How many pounds did you gain in your pregnancy?



  • I gained 42 with my first and 50 with my second...I pretty much ate whatever I wanted if you can't tell. lol
  • I was 105lbs before pregnancy...gained between 32-35 lbs but looked HUGE since I'm only 5'1" and then went down to 126 but took me at least 3yrs fluctuating up and down. Now I'm 134 and my goal is to be 117.
  • I was 125 lbs when I found out I was a month pregnant. 9 days before my due date when my son was born by c-section I was 160. So 35 lb gain in my 9 months. The first year while I breast fed him I went down to 145 lbs. The second and third years of breast feeding I went back up to about 155. After weaning him at age 3 and a 1/2 and experiencing other health, job and relationship related stress I went up to 162. It has been VERY hard to take this weight off.

    But after several people asked me if I was having a second baby at the end of 2010 or when was I expecting number 2, I am determined to take this extra weight off! I was so embarassed I just wanted to sink through the floor.

    I hate how slow I seem to lose weight now. Before my son I lost weight much more easily. Now I feel like an alien in my body. I carry almost all the extra weight in my belly. So I really DO look pregnant. The next time someone asks me when I am expecting I want it to be because I AM expecting in a month or two, not because I LOOK like I am. And I would love a full year or two of just having my sexy body back and enjoying it a while before that happens.
  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
    I gained 88 pounds!!!
    I went from a tiny 95 pounds to a huge 183 pounds causing my skin to overstretch and break. That is the reason why I had a tummy tuck in the summer: to get rid of stretch marks.
  • Did you like the results after the tummy tuck? How long was the recovery time?

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  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    pregnancy #1 - gained 35 pounds

    pregnancy #2 - also gained 35 pounds

    In retrospect, I wish I had made healthier food choices both times. I ate pretty much what I wanted. I think my weight gain was appropriate both times (I was normal weight when I got pg the first time and only slightly overweight when I got pg the second time) but I ate a lot of unhealthy foods.
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    Hah... tricky question. I actually LOST almost 40 pounds while I was pregnant with my son. I was about 245 lbs. when I got pregnant and started losing weight sometime in the second trimester. My doctor made a lot of frowny faces at me over the course of several appointments and did a lot of measuring and finally concluded, "Well, he's getting bigger and you're getting smaller... all I can say is that he's eating you." After I gave birth I was 209. Too bad I gained my way back up into the 240s in short order. :P The pregnancy diet was the best one I've ever done, but I'm not having any more kids... lol.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Gained about 15-20 with my first daughter. She was 8lbs 1oz and I lost all the weight within the first 6 weeks.

    Gained 40 with my second daughter. She was 6lbs 13 oz. Lost 30 or so within the first 3 months, the rest just lingered.

    Gained over 40 with my son. He was 8lbs 2 oz. I lost all the weight PLUS some in about 6 months.

    I saw 205 on the scale on delivery day with my last two children and that scared me to death! I also nursed with the last two, and it helped shed those pounds quicker. 20 calories burned per every ounce of milk you body makes..not too shabby!!
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    About 40 with my son.... first pregnancy and I was already 10 pounds more than my normal weight when I got pregnant. I hated that I gained that much but I wasn't really making enough healthy choices.... too many sweets!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    i was 165 before I got pregnant, the day I delivered I weighed 206 :noway: So I gained 41lbs!!! I weighed about 175 about two weeks after I had her though, then with exercise and dieting I got down to 166 and couldnt get any lower than 166 so i gave up, and i must say after you have had a baby gaining weight is ALOT easier!!! I quit exercising in like July at 166lbs and by Oct i was up to 179 FML!!! Thats when I joined MFP and I have gotten down to ultimate goal weight is 125-130....havent been that weight since high school LOL

    If you are planning on getting pregnant I reccomend reaching your ultimate goal weight before you get pregnant and if you are already pregnant I reccommend working out during your pregnancy (i didnt and i wish i did) ---i am praying that my stomach will look normal again!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I gained 88 pounds!!!
    I went from a tiny 95 pounds to a huge 183 pounds causing my skin to overstretch and break. That is the reason why I had a tummy tuck in the summer: to get rid of stretch marks.

    Ugh!! I am covered in stretch marks unfortunately mine are all over my belly so a tummy tuck wouldnt help! I want to get laser removal!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Eight-nine pounds. I was on bed rest and eating a physician-monitored diet.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    32 with my first, 24 with my second. Sadly, I had the same end weight with both (266), I just hadn't quite gotten all of baby #1's weight off yet.

    Edited to add: My oldest was 8 lb 4oz, the youngest was 6 lb 15 oz and she was born 2 weeks early. I went into pre-term labor with her at 35 weeks and was on bedrest until 37 weeks, but none of it was ever attributed to my weight.
  • Same here! Noone said that I actually had to watch what I ate, and I thought I was just getting bigger cause I was supposed to! I gained 75 with #1 and 55 with #2! I had my last baby a year and a half ago and I still have 25 lbs to lose!
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    I have 3 kids and I gained exactly 34lbs with each pregnancy. I guess I'm consistent! My first was 9lbs 12oz, second was 7 lbs 15oz, and my last was 9 lbs 9.8oz. I tend to make large babies. The good thing with that is I left the hospital 17 pounds lighter than I went in.(at least with my last.I don't remember the other ones)
  • brblake
    brblake Posts: 11
    I gained 54 pounds!! Ugh!! I was on my feet all day for work and by the last 2 months of my pregnancy I was swollen! I retained a ton of water in the end. Now I'm trying to get the extra off!! Enjoy being prego!! And don't forget to take those prenatals!! I'm 5'8" prepregnancy 140 lbs. Gained 54 lbs healthy baby girl 7lbs 1 ounce and 21 inches long.
  • I gained 12 overall. I lost 10 lbs during the first trimester (healthier eating coupled with nausea), which brought me down to 130, and gained 22 over the next 2 trimesters. 7 lb 5 oz baby.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    41 with my first and I craved fast food with her, ate it all the time.
    40 with the second and I only craved very healthy food.

    I think you gain what you gain, for the most part.
  • i gained 30lbs. My baby weighed 8lbs 15 oz. 21in long
  • With my first son I gained 26 pounds. With my 2nd ( daughter) I gained 30 pounds, with my 3rd (daughter) I gained 30 pounds and with my 4th (daughter) I gained 33 pounds. Lost all the baby weight by the babies 1st birthday...... but still have room for some improvment! you'll be fine!! just don't eat a whole tub of ice cream with cookies as your spoon. and go for alot of walks. it's good for you , baby and your labor will be easier.... trust me. Good luck :)
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