1000 pound club



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I start overhand until I cannot do that. Then I do offest.

    I could overhand 315 but not 335.

    that's interesting- I'd be interested in doing an informal poll on when people switch and what their maxes are- like mine is 305- but I switch around 250- I can pull 245 double over hand- but not for reps- usually at that weight i'm doing 3's and I can 2 and then by the 3rd one my grip is for *kitten*.

    I don't know what the highest weight at double over I can pull- I know I can't pull 275 that way off the pins- but I've never tried from the floor.
    HERM- I should try at some point. the nerd in me should know these things.

    Give it a try and see how much a difference is in max?
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Usually around 315 is where I end up switching from the double over to an over/under grip with a max lift of 385 so far.

    I do warmup sets overhand, 2 work sets with left hand under and final work set or 1RM set with right hand under. I can get to 75% 1RM with double overhand but not for reps.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    i do thumbless double overhand til 365(done as high as 405), and then normal double overhand til 405-425. then i go mixed grip from there til my current max of 545. i normally do the thumbless on my lighter, more volume days to get more forearm/grip work.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    i do thumbless double overhand til 365(done as high as 405), and then normal double overhand til 405-425. then i go mixed grip from there til my current max of 545. i normally do the thumbless on my lighter, more volume days to get more forearm/grip work.

    I might try that no thumb grip. Know as suicide grip on bench press.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    chalk up.

    I have a hard time with grip over 315, chalked though my 425 was totally doable.

    Liquid Grip/Chalk rocks. I lift in my garage and don't have to deal with a mess. I bought a bottle on Amazon and it's lasted me over a year. Grip never holds me back anymore.

    I am with yah on lifting in a garage

    That's not lifting in a garage lol. That's lifting in a gym that happens to be attached to your house. And here I was, thinking that I had a cool garage set up...
  • arickettsjr
    arickettsjr Posts: 32 Member
    Sometimes I forget how important sleep is to strength, lol.

    Today was supposed work up to a heavy single on squats expecting to hit 405. Instead, because I haven't been resting and recovering at all this week, I had to pull it back and do singles at 345. That felt like 500lbs, lol.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Is anyone at the 1000 pound club sum for the 3 big lifts? Bench Press+ Squat+ deadlift.

    I will actually test myself next week to see if I am there.

    Also what lifters are the strongest out of those three? It has been said that the strongest should be deadlift then squat then bench.

    Not quite there.

    About 245 bench
    350 squat
    335 deadlift

    So 925
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Sometimes I forget how important sleep is to strength, lol.

    Today was supposed work up to a heavy single on squats expecting to hit 405. Instead, because I haven't been resting and recovering at all this week, I had to pull it back and do singles at 345. That felt like 500lbs, lol.

    HA, your body reminds you QUICK when you try to get by without proper rest.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    i do thumbless double overhand til 365(done as high as 405), and then normal double overhand til 405-425. then i go mixed grip from there til my current max of 545. i normally do the thumbless on my lighter, more volume days to get more forearm/grip work.

    I might try that no thumb grip. Know as suicide grip on bench press.

    im telling you now, start light and slowly work your way up in weight. if you can pull like that enough your forearms will be pumped hard and you will have no grip for a while, lol......
  • b00tsy
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
    weak first post.
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    as of this morning's session, i'm 1-rep max estimated on the big 3 for a total of 996lbs! sooooo close! but i've yet to try and actually do a max out in the big 3 for a long time. probably wont until my estimated total is a bit north of 1000
  • knittinlady
    knittinlady Posts: 143 Member
    450 club here, but I've only been at it for a month. Right now, my squat is strongest, at 170. My deadlift is 165, and my bench press is 115. :happy: Someday maybe I'll join the 1000 pound club!
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    I tore my pec with a spotter. On Monday, my spotter thought I was gonna fail 245 and I said "I got this" in mid rep. I got stuck and the mid point. I also only rest for put weight on + 60 second phone timer. I know that my tank was empty at that point I just wanted to see were I would fail.
    How did that pec tear feel? Did it come as soreness later? Or was it a sharp immediate pain?

    What I do when I hit the maximal level efforts, I'll stop doing supersets, or filler stuff like dips and pushups, and then push out my rest to 2 minutes +, don't want to be too depleted. (Although most of my non-trainer gym sessions are fasted.)

    I still remember the exact workout because I was pissed.

    I did 135x10
    attempted the last two rep with a spotter thinking he would help. I was wrong. On rep five came down to chest and tried to explode. It was a loud pop like I though someone drop a 45 in mid set. It went no where. Zero in my tank again and spotter was too weak to do anything so I still was lifting with a tore pec while he tried to do whatever he was at lifting. I learned about spotting that day. The pain was not immediate but then when I saw no one looking funny for dropping weight I assume I made the popping noise. My shoulder was burning a little bit. I was at a gym that would not give me ice. I just left and drove home then the pain came. I was in tears. when I got home and thought I just sleep it off since I had work tomorrow. My older brother recommend me go to the ER. I waited for six hours in the ER in pain when through like 8 of there ice packs.

