjoy your posts so much and I learn so much.

    I went on the 9th for blood work. At the time I requested a copy of the work be sent to me. Well, I still don't have it but they said if I set up an account on their patient portal I can print one out for myself. So I set up the account, only they don't have it online yet. Why, I have no idea. They said something about the doc having to "sign off" (whatever that means) but they did say that I should check back this afternoon. I just like to have a record for myself.

    Joyce - good for you getting that hot spot done! I'm proud of you. You reminded me of something that a friend of mine did. You know those trifold screens you see in Japanese restaurants? Well, she got one of them but it was broken. So what she did was take the three pieces apart and hang just those panels on the wall. It's interesting, but I don't think I would do it. To me, it looked too much like it should have been one of those screens.

    Heather - I would love to have a vegetarian meal at least once a week. Now the problem is trying to sneak it into Vince. He wants his meat and potatoes! I'm thinking that if Scotland decides not to stay part of the UK, that would probably incent Spain to break off, the Catalonians (?sp) want to break off.

    Amanda - glad to hear from you!

    Patty - one thing I did learn (and the only thing so far) is that sodium has been recommended to be 1500mg, so I changed my goals here at MFP (thanks to barbie). I guess I have about 3 more videos to watch. There are lots of good links, but I'm so busy watching the video that I don't click on the link. Oh well..... I wonder how next week will be talking about labeling. I took the test. On my first attempt, I got 11 out of 15 right, on my second attempt I got 14 out of 15 right. OK, I'm mathematically challenged. When they asked you for percentage of carbs/fats/protein for the day, how did you figure it out. LiveStrong gave you a piechart and would give you the percentages, but MFP doesn't. How did you figure it out?

    Carol - Oh, I remember well that feeling of walking like Lurch! I didn't find my boot to be that much of a pain to put on and take off. But I must say that it nearly killed me not to be able to exercise for over a month. To be honest, right now I honestly don't feel like I've learned a whole lot in the Nutrition course. But that might very well change since this is only the first week. You're going to do the whole week's worth on the weekend? Good for you, I don't think I could do that. Sounds like you have a good plan -- stuff envelopes, keep your foot up and listen to lectures.

    Sylvia - I have this "thing" about putting something in my body that was made in a lab. For that reason, I tend to not use artificial sweeteners and shy away from things like Cool Whip. I know, there are some things that I have that probably do have "lab formulated" ingredients. I just made oven fries from a butternut squash. The recipe didn't call for any olive oil and I thought, while they had good taste, that they were "mushy". I might try spraying oil on them before baking them next time.

    Exercised, then went to Aldi, came home and roasted some spaghetti squashes, went in the pool, now I'm here. scraped out the squashes and have two in the freezer and two in the refrig. I'll probably go thru them in no time as I really like spaghetti squash with tomato sauce on it.

    Vicki - let us know if you use the glow in the dark paint and how it works.

    Shana - I had already changed my calories here. I think MFP would give me more but by using one of the formulas, I found that my caloric intake should be less. I like to have "breakfast for dinner" sometimes. Wish Vince would want it more often, tho. I wish there was a place where I could get the dunk test done, but I need to rely more on the caliphers instead. I, too, enjoy lifting. I like to lift slowly, that's my preferred method. Sometimes, tho, a DVD will want you to go faster. Congrats on being off all medications! Score one for exercise!!!

    Well, even tho I went over on my calories today, I had some of the tofu/cocoa mix. I knew that if I didn't have that, I would dip into those German cookies again. Now I'll be ok if I can just ration them out one/day (maybe two, but no more than two). Aldi finally had them so I bought 4 bags. they are so good, what I like is that they aren't real super sweet.

    Arthur - welcome back! You sleep wherever you want to sleep!

    Meg - oh no, MORE rain! Don't even MENTION that "s" word...!!! Tell me about how expensive organic foods are. I get organic apples, celery, and strawberries. I know that there are others that are on the "dirty dozen" list, but honestly I just can't see myself spending all that money. To me, tho, organic strawberries taste more "strawberryyyie" (hey, I just made a new word...calling Mr. Webster)

    Lesley - where DO you get all that energy from??

