Why you need a food scale



  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    Thanks for sharing that. I am hoping to get one either today or tomorrow. I know it will make a huge difference in our eating, we do a lot of guessing.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I don't weigh anything but I measure out most things, oatmeal, cereal, drinks, etc...But since I don't eat meat and I eat a ton of veggies, I just wing it with the veggies, I don't feel bad about eating to much spinach or carrots lol Fruit on the other hand I count or measure! I could see how this could be a better idea for meat eaters though
  • miss_sarcastic
    I received a digital food scale for Christmas and I use this thing religiously every day, to make sure I'm getting the correct serving size (or multiple thereof) so I can log the calories. It is SO easy to overestimate and it's made me realize how bad I used to be at "guessing." Sometimes I was WAY off, haha.

    I recommend food scales for everyone!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Whatever works is good. I would never get one because that is just one more thing to add to my busy day. I lost 20 pounds withought a scale, so I don't need one. I always level off, and I won't be to worried about my calories being exact. When I keep track of what I am eating, I probably eat at least 1000 calories less a day than I would have otherwise.

    The biggest thing that has made a difference for me is actually reading what the serving size is and sticking with it. So, no eating straight from the bag or box, I put the serving size in a bowl and that's it.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I bought a food scale (digital) about a week ago. I have used that thing everyday with every meal (and yes snacks) what a world of difference it makes. :wink:
    1. I find many MFP food entries to be wrong, clearly some are user 'guesstimates'.
    2. Yes, you do find inconsistencies on the food label vs when you weigh it.
    3. The scale makes it easy so that I don't have to guesstimate myself, and be wrong.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Bump for more Exposure
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I really need to get a scale!
  • amem07
    amem07 Posts: 8 Member
    Ok I am convinced!!! I am going to buy one!!! I will check out Amazon and see what I can find :)
  • axman19
    axman19 Posts: 79 Member
    I bought one on ebay for like $8 shipped. They are still on there. Most are from hong kong, but there are some US sellers. I compared it to my neighbors $35 scale and it is exactly the same as far as reading correctly. Call me weird, but I think it is kinda fun to weigh stuff.
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    OK this is a sign that I must buy a scale. I was actually just goona start a post asking if people wigh their food and if it has helped their success... and this thread was at the top of the list just waiting ofr me! Lov how that happens :-)
  • RadicalGrace22
    RadicalGrace22 Posts: 12 Member
    Lolololol, etc.
  • CapsKidd
    CapsKidd Posts: 1 Member
    I use my food scale all the time, and to really make it effective, I have written down values/weights for things I eat/drink often on pieces of paper which I have taped to the inside of my kitchen cabinets where my dishes are. It's a real time saver!
  • splashtree2
    Does a food sacel really help? I have never thought of using one....... I just kind of guess at what I am eating? Maybe that is why I am not losing a lot of weight?

    Food scale is very helpful for the caloric food!!
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Lolololol, etc.

    ok its 2am in the uk,itoo curious before sleep to ask what the reason behind searching this thread was? i feel there will be mischief afoot.

    back on topic, i was beguiled by magic tales of granola from my colonnial cousins across the pond so had to try some.

    having weighed out a 45g portion on my scale,i realised i had been robbed of any nutrition to calorific value unfortunately.
    now i know its just porridge mixed with honey.go figure,huh?

    ditto weighing other cereals and cheese.scary how little a recommended portion you get by weight.
  • gotanda
    I lost 62 lbs after I started to use my scale. I lost weight within 6 months. The scale helps you to know exactly how much food you eat. It takes away your guessing.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    I finally broke out my old food scale. Boy was I happy: my 31 grams of salted peanuts was much more than the stated 3 tablespoons, lol.
  • VibrantAnnette
    VibrantAnnette Posts: 43 Member
    I love my food scale, and also a measuring cup now and then...
    I honestly used to just eyeball portions, etc, I'm a chef so pretty good at it.

    The first time I knew I needed it... when I couldn't figure out how big a piece of expensive fish to buy at grocery store....
    it was either always too big a portion or too little a portion. the seafish monger would give me a "ladies portion"... and I would end up with 2-3 days of food. So I asked for 8oz of fish, brought it home and ate only half and was super satisfied. From that point on I ordered only 4oz of protein at restaurants, etc.

    That experience prompted me to begin weighing my food portions, maybe once a month now.

    yeah, right. too big a portion! store bought chicken breasts are gigantic because of all the hormones pumped into them to grow bigger breasts (the more profitable meat)! What's really scary is to weigh one of those implants... it's too big a meal for me. two tenders is about right. The scale reveals the truth.

    I unpacked all my dishes after moving here toTX... and was shocked at the different sized coffee mugs I had purchased from starbucks over the past twenty years. Yes I bought a pair of mugs when they first opened their doors in the 90's, and every new city I moved to I bought a new pair as my stuff was still in storage. So when all my things arrived here, centralized... shocking coffee mug enlargement over 2 decades! Their standard size now is 16oz mug! that's ok for coffee, but sometimes I use the mug for soup which is a double portion.

    I'm always amazed at how packaging mislabels the weight, or portion size. This is especially a good area to weigh for portion control.