Need buddies so I am not tempted to go to McDonalds



  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member

    Ooooh I have been to Darwin twice but the last time was in 2000 so a long time ago. You are right subway is deceptive. I had an Italian BMT on flat bread (because I thought it would be better for me) and I was shocked to see how many calories and especially carbs were in it.

    I love Italian BMTs. Probably the only thing I eat at subway. I also have to have the honey mustard. I too was shocked. But realistically, if you only have a 6", add a bag of chips, and a diet drink (limit the refills) that is around 670. Now if you caloric goal is 1300, then that might be a problem since it's half your day. Otherwise, there are other ways to make it work if that what you like.
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. - think of it like that

    But that's not true, and just a bad relationship with food in general.
  • marcclough
    It really comes down to preparation and mind over matter. I am 6'2, 36 years old, and formerly 313lbs. That was about 13 yrs ago. As recently as 1 year ago I was 236 and as of yesterday I am 189lbs. The way you describe yourself and your temptations fits y "former life" to a T. The person you describe was me. It is a hard battle to overcome those temptations. I don't know that they truly ever go away, but they do get much easier to resist the longer that you resist them.

    I gave into those temptations for so long, but not anymore. One thing that I have found that works great is preparation and planning ahead. I plan out my entire day of food on MFP every single morning and pack everything that I need to last me through my day until I am home again. Once I am home for dinner, I already know what I am having because I decided that at 5:00 that morning. It takes the guesswork out of it completely.

    Basically, what I am getting at is that it can be done. I know it can because I have done it. It takes work and discipline, which, being that you have been in the Navy for 19 years, I think it is safe to assume that you have both a strong work ethic and strong discipline so you just need to apply that same work ethic and discipline that you have applied to your Navy life for the past 19 ys to your nutrition and exercise and you will be set.

    Trust me when I say that the feeling of being fit far outweighs how good you feel for the 5-10 mins you are enjoying that Big Mac and fries.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Do you want to look like this?
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I've always been big but not fat . I am 37 years old 6'1" feet tall and 271 pounds. Food is delicious and I love to eat. I have been in the Navy for 19 years and I need to lose 20 pounds by November to be able to retire in June. I just started and could really use some friends when I am tempted to go to a fast food restaurant. I want to lose 70 pounds total to hopefully be more able to do things.

    I will tell you what has put me off MacD and KFC . Look at a MacD burger. Really look. The ones I have had always look squished and thin and just bad looking. When I make a burger at home, its a nice thick bit of meat on a fresh tasty roll with a melted cheese in it. It looks so much nicer! As for KFC it does taste nice but look how greasy it is! You could make your own healthier version at home and not risk a heart attack!

    I hope is makes sense otherwise I must sound mad lol
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Do not make friends with Grimace and The Hamburglar. Those guys love to sabotage. :smile:
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I don't work at a super walmart, but they do have produce and some fruits, and cupcakes. I did get a vegetable thing one night and it was highly unsatisfying. Maybe I need something else.

    Could you make a packed lunch to take to work?
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I was the worst fast food junkie you will ever meet.

    I ate breakfast at McD's almost every day for 35 years and lunch at fast food joints those years to.

    Well I'm 51 now and it finally caught up with me on Memorial day. Almost died of a heart attack and they saved me with only 2 hours to spare.

    I'm eating a paleo diet now, and will sometimes get a burger meal. But I'll get it from Cookout or 5 guys and only once a month for my one a week cheat meal.

    Anyone who even see's this thread can feel free to friend me. I'll help you stay out of those crap food places. My local McDonalds folks probably think I croaked, since I haven't been in there since February. That's when i started having chest pains that eventually led to a total of 7 heart attacks. Lucky i went on the 7th one to the ER or I wouldn't be posting this reply.

    Wow ???? Glad you've managed to change those habits. It really hits home when something like that happens to you. And even just reading about it brings home what an unhealthy lifestyle can do to a person.
  • worldtraveller321
    worldtraveller321 Posts: 150 Member
    HEllo all fast food addicts. I will help you all to motivate you away from fast food. Contact me and add me to your list.
  • GlamourVintage
    GlamourVintage Posts: 60 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss goal. You can add me as a friend. :D
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    HEllo all fast food addicts. I will help you all to motivate you away from fast food. Contact me and add me to your list.

    How so?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......

    This... why do people make things so darn difficult?
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......

    This... why do people make things so darn difficult?

    If someone is addicted to a certain type of unhealthy food then it may be best to avoid that food. Like smoking. I quit, but if I was to have just one, I would be on 20 a day in no time at all. There are a lot of addictions that are very similar, drinking alcohol, smoking, food.
  • records1138
    Great words of wisdom. Love it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......

    This... why do people make things so darn difficult?

    If someone is addicted to a certain type of unhealthy food then it may be best to avoid that food. Like smoking. I quit, but if I was to have just one, I would be on 20 a day in no time at all. There are a lot of addictions that are very similar, drinking alcohol, smoking, food.

    Food is not an addiction or a drug. You need it to survive.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    A Big Mac is 550 calories. You could have four a day and be on 2200 calories, as long as that's all you ate. It'd be kind of cool, losing weight by eating 4 big macs a day and nothing else. Not the healthiest, but interesting. And it sure as hell wouldn't fit anyone's macros.
  • Maryam2014mfp
    If you can't stay away from fast food entirely, try to find the most healthy options, even if you are looking at the deep fried things. I know for my son, I try to pick the "healthier" options. For example, in Canada, Wendy's chicken fingers are made with real unprocessed chicken. It is the same as if you cut up chicken at home, battered it and deep fried it. It's not the best, obviously; but compared to other places where the chicken fingers/nuggets and sandwiches are made with mushed up chicken (variety of things added), I would rather the other option. I like what the first reply was from a fellow serviceman. You need to respect you body and treat it well to make it last. You owe it to yourself and you deserve it too. Take care.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    There are healthy things to eat at McD's. However they will probably eff up your order and throw a free pie at you. Don't eat the pie.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    there is always the option to go to McD's and track it as a normal meal......

    This... why do people make things so darn difficult?

    If someone is addicted to a certain type of unhealthy food then it may be best to avoid that food. Like smoking. I quit, but if I was to have just one, I would be on 20 a day in no time at all. There are a lot of addictions that are very similar, drinking alcohol, smoking, food.

    This is debatable.