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends ~
    I got behind with this thread while in New York and Louisville. Now that I am caught up, I am about to leave again, this time for Seattle. The trip is for business but I am stretching the trip to visit my brother in Issaquah and his two grown kids in Monroe. They are excellent, enthusiastic cooks, and there is at least one birthday party scheduled, so wish me luck! I don’t see them often and will take food and exercise a day at a time and with an open heart.

    I want to echo the recommendation of the book “Salt Sugar Fat”. It changed my life. When I set goals with my personal trainer, one was to read a good book on health or fitness every quarter. For the last quarter of this year, I am going to pick up “Grain Brain”. It will be good reinforcement as I traverse the next 6 tempting days.

    On this last trip to NYC, I got to see the two tall light beams where the twin towers used to stand. I was in the city on 9/11/01 and will always have a soft spot in my heart for New Yorkers, the most resilient folks I’ve ever known. I still haven’t had the heart to go to the 9/11 Museum. Too many memories for me, but I've heard it's very well done.

    Is it just me or are all the pumpkin flavored items hitting the stores and restaurants early this year? I’ve been seeing ads for over 2 weeks. Seems to me the calendar had to click over to October before the pumpkin donuts, coffees, and pies were calling from every corner. If anyone finds any healthy alternatives, please share because I am a total pumpkin fanatic.

    I have to cut this short and go pack. Stay well, stay strong, ladies. We can do this.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • strassenkoenigin
    Good evening, masters of the staying fit business,

    the rain did not reach us, obviously everything was dumped into Arizona. Arizona is less than thirty miles from my house, but I do not think it rained at the border, I practically bike there every day. .

    I spent a frustrating day in the sense that I tried to install a new cassette in the rear wheel of my road bike. I bike so much that I wear out the moving parts quickly and I learn how to do most of the maintenance work myself. I put more miles on my bikes than on the car. But this was the first time that I tried myself on a cassette and it took me a few hours, before I finally got it. So I did not go biking today. While I was working on my bike one of the neighbor’s kids came by with a flat tire on his bike and I tried to teach him how to fix a flat. But I have to say that his attention span was very short, and I ended up doing all the work myself.

    To make up for not biking I went to the park though and tried to run a little bit, well if you can call this running. It was more like a lame jog and not very long. It was still too hot to really make an effort.

    But I was proud I tried and I think if I persist I will eventually succeed. A few years ago I never thought that I will be able to leave some road cyclists in the dust, but I do now. Not the real fast ones, of course. Thousands of miles pedaled, paid of.

    Sylvia, if you have the urge to run, try it. Obviously the fitness experts recommend running as one of the most effective weight loss tools, at least that is what it looks like, if you watch these weight loss shows.

    I am just watching PBS evening news and they report about Scotland. What is going on with all these separation movements? I am always waiting for Quebec to separate from Canada. I do not know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. If you believe reports, smaller countries seem to do better in all over quality of life, maybe bigger is not always better.
    From personal experience I found that countries like Switzerland and the Netherlands, both tiny countries with a rather small population were doing extremely well in every respect, compared to bigger countries. While I thought mega cities like Los Angeles for example, are becoming nearly inhuman. Of course LA is not a country, but compared to many European countries it is bigger in size and population. That is also from personal experience. I could not stand the traffic and the smog in LA.


    I have not been in the Big Apple in years, but my bicycling magazine just had an issue which crowned NYC as the bst cycling city in the US. Hard to believe. But obviously you can rent or share bikes which certainly is not a bad idea as a tourist But I still doubt that it is like in Europe. . I remember walking my soles off in New York. The galleries are certainly fun to visit, there is some great art in New York, but of course you have great art and great museums in London too.