    Ouch that sucks! Yeah getting a spotter that I trust and old injuries is what keeps my bench from progressing much recently. I want to get back up to 425 but I need someone I trust to go over 315, reps with 265 is as high as I go with random spotters...psychology and safety...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I tore my pec with a spotter. On Monday, my spotter thought I was gonna fail 245 and I said "I got this" in mid rep. I got stuck and the mid point. I also only rest for put weight on + 60 second phone timer. I know that my tank was empty at that point I just wanted to see were I would fail.
    How did that pec tear feel? Did it come as soreness later? Or was it a sharp immediate pain?

    What I do when I hit the maximal level efforts, I'll stop doing supersets, or filler stuff like dips and pushups, and then push out my rest to 2 minutes +, don't want to be too depleted. (Although most of my non-trainer gym sessions are fasted.)

    I still remember the exact workout because I was pissed.

    I did 135x10
    attempted the last two rep with a spotter thinking he would help. I was wrong. On rep five came down to chest and tried to explode. It was a loud pop like I though someone drop a 45 in mid set. It went no where. Zero in my tank again and spotter was too weak to do anything so I still was lifting with a tore pec while he tried to do whatever he was at lifting. I learned about spotting that day. The pain was not immediate but then when I saw no one looking funny for dropping weight I assume I made the popping noise. My shoulder was burning a little bit. I was at a gym that would not give me ice. I just left and drove home then the pain came. I was in tears. when I got home and thought I just sleep it off since I had work tomorrow. My older brother recommend me go to the ER. I waited for six hours in the ER in pain when through like 8 of there ice packs.

    Ouch that sucks! Yeah getting a spotter that I trust and old injuries is what keeps my bench from progressing much recently. I want to get back up to 425 but I need someone I trust to go over 315, reps with 265 is as high as I go with random spotters...psychology and safety...

    Would lifting in a safety cage (Power Rack) help? that way you can dump the weight if you need even with no spotter there. Just put the pins as close to your chest as you can get them.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    what is everybodys routine that you do?

    For me on bench i start with flat bench
    Monday was

    then 170x10 for 5 sets

    then incline 145x 10 for 3 sets

    My session is all over thanks to supersets.

    Saturday was:
    45# db press for 20
    Shoulder superset
    30 dips on the bench
    45# db press with pause for 15 (Oh look, bench and barbell is open. Moved to bench.)
    Shoulder super set
    Shoulder superset between each set
    135x30 for 2 sets
    30 bench dips between each set
    170x10 for 2 sets
    dips in between
    175x10 for 2 with pause
    185x5 with pause
    Finish out with bis and tris, then some russian twists
    I was shooting for 200 reps and 200#. I fell a little short, probably because I was fasted.

    This was WAY too much volume and BS work to be productive. If you want to improve your lifts then train to improve your lifts. My last bench day looked like this:

    Bench Press

    Barbell Row

    That's it. Work up to a heavy set of three on bench press, drop the weight to approx. 80% of my top weight and do some volume sets and finish it up with some barbell rows. If you want to build muscle and strength you need to keep your training sessions simple and focus on improving the amount of weight you lift or the amount of reps you can perform. Make a list of 2 or 3 lift variations to use in place of bench, squat, deadlift, overhead press and barbell row and cycle them. For example, for my bench press I cycle bench, narrow grip bench, incline bench and bench press with chains. I'll do 1 bench press variation and just focus on hitting more and more weight for anywhere from 5-2 reps and then when I stall I'll swap to the next bench variation. I do the same thing with my accessory lifts.

    Moral of the story: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)

    Great job on the 1700 club! I wish I was there with my old lifts... I haven't tested many max lifts recently, but I know I'm far from 1700 currently.

    Gotta say though, your warmup bench routine, do you really find so many reps helps you?: Bench Press 45x60, 135x20? I don't tend to go above 12-15 reps almost ever, but 45x60 would feel like a massive waste of time to me :) Lately I have noticed (with old injuries) I do feel better when increasing my warmup more, so I appreciate the theory.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I wouldn't even consider 45x60 as warmup, that's just form work. (In my mind.) Which is always a great idea to get the body moving right.
  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    Was working on getting ready for a powerlifting meet close by in November.

    Deadlift 545lb
    Squat 435 lb
    Bench 330 lb

    Unfortunately, I've got an ortho appointment Monday to *kitten* how bad my shoulder labrum tear is, so it looks like that's out.

    I guess every day will be leg day for a while!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I wouldn't even consider 45x60 as warmup, that's just form work. (In my mind.) Which is always a great idea to get the body moving right.

    I used to test my endurance with 45x100. I remember I could not do it my first time. Now it is very easy to do.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    Squat - Hips below knees -

    Bench - Bar must touch chest with control and then lockout at top.

    Otherwise, you're a half-repper.
    weak first post.

    Valid point though. I hate it when people say they can squat or bench a certain amount and then when you see the lift you realize they were lying to themselves.