New Insanity Thread



  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Id just split the difference at 1700 Jennifer. When I was doing Body Beast, I learned what an amazing difference little 200 calorie swings could make. The thing people don't realize is that these calorie targets need to be regularly readjusted as your body changes. I also have found that the MFP calculators tend to be too light for people working out on these Beachbody programs. The calculator you just used seems to work well. Oh one more thing. With this calculator that is your calorie target. Period. Ignore the MFP net calories calculations.

    Okay great, thanks Paul. Will look to up my calories towards 1700 and see how I do. Much appreciated for your input.

    Remember to watch your macros too. The insanity book recommends 40% protein and carbs and 20% fat. You will probably need a protein supplement to approach the recommended level (I'm usually in the 30s). The GNC 100% Whey stuff works great. I'm sure the Beachbody stuff is good too, but it's a lot more expensive. Stay away from the cheap stuff Walmart sells as it has lots of fillers, rather than just the protein you need. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are also great protein sources. If you are low on Carbs at the end of the day adding bananas to the protein shake or just eating one works wonders. If you are low on fat at days end, it's a miracle and just ignore it! Bottom line though, stop eating when you get to 1700 calories regardless of where you are on macros. I tend to look at the MFP weekly macro numbers as its easier to make needed macro adjustments over the course of a whole week rather than a single day.
  • thuridurga
    thuridurga Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! I think this is my first ever post here on MFP :-) I'm on day 13 doing Insanity and I am still enjoying it. I love that feeling of sweat dripping off me and feeling like I've pushed my limits a bit. It also just fits perfectly into my routine, I've got three kids and a husband who is away 7am-8pm but I've made a promise to myself that as soon as I have put my youngest down for her nap, I put on my gym gear and just press play. I'm keeping my goal simple, to complete the 63 days of the Insanity programme and then reset my goals. I'm no angel when it comes to the nutrition part but I am counting my calories and limiting my alcohol intake...severely.
    I do feel ridiculously tired in the evenings though and find myself in bed between 9-10pm and I sleep like a baby till 7am. Is this normal? I know the BBC keep saying "get enough sleep" but I'm normally fine on 6-7hour nights. Also, the calorie recommendation I got was 2100 kcal. I have tried to consume 2100kcal (so much!) but end up usually consuming around 1800kcal. Do you think this is going to affect my results? I really feel so full, what would be the easiest way to get those extra 300kcal? I mean, that's another meal to me! And finally, if you miss a workout...what do you do? Work through your rest day or?
    Thank you for posting your insanity stories here! I keep going through your posts as they really inspire me to just keep going..
    Ps. I'm 175cm and weigh 86kg. I would like to lose 13 kgs and be 73 kgs. So far I haven't lost weight but I can feel a change in my body.
  • jlwyatt93
    jlwyatt93 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! I think this is my first ever post here on MFP :-) I'm on day 13 doing Insanity and I am still enjoying it. I love that feeling of sweat dripping off me and feeling like I've pushed my limits a bit. It also just fits perfectly into my routine, I've got three kids and a husband who is away 7am-8pm but I've made a promise to myself that as soon as I have put my youngest down for her nap, I put on my gym gear and just press play. I'm keeping my goal simple, to complete the 63 days of the Insanity programme and then reset my goals. I'm no angel when it comes to the nutrition part but I am counting my calories and limiting my alcohol intake...severely.
    I do feel ridiculously tired in the evenings though and find myself in bed between 9-10pm and I sleep like a baby till 7am. Is this normal? I know the BBC keep saying "get enough sleep" but I'm normally fine on 6-7hour nights. Also, the calorie recommendation I got was 2100 kcal. I have tried to consume 2100kcal (so much!) but end up usually consuming around 1800kcal. Do you think this is going to affect my results? I really feel so full, what would be the easiest way to get those extra 300kcal? I mean, that's another meal to me! And finally, if you miss a workout...what do you do? Work through your rest day or?
    Thank you for posting your insanity stories here! I keep going through your posts as they really inspire me to just keep going..
    Ps. I'm 175cm and weigh 86kg. I would like to lose 13 kgs and be 73 kgs. So far I haven't lost weight but I can feel a change in my body.

    Congrats on starting the programme especially with three kids to take care of! Once you start to see results you will love it even more believe me!! As for the tiredness I get that too, I'm normally in bed by ten no later easily sleep till my little boy gets up at seven, I just put it down to the workouts being so intense your body needs to recover? (I'm no expert by the way) also I do know that exercise does help you sleep so that could be part of it. With the calories, I am also not eating the recommended amount by the nutrition plan, I just can't eat that much in one day, maybe try working out your BMR with the link that someone posted above. I wouldn't panic too much about trying to cram in the extra 300 as long as your eating the right amounts of protein/carbs/fats and you don't feel like your starving/depriving yourself you should definitely see results still! God knows I'm no angel with nutrition either!! Good luck!
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Completed 3rd insanity fit test. Up 29 total reps, but Tanya still has 52 more total test reps than I do :-(

  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    This is the start of month 2 of insanity. Completed max interval circuit. Over 1000 calories burned this morning with this and the earlier test. Umm this was hard. I don't know that I would recommend doing these two back to back. Maybe test in the morning Max at night.

  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Completed insanity max interval plyo. Some thought about month 2. It's longer and it's hard. HOWEVER, each excise is different some are easier and some are harder, there isn't a set pace just do your best on each exercise and feel free to stop and restart.. The key is to keep getting back in the saddle and doing your best. A lot of insanity is mental. If you know you can complete a 59 minute workout, you will and it will get easier each time around.

  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    Edited to show quote

    Welcome Thuridurga! And well done on getting to day 14. I was also wondering about what happens if you miss a workout, so I look forward to hearing people's answers.
    As for the whole calorie issue - I echo jlwyatt's recomendation from Jennifer_Lynn:
    I use this calculator and find it works well if you follow instructions exactly.

    Thanks for the heads up Paul - I had heard others suggest that one did the fit test on the preceeding rest day... I guess they were right.

    Well, I did the 2nd fit test and am pretty pleased with the progress:

    Switch kicks: - 3 (Eh? What's up with that?!)
    Power Jacks: + 6
    Power Knees: + 6
    Power Jumps: + 3
    Globe Jumps: + 4
    Suicide Jumps: - 1 (Meh!)
    Push-Up Jacks: + 14 (Yes, that really is a 14!)
    Low Plank Oblique: + 10

    Very pleased with that, although I would have been happier if it was consistently up, but hey ho!

    Keep pushing play :-)
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Yay Rev Gill +39 on the test, outstanding!!! Various thoughts.

    Welcome Thuridurga, check in with us each day. It helps you and the rest of us stay engaged and interested.

    Regarding missing a day. I have done doubles the next day, but missing a single workout won't hurt your overall results materially if you can't.

    One benefit to doing the test and first month2 workout back to back was that it sure made today's workout seem achievable. Even though today was hard, I had no doubt I would complete it successfully. I've heard from a number of coaches that this first week of month 2 is the hardest week of the whole program. If you complete week 6 you WILL complete insanity!
  • nicoletteamber
    nicoletteamber Posts: 57 Member
    Eh I missed the Saturday workout of the first week of month 2. I didn't make it up yet and just finished week 2. So I think I will make up that workout but this week is the fit test so I didn't want to do my makeup today! I'm going to push my missed day to the following rest day (next sunday). It'll suck but I'll feel better if I did EVERY single work out. I'm feeling better, not so sick any more. I have 2 weeks left of insanity before I complete the program!! How exciting. It's going to be bittersweet being done with it. I'm sure I'll do it again next year. Since my mini vacation and being sick, I have had a full week and a half absolutely terrible comfort foods. Back on the train tomorrow I hope!!

    Great job RevGill on your fit test!! What has everyone else's results for the fit test been like?? I'll see how I do on my fit test. Might do it tonight on my rest day because I hate to double up on the max stuff and a fit test. It kills me!!

    My heart rate monitor died :( I need a new battery, super sad. Must go get one soon! I have to be accountable for those calories!

    Any who back to work, keep being insane everyone.
  • 108victorian
    108victorian Posts: 22 Member
    Month 2 week 2 done! But, it was difficult this week. For long durations I had to put in some serious brain power at work and it was very taxing after an Insanity workout. That and a long relaxing weekend trip made committing to the final two workouts a total badger. But, I pushed play y'all! *sticks her tongue out all Maori warrior style*
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    But, I pushed play y'all! *sticks her tongue out all Maori warrior style*

    Right back at ya 108Victorian! Well done for pushing play! And huge well done nicoletteambe! I can't imagine doing Ins. whilst feeling so ill.

    Thanks for the feedback Paul. Here's to the rest of week 6 then!

    I've measured myself on the 1st 2 week rotation - and I've lost over 3 inches. Pretty chuffed with that! 'Only' 3lb off in that 2 weeks though, and I'm trying to tell myself inches mean more than Ib, but after a lifetime of watching the scales not the BF I'm struggling to be *as* excited as I probably should be.

    Gonna hit play shortly then head out with the hound for a nice long walk in this lovely autumnal weather. How about y'all?
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Completed insanity max cardio conditioning. RevGill I had to look up the meaning of "chuff". Good word!

  • keke0904
    keke0904 Posts: 28 Member
    im starting Insanity today, anyone with me?
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    im starting Insanity today, anyone with me?

    We are all with you! People here are at various stages in the program and many have been where you are, keep pressing play and check in everyday with your victories and challenges. The check ins help everyone stay engaged. Welcome!!!!
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Month 2 week 2 done! But, it was difficult this week. For long durations I had to put in some serious brain power at work and it was very taxing after an Insanity workout. That and a long relaxing weekend trip made committing to the final two workouts a total badger. But, I pushed play y'all! *sticks her tongue out all Maori warrior style*

    Maori warrior, I don't hear that everyday! Most be some New Zealand presence here!
  • jlwyatt93
    jlwyatt93 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 1 of month 2 done! Fit test and max interval circuit, Shaun T has lost his mind!!
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Yay JL!!!! That's a beast of a daily insanity assignment, isn't it!
  • Just started Insanity Recovery week this morning. Harder than I expected, but I was glad because I didn't want to go a whole week not pushing myself. Didn't lose weight in Month 1, but my clothes fit well and I notice changes in my body. Hoping Month 2 will get me more defined and to my weight goal!
  • christashay
    christashay Posts: 54 Member
    Say whaaaat? There's gonna be a 30min Insanity program? Oh hell yeah, I'm in!! Did a P90X/Insanity hybrid and a Round of Insanity already. Been adding some T25 workouts to my regular program just for giggles. Can Not imagine what that man will hit ya with in 30 mins. It'll be badass I'm sure!! Love ShaunT: )
  • Completed insanity max cardio conditioning. RevGill I had to look up the meaning of "chuff". Good word!


    What heart rate monitor do you use? I am looking to get one.