    Everybody keep on counting calories and keep moving

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, I made the butternut squash fries tonight. To me they tasted a lot like sweet potato, so I liked them fine, even though they were soggy like yours. I tossed mine in olive oil and some Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute. Baked at 450 for about 45 minutes total, and they were still soggy. Except for the ones that burned. Those were nice and crisp. I found out the dogs both loved them too. Boy, is a butternut squash ever hard to cut!!! Hubby tried one fry and said " it's not as bad as I thought it would be". High praise indeed. I've never tried any kind of squash before this summer, and now I've tried zucchini and butternut. Next up is spaghetti squash. I'm expanding my horizons.

    I forgot my fitbit again today, so didn't get any credit for the walking I did. Oh well, I'm never going to make my 100 miles anyway.

    Barbie, I LOVE the pic of the doggies! The one in the middle/front looks just like my little Bruno when he was a puppy. I love their little noses dancing!

    Lesley UK, so glad to hear that Arthur is feeling a little better. I had to laugh at the thought of a full grown greyhound trying to sit on his mom's lap. I thought a 35 pound whippet was bad!

    My grandson informed me this evening that he did not want to walk to school and home anymore. His sisters do, though, so he is just going to have to walk with us. My son says he's been cranky in the afternoon when he gets home, so we are thinking that he's worn out from all day kindergarten. Poor little guy.

    Good night everyone!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Well, I have been MIA so here is a little update.

    My mother's only sister passed away on Saturday, 33 years to the day from when her first husband passed (father of all her children and first cousin to my father so my cousins are first cousins on mama's side, third cousins on daddy's side). Spent a lot of time prior to the passing sitting with my mother and other family, then much time afterwards with visitation, funeral, my sister from out of state, etc. In the middle of all this was my father's family reunion. Mama didn't feel like going, so my sister and I took our father. Let's say I've done my share of seeing family this past week. I love them all, but I have missed you all, my MFP family!

    I broke down and got a Fitbit today. I sure hope it is worth the amount of money they charge for it. They seem to be quite proud of it! I was disappointed that you couldn't use your Kohl's coupon. Oh, well! I've synced it to MFP (at least I think I have) and am now charging it up all the way. I'll give it a try with the sleep thing tonight.

    As for school pictures, when I used to be in charge of them at my school, the school got 50% of underclassmen picture sales and 30% of senior picture sales. It was a good money-maker for the school. Yes, they are expensive, but the picture goes in the yearbook and the child gets a student ID whether he buys any pictures or not. We never pressured students to buy. I don't really have a problem with the pictures because a lot of people do enjoy getting them, but the other fundraisers are a real rip-off in my opinion. Schools get such a small percentage of the actual purchase price and the stuff is way over-priced to begin with.

    I need a serious kick in the tail to get motivated again. I need to give it one big serious attempt between now and the big 6-0 in 5 weeks. A lb a week would be so nice!!!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well just like I thought, at around 7 PM I 'woke' up!!!! Now I hope I can get to sleep at a decent time tonight to pick my sister up tomorrow for her SI injection. So far that's about the only thing right now that is helping her back pain. She has been to numerous back specialists and is not a candidate for surgery. She even consulted a nuero surgeon. So it's powerful pain medicine and injections. I hope she can get in my car. We never even thought about the fact that our SUV that we really wanted had this lip that some people have trouble lifting their leg high enough to get in. When they took their short little vacation 2 weeks ago a truck driver in front of them threw up a rock while on the interstate and put a crack in their window. It's in the shop tomorrow so she will have to be in my car. For her to look at pictures or posts from family members on facebook she has to come over here . I have stairs to even come into the house and my couch is pretty soft. So to sit and visit awhile is pretty painful for her. So we will enjoy having my phone as a hot spot for my iPad tomorrow. Her husband has a computer for his accounting business and does have internet but he refuses to have face book or email. Says it is to much of a risk being hacked.

