Do YOU ever "sabotage" your friends?



  • derbygirl214
    I would never sabotage someones efforts to live healthier or to lose weight because someone I thought was a friend did it to me and I gained A LOT of weight with her help.

    I was overwhelmingly depressed and just in a really bad place and she would use that against me. At first i thought she was just trying to be comforting then I noticed that she'd get really really pushy about it and try to use guilt to get me to eat stuff she would buy just for me. My weight was the last thing on my mind at the time and when I moved out (we were roommates) and realized how much weight I had gained, I started eating normal and exercising again and lost 10 pounds before I next saw her.

    I had suspected that she was trying to sabotage my weight before but brushed it off because I felt like I was just being paranoid.

    As I came closer to my normal weight she would get meaner and pushier. I noticed that when I was eating clean and no longer craved sweets, carbs, and stopped drinking soda. She would offer those specific things to me and became increasingly agitated every time I said no thank you.

    I don't know why she was so intimidated or insecure but I wish her the best. . .I'd chose 20-30lbs of weight gain over being a nasty vindictive person like her any day.
  • LOL!! I can honestly say that I have SERVERAL friends who try and do this to me, especially since they are stuck at a certain weight and can't seem to lose. However I DON'T sabotage because at the end of day, I hope everyone is fit and healthy.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    Yes and No...

    Situation: My mum is very thin and going to be 60 this year, she doesn't go to the gym and her only exercise consists of walking the dogs a couple of times a day, she has always been very thin with her heaviest weight being 8st in the past and if being totally honest, i am envious of that weight particularly when she suits "young fashion" better than someone who is 35 years younger than her! I try to get her to eat more, but moreso because I'm really worried about her health like the onset of osteoporosis or her having a fall and breaking a bone. She also doesn't have much its more of a cruel to be kind thing...I really doubt she gets more than 1500 kcal a day...

    If she's 60 years old and slightly built, she doesn't NEED more than 1500 calories a day.
  • Maqneta
    Maqneta Posts: 388 Member
    Nope I would hate myself if I did.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Interesting thread. I would never intentionally sabotage anyone. I probably have encouraged someone to "relax about calories" just because I was young and ignorant. I truly didn't understand how hard it can be, when you're addicted to dope in the form of food. I apologize to my friends for this.

    I believe the only person I should compare with is myself. Comparison is a zero-sum game. Someone is bound to come off worse or better in any relative comparison. If the other is better off, it stimulates envy. If you are better off, it might lead to hubris. So the real question, should maybe be: "Am I a better or worse version of the person I want to be? And what can I do to change that status?"

    I don't need sabotaging friends. I have someone right under my skin. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to sabotage. I will make up excuses or rationalize why I can continue with bad habits. Choose any of fitting excuses below:
    a) I'm tired, I deserve something to cheer me up
    b) I exercised so much, now I can gorge a bit, "eat back" kcal
    c) I'm so happy, I deserve a treat
    d) I'm so sad, I need a treat.
    e) I don't have time to prepare a real meal, I'll have this fast food instead.

    When I think about it, I have quite a distorted perception of my own body. I grew up with a mom who had weight issues herself. She would always nag about my weight if I had gained a couple of kilos. But literally she will offer cakes, ice-cream etc an hour later...To give you guys an example, this is a convo between me and her a couple of years ago:

    Mom: Your sister has put on sooo much weight. Puffy and doughy all over, she is now like a little whale!
    Me: Ok...but how much does she weigh?
    Mom: I don't know, maybe about 58 kg?
    Me: Thx, mom. So if you think she is grossly overweight at 58, what would I be then at 63?

    The interesting thing is, that I really think she doesn't understand what she is doing and what impact it has. I do not believe in blaming people for your actions in the present. But I do know that I have to limit spending time with my mom when she is like this.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Once by accident. I asked a friend on a diet twice if she wanted some of my ice cream -- it was so delicious that I couldn't believe she would refuse it. And I'd forgotten she was on a diet because she made zero big deal about it.

    When I realized later that I'd been tempting her like tempting an alcoholic by waving a beer around, I was mortified. I didn't mean to be a sh*thead -- I just wasn't watching what I ate then, so I didn't realize how important it was, and I had forgotten what she was doing. Mea culpa.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My boss/best friend keeps leaving me "treats," just to be a jerk. haha

    My boss throws candy at me. Like, literally throws it. I'll be working away and get hit in the back of the head with a candy bar hurled from across the room.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    No although people do it to me all the time and I hate it.
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    Yes..and no. Yes I suppose I do with ONE friend, but I believe I have a good reason. She's, in a nutshell, very obsessive about her weight. She's not ill but if it wasn't for my "support"/"sabotage" she'd be under 100 pounds and probably end up quite ill.

    PS I don't generally do it to others at all because I HATE it when my friend does it to me.
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    Thanks for your input everyone. Now I'm gonna vent about my roommate. I don't care if she loses weight. She weighs less than me already (my body fat is lower though. Thanks weights!) but the thing that bothers me is that she complains about it. B*TCH I'M FAT TOO. Shut up. If she complained and did something about it, I'd support her more but she complains and sits on her *kitten*. When she does work out, she eats afterwards which is more than she burned off. I want to be supportive and happy for her and if she asks me something I'll give her advice, but I can do much if she continues her habits then complains about how things fit and how she's gained weight.

    This reminds me of a friend I used to have...she was literally a size 2, and would complain all the dang time about how fat she was! I was a size 16ish (which I am finally just now back down to) at the time. One day I turned to her and said, (not meanly), "If you think you are fat, you must think I'm a beached whale." She looked genuinely surprised, but STFU about it after that.

    Yeah, one friend I have is size 6 or 8 (US 2 or 4) and she put on 4 pounds once and kept saying she was so fat. She was still about 25 lbs lighter than me and 2 or 3 sizes smaller… I was like STFU and, relatively politely, I did say that to her a couple times. I was like can you stop saying that because you're still tiny and I find it really offensive? She didn't really seem sorry, she was almost angry and said she was allowed to say she feels fat if she does. But I said there was a difference in saying you felt bloated and heavier (fine) and saying you looked and felt so fat (not fine).
  • thesmallestpineapple
    Yes..and no. Yes I suppose I do with ONE friend, but I believe I have a good reason. She's, in a nutshell, very obsessive about her weight. She's not ill but if it wasn't for my "support"/"sabotage" she'd be under 100 pounds and probably end up quite ill.

    PS I don't generally do it to others at all because I HATE it when my friend does it to me.

    I was about to type something very similar. I have a friend who doesn't look after herself properly and our group of close friends believe she may be undereating and exercising excessively to lose weight that she REALLY doesn't need to lose, so we invite her over and cook plenty of food and have cakes etc.
    Sabotage... yes, you could call it that, but it's because we care and want her to stay healthy.
    We all cook from scratch on these occasions, so we're not offering junk food, it's all reasonably healthy, well balanced meals (apart from the cakes!!) it's just that there are far more calories on offer than she would eat if left to feed herself!