Mom is bringing me down

My mother has ALWAYS called me fat... even when I was actually a healthy weight in high school I was still "too big for any guy to find me attractive" (which I know wasn't true at all, considering quite a few guys had asked me out). But it still got to me. I always thought I was fat....

... now looking back i realize I wasn't overweight and really wish I could go back to being that size. **** happened and I gained lots of weight. Well I've been working hard and trying to lose it. Of course, during this time mom was even more ruthless towards me.

So here I am, now losing weight right? My pants are way too big on me, I'm on the last notch of my belt... I'm actually making progress. My mom, however, is being really insensitive.... and I can't tell if she's doing it on purpose or not.

Whenever I go over to her house she offers me some of her "fat" clothes (and yes, she does call them that and say it that way to my face). It's really hurtful and I've tried telling her that... and she says I'm being too sensitive.
And sometimes, ya know, she sends me clothes that would "look cute on me" or "they would fit me just right".... she always buys me xl or xxl.... so they're huge on me. I try explaining to her that (shirt/jacket wise) I can fit into a medium. .... but she never listens. I feel like she's indirectly reminding me that I'll always be "fat" in her eyes....

Idk it just really hurts and makes me mad. Today my mom sent me a really cute jacket, and of course it's huge on me (it's xl). I'm trying really hard to think "oh you know she was trying to be nice, she was thinking of me" .... but then i just get really angry cuz it's like I just want to scream at her "STOP GETTING ME BIG CLOTHES! YOU KNOW I'M NOT THAT BIG".... idk. It's just stating to get to me....


  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I think you need to break off your relationship with your mother as soon as you can.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    How old are you? Sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that you don't appreciate how she treats you and that if she continues to do all those things (sending you clothes that are too big and calling you fat) that you will have to stop communicating with her. Then follow through.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Donate all the big clothes she's given you and tell her to stop buying you clothes.
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    It's an unhealthy relationship that is hurting you. Be straightforward one last time. Tell her how it makes you feel and give her an ultimatum. Tell her the topic is closed and when she brings it up shut down the conversation and leave. Send her "gifts" back to her noting the incorrect size. You have to train people, it's not just for animals. Hopefully if you stick to your guns and make a habit of not making yourself available to her abuse you'll get the results you want. Either that or it will further disintegrate an already damaged relationship.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    How old are you? Sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that you don't appreciate how she treats you and that if she continues to do all those things (sending you clothes that are too big and calling you fat) that you will have to stop communicating with her. Then follow through.

    This OP
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    How old are you? Sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that you don't appreciate how she treats you and that if she continues to do all those things (sending you clothes that are too big and calling you fat) that you will have to stop communicating with her. Then follow through.

    Yeah, what he said!
  • goodfido
    goodfido Posts: 127 Member
    You have every right to be upset with her....I know I would! As another poster suggested I would sit her down and have a heart to heart with her and let her know how you're feeling. If she still doesn't respect you and continues with her hurtful words I'd distance myself from her.
  • misschoueke
    misschoueke Posts: 1 Member
    Dude I'm sorry this is all happening. I'm 23 and had a terrible relationship with my mother growing up. She was pretty verbally abusive.

    My advice is don't listen and get out of the house and into college as fast as you can. Sleep over at friends houses as much as possible.

    Sometimes trying to change people doesn't work. Try as hard as you can to be happy and brush it off because she obviously cray.
  • TasteofEnvy
    TasteofEnvy Posts: 123 Member
    I've tried and she sorta just.... blows it off or says I'm over reacting....
    I know it's an unhealthy relationship... but it's hard to cut it off b/c it's my mom.
    We have a very rocky past and she's always trying to "fix that" .... so part of me is trying to see it as her actually trying....
    but maybe I'm just fooling myself ya know?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    How old are you? Sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that you don't appreciate how she treats you and that if she continues to do all those things (sending you clothes that are too big and calling you fat) that you will have to stop communicating with her. Then follow through.

    Yeah, what he said!

    She is not a dude.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Sorry to hear that your mom is being so...well...cruel. I couldn't begin to speculate why. But the good news is that you don't live with her and you can set up some healthy boundaries. Consider the scenarios below next time mom pipes up:

    Mom: Here, take some of my fat clothes.

    You: No thanks, mom...they're too big for me.

    Mom: What do you mean they're too big? They'll fit! Look how big you are...blah blah blah...

    You: Mom, I'm not fat and I don't appreciate you saying that all of the time.

    Mom: Yes you ARE fat! Just look at you! Blah blah blah...

    You: Mom, you're entitled to your opinion but I'm tired of you belittling me regarding my weight.

    Mom: Well I wouldn't say anything if you weren't so fat blah blah're just too sensitive blah blah blah..

    You: Well mom, you know how I feel. If you're going to keep talking about my weight I'm just going to head out.

    Mom: You're being ridiculous! Blah blah blah.

    You: Bye mom *walks out door*.

    Lather, rinse, and repeat until she knows you mean business. And when she mails you fat clothes? Simply drop 'em off at her place or donate them.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I do not have a good relationship with my mother for very similar reasons. My mother would put me up in front of my sister and point out my flaws so my sister would feel better about herself. It's behavior I plan to never repeat with my own children.

    I can tell you that with distance and time, the hurt does fade but you will remember the words and comments. You need to find a way to make peace with her insensitivity.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I've tried and she sorta just.... blows it off or says I'm over reacting....
    I know it's an unhealthy relationship... but it's hard to cut it off b/c it's my mom.
    We have a very rocky past and she's always trying to "fix that" .... so part of me is trying to see it as her actually trying....
    but maybe I'm just fooling myself ya know?

    My suggestion is get to your weight goal so she can final stop talking. Use her negativity and prove her wrong.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Is it too soon for the "Yeah but when your mom...." jokes?
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    You can show her better than you can tell her. Do not except any of her clothing gifts anymore she is doing this on purpose and it sounds really hurtful. She knows this is bothering you and she still sends you items that are to big that is an insult and she knows that. Send them back every time she sends you something with a note like the other poster said, this is too big thanks but no thanks mom.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I've tried and she sorta just.... blows it off or says I'm over reacting....
    I know it's an unhealthy relationship... but it's hard to cut it off b/c it's my mom.
    We have a very rocky past and she's always trying to "fix that" .... so part of me is trying to see it as her actually trying....
    but maybe I'm just fooling myself ya know?

    I think your last line answers it. You are fooling yourself. She is not trying to be nice or helpful. She's rude and hurtful and does it because having the power to make you feel crappy makes her feel good. Don't make excuses for her and stop trying to get her approval because it's not going to happen. You need to either step back from the relationship or be like Teflon and let whatever she slings at you slide off. It sucks but it's better to start sooner rather than later. Good luck, OP.
  • k8161819
    I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. I have to admit that my mother had always been very supportive of me, but she was the only one. I had a grand-mother that I was really close to that used to call me fat all the time, and when I finally talked to her to tell her how I felt, she stopped telling how fat I was directly, but still got the kicks in somewhere else. She would always say "you have such a pretty face, if only your body was the same way" and then whenever she would see someone that was overweight, or morbidly obese she would say "oh, doesn't that remind me of you". The only way I could get past it was having to take her out of my life. I can't even imagine the struggles you are going through with this being your mom. Not so easy to cut her out of your life. If you ever need to talk to someone I'm on here a lot and you can add me as a friend. Stay in there, and keep it up. It seems like you are on the right track with your weight loss so far!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I've tried and she sorta just.... blows it off or says I'm over reacting....
    I know it's an unhealthy relationship... but it's hard to cut it off b/c it's my mom.
    We have a very rocky past and she's always trying to "fix that" .... so part of me is trying to see it as her actually trying....
    but maybe I'm just fooling myself ya know?

    People will treat you the way you allow them to treat you. And they only change if they want to.

    This is a case of telling your mother straight up: Knock your crap off. If you don't, I'm walking out. And then actually do it.

    You can still have something of a relationship with her, just call her on her behavior and hold her to it. Anytime she starts her crap, walk out. Consistency. Eventually she'll get the message or she won't. But if you're putting up with it, that's on you.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Have a sit down with her- and tell her. You're a grown adult- and I know parents can make you feel small again- but you ARE A GROWN *kitten* WOMAN. Don't let her treat you like a child.

    Have a sit down. Tell her you aren't going to put up with it any more.

    It might get better for a few days.

    When it gets worse

    "You're fat"

    You know mom- in your eyes apparently I'll always be fat- but at least I won't be remembered as the nasty woman who verbally abused her kid.

    and walk out. And stand fast to that.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    First- I am so sorry to hear this-- your mom must have some other issue that you unfortunately have gotten roped into.

    Her words and actions show there is something dark inside her own self and she projecting it onto you.

    If it were me-- I'd wear a whole outfit she sent me to a Christmas/thanksgiving get together and wait for someone to say something about how super huge it is on you.

    Good for you for getting yourself in gear. Her body image issues wont be past down beyond you. <3