    Interesting what is happening in Scotland right now. I read an article last night talking about all the different threats or requests by different states or portions of states here in the US. If all had been successful we would be a country of 124 states.I think where I live, Indiana, was one of the very, very few that would remain intact. I guess people like it here!

    have I mentioned that Melody, my cat, is getting bald spots again. I haven't been giving her her medicine in months because she developed a beautiful coat and remained so after I stopped. I kept giving it to her for about 6 weeks after she gained her full coat. It seems to start after the change in weather for fall and spring. I like seeing her little fuzzy hair growth that starts up about 4 days after I give her the medicine. It's just that I hate to give it to her. I can't put it in food because I have to take ehr food away 2 hours away before dose and keep it up for 2 hours after. So she starts getting nervous and suspicious at that time. Plus she is starting to run if I even come in the room she is in. I try to give her extra loving right after I squirt it in her mouth but she gets off my lap real quick. If it continues like it was in the past she will eventually let me love on her for awhile after I give it.So far there are very few toys she likes so there isn't any game I can play.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: You have great passion for travel and good instincts for finding the things you’ll enjoy most. I hope you have a fabulous trip to NYC and the weather cooperates.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I love your sensible outlook and your great jokes.:flowerforyou:

    Bjkidfun: I’m sending good thoughts your way for your surgery, and hope all goes very well.:flowerforyou:

    Lesley: Good news about Arthur. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You are so good to your family. I hope they appreciate what a treasure you are.:flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: It sounds like you got plenty of support and good news from your doctor. I hope things continue to be ok in your world.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I also think about what may happen if Scotland leaves the UK. DH is of Scottish descent, and I’ve known there has been conflict for a long time, in the hundred's of years. I’m also a fiction reader, including historical fiction, and have read quite a bit about the English treatment of Scotland before and after Culloden. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: Pumpkin is very healthy, but sugar, fat, and pie shells aren’t so good for us. Try some baked pumpkin with cinnamon and nutmeg sprinkled on it instead of pumpkin pie.:wink::flowerforyou:

    Dr Katie: I hope you plan a something special for the big 60. I agree with you about school fundraisers. Too many of them don’t give enough to the school for the time and trouble, in my opinion.:flowerforyou:

    It has been a good day today, although a quiet one for me. I went to yoga and enjoyed every moment, but really didn’t do much after that. I hope to be more active tomorrow.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Well, my DH didn't leave today for his trip. Seems he left the bike on in the garage and drained the battery. When he plugged it in to the battery charger, he blew a fuse. That meant a trip to the store for new fuses. Now it is charged up and ready to go. I think he'll leave tomorrow.
    Not much going on here otherwise. Have a couple of errands to run tomorrow.
    On DWTS - Lolo Jones was really bad. She had no "swish" whatsoever. I loved Alfonso Ribeira and Leah Thompson.

    On the butternut squash fries - there's an ice trick for making crispy potato fries in the oven. After you peel and cut the potatoes, you soak them in ice and cold water (4 Qts. COLD water and 2 C ice) for at least 30 minutes. Then you drain off the water and ice, pat the potatoes dry with paper towels. Spritz with oil, sprinkle with seasoning, then bake. Makes amazing crispy fries. I haven't tried it with squash.
    I make eggplant oven fries by dipping the eggplant in Italian dressing, then dredging it in panko. Bake for 45 min. @ 425 degrees.
    You can add more flavor with a sprinkle of Italian seasoning, or your choice of herbs/spices. You can also add parmesan and garlic powder to the panko. You can make eggplant slices this way too.
    I tried a Kambocha squash tonight. It is a cross between sweet potato and butternut. It was really good. I steamed it in the microwave. One inch of water, place the squash cut side down, cover with wax paper and nuke for 8-10 min. Scoop out the flesh, mash and top with a dab of butter.

    Kim - Yay for you cleaning out your closet. Will you come here?

    Lesley - Poor Arthur!! Give him a hug for me. So glad he's feeling better.

    Jenni - I agree with the other ladies. This is just a follow-up. Hang in there.((HUG)))

    Pat - Love the sunset pic. I remember walking a mile to school. In Sr high, I lived outside of the 2 mi. limit. I was supposed to ride the bus. I rode it once. Two and a half hours to get home was ridiculous. I rode my bike after that. Only took 30 min. to ride to school.

    Carol - I'm guessing the bone chip is in good alignment to re-attach itself. The boot is just to minimize movement. Find a shoe with the same sole/heel height as the boot. If you're still wearing it around Halloween, buy a Frankenstein costume.:laugh: Or maybe Bride of Frankenstein?

    Sylvia - Sorry to hear about your friend's diagnosis. That is a quintuple whammy. It is sweet of you to share your studio with him. I hope it brings him joy.
    What wine goes with tuna helper? just curious....

    Yannijannie - There was a guy in DFW, he had installed video cameras in the ladies room at several restaurants. The cops caught him.

    Vicki - Don't you use a yellow "bug" bulb? It does reduce the quantity. Although, fluorescent paint could be quite an effect for Halloween. Maybe paint ghostly footprints in the grass?:laugh:

    DrKatiebug - Sorry to hear about your aunt.

    Welcome new ladies!
    Diane in TX
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    What a day... alarm clock didn't go off... rushed off to work without my lunch...missed my exit. All of this before 7 a.m. The day didn't get much better. Busy is an understatement. But I'm not complaining about that... better busy than bored.

    It's been a fast paced day, and of course, now I can't sleep. So I am taking a moment to pop on to try to catch up with the thread.

    I hope everyone had a better day than I did.

    Going to try again to get a few hours of sleep.

    Nite, Nite

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Rori: pumpkin soup!!
    :tongue: (mmm)

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    I am up having my warm lemon water and on the computer..DH feeling a tad bit better...we are working on a teen that came in on weds and is moving to mississippi tomorrow. she has 18 cavities:noway: well they worked on the top weds,today we do the bottom.. the mother didnt seem to care she just wanted them done before the move... depending on how long it takes we might miss lunch, so better bring something I can just grab.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Scotland has voted to stay in the Union! :bigsmile: I was amazed to find I cried when I heard the result!:blushing: Didn't know I cared so much! Then I cried again at the main news. Hooray! :bigsmile:

    Just had some very annoying news about DH'S family. Basically his niece is being financially exploited by her father.:angry::grumble: :explode: His sister, her mother rang today. They are the ones who came for the weekend party I had a while ago. The niece is lovely, but a push over. We can't understand how she could be such an idiot. So, to cut a long story short, she has not only ended up paying for her brother's separation from his wife, but also she is now on holiday in Portugal with her dad, his girlfriend and her children and is paying for everybody including the food when the father said he would pay for the whole thing. :explode: :explode: He asked for the money for the holiday the day before they all left. :explode: :sad: :mad: DH goes to the football with this "person." He doesn't know how he is going to sit beside him, let alone go to the pub. I suggested he change his seat and the pub, but he has been doing it for 25 years. Makes it all very difficult.:noway:
    The man is a fantasising, lying . #×+÷:÷#+.

    Looking forward to seeing the grandchildren tomorrow. I am going up to London for DGD's 1st birthday party.:bigsmile: I've only bought clothes for her, gorgeous ones, because she's too young to realise she isn't getting a toy!:laugh: They have soooooo many toys! ! ! ! ! DH isn't coming because he has football, although he could have made it a bit late.:grumble: Never mind. :noway: We are going up again next week so he can see them. I am going to meet up with my friend who has cancer for lunch at my favourite store, John Lewis. I want to buy some lightweight sweaters. Then I will get to the party by 3pm when it starts.

    I have lost another half pound, which means I am only one and a half up from my lowest weight. Very happy! I should be able to shed that half before New York. The extra pound is only a bonus pound anyway! ! !:laugh:

    Hairy Bikers for dinner tonight.:laugh: Yes, Meg! Yum!

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK and still with Scotland. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: